• 2 months ago
00:00How are you feeling, Nicky?
00:13My mind is just like all over the place.
00:20I am thankful though that I do get to compete next episode.
00:24They playing with Nicky's feelings.
00:26I'm giving you a hug, baby.
00:29Thank you.
00:31I was at the top of the pack, and to be shot down
00:35was gut-wrenching, heartbreaking.
00:39Raven says that I am not going to be muted.
00:42This roller coaster of emotions are too much.
00:48Ariana, the quick paint challenge assassin, for real.
00:52I sort of hate the conversation after you come back
00:55from the quick paint, because everybody's just sort of doing
01:00the most to try to make you feel better when it's like,
01:03it just sucks.
01:04And not to be like, you know, a dick or anything,
01:07but you're not the person that I need to hear these things from.
01:12The three white tie now for first.
01:16Lauren, are you the only one now to never be in the bottom?
01:20Congrats, bitch.
01:22Thank you.
01:23It feels weird.
01:24Like, I feel like I'm missing out on something.
01:28You're not.
01:30I still haven't been in the bottom yet.
01:32I still haven't even won a challenge.
01:34So at this point, I'm just kind of like,
01:36I need to switch things up, or I'm not going
01:38to be able to go to the finale.
01:40Y'all, I'm going to need heart medication
01:41after this competition.
01:42We need therapy.
01:45It's Raven, hunties.
01:46Welcome to Painted with Raven, the first competition
01:49show where makeup artists compete from their home mirror.
01:52I want to win.
01:52This is do or die for me.
01:54The winner will receive a year's supply of cosmetics
01:56provided by Anastasia Beverly Hills
01:58and a cash prize of $25,000.
02:03Painted with Raven.
02:06Last week, Ari and Nicky Nick landed in the bottom.
02:09Ari won the quick paint challenge.
02:10But in the spirit of good sportspersonship,
02:13I've decided not to mute Nicky.
02:15And instead, he will compete this week
02:17in the semifinal challenge.
02:18It's really anybody's game.
02:20This week's house of love homework assignment
02:22is Liptonstein.
02:26Artists were asked to create looks inspired
02:28by a Liptonstein painting and build
02:31around a full, luscious lip.
02:34Let's see who got the message.
02:37It's Q. This look is powerful.
02:42Black and white and red all over.
02:47Up next, Lauren.
02:48Face cracks are in this season.
02:53Next up, Joe.
02:55I do love some spotted dick.
03:00Up next, Ari.
03:03Those lips can talk some smack.
03:08Pucker up, Tucker.
03:10Some people are two-faced, but Tucker is three-faced.
03:17Nicky Nick.
03:20Serving some lippy lip.
03:24If those lips could talk.
03:29Next up, Elena.
03:34Elena's lips are not sealed.
03:38Hi, artists.
03:40Now, Q and Nicky, did you guys work together?
03:46That's crazy.
03:47Great minds think alike.
03:49We are almost to the finale.
03:52It's literally a week away.
03:54OK, you should know that it's still anyone's game,
03:56because the winner of today's House of Love Homework
03:58Challenge will receive two points.
04:01And the winner of the main challenge
04:04will be adding 10 points to their total score.
04:07Bitch, that could be a major game changer.
04:11Oh my gosh, like, it's anyone's game.
04:13Points really do matter at this point.
04:15So the pressure is on.
04:16Now, for today's homework assignment, one of you
04:18really made your point.
04:26Adi, you are the winner of the homework challenge.
04:29I kind of got this gut feeling, and I was like,
04:31I think I got this one.
04:32Seeing everybody else's look, I'm like,
04:34I think I got this one.
04:35You will receive two points toward your final score.
04:41Adi, you now have 15 points, and you are
04:42close to the top of the pack.
04:44For our final main challenge of this season,
04:48you will bring your best ET realness in a challenge
04:52we like to call Elf.
04:55Alien, I'd like to fuck.
05:01If there's anything to describe what my makeup is, it's alien.
05:08And you would like to fuck.
05:09You will incorporate prosthetics and at least one
05:13out-of-this-world color from the Norvina Pro Pigment
05:16Palette, Volume 6, which I'm wearing now.
05:20And here's a little message of encouragement
05:22from our good friend Norvina at Anastasia Beverly Hills.
05:26Hello, artists.
05:26This is Norvina, president and creative director
05:29of Anastasia Beverly Hills.
05:30And today, I'm so excited you're using my Norvina Pro Pigment
05:34Palette, Volume 6.
05:35It has 25 deluxe-size high-performance colors
05:38that range from bright, vibrant mattes
05:41to multidimensional shimmers.
05:43That's sure to help you perfect your glamorous out-of-this-world
05:47I wish you all the best of luck in creating
05:49your incredible looks.
05:53OK, artists.
05:55Are you ready to explore strange new worlds?
05:58Game on, faces off.
06:01Your main challenge starts now.
06:08I think everyone's pop art looks look bomb.
06:11I felt a little bit extra pressure
06:12because my dad's an artist.
06:14So I was like, you got to step it up.
06:16My dad has been an artist since he was younger than me.
06:20He can draw anything.
06:21It's funny.
06:22I try to draw, and I can't draw on paper for the life of me.
06:25But if you ask me to draw something on my face,
06:27it just works.
06:27So we appreciate each other in different ways.
06:30None of my family is creative whatsoever.
06:33My parents aren't really creative,
06:34but they are definitely supportive.
06:37I recently just came out to them about being trans.
06:40And I definitely wouldn't be at the place
06:43that I am if they weren't so supportive.
06:45Q, I love how you're matching me.
06:46It's almost like you broke my heart.
06:48Like, oh.
06:49When I popped in, I was like, girl.
06:52Because I was like, OK, it's typically
06:55really, really colorful art.
06:56So let me do something that's not colorful.
06:59That's exactly what I thought.
07:03I thought it would make me stand out.
07:04And it made us stand out.
07:10Hi, artists.
07:11Just popping in from Uranus.
07:15I want to check in and see how my little elves are doing.
07:19Hi, Nikki.
07:20Hi, Raven.
07:21Wow, look at those cheeks.
07:22The work you've had done since I last saw you.
07:26How are you feeling going into this semifinal challenge,
07:29where it's pretty much anyone's game?
07:31I'm excited, nervous.
07:34I've been at the top of this pack for so long.
07:37And then being shot down all the way to the bottom
07:41just really got to me.
07:42And not only that, seeing Patrick motherfucking Star,
07:46who's like my Filipino sis.
07:48So it was just like a whole gamut of emotions.
07:52I just want to be the winner, just
07:54because it gives me validation within myself
07:59and for other people to see that I could actually do this.
08:03I've been struggling so hard with this whole makeup
08:06route that I've taken.
08:07I'm kind of taking a risk, especially within myself
08:12out of the Filipino norm.
08:14So winning this and showing everybody
08:17that I am that talented to win would be amazing.
08:23I want to be at the top, and I can feel them
08:25breathing on my back.
08:26They're coming, I know it.
08:29Well, you already got a good start,
08:31so I can't wait to see it.
08:34Ooh, next up, Lauren.
08:36Hi, Lauren.
08:37Wow, you look pretty frickin' impressive.
08:40Here's the thing, Lauren.
08:41You are impressive.
08:42Your work is very good.
08:44The only thing that we ever have a critique on
08:47is stepping outside the box.
08:49Just break free.
08:49You have the technique.
08:51Trying to step out of the box with this one
08:52and connect a little more with my concept.
08:55What is your concept?
08:57Going to try not to cry.
09:01My uncle passed away last year from ALS,
09:04and it's been really hard.
09:11ALS is a neurodisease that kind of eats away at your muscles,
09:16and there is no cure for it yet.
09:18So I'm really wanting to give a little bit more awareness
09:21to ALS.
09:22So I'm going to be using the awareness colors, which
09:25is navy blue and white, which are also in the Norvina palette.
09:29My uncle was a very fun person.
09:31And yeah, so I just want to make him proud.
09:35Well, you've already made him proud.
09:37Just know that.
09:38I'm really excited to see this.
09:40Thank you, Lauren.
09:43Hi, Joe.
09:44Hi, Raven.
09:45Wow, look at you.
09:46So you love doing two tones.
09:48Yeah, I feel like it makes it better for me.
09:51In the beginning of this competition,
09:52you were a little quiet, a little like the dark horse.
09:57Watch out for Joe.
09:58Is that strategic, or is that just the way you are?
10:01I don't think it's strategic.
10:02I think I was like really nervous at first,
10:05and honestly, like a little bit intimidated by everybody else.
10:08You have a sweetness about you that
10:11reads through your makeup that is very warm and endearing.
10:15I try to just emulate what I feel is absent in the world.
10:19There's already enough shitty people,
10:21so why not be a good person?
10:24Yeah, why not?
10:25What would it mean to you to be in the finale?
10:27Whether I make it to the finale or not,
10:29I'm already a winner.
10:31I see myself as a winner.
10:32I'm going to let you get back to work and finish this one.
10:34Thank you, Raven.
10:35Thank you, Joe.
10:37Hi, Adi.
10:38Oh my goodness.
10:40You look crazy.
10:44I want absence of color, and I want pops of color in my look.
10:48And I have this really cool prosthetic
10:50that will kind of give me a Mohawk-y elongated head,
10:53so I'm really excited to put that to use.
10:55You are gorgeous.
10:58And your natural hair that you've been showing us
11:02has honestly been beautiful.
11:05And it's accentuated your looks.
11:07And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
11:09You guys have all made me feel so good about it
11:12and so normal and beautiful.
11:15So thank you so much for that.
11:18I needed that.
11:19Thank you, Adi.
11:20Thanks, honey.
11:21Ooh, hi, Elena.
11:23Hey, Raven.
11:25I can't wait to see how this looks all finished,
11:27because right now it looks so amazing.
11:30So Elena, you compete and do so well week by week.
11:34There was one week.
11:36You ended up getting muted.
11:38What are you going to do to take that
11:40into this semifinal challenge to make yourself come out on top?
11:45Well, I'm really listening to what the challenge is.
11:48Since it is sexy, I'm going to sex her up.
11:51I'm going to ombre the bitch.
11:53And I'm going to give her teeth and big lips and big eyes.
11:56I'll let you get back to work.
12:00Good morning, Q.
12:01Good morning.
12:02Is this another chicken?
12:03I'm kidding.
12:04I'm kidding.
12:05This is my first time using a gelatin prosthetic.
12:10And making it stick to the bald cap
12:12is very different than making it stick to my skin.
12:14So I'm trying to navigate that right now.
12:17So you do realize that if you win this challenge,
12:20you go straight to the top.
12:21There's a lot at stake here.
12:23I know, I know.
12:25I'm trying to monitor my time and make sure that I'm mindful
12:29and manage things well.
12:31I can't be thankful enough for my parents
12:33and teaching me to see things through because there's always
12:37a way made, some sort of way.
12:39Anything in my life that I've ever encountered,
12:41there's always been a way made out of no way.
12:43And this is amazing to see this be no different.
12:46I'm glad I didn't give up.
12:48I'm glad I really saw this through because now I
12:50can potentially come out on top of this.
12:53OK, I'm going to let you get back to work
12:55because it looks like you need to get that shit on there.
12:58So I will see you in a bit.
13:00All right, thank you.
13:02Hi, Tucker.
13:03Hi, Raven.
13:04Look at that.
13:05Oh my gosh.
13:06Now Tucker, you are literally tied for first place
13:08right now.
13:09What does that mean to you?
13:10Me being tied for first, it's an extra push
13:13for me to push past everyone.
13:15Good, I hope you do because there
13:17was a couple of weeks in a row.
13:18You landed in the bottom.
13:20You had to do a quick paint.
13:21You overcame.
13:22Last week, I got a little emotional with your look.
13:26I cannot even describe your beauty.
13:29I want to cry.
13:30I'm just, you look so beautiful, bitch.
13:34Have you ever seen something and looked at something
13:38that just made you go, oh my gosh,
13:40this is fucking beautiful?
13:42Thank you so much.
13:43That's like what I live for.
13:44Like, that happens to me when I put on my makeup
13:47and get in drag and just being my authentic self,
13:50listening to music, all sorts of activities.
13:52That is my absolute favorite thing.
13:53And that is literally the feeling
13:55that I want to evoke with my makeup.
13:58I'm so excited to show you.
13:59I can't wait to see it.
14:02Right now, application is actually working in my favor.
14:06I'm not trying to rush things because sometimes prosthetics
14:10absorb makeup different than your skin,
14:12so something can be brighter or duller.
14:14So I'm really happy that right now everything's
14:16reading even and smooth.
14:20My concept for Alien was like a aquatic lightning creature.
14:24And I wanted her to have three boobs because, I mean,
14:28three tits are better than two.
14:30And I wanted her to have chills and the flabby things
14:35on the head, whatever it's called.
14:36I created that with paper.
14:38And I'm not going to lie.
14:39I've been inspired by Tucker's work.
14:41And I wanted to use paper and color it in blue and white
14:44to kind of go with my design.
14:48I wanted to make sure that I'm giving lines
14:50because in Aliens, it's really unrecognizable features.
14:54I want to make sure that I'm giving artsy line work
14:57and neon and all sorts of really cool textures
15:00because Aliens are really complex.
15:05Color palette-wise, I tend to drift towards the hues of blue.
15:09But I don't want to go that route
15:10because when you think space, you think of that.
15:12So I'm going to go completely different than what
15:14I would typically do.
15:15And I'm going to do warm colors.
15:16As a little boy, this color, I was not allowed to wear.
15:20Pink was not a thing.
15:22I'm going to be pink.
15:23So I'm going to use hues of pink.
15:24I'm going to use purples.
15:25And I'm just going to be really, really vibrant
15:27and really, really spiky.
15:29And hopefully, she likey.
15:34Hi, artists.
15:35I'm back from outer space.
15:37Oh, my goodness.
15:39Please open your black hole.
15:41I mean, black box.
15:43Number eight.
15:44Here come Raven again with the bullshit,
15:46talking about a twist.
15:49I'm scared.
15:51Watch there be a finger.
15:52Oh, gosh.
15:53Inside, you will find different sizes of dramatic lashes
15:57and lash accessories.
16:00Oh, my god.
16:02You must create dazzling chandelier eyelashes,
16:05adding length and hanging elements from your lashes.
16:10What the hell?
16:12What the fuck even is that?
16:15Chandelier eyelash.
16:17Talk about sending somebody for a loop.
16:19I do like my lashes hung.
16:21I have to add an extra element that I didn't plan on.
16:24But I'm going to make it work.
16:32Oh, the blue ones go with my look.
16:34My lashes got to have dangly things on them.
16:37All right.
16:39What a twist.
16:41I don't know what.
16:42You can use this for.
16:43Let's add some shit hanging off of our eyelashes.
16:47I'm making a little work for this.
16:52Not that many people are interested in all three fields,
16:57meaning beauty, special effects, and body painting.
16:59But I do feel that I am almost equal in all three fields.
17:03When I first started with special effects for two years,
17:06then once I got introduced to beauty, it was like, oh, my god.
17:08I only want to beat my face.
17:10And then body painting came along,
17:11and it was a mix of both medias.
17:14Our family was really big on doing Halloween parties.
17:17That definitely molded me into being the special effects queen.
17:21So I'm really excited to showcase
17:23this skill for this challenge.
17:26Joining me today is Emmy-winning makeup artist
17:29Natasha Marcellina.
17:31Hi, sis.
17:31How's it going?
17:33I'm so excited to be here.
17:35I'm so excited to have you.
17:36Do you know what an elf is?
17:38An elf?
17:39It's an alien I'd like to fuck.
17:41Oh, so like a MILF, but in the sky.
17:45So are you ready to take a trip across the Milky Way?
17:49Beam me up.
17:50Ooh, it's face time.
17:55Tucker, queen of the universe.
17:59My look is giving extraterrestrial spider
18:02jester realness.
18:04It's giving whore on the block who got fertilized
18:06a little bit too many times, and it's showing up
18:08on her shoulders right now.
18:09I'm just serving up crazy alien that I know
18:12all of y'all would like to fuck.
18:16Black Light Reactive, for your pleasure.
18:23Mars attacks, and I'm here for it.
18:27I'm feeling confident.
18:28I'm feeling like, OK, I got this in the bag.
18:30I added the ALS ribbon on the forehead
18:34just to symbolize my uncle, the warrior, the fighter.
18:38That's a fabulous full lash.
18:43Nikki Nick.
18:49Oh my gosh.
18:50Purple people eater.
18:53I love that lip.
18:54I'm serving this purple pink bimbo.
18:57She is heading to the local raid and your anus
19:01with a quick stop at the Blue Ball Moon.
19:04Serving you as hell.
19:15Put your alien seed in me.
19:18Wow, beautiful.
19:20I've got my spikes on, girl.
19:21I'm pink, I'm purple, I'm yellow, I'm orange.
19:23I'm all the Q's, bitch.
19:25I'm serving tropical maritime realness,
19:27like hoping that she buys it.
19:28Please buy it off the shelf this raven,
19:30because I'm not trying to be left up on that thing, honey.
19:32The higher the antenna, the closer to God.
19:35Ooh, ribbed my pleasure.
19:42Take me to your leader.
19:46My alien is giving la cucaracha of the galaxy.
19:52There's earthy tones with these bright, vibrant purple.
19:56The colors are blended.
19:58And bitch, I am the most motherfucking,
20:00stunning ass cockroach you will ever see in your life.
20:04I wonder if Joe's an extra testicle.
20:05I mean, terrestrial.
20:13Serving alien fish.
20:16My character is named Trititia.
20:21And she's from planet Clitoria.
20:24She came from aquatic planet.
20:26And she's got big teeth.
20:27Because every time she has sex with her alien partner,
20:30she eats them afterwards.
20:33She's got gills.
20:35And she's got steel.
20:36Queen of the sea monkeys.
20:42Finally, Ari.
20:45Is that a fin on your head?
20:46Or are you just happy to see me?
20:49Today I'm serving you white-out, fluorescent alien realness.
20:54She's got the chiseled cheekbones.
20:56You can see them from outer space.
20:57She got her big, full lips on to give you
21:00all the kisses in the world.
21:01Neons for spring.
21:07A blacklight moment.
21:08She's a freak in the dark.
21:10She likes to show off her asteroid.
21:16Hi, artists.
21:18Help me welcome Emmy-winning makeup artist,
21:20Natasha Marcelina.
21:23Hi, Natasha.
21:24Nice to meet you all.
21:25You all delivered stellar looks, interstellar looks.
21:29Hi, Tucker.
21:29You're like the court jester of space.
21:32I love this look.
21:33I think that's your attitude and your outlook on life.
21:36You find a joke in everything.
21:38What was your inspiration for this alien?
21:41My inspiration was bright neon colors.
21:44That and, like, oozing and, like, eggs.
21:46But then where you place the lashes.
21:48That's smart, too.
21:49You see them?
21:50They're going this way.
21:52Like the spines of, like, a cactus.
21:53All right, well, thank you, Tucker.
21:55Hi, Lauren.
21:56Hi, guys.
21:57All the color is seamless.
21:59Thank you so, so much.
22:00And then it really looks like you
22:02have these alien elfin ears and that beautiful ribbon
22:06on your head.
22:07Like I said earlier, my uncle last year
22:09passed away from ALS.
22:10And I really wanted just to, like, dedicate this look to him.
22:14So I tried to use the ALS colors that represent it,
22:17which is navy blue and white, and just kind of, like,
22:20add those throughout my look.
22:21And I think I did him proud.
22:23I had so much fun with it.
22:24Is that sequin all over your lashes?
22:26Yeah, so I used the little gems that were given,
22:29the silver ones and the sequins,
22:30and added them to, like, the little lash extensions.
22:33And I applied those to the bottom as well.
22:34This is beautiful, really.
22:36You did an excellent job.
22:38If baby Yoda had a teenage daughter, you would be it.
22:41That's really amazing.
22:43Thank you so, so much.
22:44Oh, check out the tits on this one.
22:47It's a Nicky Nick.
22:49Nicky, what those lips do?
22:51What they do, girl?
22:53I've just been serving some blue balls, you know?
22:55You created a prosthetic cheekbone.
22:58You created the same thing along the head.
23:01Yeah, it's like the scar wax.
23:04I had tried to mold it all myself,
23:05and I wanted to bring it full circle to my first episode
23:08one when I started using scar wax.
23:09It looks like it could be in the realm of Darth Maul.
23:13The highlighting and the contour and the shading.
23:15Darth Maul goes to the mall.
23:19It was a labor of love.
23:20A labor of love, which I think that sums
23:22up your entire time here.
23:24Thank you, Nicky.
23:25Thank you.
23:26Oh, my gosh.
23:28Good morning.
23:29So stunning.
23:30Thank you for sharing this with us.
23:32The lash, you used just right here?
23:36So it's connected here, but it's actually just free floating.
23:39Paint job, the prosthetic is seamless.
23:41Did you airbrush this, or this is all?
23:44No, it's all grease paint, and then I set it using volume six.
23:49And you love to do prosthetics.
23:50There were times where I think that you were muted,
23:52that you saw what the challenge was, and you were like, fuck.
23:56I wanted to do this, because you would have probably
23:58got in with the prosthetics.
23:59But here we are, the semi-final challenge,
24:01and you went in with the prosthetics.
24:03And it's amazing.
24:04Thank you.
24:05Hi, Jo.
24:06Hi, Regan.
24:07You are looking beautiful tonight.
24:08Is this gold leaf?
24:10No, it's moss.
24:11Oh, wow.
24:12I love it.
24:12It's just reading, very luminous.
24:14I love it.
24:15It's kind of almost like a geode that just exploded.
24:19That's crazy, because I thought it was gold leaf, too.
24:21But it's moss.
24:22Who would do that?
24:23Jo would do that.
24:24I'm inspired.
24:26Holy shit, wow.
24:27And the lashes with the jewels on them.
24:29That's my little lure, so when they get close,
24:31I can attract them and then eat their head off.
24:34Oh, so you're a vicious alien.
24:37A Venus flytrap.
24:38Thank you, Jo.
24:39Wow, hi, Elena.
24:41Hey, guys.
24:42I love the three titties.
24:44I love that we've had so many titties in this episode.
24:46I left mine at home.
24:48So tell us about your look.
24:49I wanted her to still be sexy and glowy,
24:52so she's got a highlight.
24:53It's so alien, but it also reads like alien
24:56from the deep blue abyss.
24:58Yeah, it's creepy.
24:59That's what I was going for, sexy but creepy.
25:01What are the teeth made out of?
25:03That's nails.
25:04Oh, I love it.
25:05I'm going to try that.
25:07And finally, Adi.
25:09Oh my gosh, your lips.
25:11Yes, I gave myself some filler.
25:14Yeah, you didn't have those a little bit ago.
25:18So you've done a prosthetic set of lips.
25:20You've done a prosthetic fin.
25:21You've done prosthetic cheekbone.
25:23Work on the head like you went in with the prosthetics.
25:27So I know you can't tell up close,
25:29but let me switch off the light.
25:33You can now see all my kind of prints and textures
25:37that I added to my skin, because I
25:39didn't want to just be flat.
25:42What an impact.
25:43I used the purple for the nose.
25:45I used the navy for the lips.
25:47I kind of just used everything.
25:48Yeah, dig in.
25:49Dig in.
25:50Thank you, Adi.
25:51Thank you guys so much.
25:52All right, artists.
25:53While Natasha and I explore these strange new looks,
25:56we'll beam you up to the chat room.
26:02Everybody looks so good.
26:04They were calling me, like, Darth Maul up in drags.
26:09They called me Baby Yoda.
26:13I'm really, really praying that I can get the 10 points.
26:15But if not me, I think it's going to be between,
26:19I don't know, because Nikki, Tucker, and Joe,
26:22it could go either way.
26:23I think based off of tonight's looks,
26:25if anyone was to get those 10 points, Ari, yeah,
26:31you look fucking iconic.
26:33Thank you so much.
26:34You look iconic.
26:35Thank you.
26:40Like, damn, bitch.
26:41Like, everyone turned it the fuck out.
26:45But I hope it's me.
26:47I'm surprised if I end up in the bottom with this look.
26:52I feel like I really stepped it up.
26:54So if I'm anything lower than safe, it will be a shock.
26:59I'm nervous, boots, because I'm the one
27:02who actually needs 10 points.
27:04This being the last challenge, like, it just, I don't know,
27:06it feels different.
27:07It would be really, really nice to somehow miraculously
27:10pull this 10 points.
27:11But right now, I don't really think it's going to be me.
27:14It's looking kind of bleak.
27:16I'm nervous.
27:17I hope to be in the, you know, the final,
27:21because it would just be, like, so devastating.
27:24Like, you know, I've been, like, you know,
27:25like, one of the tops throughout this whole competition.
27:27And then not to be able to, like, compete at the final
27:29would just be, like, such, like, a heartbreak for me.
27:33Same here.
27:34I feel like I've worked so hard.
27:36Like, I may have been in the bottom twice,
27:38but I was in the lead for three episodes in a row.
27:41And then I got back in the lead last episode.
27:44And it's just, like, I put my entire heart and my brain
27:48and my mental and everything into this.
27:50Like, I'm really just hoping it pays off.
27:53All right, let's get down to it.
27:56First up, Lauren, the Baby Yoda.
27:58Baby Yoda.
27:58I mean, Lauren understands attention to detail.
28:02And you can really see that in the molten rock that's coming
28:05out of her head and her neck.
28:07And you know what?
28:08I like an alien and a hoop earring, OK?
28:11Why not?
28:12Thing is, this comes off more like Baby Yoda.
28:16It doesn't really scream out.
28:18I don't find it sexy.
28:23I feel like a lot of people kind of went
28:25into that sea creature direction.
28:27I am looking at this.
28:28And I kind of wish Elena wouldn't have
28:31added the extra set of eyes.
28:33I like the three tips, but not the four eyes.
28:36Nikki Nick.
28:37I hope Nikki is feeling herself.
28:39Because actually, this is pretty hot.
28:41It's kind of nasty, but in a good way.
28:45You've got three breasts that are beautifully painted.
28:47And then those lips, those big, blue, suck-em lips.
28:54Came correct.
28:55It's sexy.
28:56It is sexy.
28:57The color story is on point.
28:59Oh, it's beautiful.
29:01I want cheekbones like that.
29:02Who's your doctor?
29:05There's something very aggressive about this look.
29:08But I like it.
29:09It's like you've collected all of the samples
29:12from the planets of their plant life.
29:14And this is kind of what you came up with.
29:16It also looks like a giant vagina.
29:19That too.
29:21She did an excellent job on the lips.
29:23It's not an easy thing to do, to do a prosthetic lip.
29:26I don't know.
29:27There's something missing for me.
29:28I just feel like there's a lot of void with all of the white.
29:31Like, I want some more Joe.
29:34It's like alien, but it's also very ethereal.
29:37Joe is sexy.
29:39But the sexy doesn't really read through to be, like,
29:43sexy alien.
29:45I don't know.
29:46This one kind of left me with blue balls.
29:48All right, have we made our decision?
29:51Then let's beam back our artists.
29:56My precious elves, you all went boldly
29:59where no artist has gone before.
30:01I wish I could take you all on to this next journey
30:03in the finale.
30:05But sadly, there is only space for three of you.
30:09Tucker, we love that you think big.
30:12But you don't always have to use every idea.
30:16Elena, three titties are better than two.
30:19But sometimes, two eyes are better than four.
30:23Joe, your creativity is stellar, even when the rocket doesn't
30:28quite stick the landing.
30:31Lauren, your skills leave us green with envy.
30:35But the sex appeal left us wanting Gamora.
30:40Tucker, Lauren, and Elena, you are safe.
30:46And we'll each add two points to your final score.
30:53Ari, Joe, I'm sorry, but you are the bottoms of the week.
31:02And will not be moving on to the finale.
31:06It's just really disappointing.
31:08I don't know what more I could have done to be
31:12enough to be in the finale.
31:13I know that we have to be happy for everybody else.
31:16But I feel like it's also important for us
31:17to feel how we feel, because we brought our all,
31:20and we just didn't make it.
31:23I may not have seen myself winning this week's challenge,
31:27but I definitely didn't see myself in the bottom.
31:29I'm so fucking sad.
31:30Honestly, I'm devastated.
31:33Q and Nikki, you are the tops of the week.
31:37But only one of you can claim the pivotal 10 points.
31:41It's taken everything in me to not just
31:43break down ball and crying, because this is my chance.
31:46This is really my shot.
31:46There's so much riding on this look.
31:49I am sweating.
31:51I'm excited.
31:52I am nervous.
31:53I'm scared.
31:54I am all the feelings, honey.
31:58Congratulations, Q, like the chicken
32:08that rises from the ashes, you are the winner
32:10of this week's challenge, adding 10 points to your final score.
32:16You will be moving on to the finale, bitch.
32:19Girl, I am in the finale.
32:21I'm in the fucking finale, girl.
32:23I'm so happy for you.
32:24Oh, my god.
32:28Go, Q.
32:29Yeah, I'll play too, bitch.
32:31Nikki, you have three points.
32:37And you will be moving on to the finale.
32:42Bitch, I made it to the top three.
32:45Thank you.
32:46I am so happy.
32:47All this hard work is paid off.
32:49Q, Nikki, and Tucker, you will be moving on to compete
32:54in next week's grand finale.
32:56Oh, my god.
32:58Thank you so much.
32:59This is my final chance to give Raven a reason
33:01to crown me the winner.
33:02So I need to bring it my hardest.
33:05For those of you keeping score at home,
33:07Q and Nikki landed in the top with 19 points each.
33:11Tucker has 18.
33:12Joe and Lauren each have 17.
33:14And Ari and Elena each have 16.
33:18Although I am very proud of myself
33:21for, like, really pushing my art, really going for it,
33:24getting creative and out of the box with my ideas,
33:27I'm also just disappointed at the fact
33:29that I won't be going to the finale.
33:32I was hoping to be one of the final three.
33:35Yes, I'm upset I'm not in the finale,
33:37but at least I get to watch those three
33:39create beautiful things.
33:44You are all cordially invited to next week's Ascension Ball,
33:48where our finalists will be beat for the gods
33:52and serving three looks that represent their lower realm
33:56their earthly mass, and their divine being.
34:00It's gonna be heavenly.
34:04Are you ready?
34:06All right, everybody, now mug.
34:13Next, I'm painted with Raven.
34:15Joining me to help judge our season two grand finale,
34:22Oh my God.
34:23I have been waiting for this moment.
34:25This whole look, it doesn't make me feel good.
34:27It's serving bitch who knows that they're an artist.
34:30The makeup is not my favorite.
34:32This entire time, I felt like
34:34I haven't been able to translate.
34:36Not sure what she was going for here.
34:38I'm a little worried that maybe I didn't push it enough.
34:41Almost looked as though the looks were thrown together.