• 3 months ago


00:00It's the worst, it's the worst feeling in the world, like, starting out losing.
00:14I'm, I'm petrified.
00:15I would, I literally like have to come back and win everything.
00:19You can still get it.
00:20You can still go for it.
00:21Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:22I feel bad that you are in this position, but I personally am thankful that you're here
00:28because I see your talent, and I wouldn't want to be with anyone who's untalented on
00:33this show.
00:34I don't want you to be discouraged, and next week, just pick your head up and do what you
00:38already do, because your work is iconic, and that's why you're here.
00:42Thanks, love.
00:43Ariana, how are you feeling?
00:46I don't really know how to feel.
00:48It sucks.
00:49I do feel bad, but I guess, unfortunately, one of us has to be in the bottom.
00:53One of us has to take that L. I'm just excited for Q to come back in two weeks.
00:59I really like this, this can.
01:00This is nice.
01:01The homework challenge is to be a living billboard, and to create a look for a house of love cocktail
01:08I was assigned Ginger Mule, so that was very interesting to see what we can do.
01:13So who's in the culotta group?
01:15Tucker, Luna, Joe, Lauren, Team Culotta, Elena, Ariana, and Nikki, Ginger Mule.
01:23It's a first teamwork assignment, so I'm curious to see how my team and I will blend
01:32all of our different makeup approaches into something cohesive.
01:36I'm not into those orange colors, it's not my thing, but...
01:40I'm glad I get that one, too.
01:44It's Ravenhunties, and welcome to Painted with Raven, the first makeup competition where
01:49artists compete from their home mirrors.
01:51I want to win.
01:52This is do or die for me.
01:53The winner will receive a year's supply of cosmetics provided by Anastasia Beverly Hills,
01:58and a cash prize of $25,000.
02:01Painted with Raven.
02:06Hi Q, I know that last week you were saying you were in your head, you were kind of having
02:11like almost like an anxiety attack, and wondering if you should stay in the competition.
02:16What is it that's in your head that's making you think, should I be here or not?
02:20It's not necessarily a matter of should I be here, versus being really uncomfortable.
02:25I'm typically someone that doesn't really like to take risks, I'm very calculating,
02:29so being in this environment to where I don't really get to do that, and plan everything,
02:35it's kind of nerve-wracking for me.
02:36But sometimes I get really, really down on myself, and really, really like critical of
02:41myself, so that puts me in a position sometimes that it can become overwhelming.
02:45This is where it comes down to looking at yourself and saying, I can do this.
02:48Is there anyone in particular that you know of that is rooting for you, that you need
02:52to be like, I need to do this for them?
02:54My mommy.
02:55Aw, good.
02:56Her name is Lamar.
02:57I told her I made it onto the show, and she texted me all yesterday, and I really want
03:02to make her proud.
03:03I think it's fabulous that your mom's rooting for you.
03:05It's always great when your parents support what you do, love what you do, and are standing
03:09behind you.
03:10So I think you need to keep your mom in mind going forward, and say, okay, I'm doing this
03:14for mom.
03:15It's anyone's game right up till the end, so don't psych yourself out.
03:19I will try not to do that anymore.
03:21Okay, we are going to mute you now.
03:25Any last words?
03:26No words.
03:27Just smile.
03:28Thank you, Q.
03:29All right, let's get this party started.
03:33Last week, I gave our artists a homework assignment to create a living billboard to promote House
03:38of Love cocktails and mocktails from the creators of RuPaul's Drag Race.
03:44The artists were broken into two teams, and their looks are inspired by the flavors and
03:48colors of their assigned mocktail.
03:50First up, Team Kalata.
03:54The dimensions.
04:02I want to get caught in that thirst trap.
04:09Thank you, Team Kalata.
04:10Next, Team Ginger Mule.
04:14Ginger Mule in the house of love.
04:18Oh, she has a heart on.
04:21Golden ginger fantasy.
04:24Ay, ay, ay.
04:26Challenges like this are a bit difficult in the sense of we all have our own techniques.
04:30So I do feel like we are a hair off.
04:33Little details are different.
04:35All right, Team Ginger Mule.
04:37So how was it working in a team for your homework assignment?
04:39Who took the reins?
04:42I think we all collaboratively came together with the same concept, and we kind of just
04:46like all landed on more of like a time era, which is like the 60s and 70s vibe, because
04:51the can was buried that way.
04:53So we went in that direction.
04:55Thank you, Team Ginger Mule.
04:56Thank you, Raven.
04:57Thank you, Raven.
04:58Welcome, Team Kalata.
05:01Yummy, yummy.
05:02So how did you all come together to create this theme?
05:06We wanted to pretty much bring in that swirly aspect of the can.
05:11Then we also wanted to give off our own extra flares with the face side.
05:17You've all also incorporated a heart somewhere in your makeup.
05:21Well, you all look fabulous.
05:22Thank you.
05:23Thank you.
05:24You all showed some tasty looks, but one of you was a little more delicious than the others.
05:31Congratulations, Lauren.
05:36Oh, my God.
05:37You are the winner of the homework challenge.
05:39Thank you so much.
05:40Oh, my goodness.
05:41This is so cool.
05:42You will receive one point toward your total score.
05:44Now, you know what?
05:45I'm feeling generous.
05:46The whole team gets a point.
05:52I've never been so excited for a point.
05:56All right, artists.
05:57This week's main challenge is Seven Deadly Sins.
06:06I'm so excited.
06:08I love doing special effects makeup.
06:09I love turning myself into a monster.
06:11So I'm really hoping that I get one of the sins that I can really demonize and create
06:16this killer creature from.
06:18Each of you will be paired with a sin.
06:20Don't be afraid.
06:21I've tried them all.
06:23I want lust so badly.
06:26I will let the hand of fate be the judge.
06:30I'm really hoping that I can get wrath.
06:33Each of your initials are on these beautiful dots here.
06:44Lauren, you will be doing the sin of pride.
06:49All right.
06:51Next up, greed.
06:56Elena, greedy bitch.
07:00Next up, lust.
07:03One I'm very familiar with.
07:10Tucker, I should have known.
07:12This lust is a must, honey.
07:14Next up, envy.
07:20Ready to be an envious bitch.
07:24I just know what I don't want.
07:26I don't want sloth because I really, nothing's coming to my brain.
07:32I feel like anything else I could turn out.
07:33Okay, sloth is going to be...
07:38All right.
07:39I just got sloth.
07:41One of the ones that I did not want.
07:44One of my worst nightmares is coming true.
07:49I don't want that.
07:55How the fuck does somebody represent gluttony?
07:57Ariana, you will have the sin of wrath.
08:01Let's get into it.
08:02Game on, faces off.
08:04Your painted challenge starts now.
08:11I'm excited for this one.
08:13What do you guys think of this challenge we got going on?
08:16It's anybody's game.
08:18I feel like we're all creative and we all are going to just pull it together
08:22even if it's not something that we ideally wanted initially.
08:26I'm struggling to show Raven something different.
08:29Come up with something that's going to elevate my skill set.
08:32How are you feeling, Tucker, since you won last week's episode?
08:35Last time I was stressed out the wazoo with it because I did not know what I was going to do.
08:41So maybe I should purposefully stress because it worked last time.
08:46Lauren, I'm interested in seeing what you're going to do for pride.
08:49You and me both.
08:50I have no idea right now.
08:52Are you even gay?
08:54You know what I'm not excited for?
08:58I'm kind of glad that I got something that I wouldn't have normally picked
09:01because it forces me to really just own that shit.
09:05I have no choice now.
09:12Hi, artists.
09:13Hey, Raven.
09:16I thought I'd pop in for a little confessional from all my sinners.
09:21Hi, Ariana.
09:23Hello, Queen.
09:24We're going with a red theme.
09:27I want to do, yeah, super bright fire orange.
09:30Blend it into a fire neon yellow on the head and then body will be red.
09:35So you are Raph.
09:37So you are no stranger to Raph.
09:40So does that mean this will be a better chance for you this week not landing in the bottom two?
09:47I feel a lot more confident going into it.
09:49Being in the bottom was super overwhelming.
09:54In your mind, you kind of thought that you brought the best to the table,
09:57but you were just beat.
09:59So it sucks.
10:01But at least I was able to save myself from being muted.
10:05I feel a lot better now that I have an idea and I'm visualizing it too.
10:09So I'm definitely not going to be in the bottom again this week.
10:14I'm counting on your promise.
10:16And promises are forever, Ariana.
10:19Hi, Tucker.
10:20Hi, Raven.
10:21So your sin was?
10:24And you won last week.
10:25I did.
10:26So what are you going to do to continue that ball rolling that way?
10:29I'm going to bring the sex to it.
10:32Well, with lust, naturally, I'm going to keep a lot of balls rolling.
10:36And then I'm just going to keep on doing what I do.
10:40And it worked for me last week.
10:42So hopefully it'll work this time.
10:44I am excited to see the lust come out.
10:49I have a feeling it's going to be over the top.
10:52Thank you, Raven.
10:54Next up, Luna.
10:55Hola, Raven.
10:56Ooh, green with envy.
10:59It's something that as a makeup artist and drag queen,
11:02you have to get rid of when you start feeling envious of peers or people you work with.
11:08Just because everybody is on their own time and you're waiting for your opportunities.
11:13And I'm kind of impatient.
11:14So I always have to keep those feelings in check
11:17and not let them take over.
11:18So I kind of want to paint that.
11:20My mental health has put me in some really dark places
11:23where I once had to be in a behavioral health hospital.
11:27And my mind can take me in some really low places.
11:31Last week, you did green.
11:36I did.
11:38This week, doing green.
11:42Is that going to be a thing?
11:44Are we going to see you in green?
11:47Well, I kind of definitely didn't plan for the two of them to be green.
11:54But with the scene that I got,
11:57why wouldn't I go with what everybody associates the Deadly Scene color with?
12:04Really, I'm struggling at this point.
12:07I came here to win this, to show my best work,
12:10and to literally not do the best in a challenge.
12:14It was one of my worst years.
12:16Thank you, Luna.
12:17Thank you, Raiden.
12:18We have Elena.
12:19Oh, my goodness.
12:20Now, what was your sin?
12:21I'm a greedy bitch, as you call me.
12:23Greedy bitch.
12:24That's right.
12:25You are the queen of greed.
12:28Is greed something you're familiar with?
12:30I think everybody is, in a way, on a small scale.
12:34I want all the palettes in the world.
12:36I see a palette and I want it.
12:38I spend money on makeup all the time when something new comes out.
12:42And I'm thinking, oh, this is great for a YouTube review.
12:45So that happens sometimes.
12:46It's a person that's maybe beautiful on the outside,
12:50and really rotten and ugly inside.
12:53So I'm going to create this kind of a rotten, ugly look
12:56that's hiding inside the pretty gold.
12:59Gold, greedy, and rotten.
13:01You are three of my favorite things.
13:03Yeah, that's me.
13:05She seemed to like what I'm doing,
13:07but I think she has a concern about the scar wax and my techniques.
13:11I haven't used scar wax that many times.
13:13I remember it being hard to blend.
13:15I'll let you get back to work.
13:16All right, thank you, Raven.
13:17Ooh, next up, Jo, with gluttony.
13:21Is there a sin that you wanted that you didn't get?
13:24I wanted everything but what I got.
13:27But it was the hand of fate.
13:29This meaty hand of fate.
13:31You think of greed, you think of wrath, you think of lust,
13:35and you get the picture.
13:37It comes to you, this inspiration.
13:40Boom, it clicks in your mind.
13:41When I think of gluttony, I just don't see anything.
13:45I don't feel like I resonate with gluttony.
13:48I don't know how to really represent that.
13:50Don't make gluttony be that one thing that said,
13:52mm, that's gonna be the downfall.
13:54Turn it out.
13:55I will.
13:56All right, next sin is pride, and we have Lauren.
14:01Hi, Lauren.
14:02So for my look, when you think of pride,
14:05some people associate it with purple,
14:07and some people also associate it with peacocks,
14:10and peacocks are very prideful.
14:11They love to show off their feathers,
14:13and I've never done a peacock look before,
14:15so I kind of want it to be, like,
14:17coming up the neck with all the feathers
14:19and then surrounding my face like the pride is consuming me.
14:23So that's on the route that we're going.
14:26You think that route is gonna take you to your final destination
14:29or are you gonna show up somewhere else?
14:31Hopefully it'll take me to my final destination.
14:33She thinks that my peacock feathers are leaves,
14:35and that makes me feel very insecure about my makeup look.
14:39I am freaking out on the inside.
14:41My hands are shaking.
14:42I'm rethinking every possible thing.
14:44I'm like, okay, should I just take this off and start over?
14:46Nicky Nick with sloth.
14:49Hi, Raven.
14:50Hi, Nicky Nick.
14:51Oh, my gosh, you know who you look like?
14:52Uncle Fester?
14:54Oh, Casper.
14:55So Raven said that I'm giving Casper the friendly ghost,
15:00and that is not what I was going for with this look.
15:03So now I am worried.
15:05So I got sloth, and my interpretation of sloth
15:09was being like so lazy and so slow
15:12that you just end up collecting dust and cobwebs.
15:17Right now it looks very cute.
15:18Is it gonna get slothy?
15:20Oh, you think it looks cute?
15:21It's the brows and the shape of the eye.
15:23I have to switch it up a little bit,
15:25make it a little bit more darker,
15:26make it a little bit more sinier.
15:29Well, I will let you get back to work.
15:31Thank you so much.
15:33Hi, everybody.
15:35Everybody's looking so amazing.
15:37I know.
15:38I love the paintwork.
15:39Lauren, it's so intricate and it's so neat.
15:41Thank you.
15:42I love yours.
15:44How did you do the melting?
15:46It's all wax, sky wax, and liquid latex.
15:51That's so cool.
15:52So I went to the office.
15:53It's usually I do, what do you do?
15:54Like, intricate lines?
15:55And then what do you do?
15:56Yeah, and I'm like, blah, blah, blah.
15:59I know, Adi's bringing it now.
16:01It's like, she's like, oh, don't sleep on me.
16:05I can't even tell you the amount of times
16:07that I've been so distraught I wasn't chosen for something
16:10because I know that I'm so good.
16:12It does make me very angry in a way
16:14because it's like, what are you not seeing?
16:16It is very frustrating, especially when you see
16:18artists who aren't as good as you.
16:20How are you feeling, Luna?
16:25I'm not sure.
16:27I just kind of have all the elements I want to use,
16:32and I hope it comes together.
16:34It will.
16:35Believe in yourself.
16:36I'm a little worried for them only because they're
16:39green this week, and they were also green last week.
16:44I'm back, hunties.
16:47Hi, Raider.
16:49Hi, Raider.
16:50Being the little devil that I am,
16:52I just wanted to throw a little wrench into your plan
16:55and help you all step up your painting.
16:59That's right.
17:00It's time for a twist.
17:01Please pick up your official Painted with Raven Challenge
17:05box labeled number two.
17:11And open it.
17:15I'm so scared.
17:16Somebody do it.
17:18What is it?
17:19Each of you must incorporate an element of iridescence
17:23into your look using this gorgeous,
17:27multi-purpose product.
17:29You spoil me.
17:31You will not have any extra time,
17:34so use your time wisely.
17:42All right, artists.
17:44All right, artists.
17:45I want you to make me proud.
17:46We have multi-Emmy-winning makeup artist Glenn Allen
17:50stopping by to help me judge.
17:52Hi, Glenn.
17:53You look simple.
17:54Hello, Raven.
17:55Thank you.
17:56I feel devilish.
17:57You've always got a little bit of a horny devil in you,
17:59don't you?
18:00Takes one to know one.
18:03So today's main challenge is based on makeup and sin,
18:06so we thought you'd fit right in.
18:08I was born for this challenge.
18:11First up, Elena.
18:15I ain't saying she's a gold digger.
18:17This week, I went all out.
18:19This beautiful person used to be gorgeous,
18:22but then she got greedy,
18:24and the awkwardness came to the surface.
18:26A terrifying gold digger.
18:28She dug deep.
18:29Next up, Nicky Nick,
18:31giving us a full-on makeup challenge.
18:34I'm going to do a full-on makeup challenge.
18:37Next up, Nicky Nick,
18:39giving us sloths.
18:44Wait, are the feet frozen?
18:51Oh, no.
18:52That's just how slow they're moving.
18:54I want to not necessarily be Casper,
18:56but maybe, like, Casper's second cousin once removed
19:00that only comes to the holidays every other year
19:03because he's too slow to get there.
19:05Why so gloomy?
19:06Turn that frown upside down, Nicky Nick.
19:09Next up, Tucker...
19:12and Lust.
19:16This bitch turned it.
19:18I didn't think that she had this in her.
19:21The forbidden fruit.
19:23That used to be my nickname.
19:25She's licking her DSLs, honey.
19:30I think she's trying to seduce us.
19:32Next up, the wrath of Ariana.
19:37Today I'm serving up wrath.
19:39I want her to be all in your face.
19:41I want you to be afraid of her, but attracted to her,
19:45but stay away from me.
19:46The eyes are the windows to hell.
19:49Ariana could use a little byzine, though.
19:52Don't you just lava this?
19:55Next up, Luna...
19:58Feelings like envy can really overtake you,
20:01so have part of it be human
20:03and then the green with envy,
20:06I'm literally turning myself green.
20:08You let the envy take over you,
20:10it's gonna turn kind of ugly.
20:12Luna seems a little boxed in.
20:15Next up, Lauren...
20:20Look at the plumes on that one.
20:23Last week when Raven let me know,
20:25like, don't take things so literally,
20:27I was just thinking to myself, okay, like,
20:29how could I take pride and kind of
20:31twist it in that way of bringing my emotions up front
20:34and showcasing that versus going literal?
20:37The blend.
20:38Wow, two weeks in a row and we get cock.
20:43Next up, Joe...
20:47They called time and I realized in like a millisecond
20:51just how unprepared and unfinished I was.
20:55Yes, Joe.
20:56Serving looks and dessert.
20:58Show me what that mouth can do.
21:00There's a lot of candy canes that can sit in that mouth.
21:08Artists, all of these looks are top level.
21:11You all look truly amazing.
21:13Beautiful work.
21:14Joe, you glutton you.
21:16I must say, I didn't know what direction you were gonna go
21:20and to make and create these devil horns out of,
21:23is it candy and cereal?
21:25They're marshmallows.
21:26This was actually the only one out of the seven
21:29you did not want.
21:30Yeah, I honestly wanted wrath a lot more than anything.
21:35And the whole time you were picking,
21:37I was like, please don't say gluttony,
21:39please don't say gluttony, but you did.
21:41And so I had like a full-fledged heart attack
21:44and I had to make it do what it do.
21:47But you turned it out.
21:48Thank you. Thank you so much.
21:50I love the way you incorporated that iridescent illuminator.
21:54Thank you.
21:55I was kind of torn.
21:56I wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to make it work.
21:59I figured I could just have it coming from my eyes.
22:02I do think that's brilliant.
22:04Now, can you see at all?
22:06I can see the light blaring at me, but I'm blind.
22:10Well, I will say you look fabulous.
22:12Thank you, Raven. Thank you, guys.
22:14Next up, Elena.
22:17Ooh, Elena.
22:18You are golden greed if I've ever seen.
22:22And it's sinister.
22:24Yeah, I just wanted to look terrifying for once.
22:26Like, I'm tired of being pretty.
22:28Like, I don't want to do pretty.
22:29I want to look like...
22:30You used the iridescent highlighter
22:32kind of to give your skin that golden sheen.
22:37Really lent itself to your look.
22:38Thank you for terrifying us.
22:40Thank you so much.
22:41Next up, Nikki.
22:43Ah, you're just so slothfully gorgeous.
22:47Thank you.
22:48The way you mixed beauty with horror.
22:52You know, earlier I thought, oh, you look cute.
22:54You look like Casper.
22:55But now if I saw you coming down the hallway,
22:57I would run.
22:59But you would never catch me because you're too slow.
23:03I'm actually pretty happy that I think I turned this one out.
23:06The use of that highlighter is beautiful.
23:11Thank you.
23:12I love that you mixed theater
23:15of that 20s silent film actress
23:19emoting in her sadness of sloth.
23:22I was really nervous about this one, so thank you, thank you.
23:24Thank you.
23:25Well done.
23:26Next up, the little lusty devil, Tucker.
23:30Hi, Tucker.
23:32You look almost like a wood nymph or a sprite.
23:34Oh, thank you.
23:35It comes off like a lusty little sprite
23:39from the Garden of Eden.
23:40You calling me a fairy?
23:42Yes, I am.
23:44Okay, gotcha.
23:45And most of all, I love the pouty DSLs.
23:49And the nose, and then the different pieces to give texture.
23:52Now, what are all of those?
23:54These are rose petals.
23:55I wanted to implement things that related to lust,
23:58and I also used the product in, well, pretty much everywhere,
24:01but I also used gashes to really show, like,
24:04as if the sin has taken its full-on, like, devilish form.
24:10And the apple, I also coated it in the product
24:13because it's very sensual.
24:15It is.
24:16And I also wanted to give, like, a little bit of BDSM
24:19because it's like I'm being choked up with the apple.
24:21I really love the apple idea, you know, from the Garden of Eden,
24:25where we were first introduced to the sins.
24:29Thank you.
24:30Thank you, Tucker.
24:31Next up, Ariana.
24:34And you are rad.
24:35This is sensational.
24:37Thank you so much.
24:38Well, as soon as I come on screen,
24:40I hear Raymond say,
24:42This is phenomenal.
24:43So I already feel like, whew, I did that this week.
24:48I feel really good.
24:49Adi, you are on fire.
24:51Thank you.
24:52It looks like Darth Maul.
24:54Yes, I wanted to go for that vibe
24:57but incorporate neon yellow and orange, too,
25:00so I wasn't just red and kind of show all the stages
25:02of you leading up to embodying rad.
25:04So you painted your full body body Adi-Adi?
25:08Yes, I did.
25:10And, Adi, do you have hair, or did you put a bald cap on?
25:14I don't have much hair, but I do have a bald cap on.
25:16Yes, great.
25:17No, you need credit for that.
25:19No, bald caps are not easy to do.
25:21Yeah, and then the addition of the horns on the shoulders.
25:24That's where I added my iridescence,
25:26and on top of the lips and the eyes,
25:28but I wanted the horns to be extra, like,
25:30make sure you see them.
25:31Yeah, always see them.
25:33I love it.
25:34My shoulders get a little horny sometimes, too.
25:36Thank you, guys.
25:37No, thank you.
25:38Next up, Luna.
25:40Hi, everyone.
25:41So Luna is the sin of Envy.
25:44So jelly.
25:45That illuminator, it looks so beautiful.
25:50Thank you so much.
25:51You know, I was going to use something,
25:54like, in a more golden tone, but when I saw this,
25:58I'm like, this works perfect with this color story
26:00I have going on, and I feel like words that come from Envy
26:03are like poison, and this almost looks
26:05like a glamorous poison to me.
26:07Can you explain a little bit, too,
26:09about how this sends the message of Envy?
26:13Why did you use the box shape?
26:16I kind of want it to look like, you know,
26:18once you start feeling Envy, like, you know,
26:20like green with Envy, I wanted to go that route,
26:22but, like, kind of literally, like,
26:24it, like, takes you in and closes you in a box
26:27in those toxic feelings.
26:30Last but not least, the pride of the sins, Lauren.
26:36Lauren, you're feathery and fabulous
26:39in all of your pride.
26:40Thank you.
26:41The forehead looks almost as if it's a piece
26:44that you've stuck on.
26:46It is all paint.
26:48And you utilized that highlighter.
26:50Yes, I love that highlighter.
26:51It was so beautiful.
26:53So I figured I'd put it to good use.
26:55Did you also highlight your ears as well?
26:58Yeah, so I put some of the highlighter,
26:59and then I put, like, little, like, white dots
27:01to kind of tie it in with the rest of the look
27:03because I didn't like them just, like, normal.
27:05They looked weird to me.
27:06I need to get on this highlighting
27:08of the ears bandwagon.
27:10I think it's a great idea, honestly.
27:12All right, artists, while you pop off to the chat room,
27:15Glenn and I will be judging your sins.
27:18So how's everybody feeling with the critiques they got?
27:21I have no clue.
27:22I sold it to them, like, speaking-wise,
27:24so I feel bad because I didn't hear
27:27too many of their critiques.
27:28I'm scared that I over-talked.
27:30First, I was a little scared
27:31when she told me I look like Casper,
27:33so I was like, oh, so...
27:35But after critiques, I felt really good.
27:37Who doesn't feel like they're at the top?
27:40Honestly, I don't.
27:41I feel like I might be just safe again,
27:43which is not... I don't want to be safe.
27:45I don't want to be in the bottom, I damn sure...
27:47I'll tell you that.
27:48Like, you guys are so good,
27:49it makes me, like, self-conscious
27:51about what I create.
27:52Anyone else do anything different with their look?
27:55Yes, but I'm not sure what.
27:57I feel like mine isn't as complete
28:01as everyone else's.
28:02I just feel that way.
28:04So I feel like I would kind of go a little bit more ham.
28:08I wish I had painted everything,
28:11but I didn't, so...
28:12Lauren pops in with this pride look,
28:15and it's good,
28:17but I'm not really sure completely
28:19that I'm getting pride from it,
28:21other than her chest.
28:22Like, she has these, like, peacock feathers,
28:24but honestly, it almost looks unfinished.
28:26Like, there's green,
28:28and it's really just a lot of green.
28:31Top three.
28:32I definitely think Ari and Lauren.
28:36I don't know.
28:37You guys look amazing.
28:38I think Ari is gonna be one of the tops,
28:43and Nikki, I love your look so much.
28:46I think you're gonna be one of the tops.
28:48Oh, yeah.
28:49Nikki's amazing.
28:50God, I want to know, you guys.
28:52It's killing me.
28:53My hands are so sweaty.
28:55I know.
28:56So first up in our pit of sinners is...
29:01Ms. Creed.
29:03What an interesting take on the sin of greed.
29:07Yes, the skill level of this makeup effect,
29:11which is more three-dimensional
29:14and really quite a challenge for a makeup artist to do,
29:17and she's really executed that beautifully,
29:20especially incorporating variations of all of the gold.
29:25Let's move on to Luna Ray
29:27and the sin of envy.
29:29I do think that Luna had a good message
29:32of, you know, being green with envy,
29:35where we can really only just see part of her mortal self
29:39in that flesh-skin box that she's left.
29:44I feel like the story is what is selling the look
29:46more than just the look.
29:48And we want the look.
29:49The looks need to be served.
29:51I love the use of that iridescent highlighter.
29:54It just adds that little bit of, you know, fantasy.
29:58Next up, with the sin of pride, Lauren.
30:01Yes, including the most prideful bird, the peacock.
30:05The way that Lauren painted this headpiece on
30:09looks like it is something that was grabbed
30:12and put on her forehead.
30:14I have to say, taking the highlighter
30:16and just kind of smearing it down your eye
30:18in the form of what is supposed to be, like, tears,
30:22I don't really think that's prideful.
30:24Highlighters really make a makeup application pop.
30:28But they also can break a makeup application.
30:31It can pop the wrong area.
30:33All right, next up, with the sin of wrath,
30:36we have Ariana.
30:38Now, Ariana was in the bottom two last week,
30:40and Ariana came back and said,
30:42not on tonight.
30:45This is fabulous.
30:47The thing that I'm loving about this group of artists
30:50is they all have a huge chest full of contact lenses.
30:54And contact lenses, as you know,
30:56are something that just push your look
30:58that little bit forward.
31:00Now, these contacts took this look,
31:03and I am scared of the wrath of Ariana.
31:06Ariana turned up the heat with this look.
31:09Now, Tucker won last week
31:11and came back giving us another look.
31:13It's amazing.
31:14However, it does kind of look like
31:16what Tucker did last week, a little bit.
31:18Tucker is an artistic sponge
31:20and really has embraced the tools,
31:22the skill, and the discipline of art.
31:25The movement of this makeup application
31:28is so beautiful.
31:30It's detailed and blended where it should be.
31:33Now, Joe, when we were speaking earlier,
31:35was like, this was the one sin I didn't want.
31:38I was fine with any of the other six.
31:41I just did not want black ink.
31:42And I know this is not something that you can make glamorous
31:45or, you know, utilize a bunch of different
31:48makeup products to create gluttony,
31:50but this does set you apart from others
31:53depending on what you can take from it.
31:55So I really, really enjoyed the use of the marshmallows.
32:00I thought that was so smart.
32:02I would have wanted more marshmallows
32:04than just on the horns.
32:06And, like, marshmallows all over the deck.
32:09Marshmallows coming out of your ears.
32:10Marshmallows coming out of the mouth.
32:11Most importantly,
32:13marshmallows dripping out of the mouth.
32:15He has the mouth for a reason.
32:18Missed opportunity.
32:20So, um, I think we've made our decision?
32:24All right.
32:25Let's bring back our little sinners.
32:29Artists, I must confess,
32:31when you're good, you're good.
32:32But when you're bad, you're fabulous.
32:37Now it's time to reveal your score.
32:43It's really nerve-wracking to be waiting with,
32:46you know, all these amazing artists
32:48and where you just really don't know
32:51how the ball is gonna roll.
32:53I'm afraid three of you really sank to the pits of hell.
33:00Ari, Elena, and Nikki.
33:04You are the tops of the week.
33:07And will each receive three points.
33:13I am in the top, and I need to keep that, um, just going.
33:18It means so much for her to eat up what I'm serving
33:22because this is just so huge.
33:26One of you is the true queen of the damned.
33:35Congratulations, Elena.
33:37Oh, my God!
33:39You're a sinner, baby.
33:41You will receive a fourth point for this challenge.
33:44Thank you so much, guys.
33:46Nikki, Nick, it's Ariana and me.
33:48So the losing team from the homework is on top now.
33:52So, like, yes, we win something, finally.
33:56Tucker, your skills are impeccable.
34:00But your concept left us a little lackluster.
34:07Lauren, your talent is something to be proud of.
34:11Your execution didn't make us want to shake our tail feathers.
34:15Tucker, Lauren, you are both safe.
34:21And you will receive two points.
34:26I am a little overwhelmed that my name was called to be safe
34:30because I'm so ready to just pick up my brushes and to quick paint.
34:35And now I can just take a nice breath,
34:37sit back, and relax and see what happens.
34:39Joe, Luna, you must compete in this week's quick paint challenge.
34:49Using the face sheets provided,
34:51you will have two minutes to complete a makeup task.
34:54Your quick paint challenge for this week
34:56is to create a fabulous fox eye using eyeliner and eye shadow.
35:01Your quick paint challenge starts now.
35:08I did not want to end up here,
35:10and I did not want to have to touch that fucking paper.
35:12And I don't want to have to paint against Luna either
35:14because this is my fucking girl.
35:16Like, this sucks.
35:18Oh, my God.
35:22Sometimes I get anxiety attacks
35:25if I'm really, like, stressed or feeling low,
35:28which at this point I'm feeling both.
35:30You know, my heart starts racing,
35:32and I have to push through and show Raven that I can,
35:35and why I belong here.
35:36All right, artists, one minute.
35:38One fucking minute.
35:42I'm trembling. I'm shaking.
35:45This paper does not like...
35:48All right, brushes down.
35:53All right, artists, let's see your fabulous fox eyes.
36:03All right, Joe.
36:08You are the winner of the quick paint challenge.
36:11You will slay again next week,
36:14which, unfortunately, I'm sorry, Luna Rae,
36:17you will be muted for next week,
36:20and you will not be able to collect any points.
36:24But you will return the following week.
36:27Literally, I feel like a dispo man.
36:31My drive to and belief in what I can do as an artist
36:37has left my body, and I feel so down.
36:41Are you okay, Luna?
36:45Um, I'm just really disappointed in myself.
36:48It was just a little bit of a fumble,
36:50and you'll be back next week.
36:52Well, you'll be back the week after.
36:56All right, artists, your homework for next week
36:58will be geometrics.
37:00I'm so excited. I have so many ideas.
37:02I am going to go full out.
37:04You will have to come wearing a graphic geometric pattern.
37:07But I warn you, make sure you look at it from all angles.
37:12All right, and with that, we'll see you
37:14on next week's episode of Painted with Raven.
37:16Now, bye!
37:26I'm just feeling so insecure about my skill set,
37:29and I'm so discouraged.
37:31I feel like I'm a factor in this.
37:33Like, I don't want anyone to feel that way.
37:35This week's main challenge is Slam Rock.
37:38I'm freaking out about what to do.
37:40I feel like Raven thinks that I'm constantly doing the same thing.
37:43Rock it the fuck out.
37:45It looks almost like a butterfly.
37:47This is like a child's face painting.
37:49I need to change something.
37:51Lori, our star in the eye was... I don't know.
37:53You've each received a special delivery.
37:56What's happening?
37:58Hurry up. We're on your time.
38:00Call the fuck up.
38:01No, I ain't switching shit. I don't have the time.
38:03Was not expecting that news.