• 3 months ago


00:00little bit.
00:03Hi, Elena.
00:08Hi, Wayden.
00:09You look great.
00:10Thank you.
00:11So do you.
00:12You always do.
00:13And you showed up, still painted, still ready to go, because why?
00:17That's what a fierce makeup artist does.
00:20We know you're talented.
00:21It's just that little thing that happens when there's a quick
00:26I took my main challenge to the wrong place.
00:27I wanted to be funny.
00:28I think I came out of this latte.
00:31Little 80s girls just want to have fun meets, like...
00:34Gem in the hologram.
00:36That was funny.
00:38But I think when you think of glam rock,
00:40the look is very clean and crisp and fierce.
00:43You went to the dirty place.
00:45Rock and roll.
00:46But I like the dirty place.
00:47I went to a camping point and point.
00:49This week, you cannot compete.
00:51You can watch, and you will be back next week
00:54competing earning points.
00:56All right, it's time to mute you.
00:58It is what it is, right?
00:59See you later.
01:00For this week's homework assignment,
01:02brought to you by the House of Love.
01:06The artists were instructed to build a full look
01:08designed around big, beautiful brows.
01:10Something I know a thing or two about.
01:12Now, let's see if the artists can serve up
01:14some brow-raising look.
01:17Back to slay, it's Luna Ray.
01:20Oh, wow.
01:22Bringing back unibrows.
01:24Thank you, Luna.
01:27Next up, Joe.
01:30Caterpillar brows. Been there.
01:32Those brows will one day become beautiful butterflies.
01:38It's Nicky Nick.
01:41This look is divine.
01:50The higher the brow...
01:52Well, you know the rest.
02:00Someone needs a wax or a hedge trimmer.
02:05I love when brows stand up and off your face.
02:13Oh, no.
02:14Are those just your brows, or are you sad to see me?
02:18Here comes Ari.
02:21The brows match the eyeliner, match the lip.
02:25The carpets match the drapes.
02:31I just want to let all of you know you are all fabulous,
02:34but only one of you will get the point.
02:39Nicky Nick.
02:42You are the winner of this week's
02:44You are the winner of this week's
02:46homework assignment brought to you by the House of Love.
02:52My first one. I am stoked.
02:54I'm glad that you loved it. Thank you so much.
02:58My first one.
03:01All right, artists, this week's main challenge is one of our favorites.
03:04You will mimic the mug of a celebrity of your choice
03:07and hopefully leave us starstruck
03:09in our Celebrity Lookalike Challenge.
03:12Joining me to help judge
03:14will be Mariah Carey's longtime makeup artist,
03:17Christopher Buckle.
03:21I was looking forward to this
03:23because I'm so good with celebrity impersonations.
03:26This is kind of my specialty, and I'm sitting here muted,
03:29and I cannot do my favorite Mariah Carey lookalike look.
03:33You will have three hours and 45 minutes
03:35to transform yourself into a celebrity.
03:38All right.
03:39Game on, faces off. Your painted challenge starts now.
03:46Congratulations, Nikki.
03:48Congratulations, boo.
03:50Well-deserved. Well-deserved.
03:52Thank you so much. Everybody's brows are amazing.
03:55All your brows, Luna's baby faces, everything.
03:57Yeah, I think that, too.
03:59I like this bitch's baby-on-baby.
04:01So cute.
04:03It's really funny when you smile on camera, too.
04:07We're gonna miss you, Elena.
04:09I know you do a lot of impersonations.
04:11I think you would have turned this one out.
04:13After your challenge last week,
04:15I definitely thought Lady Gaga could be a thing.
04:20I'm doing Prince, because why the fuck not?
04:24I'm gonna do Michael Jackson.
04:26I've painted someone else that looked like Michael before,
04:28and it was an epic failure,
04:30so I'm hoping I can do the same for myself.
04:32Well, I am ready to bring some bitty, bitty bon-bon.
04:35I'm going to be doing the iconic Selena Quintanilla.
04:40She is my idol.
04:42I love her music.
04:44I'm ready to transform myself into her.
04:47Okay, Ariana, I'm, like, really interested to see who you do.
04:51I'm actually going for Doja Cat.
04:56I totally see that.
04:59Hi, my little stars.
05:02Just wanted to pop in and check in.
05:04Hi, Reva.
05:05Oh, my gosh, I see the creative juices flowing.
05:08All right, let's start with Nikki.
05:10So, um, you're looking beautiful.
05:13Why, thank you.
05:15You're looking crazy.
05:17I wanted to go complete opposite and really push myself,
05:20especially since we're, like, halfway through the competition.
05:23So I thought of, like, who's one of the most ridiculous persons
05:27that's somewhat relevant right now?
05:29And first person popped to my head is Joe Exotic.
05:31Oh, my gosh.
05:34I generally don't do masculine presenting looks.
05:37This one's gonna be a good challenge for me to do,
05:40and hopefully I can nail this.
05:42I didn't see it was Joe Exotic,
05:44but I can see that you're going for character, which I love.
05:46Yeah, I really definitely wanted to push myself.
05:48Okay, so you've won the homework challenge.
05:50Yeah, my first one.
05:52And you've been in the top.
05:54Right, except for last week,
05:56which kind of definitely scared me.
05:58Safe was a little too close for me.
06:01I am excited to see this,
06:03because I was obsessed with the Tiger King, too,
06:05and with Joe Exotic.
06:07I'm looking forward to it.
06:09Hi, Lauren.
06:10Hi, Raven.
06:12I am guessing it is gonna be male.
06:14Correct, correct.
06:16Okay, I have no clue.
06:17So I'm gonna be doing Freddie Mercury.
06:20So you did glam rock last week.
06:23And now you're doing glam rock this week.
06:25Oh, my gosh.
06:27I didn't put two and two together.
06:29I honestly had no idea.
06:30So I'm a little freaked out
06:32that my choice of Freddie Mercury is gonna be two on the nose
06:35since we just did glam rock.
06:38Like, I don't know.
06:40Thank you, Lauren.
06:41Thank you.
06:42Hi, Q.
06:43So what is going on?
06:45So I am starting to contour
06:47to try to bring out my inner Jackson.
06:51I see a cleft in the chin, so I'm guessing Latoya.
06:54I'm kidding.
06:57Listen here, bitch.
06:58Michael Jackson is my all-time favorite.
07:02I love Michael Jackson.
07:04Have you ever done Michael before?
07:05I don't do impersonations, Chad.
07:07I don't really look like nobody but Cat Williams.
07:09You don't look like Cat Williams.
07:12So I'll let you beat it
07:14and make sure it's not bad.
07:16Oh, Chad.
07:17Hopefully not.
07:18Next up, Tucker.
07:19Hi, Tucker.
07:20Hi, Raven Lachez.
07:22Are you doing a makeup influencer?
07:25I'm actually doing Lady Gaga.
07:27Are you a little monster?
07:29A little bit of a monster.
07:31Now, you are very skilled
07:33and gifted with your artistry.
07:35It's a very specific way that Tucker paints.
07:38I'm diving in headfirst on this.
07:41I haven't really done anything like this,
07:44but I'm excited to see if I can pull it out of my arsenal.
07:47I can't wait to see Lady Gaga.
07:49Thank you.
07:50I can't wait to see Raven gagging over my Gaga.
07:53Okay, bye.
07:55Hi, Luna.
07:56Hi, Raven.
07:57You are back in the competition after being muted last week.
08:00How does that feel as far as, like, the nerves
08:03or the anxiety or the pressure?
08:05My mood has been up and down,
08:06but I have beat so many things.
08:09I have survived cancer.
08:12I got diagnosed with leukemia when I was 12.
08:16It wasn't until, like, I was going through it
08:19that I realized my life is genuinely in danger.
08:23I went through treatment for three years and survived.
08:27That's when it really hit me
08:30that I need to live my life at my fullest.
08:34I'm like, I can survive this anxiety
08:36and push myself to, you know, showcase my work
08:39and show you that I deserve to be here.
08:42You're here because you're fabulous
08:44and you're gifted and you're talented.
08:46That's why you're here.
08:47I am very excited to be back in this challenge.
08:50Coming into it, it was like, I gotta represent Selena.
08:53She's my icon.
08:54I never actually, like, tried to look like her,
08:56so I wanted to challenge myself.
08:58Yeah, she is an icon.
09:00She was such a natural beauty
09:01with just a big, beautiful red lip and a brow.
09:05That's one of those things that's kind of, like, hard
09:07because it's gonna have to be really contoured
09:09and really highlighted.
09:11Is there anything about her life that inspires you?
09:14It's hard to see brown people succeed
09:16and the fact that she was always, like,
09:18so proud of her culture
09:20and brought it to everything she did,
09:22that's really inspiring to me.
09:24She's still someone that is looked at
09:27as that beacon of hope,
09:29and I think that she will always be that.
09:31I'll let you get back to work, Luna.
09:33See you in a bit. Bye.
09:35Hi, Ari.
09:36Hi, Raven.
09:37I see that you're still very early in the process.
09:40Really wanted to nail the contours and features first
09:44before I get any glam on
09:46because I want you to tell that I'm a person and not myself.
09:50So I'm trying to nail this button nose down,
09:52and I think I'm almost there.
09:53So a button nose.
09:54I'm trying to guess.
09:55There's a lot of people with button nose.
09:57Okay, is this a pop star?
09:58She's newer.
10:00Uh, Doja Cat.
10:02Well, yeah, she does have a cute little nose.
10:04Yeah, I'm just really trying to nail the features
10:07and all her shapes on her face
10:09before I go into anything graphic
10:11because that's what I plan on doing.
10:13So last week,
10:14you edged your way out of possibly being muted this week,
10:18and that was your second time doing that.
10:20What does that mean
10:21as far as your place in this competition this week?
10:23It's been a little rough.
10:24Do you feel like you have something to prove?
10:26Do you feel like you have, like, are you fucking pissed at me?
10:29A little bit?
10:30I know. I'm sorry.
10:31The technique is great.
10:32The impact is great.
10:33Your concept was just a little off.
10:37I feel like it's not a fully developed glam rock.
10:41I also feel like that wig is eating her up.
10:43I don't really care for the wig.
10:44It's a makeup competition.
10:46Going forward, don't use wigs.
10:49Just do your natural beauty,
10:51and sell it like that.
10:53I can't wait to see Doja Cat.
10:55Thank you. I'm excited to turn it out for you.
10:57Next up, Jo,
10:58I have a very strong feeling what you're doing.
11:01Do you?
11:02Honestly, I'm kind of nervous.
11:04It's because I want to transform
11:06because that's the purpose of this,
11:08but I don't want it to be so minimal.
11:10That it's just not enough.
11:12I'm trying to not worry about everyone,
11:14but everyone's full-fledged transforming,
11:16so I need to make sure that what I do
11:18kind of meets that level.
11:20I'm looking at pictures of Prince,
11:22and I'm trying to figure out
11:23what exact version of Prince I'm trying to go with.
11:25I don't know.
11:26I don't want it to be like,
11:27oh, you look like him.
11:28I want it to be like,
11:29oh, you look like him.
11:30Does that make sense?
11:31Yeah. No, I get it.
11:32Now it's just about going in
11:33and making it like a character.
11:34Okay, I'll let you get back to work.
11:36Bye, Raven.
11:37Oh, this is gonna be fun.
11:39I feel like some of the artists
11:49are focusing too much on picking a makeup look
11:52that they've seen their celebrity wear
11:54and not focusing on looking like the celebrity.
11:58I'm thinking my competition is Ariana right now.
12:05Because you're looking like her, bitch.
12:06Every time I've tried to do a character look,
12:08I always get kind of scared of how harsh I contour,
12:11so now I'm not gonna let that stop me
12:13because we have to sell that it's a new nose
12:17and not a fake nose,
12:18so that's kind of what I'm trying to do right now.
12:21Well, I'm buying it, bitch,
12:22because it looks great.
12:24Thank you, guys.
12:25Oh, my gosh.
12:26I'm going alien route with Gaga.
12:28I have to make sure that I have the makeup
12:30that Gaga has on,
12:31but I also have to think about
12:33how I transform my face into hers.
12:35The way I'm doing that is making sure
12:37that my contour is pointed the same way that hers is.
12:40Her nostrils are also much smaller than mine,
12:43so I'm having to do the illusion
12:45to where I put shadows making my nostrils look smaller.
12:48I'm really paying attention to the nose
12:50because Lady Gaga's nose
12:52is probably the most important part.
12:54Gaga is very much snatched realness,
12:56and that's what I'm giving.
12:58Joining me this week is someone very special,
13:01someone who knows how to paint the stars.
13:04He's worked with Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Chastain,
13:06and Mariah Carey.
13:08It is Christopher Buckle.
13:12Miss Beautiful Raven.
13:13Oh, thank you.
13:14So what is the secret to painting an icon
13:16who has a signature look?
13:18The first thing to consider is the shapes and the palette.
13:21When I'm working with different celebrities,
13:23I think that it's really important
13:25to keep a consistent theme,
13:26and then you change the textures,
13:28and then you can keep it modern.
13:29I am a strong believer that celebrities
13:31should look like superstars.
13:33They should be otherworldly.
13:35They should be aspirational.
13:36Well, let's see if these celebrities
13:38are fit for an awards show
13:39or they have been caught by the paparazzi on TMZ.
13:50First up, Nikki Nick.
13:53Oh, my God.
13:55That bitch Carole Baskin better watch out.
13:57Oh, she better.
13:59I'm kind of loving the contoured, crooked nose.
14:03Applying facial hair can be very tricky.
14:06Now, can you believe that Joe Exotic
14:09has had three husbands and I've had none?
14:12What is with that?
14:16Okay, next up, Tucker.
14:20Look at that mylar work on the forehead.
14:23That's a cut crease.
14:25This look is on the edge of glory.
14:28Next is Lauren.
14:31Ask Freddie Mercury.
14:32Not only is the face painted,
14:35but also Lauren painted on a shirt.
14:38Dual color, like, contouring it almost.
14:40It kind of looks a little bit 3-D.
14:42And I like the consistency of the surrealness.
14:45It's almost like a watercolor.
14:48Next up is Ari as Doja Cat.
14:52Look at that neon green liner.
14:54I love that.
14:55Good winged eye.
15:01All right, thank you, Ari.
15:03Next up is Luna as Selena.
15:06Oh, my goodness.
15:08That big, beautiful, bold red lip.
15:12Got 90s glamour happening.
15:20Next up, Joe.
15:23Look at that contour.
15:24It's kind of giving me a let's go crazy moment.
15:28Got your guy liner going on.
15:30He never had enough guy liner.
15:32I'd like to take a ride in his little red Corvette.
15:35And finally, we have Q.
15:40You went there, honey.
15:42The clasp in the chin.
15:44I love the underdrawn upper lip,
15:46and the fuller lower lip is really good.
15:48And then the nostril.
15:50It's a thriller.
15:53Hi, artists.
15:54Say hello to Christopher.
15:56Hi, Christopher.
15:58Let's start with Nicky Nick.
15:59Wow, hello there, you beautiful people.
16:02How's prison?
16:05It's more like recess to me.
16:07Oh, so you're having a good time.
16:09I'm the snake king now.
16:13Every time I watch the Tiger King 2,
16:15the one thing I could focus on
16:16is his droopy eyebrow piercing.
16:19Yeah, and how did you do that?
16:20It's just like a little open hook thing,
16:22and I put some Pros-Aide,
16:24and I pretty much clamped it in
16:25to give it that little bit of a looks like it's pierced.
16:28It's a character.
16:30And you went for it.
16:31The bags under the eyes are really good.
16:33You look absolutely awful, as you should.
16:37Thank you so much.
16:39Next up, our little monster, Gaga.
16:43This is your first time really doing
16:45an illusion of anyone, right?
16:47Perfect Gaga face would definitely be
16:49a very almond, kind of Sophia Loren-like eye.
16:52An eye that starts near the nose
16:54and ends, like, behind the ear.
16:55Oh, well, I, you know, hey.
16:57Who doesn't love that?
16:59And I love this face that you're,
17:00that you've been holding the whole time.
17:02I know.
17:03I can't talk because the teeth will ruin the illusion.
17:07Thank you, Gaga.
17:09Next up, our bohemian rhapsody, Lauren.
17:12Okay, one of the first things we really want to know
17:14is what are those teeth?
17:15It's polymer plastic.
17:17It's like little pellets that melt,
17:18and then you can put them in stuff.
17:20It's really difficult, Tucker.
17:22You masculinized your forehead
17:24and the shape of your face really beautifully.
17:26It's just so surreal-looking, in a way.
17:29It looks like a painting.
17:31And you look fucking crazy, Lauren.
17:34Like, who is this?
17:36Thank you, Lauren.
17:37You look fabulous.
17:38Next up, Ari, Doja Cat.
17:40She has a very farsight eyes,
17:42very Bambi-like eyes,
17:44and I think that you really accomplished that.
17:46Her eyelids, I don't really know how to explain them,
17:48but they kind of are bigger on the inner half
17:51and sort of go downward,
17:52so I wanted to give that sort of shape in here
17:54that this is my eyelid and not eyeshadow.
17:56Also, I think that you were very successful
17:58in shaping the chin and jawline.
18:00And then the blushing from one side
18:03across the cheeks and the nose
18:04and then on to the other cheek,
18:06and then the freckles.
18:07Thank you, Ari.
18:09Next up, Luna.
18:10The legendary Selena.
18:12I like the waxiness of the brow.
18:14It's like a pencil.
18:15Yeah, and Selena lives forever in the 90s,
18:17so she's always gonna be that bold, deep lip
18:20and that just penciled-on brow.
18:22I try to incorporate color and, like, tiny wing.
18:27Those brows in the 90s were something else.
18:29I'm like, what did they even use back then?
18:32Well, thank you, Luna.
18:34Make way for the prince.
18:37There's not much to say except, like, wow.
18:39You took the subtleties of prince
18:42and made them your own.
18:43I was nervous.
18:45I wasn't sure if it was gonna come out too glam,
18:47so I was like, make it boy.
18:49You have to express some restraint.
18:51And, you know, and you did that effectively.
18:53Yeah, and that's one of the things that Joe does
18:57is beauty and simplicity.
18:59Thank you, Joe.
19:01All right, now from prince to the king of pop.
19:04Hi, Q.
19:06I love the nose, of course,
19:08the triangular nostrils that you painted in.
19:10The way you've recreated your face
19:12into the shapes of Michael Jackson.
19:13The jaw, the chin, the jowl, the cheek,
19:16the nose, the eyes, the brow.
19:18Like, it's...
19:20It's really good.
19:22I'm glad it came across well.
19:23He was my first dance teacher.
19:25Thank you, Q.
19:27All right, artists.
19:29While you pop off to the green room,
19:31Christopher and I will pop off on you.
19:35Let's break this down.
19:37First up, Lauren as Freddie Mercury.
19:40What do you think?
19:42I don't know that it's looking like Freddie Mercury.
19:46What I see is a character of Freddie Mercury.
19:49We see an armband, we see a mustache and buckteeth,
19:52so we know, oh, this is Freddie Mercury.
19:54Freddie Mercury.
19:55It's a great job.
19:56It's just not taking me to...
19:59To Freddie.
20:01So from queen to prince.
20:03It is not just kind of safe.
20:04It's very safe.
20:05It's something that I'm sure Joe looked at
20:07and said, you know what, I could pull off prince.
20:09Was it much of a challenge cosmetically?
20:12The things that Joe is great at
20:14is those subtleties, and it shows in this look.
20:17The leap wasn't far, but he stuck the landing.
20:21Q as Michael Jackson.
20:23He took us there.
20:24He said, I have a challenge ahead of me,
20:26so I'm gonna do Michael Jackson.
20:28And he leaned all the way in.
20:29He was not apologetic, and he didn't sidestep.
20:31The way the contour goes up,
20:33and then there's a little bit of the blushing on the cheek,
20:35the shape of the cheek, the shape of the chin.
20:38It's one of those looks where if you took the hair away,
20:41you took the costume away, you could see,
20:43oh, that's a Michael Jackson face.
20:45Tucker as Lady Gaga.
20:47What do you think?
20:49I honestly was not getting Gaga.
20:53Where's the Gaga?
20:55You know, Gaga has a very distinct eye shape.
20:57This was relying more on the hair and the accessories
21:00than it was the makeup.
21:02Dare to dig in.
21:04That's what I say with this.
21:05Next up, Luna.
21:07There are Selena-isms that I see,
21:10but I'm not taking a like Selena.
21:12Selena had a very heart-shaped face,
21:14and Luna could have really gone in and carved out that cheek.
21:17It should have been dropped more and brought up
21:19to create that full face that Selena had.
21:22Maybe even a thinner brow.
21:24It didn't fit what we asked for,
21:26where we wanted to see a celebrity impersonation.
21:28It's not very Selena.
21:30Next up, Nicky Nick.
21:33This is like ballpark gone.
21:36I love when people commit so much
21:39that they're willing to make themselves less attractive
21:41to sell the effect.
21:43The shape of the nose.
21:45To bend the nose using contouring and highlighting.
21:48When it comes to makeup, all there are are details.
21:54And last but not least, Adi as Doja Cat.
21:58I just see Adi with pretty makeup on,
22:00a little extra highlighter and contour.
22:02It's not a strong character to do.
22:04You know, you're creating this different face on yourself
22:07to where this just seems like her face
22:09with just pretty makeup on it.
22:11Just, like, using Doja's glam.
22:13Which I guess could be said for Joe as well.
22:16As Prince, where it's like...
22:18Yeah, right.
22:19It's not transformative.
22:21And there are plenty others who kind of went there with it.
22:25Let's bring the artists back.
22:29Hey, artists.
22:31I can't help but feeling like we've seen
22:33these looks somewhere before.
22:35Although not all of you left us wanting your autographs.
22:41Q, we had nothing bad to say about this look.
22:44It is a total thriller.
22:48Nikki, today your Tiger King roared.
22:53Lauren, there is no doubt
22:55you can paint under pressure.
23:01Nikki the Tiger King
23:03and Q the King of Pop.
23:06This is my show, and like Burger Queen,
23:08I can have it my way.
23:11You are both the winners of this week's challenge.
23:15You will both receive four points
23:17towards your total score.
23:21Thank you.
23:22Me and Q are the winners,
23:24and I am ecstatic.
23:26It's my first win.
23:27I am over the moon,
23:29and I'm also happy for Q.
23:31He got that Michael Jackson down.
23:34How do you like that?
23:35I like it. I love it.
23:36I get my first win, and I have to share it.
23:39I personally feel like
23:40if you asked her to take off her wig,
23:42Nikki Nick would not look like the Tiger King anymore.
23:45And that's just my opinion.
23:46But I don't have no problem sharing it
23:47as long as I get my four points.
23:50Lauren, you are safe, and you will receive three points.
23:53Thank you so much.
23:57Jo, you nailed it,
23:59but you didn't have much to hammer.
24:02Tucker, you aimed for the fame,
24:05but I don't think the paparazzi would recognize you.
24:09That's so shady.
24:11Luna, you're a great beauty,
24:13but you didn't fully achieve
24:15the legendary look of Selena.
24:19Ari, you do a good Doja Cat,
24:23but I'd like you to step that pussy up.
24:27Ari and Jo...
24:32you are safe.
24:35Safe is better than being in the bottom,
24:37so I really need to just continue
24:39to rack up these points.
24:40You get two points toward your total score.
24:46Tucker and Luna...
24:50I'm sorry, but you are in the bottom this week,
24:52and will be competing in this week's Quick Paint Challenge.
24:56Tucker, this is your first time down this road.
25:00You gonna be all right?
25:01Yeah, and I'm gonna win.
25:02Oh, okay.
25:04I'm really shook with the announcement
25:06that I'm in the bottom.
25:07It's really hard to be the winner of the competition
25:09when you're in the lowest of lows.
25:11For this week's Quick Paint Challenge,
25:14I want you to create a two-tone gradient eye.
25:18Using the face sheets provided,
25:20you must use two distinct colors on the eye.
25:24I am just feeling so emotional at this moment
25:28about placing low for Selena.
25:31You know, Selena is my idol.
25:33You have two minutes to show me what you got
25:35and save yourself from being muted next week.
25:37To feel that I have let her image down
25:42and landed with one of the lowest scores this week
25:46is becoming quite a lot for me.
25:49Your Quick Paint Challenge starts...
25:56I am feeling just beyond embarrassed
25:59for the Selena fan base
26:01because I feel like I'm letting my community down.
26:06One minute.
26:08I'm just taking this as an opportunity
26:10to show off that I can thrive in pressure
26:13and I can turn out a look on paper in two minutes.
26:1630 seconds.
26:17Even though I don't like the circumstances,
26:19I'm ready to turn it out.
26:20Artist brushes down.
26:22All right, let's see your gradient eye.
26:26All right.
26:27Well, this was a difficult one.
26:29Two different takes.
26:31But one was a little more gradient than the other.
26:34Tucker, congratulations.
26:38You are the winner of the Quick Paint Challenge.
26:41I'm safe for another week, thank fucking God.
26:43Like, I can compete another week.
26:45But it's also, like, I can't believe
26:48that in one episode in which I failed,
26:52in one episode in which I felt like I worked hard,
26:57that I only got one point.
26:59Luna, I'm sorry, but you will be muted for next week.
27:04Please tell me you're gonna be okay.
27:06It's a really heavy blow, you know,
27:09because, like, before coming here,
27:12I felt, like, confident about my artistry,
27:16and that confidence is kind of a little bit shattered.
27:19I feel that my nerves are getting
27:21in the way of me showing my best skill set
27:24possible in this competition.
27:26My hand was already shaking
27:29while I was putting the eyeliner.
27:39What's going on, Luna?
27:41I can't. I can't.
27:43No, no, no.
27:46We can't hear her.
27:49I cannot do this.
27:50I can't do this.
27:57I'm sorry.
27:58And, like, I feel my anxiety attack coming again.
28:11This week's main challenge is Dollface.
28:14You will work in teams.
28:16You can choose any of your fellow artists.
28:18Q hasn't even drawn anything out,
28:20and I'm having to make all these ideas
28:22and then hearing that he can't do them.
28:24Are you good at graphic liner?
28:26Oh, no.
28:27No? Okay.
28:28Like, girl, we work on an hour,
28:30and then we haven't even come up with an idea yet.
28:32I just need to make sure that our makeup is cohesive.
28:35We can't be in the bottom.
28:37We have to start doing something.
28:39I came here to show
28:41that I'm a fucking superstar.
28:48I'm a fucking superstar.