MI5. Spooks S04 E10 - Diana

  • 3 months ago
01:15Peter what have they done to you?
02:23Guess it's all right. It's me Angela
02:31Said put the light on I
02:40Could've injured you with this. Where's the jumpy? You are a burglar
02:44How did you get in? Oh, yeah, I'd get Malcolm in his techies drop your security
02:49Welcome is still at Tim's house. Maybe we'll set him a test get him to upgrade and see if I can still get in
02:56What do you want you've forgotten the date
03:04I'm so sorry Peter killed himself a year ago tomorrow
03:10Angela I
03:15Wanted to marry him, you know, I
03:18Proposed to him after they fired him from the Royal Protection. You know, I thought you broke up after that. I
03:23I pretended to it was his idea to protect my career in mi5. What did he say? No
03:34We saw each other though like spy lovers avoiding spies
03:40Why didn't you help him Rose
03:43What could I do?
03:45You know how tight they are about Royal Protection. You were his sister step-sister. You're in GCHQ. You were at the nerve center
03:51He was protecting Princess Diana
03:53When they found out how bad his drinking was they fired him. He couldn't go on being there
03:58They fired him because he found out about the plot what plot
04:02Planned by the security services to assassinate Diana which succeeded that is insane
04:08You know it is Peter was fired on the 1st of August 1997 on the 31st of August. They killed her
04:14the nation's heart
04:17It was a car crash an accident
04:20No, it's murder and I can prove it you need to get an MD viewer well actually
04:34Bring work home do you
04:41When did you get that done undercover with the INLA in 92, it's a great operation
04:54Contingent events committee
05:02This is a no-eyes document
05:04It's meant to be destroyed in the room after it's read. How did you get hold of it? It was in Peter's things
05:08How did he get it from Diana herself of course and how did she get it? She was very clever woman Angela
05:13You could go to jail for having this
05:15Why do you think I micro filmed it and hid it in my tooth? It's not funny
05:20Read the next page
05:30Edie princess Diana
05:42I've never heard of the contingent events committee of course you have
05:46Fire number nine five four three nine six G one three or four nine seven
05:50The last six numbers must be the date 13th of April 1997
05:54You can start by looking to see if Harry's diary then still exists can start one
05:59our investigation
06:01We've got to get details of how they organized the crash in Paris and murdered her
06:07This is just one more crackpot conspiracy theory think Ruth
06:11And no-eyes document the security forces killed the people's princess
06:17It's the greatest scandal of the age
06:20Your brother killed himself because he couldn't prove it. You can and you want to I know you do stop it
06:26Stop it do it for Peter
06:29No, and do it for the country. It's madness
06:35All right, okay
06:40Don't let spook inside you see
06:54Time soon
06:56Do you fancy a drink? Oh?
06:58Don't know maybe
07:00See a bit down today. I've funny throat
07:04No, no, I'm fine
07:07I'm gonna send these back to registry
07:09You don't know that one not quite
07:33Come to George tonight, yes, please
07:36George tonight
07:39I am no it doesn't matter
07:48I just came across something
07:51Have you heard of the contingent events committee can't say that I have what is it?
07:57It could be clandestine I mean attached to anti-terrorist
08:02Antiterrorism subcommittees of top secret, but they're listed
08:06I'll carry he loves clandestine. Yeah, but don't mention it to him. Yeah, I'll talk to him. No need for you to
08:12What's the matter?
08:17Hello everyone I've got a special treat for you Angela Wells
08:24Miss Wells
08:25It's after Eunice field officer very very pleased to meet you and are you mr.
08:29You know and this is Joe Portman junior field officer Joe. I'm really glad to meet you. I mean you're a legend
08:35Miss Wells, we've never met Adam Carter intelligence officer. I joined the service after you left recruited from mi6, won't you? Yeah
08:42I had those spies don't die. They're just sick. There is the wall
08:47Very sorry about your wife except my sympathy for your loss
08:54Hello Ruth
08:56Hello, Angela. What do we owe this visitation? I thought I'd come and see you Harry
09:00I smuggled her in since she's retired and doesn't have any passes
09:03Tut-tut, I've got to be a damning street five minutes ago learn from this woman. She's got a lot to give
09:12Glory miss Wells
09:19Is the tooth still operational tooth one of Malcolm's greatest ideas
09:26He didn't put it in of course Harley Street dentist under the Official Secrets Act and anesthetic, of course
09:32One two
09:33Micro dots for when Angela went on the INLA up in 92
09:37Those were the days Bob's famous they use that in training Angela the youth are dazzled come into my office
09:42You can tell tall tales to the troops later. No get her out. What get her out of here now
09:49Ruth what's the problem? Oh, I don't think I'm going to leave this early to you Ruth. I
09:54Think you better do what she says. Do you pretty boy? What please all of you do pay attention to me
10:00This is a trigger it sends a signal to there
10:04The explosive is concentrate 34 plastic explosive developed by the Ministry of Defense
10:09It's concealed in the sides and in a false bottom
10:11This trigger and the detonator to which it can send a signal the flick of my thumb is an old but reliable
10:16Check system called a severed Gola. It has a range of 100 meters
10:21Malcolm explain what this means
10:23Well concentrate 34 is very powerful. It's a very sweet explosive sweet
10:28I mean effective effective. Yes, one ounce is equivalent to at least a kilo of TNT. I have five ounces
10:35dig on
10:38Severed Gola remote detonation system was developed by the Czech Secret Service way back in the 70s
10:43Actually, it's never been bettered for reliability. Tell us what the effect would be if I press this button
10:48it would kill all of us and
10:51Probably many more people in the building. Actually the building itself probably wouldn't survive. Well, Harry looks like you've been handbagged
10:58What do you want us to do Angela? I want you to order a lockdown
11:03Lockdowns are ordered when an intruder gains access to this floor
11:06If I order one now, then the whole building will know we've got a problem pretend to be thick Harry
11:09Not a real lockdown
11:11Call the switchboard and tell them you're calling a lockdown exercise to isolate the grid intruder containment
11:16Tell them it's an exercise when it's the real thing neat
11:20You lock the pods, right?
11:23How do I do that don't be a smartass do it
11:51Now Harry
11:53Call the switchboard lockdown exercises are usually called by the jail all of you
11:58You have got to cooperate. I am prepared to die understand that
12:09This is Harry Pierce section D, I'm ordering a spot lockdown
12:13commencing in 15 seconds
12:16Disconnect all telephones and communication lines. You'll be contacted by a messenger when to reconnect
12:53Up top of that water
13:13Mobile phones in there, you know, this is about no talking. No talking
13:34Write to briefing tell them Ruth
13:38Tell what the reason I'm doing this
13:42Angela you will never get away with it. I don't care. I told you I couldn't help you. No, you refuse to help different thing
13:49This won't bring Peter back. This isn't about Peter. It's about this profession. It's about this country
13:54That we're supposed to protect but which turns on its own
13:58Tell them
14:02Angela believes that Princess Diana was murdered by the British Security Services
14:10By us
14:14It's funny nothing you find that funny
14:16No funny that your boss was on a committee that order the faking of the car accident, which killed Diana
14:23What on earth are you talking about?
14:25I'm talking about you being chair of the contingent events committee the what the committee that organized then ordered the assassination
14:32This is madness. You can't deny there was such a committee. I can Angela you must let us help you Peter. Hey
14:39Do any of you apart from her know who he was?
14:44You don't do you bastards Peter Hague he was fired in the Royal Protection Unit attached to Diana
14:51Clever as well as pretty
14:53What was he fired for he had a problem?
14:56Did he did he knew the truth?
14:59It was an alcohol. He drank because of the truth very good people often do I
15:05Loved him. She didn't even though he was her brother. Yes, I remember he was your stepbrother wasn't he Ruth?
15:16Angela this is about family Peter knew what your committee was planning
15:20But they fired him before he could prove it let alone stop it Angela
15:23There is not and there never was such a committee. Oh, yes, there was no
15:29It's all right karate kid that it
15:33Martial art training didn't get it in my day. It's a CIA fed
15:36Nearly got you your officers in your building blown up Harry and you and me you really don't care about yourself me
15:42I'd be pleased to join the hail of human mincemeat if I press this
15:49Right new arrangement someone get me some handcuffs
15:55Handcuffs come on standard field-issue good old-fashioned Bobby's handcuffs. Give me two pairs
16:05But one cuff on her wrist
16:08And the other cuff on handles of my so expensive beautiful Italian at the handbag bought it for a wedding by the way
16:16The other pair on the desk
16:21Everyone back way back
16:31Now Giggler, we're gonna go quietly into the meeting room
16:37These are my demands I
16:39Want to know details of how Diana was murdered with hard incontrovertible evidence of the conspiracy
16:44I want documents on Royal Security how it could have been breached a full account of how she was murdered
16:49Then I want the evidence taken straight from here to every newspaper and television room when that is done
16:53I will disarm my Italian handbag and surrender to you. You can do what you want with me. What if there is no conspiracy?
17:01You're gonna blow yourself up. Anyway, and I still on with you prove Peter wasn't lying
17:08Put me with a bag
17:10Stop being a leader pretty boy. I
17:13Mean, I know you're a resourceful lot. I know you're going to a huddle and plot your spooks. It's your nature
17:19But I've had the training to remember so don't be stupid. I was better at the game than a lot of you
17:25Except that's you
17:31You've got until dawn and just to impress on you how serious I am I
17:39Want to die
17:47Won't get glad every 30 minutes. He reports to me. Don't let me get too suicidal
18:16Would you like a coffee or tea or something? I'm sure that someone or some water
18:29I joined service because of you
18:32Not exactly but
18:35You are held up to us
18:39You were a hero Nicholas stop it
18:42I'm just
18:44Always wanted to meet you. Yes
18:46Tripped to becoming my friend. Haven't you while being handcuffed to five ounces of plastic explosive?
18:52No, you are trying to get into the first step of the hostage and siege procedural manual
18:59personalize the situation
19:02So that I will break down and say I am sorry I didn't realize you were a human being
19:15The only human being I care about blew his brains out I
19:20Cradled him in my arms his blood all over me
19:24Now shut up
19:29Trouble is it's an old device
19:31But it's operated by radio signal company neutralize it short-range high-frequency
19:34If it was more modern, then maybe we could mess with it
19:36But this is old technology the best for this type of job. She knows a field gear
19:40Where the hell did you get it from agents do have an unfortunate tendency to build up private collections of equipment over the years
19:45I mean someone in this department walked off with a micro dog beater, right?
19:48We'll treat this as an operation Adam. You're in charge. I'm gonna dip into the file see if I can profile
19:53Is there a physical way we can get to her? We've got Mason got firearms, but
19:57That's ever got her in her hand is too risky. We're into mind games then
20:01Don't underestimate this woman. She mastered in psychological manipulation. Well, let's do the simple thing
20:06We'll prove that she was right. You know, she's wrong. Absolutely. What and send a false story to the press and television
20:11It won't be false though, will it? It'll be how mi5 murdered Diana
20:16Don't get you. I want you to put together how mi5 could have murdered Diana the most convincing case
20:21And that's what we'll sell to her
20:23All right
20:25Welcome see if there's any way you can knock her out in there bearing in mind. She's got Joe with her
20:29Ruth I want to talk to you good first Colin
20:36It's like Adam Carter's running the op I should expect see the one where they say is
20:44Giggler asked you a question
20:47My name is Joe no, it isn't I'm depersonalizing you to Giggler
20:53So that when you start telling me about your sick mother and your pussycat at home
20:56I don't break down in tears and say sorry son
21:03Adam's brilliant at his job. Yes. Hmm. What do you think? His game plan is I don't know. Yes as a promising spoof
21:11You must make judgments about his decisions all the time
21:16Don't you want his job sometime in the future?
21:24I see. Yes, I think not. I suspect Adam Carter's deeply devious
21:33Is there really no way you can warn them outside to clear the rest of the building not for the lockdown no way
21:37It's all sure of digging our way out
21:40Good to do that. Well the main ventilation shafts on the other side of that wall
21:44Can you get through it?
21:47We can try
21:49Okay, it'll have to be just one of you doing it the rest of us left to stay in view
21:57Right get the whole big enough go through
22:11Don't embarrass when she crashed help us think good
22:18You're right this woman's a heavyweight
22:23I don't think we're anywhere near knowing what her real game is
22:27Mind games that's what we're in for
22:30But Adam Carter could get you killed
22:33And I'll call your friends, but you being so close to the explosion
22:38There'll be hardly anything left of you
22:41Your poor sick mother to bury
22:45How do you know my mom's sick, how did you know that mind reading
22:54Simple technique mention a few commonplace things can't matter something's bound to be true
23:01You bitch
23:06Circumstances can change you
23:12You know what happens to us didn't you find that to be true
23:24It looks like Ruth's about to own up
23:29Ruth she's been a naughty girl. I
23:34Wanted to love her, you know, she could have been my sister, too
23:50Knew about this didn't you?
23:52She came to see me last night. She bought I sent her away. I didn't have an inkling that she well
23:56Why didn't you report it?
23:58Guilt yeah, I said guilt
24:01My stepbrother Angela and me it was complicated
24:08She gave me this it's MD film I got in early and blew it up PD princess Diana
24:16Harry's name is attached. Yes
24:19Something else Harry's diary
24:22Entry for 13th of April 1997. Look at the morning
24:29So all the other meetings in the afternoon are marked. This isn't the dates his name. He must have been at the contingent events committee
24:41Is nonsense
24:42You mean it's a fake. Of course. It's fake dreamt up by some spotty paranoid. There's a whole snake pit of Diana conspiracy theories out there
24:49Where'd you get it from? Anyway, let's just deal with the situation we have here
24:53How are you sure this contingent events committee never existed? Of course, and you never served on it
24:57Well since it never existed, obviously I did not
25:00Have you found anything we can use to get at this woman?
25:03I'll pass the basic bio details yet, which are disturbingly dazzling
25:06Newnham College Cambridge double first in modern languages athlete University blue in the 10,000 meters almost made the 1984 Olympics
25:14Fast track to the home office and then straight to us and to cap it all her father was the Bishop of Norwich
25:20makings of a heroine or a serious limiter
25:37Think this committee really existed and in my five committee, but it organized the death of Princess Diana. So it's so Angela's, right
25:45What kind of organization are we working for state assassins, you know, we've killed people
25:49Yes, but they were terrorists. Where do you draw the line with her?
25:51You draw the line with her an innocent young woman that people love this. It's like a coup against the nation's heart calm down
25:57We'll take this step by step. We're gonna confront her. We need proof confirmation from another source
26:03Hey, the trouble is because of the lockdown we can't make email inquiries even internally
26:06We can't access the records of other departments and we're not home. We'll get into our own databanks. They're coming
26:11Yes, so work with that
26:22Now what are you up to
26:29Take the cutting arm off use it as a knife
26:40You okay don't talk to her she's wrapping you up so that we worry about you as a hostage Oh
26:49What is Malcolm Dean the guillotine
26:56He's making a chart display
26:59Really it's apart from putting up a few pictures. What else have you achieved? We've only had half an hour
27:08Bring me everything on all security protocol
27:11Somehow all Paris in my life. I've got my security measures. I want all the documents every scrap
27:17Maybe I'll find out how am I five did this before you do sure get on with it
27:39Any sign of them
27:43Minutes of the meeting where they decided to kill it. That's what I need. What if they don't exist they exist
28:01Security protocol, so we can find
28:05Who's working my profile
28:23I'm in despair. You see that much
28:45You must know it's not true you must
28:50Know what this country likes
28:53Culture of death
29:14Okay, I'm ready
29:18Don't forget we're only playing what if
29:20You mean what if Harry organized the assassination of Princess Diana? I
29:24Think you could have you don't mean that don't I it's the conspiracy theories suck you in. Yeah. Yeah, they do
29:32Some say it was caused by Satanist because Diana's Mercedes crashed into the 13th pillar of the tunnel
29:37Then there's a theory that limo was stolen a month before by the Israeli Secret Service
29:40Steering was modified so it could be controlled by remote radio signal now Mossad did it
29:44Yeah, and my five and my six did it in a joint operation
29:48I'll show you how
29:51The British Embassy in Paris
29:54Denied ever knowing that Diana had arrived in Paris
29:57They did
29:59And the night before she arrived at the Ritz to very high-ranking mi6 officers arrived at the embassy
30:04Do you know they were yeah mace and exhibitor?
30:08heavy brigade
30:10The point is everything at the hotel was orchestrated look at this
30:18What do you see
30:21It's a classic stakeout procedure
30:24Everything can be observed and overheard, but everything looks natural
30:28What's this?
30:31At the front of the hotel there a paparazzi
30:33Friends and to get quotes and photographs, but were they already doing this?
30:38Three of them leading the jostling and shouting can never be traced
30:43And British security officers have been picked up on the hotel CCTV loitering around all day
30:48So what's going on
30:51And my five wanted Diana's party to switch cars
30:56Mercedes s600 parked at the front of the hotel is heavy and armored
31:00But the alternative car after the rear of the hotel is a light Mercedes s280 a much much easier target and driven by Henri
31:07Paul head of security the Ritz, but not the regular driver and he was drunk. No. No, he wasn't
31:13Now that's the mi5 mi6 cover story Diana killed in drunk drive accident
31:18On report reported for duty at 10 p.m. No one reports him drunk on CCTV
31:25His movements are normal
31:27The autopsy after his death in the crash showed his liver was normal
31:32Police say the car left the Ritz at great speed
31:36CCTV footage shows left at normal speed
31:39And a few days earlier he passed a rigorous medical exam to renew his pilot's license because he had a passion to fly light aircraft
31:45Yeah, but the police found high alcohol content in his blood. Yeah, but it wasn't his blood
31:50His family claimed the samples were mixed up or even switched the sample was supposed to be on reports contained a large amount of carbon
31:56Dioxide it belonged to a suicide
31:59It drunk a lot before he killed himself by car exhaust fumes
32:02So an mi5 mi6 field team get Diana out of her usual car and into a more vulnerable one with a less experienced driver
32:08What then?
32:10And they assassinated by staging the accident
32:13And they do it like this
32:17The road by the Seine goes into a tunnel
32:20Henri Paul
32:23Accelerates to get away from the paparazzi following on motorbikes
32:31There's a big white Mercedes. Now. This is the control vehicle for the operation behind that is a small white Fiat Uno
32:39The Fiat Uno overtakes first the control vehicle and then when Diana's car is deep inside the tunnel and most at risk it pulls alongside
32:47And it's driven by agents to distract on report at the crucial moment
32:52Fiat Uno pulls away and behind there comes a motorbike with a pillion rider and this pillion rider is carrying a handheld strobe light
33:00This strobe smaller than a cigar is tuned to a cycle of 12 Hertz per second
33:06Now the strobe blinds on report just for a moment, but that's what it takes
33:15Because princess dies at the 13th pillar and Satan has his way
33:35If we have to that's the story we'll get too much story or truth
33:42Protect the heart of the nation. That's what I meant to do in this job instead. Did we rip it out?
34:09Found a trace of the committee
34:12These are registry files
34:15Cashed in our system is a backup when you delete a file to tag remains and the files still on the hard drive
34:18I'm afraid not. It's been overwrite manually, but
34:22But back in the 90s, there was a famous scandal a hacker got into the Thames house system
34:26I mean that nine-year-old from Macclesfield. Yeah. Well, he used a keystroke virus and it's still filed in a quarantine folder
34:33and on it
34:35There's a log of file names
34:41So the file existed so did the committee and Harry's on it
34:46What are we going to do
34:49They've discovered something
34:57Your big ideas really boy dig a hole your idea I felt the vibrations in the wall
35:10Every man's dream escape from star 13. All right
35:17See your bars in the bloody way anyway get out
35:26Don't you've got to dawn
35:32Harry you denied it to Angela's face tactical reasons I can see that but I have to ask you again
35:37Did you ever serve on something called the contingent events committee?
35:44This is a printout from the registry computer
35:48Record of the committee meeting was overwritten. I have retrieved a mention of it
35:55Also, this is your diary on 1997
36:0313th of April there is an entry for a morning long meeting. This is the same date that on the micro dot document
36:14Yes, yes, what yes the committee existed and I was a member
36:24You mean you planned on his death in Paris, yes
36:30The woman was unstable. There were fears. She was being manipulated by
36:34Undesirable influences. She was causing untold damage to the very central pillar of the British state the royal family itself
36:42It was felt if an accident could be arranged there would be outpourings of grief which would paradoxically unite the nation
36:49We were right in that
36:52You killed her
36:54Are you going to do?
36:59Tell Angela
37:00Lift the lockdown called special branch
37:03To arrest you for conspiracy to murder
37:06Better do it then
37:08It will defuse this terrible situation
37:15After all, it's not true. Of course. It's not true. I should bloody well think not what's the matter with you two lost your reason?
37:21The committee was there to operate worst-case scenario exercises. Imagine the worst to be able to prevent it
37:28We had to look at Diana being murdered the government would terrified about what might happen to her
37:31She was a loose cannon out at all hours all over the world. God knows what with men
37:35She was an irresistible target to the loonies who are swarming across this planet in ever-increasing numbers
37:40We had to look at it. What did you feel the most an attack in a car driving at speed be pursued by paparazzi?
37:46Probably overtaken by a motorcyclist pillion rider could easily shoot out the tires of the car using a five-seven
37:52No ultra-light weapon fires a fragile bullet disintegrates an impact blow out the tires the car crashes preferably in a closed space
38:02But it was an accident. We were terrified
38:06We tried to cover all traces of the scenario document, but bureaucracy always leaves a slime trail
38:11I've got to get back in there and give her something
38:13It's ass faking a document. I could make her buy that. No, we've got to get her to surrender to us and you shouldn't do it
38:22No, there's too much between her and me you mean Peter Hague
38:28I'm sorry. I've been busy looking at the psychiatric assessment reports hers and yours
38:38Found the key is your stepbrother. There is something you could tell her
38:54Let me take a test material you try and sell her a pup this building will be rubble in seconds. Don't forget
38:59We're talking about Angela Wells
39:24Liz what do you want? Let her go and I'll tell you
39:32There was a committee
39:34Harry sat on it
39:36He worked out how to kill Diana
39:39Let her go and I'll tell you more
39:59The plan to kill Diana
40:03Was to fire a disintegrating bullet from the pillion of a passing motorbike front tire bursts car crashes
40:13Peter was right. No, he wasn't
40:17Harry's committee was examining worst-case scenarios
40:21Well, the horrible thing is they nearly predicted the crash
40:24But they didn't cause it there was no motorbike assassin no plot
40:32Just fate are you trying to get us all killed? No Angela
40:36I've got to tell you something
40:41About something that happened
40:45When he was 20 and I was 18
40:49He slept with a woman
40:55Don't know what happened to him
40:57But I don't know what happened to him
40:59I don't know what happened to him
41:01I don't know what happened to him
41:03I don't know what happened to him
41:07Is that what you're trying to tell me
41:10See that there were rows his father wasn't getting on with my mother we saw they were going to break up and
41:19Peter and I we got close to each other
41:25We we fell in love we ran off together for a mad week
41:42It was winter
41:45Town was all shut up. It's oddly beautiful. He stayed in about the only B&B that was still open
41:55You see it shouldn't have been my mother and his father who met
42:00It should have been me and Peter
42:03And we went back over terrible scenes
42:09Patch things up between our parents and I I
42:14Just left
42:18That's why you never got me
42:26He always drank Angela most of the time in Blackpool I was drunk with him
42:36And in love with me
42:42Never with you
43:32You think so you broke her?
43:34Maybe I broke me too. That's adrenaline withdrawal. Oh, is that what it is? Oh good. Good. Thank you Ruth. I lied
43:39I told her I'd slept with my stepbrother. I sold myself my feelings to manipulate her
43:46You think I'm a limited man. You think I don't understand the emotional side
43:51Self-control self-denial. These are the things which keep us together in this job
43:55You told a huge lie about your personal life, and I can't bear that
43:58I did but aren't you proud you had the nerve to tell that lie?
44:01It was horrible aren't you proud you told the lie aren't you proud you talked Angela out of that room?
44:11You're a born spook Ruth I stole the MV reader
44:21There is plastic explosive but no mechanism
44:32So we're all agreed this is our decision
44:40I'm sorry, but I hate it. She was vicious to me Joe. You and I never knew this woman
44:46No time. She's had many many lives
44:49You have a debt to her
44:51Could be anyone of us sitting in that chair Angela. We've got a proposition for you. We're gonna treat you as a victim in the field
45:02Thank you
45:05Thank you
45:12I've ruined everything
45:18It's okay, no this is wrong. You can't just let her go. It's a spook tradition
45:23One of us goes to pieces during an op in the field we get them out of trouble
45:26But never tell but this wasn't an op to her it was
45:29There are conditions silence
45:32Yes, you leave the country. We never see you again. We do we throw you to the wolves
45:45I lost my way
45:50Not really without your handbag
45:59So the messenger down to control time to lift the lockdown
46:08How to explain a hole in the wall to internal services mice
46:39Steep learning curve feel like I'm on one too trouble is it's curving down not up
46:44Angela was the last person I expected to see in pieces
46:48Hi, yeah
46:50You two look like death you've been out late with Angela no after she left we had a nightlong lockdown exercise
46:56It is very keen of you general sharpening up I thought
47:00Angela's visit inspired such a rigorous dedication to staff training a bit late in the day for that isn't it Harry?
47:06There's a document missing what document I made a list of all the papers. We show to Angela. They're all here, but for one
47:12Has she taken something?
47:16It's the report we did last year on the new security measures at Buckingham Palace
47:20was blind
47:22It's a remote you twist and turn so we don't see a real target, which is the world family
47:28Adam Carter a woman's just left the building stop her
47:33I'm actually is that Buckingham Palace. I want a double a national alert get me sir Petri Meacham at the palace
47:37I'm moving the royal family to Pegasus. What's Pegasus top security world protection bunker and doesn't change his plan
47:42Sorry, well someone tell me what's going on. I fear we may have a situation
47:52Yes, yes, we're fully up to speed family we with us in three minutes
48:09Nothing we've got 250 officers in and outside the palace. She can't have slipped through a net like that
48:14Maybe she's waiting now. She'd move at once in case we got onto her which we did
48:21The princess Diana ever go to Pegasus
48:25Yes in 1987 was Peter Hague assigned to the princess in 87
48:30Yes, are you thinking?
48:33You could have told her about Pegasus
48:36This is the most secret installation. There's no way a lunatic could get in here
48:40You mean a lunatic like her?
48:42You mean this is when did you employ her seven months ago? What did that code me? That's her job electrician
48:46You let that woman get at the electrical system. She passed all the vetting. She seemed totally enough
48:50That's me through to Tim's house now. Where's your legs control down here Ruth get Malcolm over here. What do you think?
48:55She's done in seven months with her know-how
48:58Something nasty you have to get the royal family and everyone else out. I don't think that's gonna be possible. What do you mean?
49:11I must call the bomb squad no time
49:22Think the storm readings for explosives, but I can't see
49:32She's coated the wires themselves and replaced the casings it must have taken her months
49:37The entire buildings wait to explode Adam speak to me
50:17Had no idea which wire to cut well, it was obviously one of them one all of you any idea
50:21How dangerous that was not as dangerous as standing here waiting for the clock to hit zero
50:28There's enough I froze I'm sorry
50:34I'm so sorry
50:43All secure yeah, well, I was going to Scotland. Yeah on their way Malcolm. I sent him back to Tim's house in a car
50:49Okay, fine
51:03Nice work Malcolm Adam told us that you cut the wires stop the device with seconds to spare
51:08Terrific Malcolm said that when he found in his field report. He was full of praise I
51:20You can't protect the Queen in the most secure bunker in the country what can we do we stop the bomb but not the bomber
51:24We'll find her if we don't hell will have to be paid
51:33Adams report was wrong I
51:36Panicked he covered for me. I can't let him do that. Yes, you can
51:43You see bravery is something I dread
51:48This is the Coriolanus nightmare
51:50Greatest fighter in your army turns against you and tries to destroy everything you stand for I can't believe we didn't see it
51:55She staged the whole thing just so that we put the royal family into Pegasus
51:58What I hate is the fact that she knew we'd let her go
52:00She knew we treat her as a victim in the field and that I walk out of the building
52:03We had no choice. It's the code time to get rid of it. You can't
52:07One of us goes to pieces in the field no one else is gonna. Help you Angela Wells is beyond any code now
52:13There is still a way we can help her what do you mean?
52:21Yes, I want the anti-terrorist committee to declare special powers
52:42Give me the home secretary now authorization to shoot