• 2 days ago
00:00Hey Cherry, what's new?
00:28Oh I'm so confused!
00:30I said what's new.
00:32What are you looking for?
00:33Our birth certificate!
00:35Oh good luck with that.
00:37I burned those years ago with our last pair of bell bottoms.
00:41Well I don't know then Betty, I just don't know.
00:44You'll have to be more specific.
00:46There are too many options.
00:48Well listen.
00:50Can't point a kinky.
00:51When we say bottoms up we really mean it.
00:53You're on speakerphone with Cherry and Betty.
00:56Hello sugar bakers, this is Kimchi here.
01:00And I just want to say congratulations for your 50th.
01:04To be fair, I'm surprised you lasted this long,
01:06but there's no cunning for good taste nowadays.
01:11Well anyways, here's to 50 more!
01:16That is odd.
01:19I don't even remember turning 49.
01:21Well that wouldn't be surprising.
01:24And that's not all Betty.
01:25Look at all these voicemail messages.
01:29It's me, Mr. Sasha Davis.
01:31And I just want to wish you, the sugar bakers, a big 5-0!
01:39Oh my gosh.
01:41Exactly who would have ever thought you would have made it this far?
01:45No one.
01:46Oh how about that?
01:48The washer just buzzed and it's done.
01:51So I gotta go handle a load.
01:55Betty, what's going on here?
01:56I have no idea.
01:59Hello sugar bakers!
02:01It's the original queen of camp, Alexis P. Bubbles.
02:03The P today stands for, pardon me, 50 years old?
02:09God, I thought your 50th was years ago, just based on how you style yourselves.
02:13But this is incredible.
02:14What does that say?
02:17Oh, 50 episodes.
02:18Got it.
02:1950 episodes.
02:20Well, congratulations on 50 episodes of Camp Wanakiki.
02:23And here's to 50 more.
02:29Where was my drink?
02:33Betty, are we 50?
02:35No, no, no.
02:35That can't be.
02:37Can it?
02:38Well, whatever we are, you're older.
02:40And wiser.
02:42What's this?
02:47Dear Betty and Cherry,
02:49congratulations on the 50th episode of Camp Wanakiki.
02:53Keep amping up the camp for 50 more.
02:56Much love from the Tri-County Public Access Channel.
03:0150th what?
03:04It says episode.
03:06Like on TV?
03:07Are we on a reality TV show?
03:16What the?
03:17How'd that get there?
03:20Oh my, that's close.
03:23Oh, now this is getting ridiculous.
03:26Oh my, it looks like we're being filmed from all over.
03:30All over?
03:32Looks like it.
03:33Oh, but Betty, I'm in this office alone by myself a lot with my, um, private thoughts.
03:41Don't tell me that.
03:45Yep, all over.
03:49All over.
04:19Welcome to Nifty Fifty Trivia!
04:24You didn't think we'd make it this far, and frankly, neither did we.
04:28Now here's your host, Camp Counselor Ruthie!
04:33No, she's not 50.
04:37She's much, much older than that.
04:41This stuff just writes itself.
04:46Why do I put up with this crap?
04:51My name's Nutella Fitzgerald, and I'm here to bust a few nuts.
05:00It's me, Lulu Crystals, and I'm the sharpest lightbulb in this toolbox.
05:05Howdy, I'm Rip'Em, and I put the, uh, in Canada!
05:14I'm Patti Bouret, and I'm an unemployed sexual deviant from Boston, Massachusetts.
05:23Hi, Mom!
05:27I'm Stevie Phoenix, and I'm really pretty.
05:35Campers, today we celebrate the 50th episode of Camp Wanakiki!
05:46As such, we'll play a game of Nifty Fifty Trivia.
05:53It's the game that puts your Wanakiki wisdom to the test.
05:58If you have truly studied the last 49 episodes of Camp Wanakiki, good for you!
06:06And also, get a life!
06:09Let's read our first question.
06:11Campers, who was the first camper to ever take a hike?
06:18Write your answers on your chalkboards.
06:24Here we go.
06:28We've never had a camper named Martha.
06:32I'm not too knowledgeable about a lot of things, but what I am knowledgeable about is...
06:39Well, what am I knowledgeable about?
06:42Alright, Lulu!
06:51I said, I don't know, but that's really sad for them.
06:54Oh, it is sad for them, and you get zero points.
06:58So it's extra sad for you.
07:00That's for me too.
07:02I believe it was Anita Some Better Drag, because she needed...
07:06Great drag name, wrong answer.
07:10I said, Say Kevi, because they are the only camper that I can remember from season one right now.
07:18The correct answer is Sylvia Nix.
07:21Dang it.
07:25Question number two.
07:26Let's see if we do better with this one, campers.
07:29Which Sugar Baker twin has a beauty mark?
07:40Let's start with Stevie.
07:43Apple Brown Betty.
07:45Betty is correct.
07:49It is Betty, because Cherry is pretty enough.
07:55Who wrote these questions?
07:59Patty, what did you say?
08:01I said Cherry, but like, as a joke.
08:07Alright, Rip.
08:09Well, at first I did write Betty, and then I erased it because I was cheating off of Patty.
08:13So I wrote Cherry.
08:15Cheating gets you zero points.
08:20Honestly, my brain's pretty deep fried, so I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be around for this one.
08:27Alright, Lulu.
08:29Betty or Cherry, who did you choose?
08:31I also said Cherry Pie, because I could draw a cherry pie.
08:35Oh, because the beauty mark was too hard to draw, I guess.
08:38Again, the correct answer is Betty.
08:41Nutella, who did you say?
08:45That is a point for Nutella and a point for Stevie.
08:50Good guess.
08:51Let's get ready for our next question.
08:53How many times have two campers gone hiking in the same episode?
09:00Nutella is flashing through those episodes in her brain.
09:04I can think of one.
09:06Too soon.
09:09Three is correct.
09:14Season two, Mirror Mirror Badge.
09:16Season four, LOL Badge.
09:18And, of course, Last Night.
09:21Miss Lulu.
09:22I said two, because I forgot about Last Night.
09:25Because I forget where I am a lot of the time.
09:28Repa, what did you think?
09:30I said, in this case, it's usually a lucky number, but it's not right now, it's three.
09:34Three is correct.
09:37Another fierce point for me.
09:39Another point for Patty.
09:42Stevie, are we going to be adding a point for you as well?
09:47I said two, because I forgot about Mirror Mirror, which is really ironic.
09:54No points on this round.
09:56But maybe you'll do better with this next question.
09:58Campers, who was the first camper to win immunity for their performance in a daily camp activity?
10:12Y'all writing a novel?
10:17Nutella, we're going to start with you.
10:20Oh, God, it's just such a hard one.
10:23My mother, Rita.
10:25It was not Rita.
10:29Lulu, can you guess correctly?
10:33I wrote Rita also.
10:36Her mother.
10:37Rip them.
10:38I wrote, I don't know, but I'm so proud of them!
10:42Always a Campy Can Do attitude.
10:44We love it.
10:47Nutella has been spreading lies around camp, because I also said Nepo Mama, Rita Tell.
10:54Rita Witch of Season 5.
10:57Rita's a popular answer, but the wrong answer.
11:01I also went the Nepo route by saying Clinica Deprecious.
11:07That is wrong.
11:08I know.
11:10The correct answer is Queen Farrah.
11:13Oh, no.
11:14All right.
11:15She won the water jousting tournament.
11:17Rita was the first to win the immunity badge, not necessarily immunity overall.
11:26That's tricky.
11:27Still got to make you proud, Mom.
11:33Well, let's see how we do with this next question, all right?
11:35Which camper had a cow named after them?
11:39I know this one.
11:41Nutella looks pensive and disgusted at the same time.
11:45Nutella, what have you got?
11:48Deja is correct!
11:53Deja Cow was the name of the cow.
11:56Lulu, did you have Deja?
11:58I sure did.
12:00Deja Cow.
12:01But also, Clinica Cow was in that episode.
12:04So, bonus points.
12:07You get one point, not a bonus point, because Deja is correct.
12:10I'll take it.
12:11Rip'em, can you keep up the good vibes here?
12:13I guess I really had my they-them sibling in my head, because I did say Clinica and
12:17Clinica Cow as well.
12:20No offense, but I said Hillary yes.
12:23No, why would we be offended by that?
12:25Oh, because she looks like a cow.
12:27Oh, for God's sake.
12:30Well, that's Patty.
12:32Patty's a bitch.
12:33Pass it on.
12:34Patty, we're going to give you half a point for that.
12:37No, I'm kidding.
12:38We're not.
12:39I'm joking.
12:40We're not.
12:41We're not.
12:42Stevie, did you have Deja?
12:43I went with the skinny legend, Deja Dee De La Toro.
12:48So, as a technicality, the campers called one of the cows Clinica Cow, but the farm
12:53actually named Deja.
12:56All right, campers.
12:57How many states have been represented by campers on Camp Wanakiki?
13:02I can see the wheels turning here.
13:05There's some calculating going on.
13:09Lulu seems particularly lost.
13:12Stevie, what did you have?
13:15Eighteen states.
13:16That is incorrect.
13:18I also said 18.
13:22Somebody's copying over there.
13:24Incorrectly, because that is wrong.
13:27I drew a Canadian maple leaf that also sort of looks like a pot leaf.
13:31I can't see either one.
13:32And I wrote prob 20, question mark, because I don't really know.
13:35The correct answer is 20.
13:41Oh, Canada.
13:43We would also accept 22 due to the two Canadian provinces.
13:48Lulu, what you got?
13:51Seven is wrong.
13:54I said 11.
13:57Like the other half of the gas station.
14:01But good job.
14:02Rip them.
14:03All right.
14:04Here we go, campers.
14:05Are you ready?
14:06Camp Wanakiki has had a lot of friends in the first 49 episodes.
14:10How many special guests have either appeared on the show or as a call-in?
14:20I kind of wanted to change this last minute, so I hope going with my gut is correct.
14:24I said five.
14:28I think Camp Wanakiki has 18 friends.
14:32We'll see.
14:34This worked really well for me last time, so I'm going to say probably 20.
14:37Probably 20.
14:40I also said 18 followers.
14:42I mean friends.
14:44You mean special guests.
14:45Special guests.
14:47And Nutella?
14:48I said 15.
14:51And the correct answer is...
14:58That was our final question.
15:01I think I did the best, to be honest.
15:03It wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be.
15:05But I'm thankful they gave us flavored chalk.
15:09I'll check with the producers on who the winner is.
15:16I'm being told Nutella, you're the winner of the Nifty Fifty Trivia Game.
15:23I'm being told Nutella, you're the winner of the Nifty Fifty Trivia Game.
15:30Suck it, losers.
15:32Congratulations, Nutella.
15:34Way to go.
15:37As a winner of the Nifty Fifty Trivia Game, you get to select your prize.
15:41Now, you can either choose whatever is inside this envelope,
15:46or you can pick what's hidden behind the hedge.
15:51Oh no.
15:52I've seen this before.
15:53I'll take the envelope.
15:54She's going to go with the envelope, everyone.
15:57And the envelope is empty.
16:00Oh, sorry.
16:02Let's see what you could have won.
16:04Come on out.
16:05It was a weekend of prants with Ranger Danger.
16:11Sorry, sugar.
16:12Better luck next time.
16:14I got a souvenir anyway.
16:19My goodness.
16:20Well, that concludes our Nifty Fifty Trivia Game.
16:23We'll see you at tonight's talent show.
16:29Camp Wanakiki is, like, so crazy.
16:31Who is that lady asking us all those questions?
16:34Good evening, and welcome to the 50th Camp Wanakiki Talent Show!
16:38Oh my heavens!
16:4050 episodes!
16:42No wonder I'm so tired.
17:00I'm a little homeless.
17:02Anyway, earlier today, our campers tested their knowledge of the past 50 episodes.
17:10And tonight, on the talent show stage, it's campers' choice.
17:14They'll be presenting a look based on any of the previous talent show themes.
17:19Like these little dresses.
17:21They're made out of the scraps from our season four finale gowns.
17:25Like we always say, never throw anything away.
17:28Yep, and that's how we almost ended up on the series hoarders.
17:33Now, can we get on with the show before the 100th episode?
17:36I'm just popping in for a quick little visit from the planet Tranada.
17:47The planet where everyone is gender nonconforming.
17:50My trip advisor told me that earthlings are super accepting creatures and love embracing
17:54new things.
17:55So this sounded like a great place to land.
17:58But I'm starting to believe that that was a scam.
18:00You should have seen what happened when I tried to use a public washroom.
18:04It's almost as though these humans see something that's out of the norm and want to cast judgment
18:08and hate, rather than trying to embrace the unknown and grow with the ever-changing universe.
18:12Oh well, couldn't be me.
18:17Oh hi, I'm here for your anal probing.
18:21Knock, knock.
18:27You got wood?
18:29Don't you worry.
18:31This little wooden puppet can help you out with that.
18:33No strings attached.
18:36Whittled by an old man, brought to life by a fairy, turned into an ass, and swallowed
18:42by a whale, this marionette is ready for any adventure.
18:47It's me, Pinocchio!
18:49And you wouldn't believe what grows when I tell a lie.
18:55That's a naughty pine.
18:59She brings a new meaning to morning wood.
19:05Pride season is once again upon us.
19:07The time of year for corporate bingo, endless parades, and finding out what happens to grease
19:12pain in a humid 95 degree heat.
19:15But remember, after you've made your TikToks promoting pride-themed hard seltzers and whatnot,
19:21but the first pride was an orgy.
19:24Oh, oh, oh!
19:28And although nobody died at said orgy, we still pay homage to its horny resistance by
19:33proudly stating that kink belongs at pride.
19:37Oopsie, did I just start discourse?
19:43There goes our community standards rating.
19:46Let's talk about a rainbow connection.
19:53During my time in the Oval Office, I oversaw the largest economic expansion in American
20:01I ushered in over 22 million new jobs, saw the lowest unemployment in 30 years, and doubled
20:11education investment.
20:14But all anyone can remember is that damn blue dress.
20:20I did not have sexual relations with that woman, but I would love to have sexual relations
20:30with you right now.
20:34Inhale to the chief.
20:37When you hear that horn.
20:43Don't leave the farm too soon, because I'm grazing it back to the end of season four
20:47for the iconic Utterly Fab Badge.
20:50Growing up in the middle of a cornfield made going to school dances feel like quite the
20:54farm frenzy, and being the only black kid in school garnered more attention than if
20:58pigs began to fly.
21:00But what's more fabulous than a pig with wings?
21:02A chuckle cow!
21:04So move over, losers, because this heifer is the queen of the barnyard social.
21:09I'll get the party started with the booze I smuggled in my supple yet fashionable udders.
21:14Whether you like a chalky milk shaken or stirred, you better suckle up and get a taste, because
21:20you can never keep a hoe down or away from an Utterly Fab Crown.
21:25That's one high-class heifer.
21:28Is that chocolate milk 2%?
21:30Hello, ladies.
21:36Congratulations on your 50th episode.
21:39Aw, that's sweet.
21:41Thanks, Ranger Danger.
21:43You can set that backstage for later.
21:48You got it, ladies.
21:51Can't wait to blow out those candles.
22:00Well, hello, campers!
22:03Happy 50th!
22:06Well, this talent show was such a treat, and super difficult for us because everyone
22:14is so different.
22:16And they're each doing their interpretation of a different previous badge from one of
22:21our previous seasons of Camp Wanakiki.
22:23So it's very interesting to see this, because if anyone were to look at it, I'd be like,
22:27what the hell's the theme?
22:30And the answer is yes.
22:32This is just my normal Saturday.
22:35But as you know, there are five of you, but only four Nifty Fifty badges.
22:42So at the end of tonight, one of you will be taking a hike.
22:46But we did want to chat with each of you, so we'll start with Stevie, right here in
22:50the front.
22:51Hi, Mr. President.
22:53How are you?
22:54I chose Mirror Mirror.
22:56I knew that I wanted to be able to showcase some musical abilities for y'all, and a saxophone
23:02is one of my most portable instruments that I have.
23:06So I was thinking of famous saxophone players that I knew of, and then I just thought, oh
23:10my god, Bill Clinton played the saxophone.
23:14So that's kind of what I built the look off of.
23:16So is this the first time you've done Bill Clinton?
23:18Was for this show?
23:20Or is this something you've done before?
23:21No, this was the first time.
23:22I think your makeup is cool.
23:23Oh, good.
23:24Yeah, it was nice to see it, and I do like the wig.
23:26It's a pola.
23:27It is.
23:29I think the saxophone saved you, I'm just going to be honest.
23:32You could have pushed a lot more with Bill Clinton.
23:35The sign with Monica Lewinsky's great, but I know you can do a reveal, and the next time
23:40you do this number, you need to open up that jacket, and you are wearing that blue dress.
23:44I honestly thought, yes.
23:46It would be a wow.
23:49I definitely thought about incorporating the blue dress.
23:52Unfortunately, some things got sacrificed just because of time, and unfortunately that
23:56was one of them.
23:57The It's a Polo wig is fabulous, of course.
23:59We love an It's a Polo wig.
24:01Nutella Fitzgerald.
24:02Hello, hello.
24:03Oh, this brown cow is stunning.
24:05And I love the little utter purse.
24:07It's utterly fab, you could say.
24:09I immediately went to a silhouette that I had in my head, and I had a dream that I was
24:15like, wow, you know what would be cool?
24:17A chocolate cow.
24:20And then my crazy mind just thought, you know, it's like, wow, this would be great for utterly
24:24At first I was like, where do I put utters?
24:25I said, oh, she's coming to a Barnyard Social, she's going to have a purse.
24:29Of course she has a purse.
24:32I feel a little bit like we've seen this character before with the tightrope walker getting high
24:38off of the glue, and now we're seeing the cow getting drunk at the party.
24:43We didn't really see the dog playing poker getting drunk, but there was a cocktail in
24:48So I was a little bit like, oh, we're seeing kind of the same drunky character again, which
24:52I still laughed out loud.
24:55I personally think of the costume, this is visually from head to toe one of my favorites
25:02The look itself is very nice.
25:07I want to hear about your look from you, but I also want to know, was this something that
25:12was really outside your comfort zone, and did you do this on purpose to push yourself?
25:17So I was inspired to do this look obviously by the Pride Badge episode.
25:21It's one of my favorite Camp Wanakiki episodes because I love the puppet show Daily Activity.
25:26Coleslaw's really funny in the Daily Activity, and I love Clinica's non-binary burster look,
25:32which I believe won that day.
25:34And I think that we have to be really careful as drag is able to be in more mainstream spaces
25:41to continue pushing to show the aspects of the queer community that are still taboo.
25:47It's a little out of my comfort zone, however, I did want to show you that it's not always
25:52like a buttoned up 70s lady, like, you know, I change on stage and my wigs come off and
25:57I can get sloppy.
25:59So this is definitely a part of who I am as a drag artist.
26:02I appreciated the performance of it.
26:04For me personally, the initial outfit that came out was just a little disheveled.
26:09I was confused by the voiceover though, but do you want to explain the discourse that
26:13you started?
26:14It was a joke on the first Pride was a protest, and I'm saying that the first Pride was an
26:20orgy as in, like, we should return to those origins of Pride.
26:24There are people who believe that all Pride events should be family-friendly and that
26:28should really be the focus, and there are a lot of people who feel like that really
26:32cuts off their full self, and I really side on that side of the spectrum, which is that
26:39kink absolutely belongs at Pride events.
26:42It might have been funny for us, like, you know, they say the first Pride was a riot,
26:46but what if it was an orgy?
26:48Then we would have got the reference.
26:49I'm glad it landed so well.
26:53Let's talk to Lulu, our little Pinocchio.
26:57I had this costume already, and I wanted to bring to the talent show stage a genuine Lulu
27:05Crystals outfit concept performance, which is connecting with my audience and put a
27:11smile on their face.
27:12You know, nostalgia is a big thing for me.
27:14I love being nostalgic, because everyone knows who Pinocchio is, right?
27:18And not only that, but then I was like, okay, well, how do I throw a little Lulu in there?
27:22Make her a ho.
27:26So that's where Pinocchio Ho comes into play, and of course, I took all my clothes off.
27:30I really like this look, actually.
27:32Is the bodysuit, is that something that you purchased?
27:35My biological aunt made the bodysuit, and then one of my friends custom airbrushed it.
27:40The fact that it was airbrushed is really nice, and it's stoned.
27:43I enjoyed the performance a lot.
27:46My only critique would be, we want to see the guy.
27:49You know, if the thing's growing, it's like, we kind of want to see the thing growing.
27:54I mean, you know, you see Pinocchio's nose growing, but it would have been nice to see
28:01All right, let's talk to our little alien over here.
28:06Out of this world, tell us about this.
28:08With my drag, I really like to take things that are sometimes a bit more serious and
28:12put a fun twist on them, because I do think that laughter is medicine, and I think it
28:16can help a lot when things are really scary.
28:18The first thing that it represents is myself sort of feeling like an alien.
28:22I wanted to kind of play off the fact that, you know, I do feel like a little weirdo in
28:26a lot of the spaces I go, and the way to sort of combat that is to find my other aliens
28:31that I relate to.
28:33And the other thing that it represents is a lot of the, you know, anti-trans legislature
28:37that's going on in the United States and in Canada.
28:39I really wanted to touch on that in a way that, you know, didn't feel too heavy, because
28:43it is something that weighs very, very heavy on my heart.
28:46I enjoyed the performance.
28:47I thought it was out of this world.
28:49There were some technical glitches with the head thing falling off.
28:53You do look like a cute little alien.
28:55I'm glad to see that you fixed the headpiece.
28:57I did.
28:58It's staying up now.
28:59I did.
29:00I was very disappointed about that, I will say, but I know, you know, things happen.
29:03Your makeup is great, and I wish you would have extended that makeup up to your hairline,
29:07because then when the headpiece fell back, you wouldn't have seen the, you know, your
29:12Also, I'm surprised you didn't just extend the makeup down your neck, especially because
29:16where we are at this stage in the competition.
29:21Well, you have given us some things to consider while we deliberate.
29:25Why don't y'all wait backstage in the rec room?
29:37I think that was probably the harshest critique we've all gotten.
29:40Would anyone else agree with that?
29:42I hate getting critiqued.
29:44I always do, because I'm always uncomfortable, but at the same time, I'm always like, okay,
29:49well, at least you're telling me what I need to work on, because then I can, like, I can
29:54take it with a grain of salt.
29:55You take the critique, and then you kind of sift it out, right?
29:58Like, what were they really saying?
30:01You have to take the emotion out of it and listen to the critique in itself.
30:05I think I'm definitely in the bottom, which I knew was a possibility.
30:11I didn't think that the voiceover landed.
30:15I don't know.
30:16Honestly, Patty, I just, I don't think they're going to put you in the bottom.
30:21I don't.
30:22Because I think it's still going to be Stevie and Ripoff.
30:25I do think that I'm in the bottom.
30:28I think that Stevie isn't in the bottom, because of the way that they worded some of Stevie's
30:33critiques, which was, like, the saxophone saved you.
30:36I didn't necessarily read it that way.
30:38I thought they meant the saxophone saved the entire performance.
30:40The performance.
30:41Yeah, but I get that.
30:42No, that could be true.
30:43I may be thinking, too, like, ooh, what do they mean when they say whoever has the immunity
30:50You know, like that sort of thing.
30:51You know what?
30:52That's fair.
30:53It was a quick critique for me, and that alone, I feel, like, sealed my fate.
30:57I am just very genuinely feeling that, like, that this is just, it didn't land, and it's
31:05my time to go.
31:07And lucky for all of you.
31:12This talent show was a little difficult to judge.
31:16It was.
31:18Every look was from a different theme.
31:21I was curious what themes they would pick, because there were a lot to choose from.
31:25It was actually fun to see what they chose.
31:29You know, and learn why they chose it.
31:30All right, let's start with Rip'Em, our little out-of-this-world alien from Tranada, instead
31:36of Canada.
31:37I thought they could have gone a little further with it.
31:39Well, and especially to be in the top five of season six.
31:42There was the malfunction of the headpiece.
31:44Makeup was great.
31:45Prosthetics were great.
31:46It was just, it wasn't enough.
31:49And then we had Patti Bure with her pride-themed look.
31:54I'm just going to say it.
31:56It was not my favorite.
31:57I did enjoy seeing the juxtaposition of the Patti from the neck up, and then this rough
32:02and tumble, you know.
32:04You just like the beehive hairdo.
32:06I do.
32:07I do like a beehive.
32:09I applaud Patti for going outside of the box, but it just didn't come together like I would
32:15have liked it to.
32:17It also made me look and think, if you would have taken these particular campers and put
32:21them into the talent nights that they were each representing from several seasons ago,
32:27how would they have fared in those talent nights with those original campers?
32:31And I'm not sure that Patti, or really Rip'Em for that matter, would have scored very well.
32:37Not against Clinica and Claire apparently.
32:39They both had amazing stories to go along with the looks.
32:43And the story is actually what, for me with Patti, I think that she needs to workshop
32:48the wording a little bit.
32:49It left me kind of confused.
32:51So then we had Stevie.
32:52Stevie chose the Mirror Mirror, which was from our season two.
32:56Chose Bill Clinton, and chose him because he plays the saxophone.
33:00I think if you do Bill Clinton, you can really go over the top with a lot more of the gags.
33:06Where's the blue dress?
33:07You know, where is it?
33:08Show it.
33:09That would have been kind of a fun little reveal.
33:10For me, the saxophone saved the performance.
33:13What if he pulled the blue dress out of the saxophone and then started playing?
33:18The blue dress or the sax?
33:21What did we think about Nutella?
33:24Nutella did the utterly fab badge from season four.
33:29I thought Nutella was great.
33:30I do agree with some of the critiques that y'all gave her on stage about getting out of the same rut
33:36with the character that she's playing every day.
33:39I thought the look was nice.
33:40I thought it was definitely one of my favorite looks.
33:43I still don't know how I feel about Lulu.
33:46Lulu did a cosplay look, which was from season three.
33:49She did a good job as a cosplay challenge, doing Pinocchio as Pinocchio.
33:54It might have been funny if it was just a little more visual with the gag.
33:57Give us something a little more slapstick-y.
33:59Even though Lulu missed the opportunity with that, and it would have been a big, big opportunity,
34:06I still think it was one of my favorites.
34:08All right, so overall, I think we're all just very confused.
34:13It's hard to judge this one, but we're also picking the top four.
34:18So if you look at it that way, does that make the decision easier?
34:22The winner of Camp Wanakiki will receive a stupendous prize package, including...
34:27It's a Pola!
34:28A fabulous custom foam wig by season four camper, Pola Frost.
34:33Shimmer and shine with a year's supply of glittery makeup by Electra Cosmetics.
34:38Set sail, baby!
34:40An all-expense-paid cruise provided by Dream Vacations and Adventures by
34:45All this and $10,000 in cold, hard cash provided by Hamburger Mary's,
34:51where you can eat, drink, and be merry, baby!
34:55All right, campers, welcome back!
34:59As you know, we started today with five of you, but only have four Nifty Fifty badges.
35:06So we just want to start off by saying congratulations, Stevie.
35:10You have earned your Nifty Fifty badge.
35:13You can wait backstage for the badging ceremony.
35:22Now you four are the tops and the bottoms today.
35:25And we'd like to talk to the top two first, and that is Nutella Fitzgerald and Lulu Crystals.
35:35That means, unfortunately, Patti Beret and Rip'Em are in the bottom two.
35:41You can wait backstage for a minute.
35:49Nutella Fitzgerald and Lulu Crystals, congratulations today.
35:54You both rose to the top of our Nifty Fifty, the 50th episode.
35:59And what a lovely top two we have.
36:03You have both been just terrific campers the whole time you've been here.
36:08So I'm thrilled to see you both on the stage once again.
36:11Lulu, you consistently bring it to the Daily Challenges and to Talent Show.
36:17Thrilled that you're back here again.
36:19And of course, Nutella, you are making me thirsty right now for chocolate milk and wine.
36:24Yes! Never together. Never together.
36:27You know, it's not bad. It really isn't terrible.
36:30But there can only be one winner.
36:33And today that winner is Nutella Fitzgerald. Congratulations.
36:38Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
36:40Oh, I can't wait to show you some more.
36:43Congratulations. You've just earned $500 cash.
36:48Move over, loser.
36:52Congratulations to you, Nutella Fitzgerald, and also Lulu Crystals.
36:56You both earned your Nifty Fifty badge.
36:59You can wait backstage for the badging ceremony.
37:02Yeah, look, I keep taking it off.
37:05I do feel like that I'm going to be taking a hike based on my critiques.
37:11I came to Camp Wanakiki because I wanted to show on a national stage
37:18that I think I'm a drag artist that everyone should know.
37:22And I think that I have proved that.
37:25So I'm proud of what I've done so far.
37:27Patty is an incredible artist and Ripem is probably taking a hike.
37:32Ripem is probably taking a hike. Pass it on.
37:42Well, if someone turned on the TV right now and saw this,
37:46they'd be like, what the hell are we watching?
37:50What are they going to do with that?
37:52We could team up.
37:54Yeah, really.
37:55All joking aside, it is unfortunate to see you two in the bottom today.
38:00I think you both know that we hold you both in high esteem
38:03and your drag and your art.
38:05You were both in the top yesterday, right?
38:09What a change of fate.
38:10But that happens, you know.
38:11Ripem, tell us.
38:13Why do you think you should be in the top four of Season 6 Camp Wanakiki?
38:17I think that I should be in the top four
38:19because not only do I want to prove that trans and non-binary people
38:22have such a place in drag
38:24and that that doesn't have to be drag king, drag queen.
38:27It can be absolutely whatever you want,
38:29which is also why I love that I could be the camp champ.
38:32That being said, I think I've traveled a long way.
38:36I think what I bring is unique and original
38:38and it hasn't been done on this stage before.
38:40And I would absolutely love the opportunity to take this home for all the weirdos.
38:44No matter what happens today, I think you've proven already
38:49that you deserve to be here
38:51and that you have a place in this drag, crazy drag world that we live in.
38:58I love the weirdos at Camp Wanakiki.
39:00Keep them coming.
39:01Patti, same question.
39:03I think you all know at this point that I'm very competitive
39:06and I want to do well here and this is not a good feeling.
39:10I do feel that I have brought consistently in the competition
39:15a really high level of work.
39:18However, it's not representative of everything that I do
39:22and everything that I am.
39:25I took a risk tonight and I'm going to take risks in the future
39:29if I continue in this competition
39:32and I would love to take you on that journey.
39:35No matter what happens tonight,
39:37I would encourage you to continue taking those risks
39:41because that's really what art is all about.
39:43No matter what this end result is,
39:46please continue doing what you're doing and doing what is in your heart
39:49because you're right, you're on the right path.
39:54So we're going to write on our chalkboards the name of the camper
39:57who we would like to see get that last Nifty Fifty badge.
40:08I love you.
40:09You're so amazing.
40:11So this was such a tough decision
40:13because you both are such different artists in what you bring
40:16and what you have brought to Camp Wanakiki.
40:18But in making my decision, I had to think about
40:20not only who would get the last badge,
40:22but also who would be advancing to the top four.
40:25And I do think that Patty should be that camper.
40:31Yeah, I also based my decision on not only today's performance
40:37but also the body of work, and I also voted for Patty.
40:42And I also voted for Patty for the same reasons.
40:47Patty, congratulations.
40:48You have earned your Nifty Fifty badge.
40:50You can wait backstage for the badging ceremony.
40:57Rip'em, I know it was tough to see Patty's name on all three of these chalkboards.
41:01It was a tough decision, and I want you to know truly
41:03that it's not indicative of you and what you brought.
41:08We have seen every day that you are bringing something new and exciting and fun,
41:13and we've enjoyed watching you.
41:16Well, thank you for this opportunity.
41:18Thanks for believing in weird, crazy drag clowns,
41:21and I will not be stopping, so I will be seeing all of you very soon.
41:26We will be looking forward to it.
41:28I love it. Thank you.
41:30But unfortunately tonight, Rip'em, you've got to take a hike.
41:35Well, back to the woods, I guess.
41:38Or the spaceship.
41:40Or the spaceship.
41:41To the other planet.
41:42Whoever picks me up first, honestly.
41:45Love you, Rip'em.
42:00Can't keep my love back, I can't find it to the end.
42:12Well, I hope the UFO will come to get me
42:16because international flights are getting really expensive these days.
42:20But in all seriousness, I cannot believe that I even made it here in the first place.
42:26I am so happy that I got to show a little piece of Rip'em to the world,
42:31and I even got to see a new part of the world I've never been to.
42:34Drag does not have to cost a million dollars.
42:37Drag can be crafty, drag can be weird, drag can be anything.
42:40Drag is supposed to make people question gender and sexuality,
42:44and that's what it's always been.
42:46Don't deny yourself the chance to express yourself in whatever way is possible.
42:51Let's f***ing rock on together forever.
42:54Well, this means one thing and one thing only.
42:58I'm getting myself an extra large poutine.
43:00See you later.
