Baraj - Episode 9 (English Subtitles) Dam

  • 3 months ago
Baraj - Episode 9 (English Subtitles) Dam
00:00:30I can stay like this forever.
00:00:38I should go now.
00:00:46What? Do you have a night shift?
00:00:49No, I don't.
00:00:51Then why are you going?
00:00:54There is nothing left for me to stay here.
00:00:56What do you mean?
00:00:58This is the last time I see you.
00:01:04What are you saying, Nazım?
00:01:06But you have to give your right.
00:01:08You are doing a good job.
00:01:10You are doing a good job.
00:01:12But I came across someone who is doing a better job than you.
00:01:14Mrs. Nehir.
00:01:16Of course, her name is Nehir. I don't know.
00:01:18You know the truth.
00:01:20Of course, I know.
00:01:22I know she is a swindler.
00:01:24I know she came here to swindle me.
00:01:29I left everything behind.
00:01:32I came here to start a new life with you.
00:01:36I was waiting for the right time to tell you everything.
00:01:39What was the right time?
00:01:41Were you going to tell me after you put on the ring and signed it?
00:01:44Were you going to tell me when you were running away with the loot?
00:01:48I proposed to you.
00:01:51I said yes to you.
00:01:53But you hid the truth from me.
00:02:03We are liars.
00:02:05Nazım, Nazım.
00:02:07I was going to tell you everything.
00:02:09Believe me, I was going to tell you everything.
00:02:11I left everything behind and came to you.
00:02:13Please believe me.
00:02:15Stop it.
00:02:17I am sick of this trick.
00:02:19You came here to swindle me but you are the one who is swindled.
00:02:23I am not Nazım.
00:02:25I am Tarık.
00:02:29Nazım is that swindler with the ring.
00:02:31He fell in love with your innocent face in the photos.
00:02:36He believed everything you said and wrote.
00:02:40He sent me to send his own photo.
00:02:43He wanted me to replace him when you came.
00:02:45We have been fooling you for days.
00:02:47I am glad he sent my photo.
00:02:49Otherwise, I would have fooled you for two more days.
00:02:52Then you would have run away with the loot.
00:03:19I love you.
00:03:49I love you.
00:04:19I love you.
00:04:49I love you.
00:05:25Are you okay?
00:05:30I just saw Nazım.
00:05:32He left with the car.
00:05:37Were you going somewhere?
00:05:40You are still acting.
00:05:53I learned everything.
00:05:57Stop acting.
00:06:10I should have called you Tarık.
00:06:13You must be used to acting now.
00:06:19Nehir, I...
00:06:21Zehri always warned me about real life.
00:06:24I didn't believe him.
00:06:26I was always mad at him.
00:06:28I believed that life wouldn't be full of liars like us.
00:06:36You were wrong.
00:06:40There are better liars than us.
00:06:49I love you.
00:06:56You know, you are a very deep man.
00:06:58I feel very good when I'm with you.
00:07:00Can you send me your photo?
00:07:02That's it. How will he see me?
00:07:06Nazım sent you?
00:07:07There is a girl.
00:07:09She didn't come to me. She came to you.
00:07:11You sent her my photo?
00:07:12You will replace me in five minutes.
00:07:14That's it.
00:08:50You are in a hurry to run away, right?
00:08:53You gave me the car keys.
00:08:56If I knew you a little bit,
00:08:58you would have already lost your way.
00:09:00You are right.
00:09:01It's all mixed up.
00:09:02No one is looking at him.
00:09:06Our Sarı must have given up.
00:09:14Is it better for Sarı to run away or stay?
00:09:18I can't decide.
00:09:20If he runs away,
00:09:22we'll all get rid of a mess.
00:09:26If he stays,
00:09:30you two are good for me.
00:09:39What do you say?
00:09:42Should he go or stay?
00:10:04This is the last stop, madam.
00:10:18Thank you.
00:10:20Thank you.
00:10:22Thank you.
00:10:49I was going to tell you everything.
00:10:51I quit everything for you.
00:10:53Believe me.
00:11:16It's not opening.
00:11:22The number you have dialed is not in service.
00:11:25Now the phone is off.
00:11:27But I told you,
00:11:29Sarı must have already given up.
00:11:35I'll bring him back.
00:11:37Don't worry.
00:11:40One second.
00:11:50I was going to report a theft.
00:12:18the car belongs to someone I know.
00:12:20Halil's lover in the garage.
00:12:22He's in the hospital now.
00:12:23Where are you going?
00:12:24You left the town.
00:12:25Ruslan is not with you.
00:12:27I was going to the emergency hospital.
00:12:29I just got a job in the garage.
00:12:31I didn't notice I left the town.
00:12:33I'm sorry.
00:12:34There's a report of car theft.
00:12:39You'll come to the station with us.
00:12:51Adana, Adana.
00:12:52You can't see me.
00:12:54Halil, check.
00:12:59This is not Adana.
00:13:05This is not Adana.
00:13:08What is this?
00:13:10You can't see me.
00:13:12I'm sorry.
00:13:13I'm sorry.
00:13:14I'm sorry.
00:13:17You can't see me.
00:13:59Ne oldu?
00:14:04Benim içim hiç rahat değil.
00:14:06Sabaha kadar uyumadım vallahi.
00:14:07İçimde kötü bir his var.
00:14:09Böyle saldık herifi kızın üstüne.
00:14:12Ne ile kötü bir şey yapmazdım Zerrin?
00:14:14Bunu bir tek sen düşündün değil mi?
00:14:16Benim hiç aklıma gelmedi.
00:14:17Ne bileyim.
00:14:19Nehir güçlü kızdır ayrıca.
00:14:21Başın çaresine bakmayı gayet iyi bilir.
00:14:25Ama ne?
00:14:27Ama kalbi kırılacak elbette.
00:14:29Kırılacak bu, kaçınılmaz.
00:14:33E gidelim Zerrin.
00:14:35Gidelim yani...
00:14:36Uzaktan izleriz ne bileyim.
00:14:37Yanımıza alırız teselli falan ederiz.
00:14:39Öyle orada yalnız bırakmayalım kızı.
00:14:41Nehir'in en son görmek istediği insan benim.
00:14:44Nazım gerçekleri anlattığı zaman
00:14:46işin benden çıktığını anlamayacak mı Nehir?
00:14:50Kaçıp gider yanında durmaz zaten.
00:14:54Sonra da gelir bizi bulur.
00:14:59Burada böyle hiçbir şey yapmadan bekleyeceğiz mi?
00:15:01Evet bekleyeceğiz.
00:15:02Ayrıca karnım aç.
00:15:04Bir şeyler yemem lazım.
00:15:07Karnım acıktı benim.
00:15:09Kartı almayı da unutma.
00:15:15Ne oluyor?
00:15:16Ne oluyor?
00:15:17Ne oldu?
00:15:19Polisler mi?
00:15:20Polisler niye geldi ki?
00:15:21Ya Yalçın'la babası mı?
00:15:24Ya da geçmiş işlerden bilmiyorum.
00:15:26Ne yapacağız?
00:15:27Zerrin ne yapacağız?
00:15:28Zerrin ben hapse giremem ne yapacağız?
00:15:33Gel benimle.
00:16:05Kolay gelsin.
00:16:06Yolcun listesine bakacağız.
00:16:08Hayırdır amirim?
00:16:09Ya merkezde bir dolandırıcılık olayı olmuş da
00:16:11onlara bakıyoruz.
00:16:29İkrem haklı.
00:16:30Çok haklı.
00:16:33İkrem haklı.
00:16:34Çok oyalandık.
00:16:35Buradan kokumuzu aldılar.
00:16:37Yakalandık mı yani?
00:16:40Evet yakalandınız.
00:17:18Şu bizim büyük otelin sahibi Selahattin Bey'i
00:17:20dolandırmaya kalkmışlar işte.
00:17:22Hepsi yakalanmış ama
00:17:23birini bulamıyoruz.
00:17:24Var mı sizin listede Nehir Aksu adında bir yolcu?
00:17:43Hadi çabuk gitmemiz gerekiyor.
00:17:44Senin burada ne işin var?
00:17:46Hadi dedim.
00:17:47Hadi zamanımız kalmadı kalk.
00:17:48Ne oluyor?
00:17:56Polisler peşinde.
00:17:59Hadi gel.
00:18:02Yolda listelerinden seni arıyorlar.
00:18:05Ya sen bıraksana beni.
00:18:09Sağ ol.
00:18:17Bekle biraz.
00:18:19Ya bırak elimi.
00:18:20Benim senin yardımına falan ihtiyacım yok.
00:18:23Hapse girmene izin vermeyeceğim Nehir.
00:18:25İnan bana.
00:18:26Orası girmek isteyeceğim bir yer değil.
00:18:44Beni koruyarak sen de suçlu oluyorsun şu an.
00:18:49Gel benimle.
00:18:50Ya gelmeyeceğim bir yere.
00:18:51Benim sana ihtiyacım yok.
00:18:53Başımın çaresine bakarım ben.
00:18:54Bırak beni.
00:18:55Nehir lütfen.
00:18:58Ne yapıyorsun?
00:18:59Binmeyeceğim arabaya falan.
00:19:00Geç şuraya.
00:19:01Çocuk mu var senin karşında?
00:19:03Ne yapıyorsun?
00:19:04Ne yapıyorsun?
00:19:05Çitleme şunu.
00:19:06Ne yapıyorsun?
00:19:11Gitmeyeceğim ben hiçbir yere.
00:19:12Şimdi mi aklına geldi koruyup kollamak?
00:19:15Nehir bak haklısın.
00:19:16Affedilmeyecek bir hata yaptım.
00:19:17Ama seninle ilgili her şey benim de meselem artık.
00:19:46Sana birkaç atletle don falan getirdim.
00:19:49İçeride lazım olacak.
00:19:52Yine mi sen ya?
00:19:54Ne var?
00:19:55Ne istiyorsun?
00:19:57Seni ben ihbar ettim.
00:20:00Halil'in arabasının anahtarını almaya geldim de.
00:20:06Kaçacağını biliyordum Sarı.
00:20:09Hatta Zahra'yı almadan kaçacağını da.
00:20:13Hatta ve hatta
00:20:15Zahra'yla aranızda olan her şeyi biliyorum.
00:20:18Bu saatten sonra ikiniz de avucumun içindesiniz ha.
00:20:22Eğer ipinizi çekmemi istemiyorsanız
00:20:24ben ne dersem onu yapacaksınız.
00:20:30Beni buradan çıkar.
00:20:31Öyle konuşalım.
00:20:36Lütfen demeyi unuttun da.
00:20:41Senden gelecek yardım adam.
00:20:45E iyi.
00:20:47Biraz daha içeride kal da
00:20:49aklının başına gelir belki.
00:20:51Ben şimdi gidiyorum.
00:20:52Ama sonra yine geleceğim.
00:20:54Bu sefer seni bir lütfen de kurtarmayacak ha.
00:20:57Bana baya baya yalvarmak zorunda kalacaksın.
00:21:27Neresi burası?
00:21:30Burayı benden başka kimse bilmez.
00:21:32Güvende oluyoruz.
00:21:34Ben burada kalmam.
00:21:37Senin yanında kalmam.
00:21:39Böyle bir yalancının yanına nasıl güvende olabilirim ki?
00:21:42Geri götür beni.
00:21:50Nehir bak anlıyorum kızgınsın.
00:21:51Ama peşinde polisler var.
00:21:55Hayatının geri kalanını hapiste mi geçirmek istiyorsun yani?
00:21:59Bırak yardım edeyim sana.
00:22:03Senin yanında beş dakika daha duracağım hapiste kalmayı tercih ederim.
00:22:07Nereye gidiyorsun?
00:22:08Senin olmadığın bir yere.
00:22:11Gidecek yerin mi var sanki?
00:22:15Gidecek yerim yok.
00:22:17Nereye gideceğimi de bilmiyorum.
00:22:18Ama senin yanında kalmayacağım lazım.
00:22:20En azından onu çok iyi biliyorum.
00:22:25Sen böyle söz dinlemeyeceksin.
00:22:28Ne yapıyorsun?
00:22:30Bırak beni.
00:22:34Kavganın sırası değil şimdi.
00:22:35Bırak dokunma bana.
00:22:36Nehir rahat dur.
00:22:37Gideceğim ben.
00:22:39Girmeyeceğim o eve.
00:22:42Dokunma bana.
00:22:48Bırak beni.
00:22:52Girmeyeceğim eve.
00:22:53Bırak beni.
00:22:57Bana sakın dokunma.
00:23:02Sakın peşimden de gelme.
00:23:04Gel buraya.
00:23:07Bırak beni.
00:23:08Gitmene izin vermeyeceğim.
00:23:10Aç şu kapıyı.
00:23:12Nazım aç kapıyı.
00:23:13Esirin miyim ben seni?
00:23:14İster teslim olurum ister kaçarım sana ne?
00:23:22Dünya beni koruyorsun değil mi?
00:23:24Dünya beni koruyorsun.
00:23:26Tanımadığım adamların atarken aklın neredeydi?
00:23:29Benim param parçalarken aklın neredeydi?
00:23:34Benim kendimi polisten birazı senden korumam lazım.
00:23:38Anladın mı?
00:23:40Aç şu kapıyı.
00:23:42Nazım aç şu kapıyı.
00:23:44Bugün ya da yarın.
00:23:46Bir şekilde buradan çıkacağım.
00:23:48Yemin ederim senden daha uzağa kaçacağım.
00:23:52Yalancı herif.
00:24:18Yalancı herif.
00:24:48Nehir kaçıp gitti biz yakalandık.
00:24:50İhalede bize kaldı.
00:24:52Nehir de kaçıp gitti.
00:24:53Mükemmel ya.
00:24:55Bizim burada olmamamız lazım.
00:24:56Biz niye buradayız ki?
00:25:06Her şeyi söyleyeceğim.
00:25:08Ben dolandırıcı değilim.
00:25:09Siz beni mecbur bıraktınız.
00:25:12Hepinizi birer birer anlatacağım polise.
00:25:15Ben yönetmenim diye atmadın mı kendini ortaya?
00:25:18Günlerdir bu yalana ortak oldun.
00:25:20Şimdi yalanlar, tehditler falan.
00:25:23Ne yapıyorsun sen?
00:25:25Ne yaptık çocukla?
00:25:27Adamın parasını çaldık mı?
00:25:30Daha ne?
00:25:32Bizi suçlasalar bile,
00:25:34mecburen bırakmak zorunda mıydık?
00:25:37Yeter artık bıdım bıdım bıdım bırakın.
00:25:45Ah İsmet ah.
00:25:46Yaktın ikimizi de.
00:25:48Ben başında söylemiştim sana.
00:25:50Senin Nehir sevdandan dolayı buradayız.
00:25:57Ya dostum.
00:25:58Amirinizi anlattım.
00:25:59Sizi anlattım.
00:26:00Kaç şey daha anlatacağım?
00:26:01Niye içeri sokuyorsunuz hala ya?
00:26:03Ya sence bende araba çalacak bir tip var mı?
00:26:13Ya aracın sahibine sorun istiyorsanız.
00:26:14Bak, Zahra'yı arayın.
00:26:16Tarık Yılmaz diyor.
00:26:17O beni tanıyor zaten.
00:26:28Tarık mı?
00:26:34Sen Nazım değil misin?
00:26:46Sen Nazım değil misin?
00:27:16Sen Nazım değil misin?
00:27:46Akşama doğru iyice soğur burası.
00:27:49Bu bizi idare eder sabaha kadar.
00:27:54Aç mısın?
00:27:55Nehir bak.
00:27:57Bana bağırıp çağırabilirsin.
00:27:59Ama böyle yok sayman çok kötü.
00:28:29Ben yarın kasabaya uğrar, durumları öğrenirim.
00:28:38Yani her türlü birkaç gün burada kalman en sağlıklısı.
00:28:42Sonra da...
00:28:45Keşke hiç gitmesen Nehir.
00:28:47Ne diye kızacağım ki senin yanında ben?
00:28:51Kimsin sen?
00:28:52Ben seni tanımıyorum kimsin sen?
00:28:59Bırak artık bu mahcup iyi adam rollerini.
00:29:05Sen bana söylesene.
00:29:07Amacınız neydi sizin?
00:29:09Eğlendiniz mi?
00:29:11Beni aranızda idare ederken eğlendiniz mi?
00:29:14Yok olur mu öyle şey Nehir?
00:29:16Ben sevdim seni.
00:29:18Sevdin öyle mi?
00:29:19Beni tanımadığım adamla baş başa bırakırken de sevdin mi?
00:29:25Tarık bana aşk dolu bakarken, güzel sözler söylerken de sen oradaydın sevdin mi?
00:29:31Vay be, ne garip aşkmış.
00:29:34Bana hediyeler alırken, beni öperken...
00:29:38Öptü mü o herif seni?
00:29:40Allah'ım çıldıracağım.
00:29:42Çıldıracağım kafayı yiyeceğim.
00:29:44Nehir bak sakin ol.
00:29:45Sakin ol öyle konuşalım.
00:29:46Sakin falan olmayacağım.
00:29:47Hatta ağzım çıktığı kadar bağıracağım belki biri duyar.
00:29:51Yardım edin.
00:29:53Kimse yok mu?
00:29:54Nehir yapma.
00:29:55Bırak beni.
00:29:56Beni duyar kimse yok mu?
00:29:57Nehir yapma.
00:29:58Kimse yok mu?
00:29:59Gel buraya.
00:30:01Nehir yapma.
00:30:03Tamam bağırma.
00:30:07Bir daha bana dokunursan seni öldürürüm.
00:30:19Seni kaybetmekten korktum.
00:30:22Bana fotoğrafını gönderdin.
00:30:25O kadar güzeldin ki.
00:30:30Aynada kendine bakmaya korkan ben...
00:30:34Senin gitmenden korktum.
00:30:38Yıllardır herkesten, her şeyden kaçtım.
00:30:40İnsanlardan uzaklaştırdım kendimi.
00:30:43İçimdeki kin ve nefrete baktım.
00:30:45Herkese, her şeye.
00:30:52O kadar uzun zamandır yalnızım ki.
00:30:55Bir insan beni neden sever?
00:30:58Bir insan nasıl sevilir?
00:31:02Sevmeyi bildiği için mi tarih çıkardın karşıma?
00:31:06Sadece beş dakikalığına, beş dakikalığına yerime geçecektin.
00:31:10Ondan sonra ben bir yolunu bulup her şeyi anlatacaktım sana.
00:31:14Ama o bu durumu kendi çıkarları için kullandı.
00:31:21Her şey birbirine girdi, toparlayamadım.
00:31:25En son sana mesaj gönderdim.
00:31:28Senin göremediğin, silinen mesaj.
00:31:32Sana orada her şeyi anlattım.
00:31:35Ama Tarık o mesajı da silmiş.
00:31:40Seni de, o senin arkadaşın da asla gözüm tutmamıştı zaten.
00:31:45Ne yapıyorsunuz siz ya?
00:31:46Amacın ne senin, derdin ne?
00:31:49Niye Nehir'e böyle bir şey yapıyorsunuz siz?
00:31:52Niye birbirinizin yerine geçiyorsunuz?
00:31:54Yeter ya, sabahtan beri soru sorup duruyorsun.
00:31:56Oldu olacak bir de sahtekarlara hesap vereyim.
00:32:01Dolandırılan çocukla annesi.
00:32:03Asıl dolandırıcı sizsiniz.
00:32:06Ne söyledin Nehir'e?
00:32:08Ne söyledin Nehir'e?
00:32:10Nehir'e ne söyledin?
00:32:11Ne hak ettiyse onu söyledim.
00:32:13Ona oyun oynadığınızda söyledin mi?
00:32:16Her şeyi söyledim.
00:32:18Herkes her şeyi biliyor.
00:32:19Oyunlarınız bitti.
00:32:24Nehir'i bulmam lazım.
00:32:28Nehir'i, Nehir'i uyarmam lazım.
00:32:30Hala ben Nehir'i nerede bilmiyorum.
00:32:34Ben evden çıkıp gittim.
00:32:35O da sizin gibi yakalanır yakında.
00:32:37Sakin ol, gelir birazdan sabredin.
00:32:39Lan bana bak.
00:32:40Ya hadi, benimle muhatap olmayın.
00:32:43Şimdi beni de dolandırıcı sanacaklar sizi de görüp.
00:32:45Ben bu arkadaşları tanımıyorum.
00:32:48Ha, memur bey.
00:32:50Şey, şu aracı almaya gelen İbrahim Bey'le bir görüşebilir miyim?
00:32:58O da biliyor yani, konuyu o da biliyor.
00:33:00Bir acil konuşacağım.
00:33:01Çok kusur.
00:33:10Zerrin haklı çıktı işte.
00:33:15Akıl seni korur, kalp savunmasız bırakır diyordu.
00:33:20Ben hiç sözünü dinlemedim.
00:33:23Çünkü ben...
00:33:26O kadar hazırdım ki sana inanmaya.
00:33:28Sana güvenmeye.
00:33:30Beni kandırabileceğin aklıma gelmemişti.
00:33:33Sen fotoğrafını gönderince panikledim.
00:33:35Düşünmeden karar verdim.
00:33:37Senin geleceğine ihtimal bile vermiyordum.
00:33:41Aslında otele ilk geldiğinde her şeyi anlatacaktım sana.
00:33:44Ama sen o kadar heyecanlıydın ki hiçbir şey anlatamadım.
00:33:47Ondan sonra da gün geçtikçe,
00:33:49itiraf etmek daha da zorlaştı benim için.
00:33:53Tardan da işine geldi beni yanında tutmak,
00:33:55beni idare etmek.
00:33:57Sen o yüzden hastanede beni aradığına şaşırdın.
00:34:01Çünkü gidiyordum, yalanın ortaya çıkmayacaktı.
00:34:04Sana gerçeği söylemenin bir yolunu bulana kadar,
00:34:06en azından Tarık'tan uzak tutabilecektim seni.
00:34:09Ama o herif rahat durmadı.
00:34:12Bir boşlukta seni aramış.
00:34:13Sen de geri geldin.
00:34:15Tarık'ın beni yanında istemesi çıkarları için değil.
00:34:18O kadar da zorlandım ki.
00:34:20O kadar da zorlandım ki.
00:34:22O kadar da zorlandım ki.
00:34:24Tarık'ın beni yanında istemesi çıkarları içindi yani.
00:34:28Seni kullanmak için bana yanaştı.
00:34:31Kendinden başka kimseyi düşünmeyen bencil herifin teki o.
00:34:35Bu durumu sonuna kadar kullanmak için elinden geleni yaptı.
00:34:45O gerçekten barajda mı çalışıyor?
00:34:50Ya ben anlamıyorum.
00:34:53İşinle gücünle olan bir mühendisin böyle bir oyuna niye ihtiyacı olur?
00:34:57Bu adamın seninle ne derdi vardı?
00:34:59Mühendis falan değildi o.
00:35:03Ha o da yalandı yani.
00:35:05Nehir tamam bak, gerçekten sana her şeyi anlatacağım.
00:35:12İstanbul'dan buraya sürgüne gönderildi.
00:35:15Bizim inşaat firmasının sahibi Kemal Bey'in kızıyla ilişkisi varmış.
00:35:19Kızın parasını yemiş, onu başkasıyla aldatmış.
00:35:21Kız bununla evlenmek isteyince de kızı terk etmiş.
00:35:25Kemal Bey de bunu öğrendikten sonra kızından uzak tutmak için,
00:35:29bir de borcunu ödemesi için buraya, baraja gönderdi.
00:35:33Benden de ona işi öğretmemi istediler.
00:35:35Ama adli herifin teki olduğu için hiç anlaşamadı.
00:35:37Sen de bu adamın böyle olduğunu bile bile bana fotoğrafını gönderdin öyle mi?
00:35:42Bizim barajda öyle sana fotoğrafını gönderebileceğim çok da insan yok.
00:35:46Ben onun fotoğrafını gönderdim de daha baraja gelmemişti.
00:35:50O yüzden gerçekten nasıl bir olduğunu bilmiyordum.
00:35:53Ama onu karşıma çıkardığında kim olduğunu biliyordun.
00:35:56Kapıda ona sarıldığımda, hastanede başında beklediğimde biliyordun.
00:36:00Elini tuttuğumda, gözünün içine baktığımda, oradaydın öylece izledin sadece.
00:36:13Nehir'in yakalanmaması bizim için iyi olabilir.
00:36:17Yani bütün suçlamayı onun üstüne atarız.
00:36:21Bütün planı o yaptı deriz.
00:36:23Biz uygulayacaktık deriz ama sonradan vazgeçtik deyip kurtuluruz olmaz mı öyle? Olur.
00:36:29Kendimizi kurtaracağız diye nehiri mi yakacağız?
00:36:31İsmet, bizim yanmamızdan daha iyi.
00:36:33Artık insanların fikirlerine de itiraz edip durma sen.
00:36:37Senin Nehir sevdandan dolayı zaten buradayız biliyorsun değil mi?
00:36:40Hayır efendim.
00:36:42Bu işe biz beraber girdik.
00:36:44Nehri falan yaktırmam ben.
00:36:46Nehir işi uyanıp kaçtı belki.
00:36:49Yani yakalansaydı çoktan getirirlerdi buraya.
00:36:52Nereden biliyorsun? Belki saklandı Nehir.
00:36:55Belki güvenli bir ortam bekliyor çıkmak için.
00:36:59Ya nezarette olan biziz.
00:37:01Adımız dolandırıcıya çıktı resmen.
00:37:03Sürekli Nehir, Nehir, Nehir.
00:37:06Ne Nehir'miş ya?
00:37:17Belki ben de gerçeği başta söyleyebilseydim.
00:37:22Buraya gelmeden her şeyi sana anlatabilseydim,
00:37:25çoktan vazgeçecektin benden.
00:37:27Bunların hiçbiri yaşanmayacaktı.
00:37:46Sen bana gerçeği anlattın Nehir.
00:37:49Evet Tarık olduğumu düşünerek anlattın.
00:37:52Ama yine de anlattın.
00:37:53Ben seni anladım.
00:37:55Çünkü sen de beni kaybetmek istemiyordun.
00:37:59Tarık için endişeliydin.
00:38:01Ama kaybetmek istemediğin bendim, Nazım.
00:38:05Anla artık Nehir.
00:38:07İkimizi aynı şey için sakladık gerçeklerimizi.
00:38:10Birbirimizi kaybetmek istemedik.
00:38:17Ben bir eve gideyim.
00:38:19Erzak alayım.
00:38:22Battaniye falan getireyim.
00:38:47Sen burada sakince bekle olur mu?
00:38:51Bağırıp kaçmaya çalışma.
00:39:36Sen niye buradasın?
00:39:40Çok kalmayacağım. Çıkarım birazdan.
00:39:43Çıkman lazım.
00:39:44Nazım, you have to warn Nehir.
00:39:47You have to help him.
00:39:52Everyone will be punished.
00:39:54This is fair.
00:39:57Nazım should be blamed for cheating.
00:39:59Tarık, I lied.
00:40:02Nehir left everything and came here.
00:40:06To Nazım.
00:40:08I don't know why you changed the place.
00:40:12You changed my name.
00:40:14But he loved you so much.
00:40:17Nazım loves me, not me.
00:40:19You're trying to fool me, but it's useless.
00:40:21What's the point of what you say, for God's sake?
00:40:24People fall in love with what they see, not what they hear.
00:40:29Nehir saw you.
00:40:32And he loved you so much.
00:40:34And like crazy people.
00:40:36Look, I'll tell you something.
00:40:38I'm a cheater, okay.
00:40:40But for the first time in my life, I'm being very honest with you.
00:40:48Tarık Yılmaz, let's go.
00:40:58What's up?
00:40:59Why did you decide to beg me?
00:41:01Let me tell you something.
00:41:03You don't give me any pleasure other than needing me.
00:41:13Now it's time for you to do me a favor.
00:41:18What do you want?
00:41:19You're going to help me steal my iron.
00:41:21Today is the day to buy material.
00:41:23I need to download exactly six sets of iron.
00:41:25Look, man, force me to work.
00:41:28Don't talk to me.
00:41:29If you want, take it to the workers.
00:41:31I apologize to you in front of everyone.
00:41:33But don't expect me to get involved in the money business.
00:41:35I apologize to you in front of everyone.
00:41:37But don't expect me to get involved in the money business.
00:41:39What happened?
00:41:41Did you get excited again when you got out of jail?
00:41:43Where is that innocent boy behind those fingerprints?
00:41:46If you hadn't fired me, I would have left anyway.
00:41:49I didn't want to wait. I couldn't wait.
00:41:51Come on, I have work to do. Let's go to the construction site.
00:41:54Don't work.
00:41:56Let's go.
00:41:57Let's go.
00:41:58But before we go, let's stop by Halil's house.
00:42:01Don't worry.
00:42:02My poor man is lying unconscious in his sickbed.
00:42:05Besides, you can tell him what Halil's car was looking for last night.
00:42:09I'm fed up with your dry threats.
00:42:12You can go and tell whoever you want.
00:42:14Let Zahra think about it.
00:42:15Sarı, don't give me a kiss.
00:42:19If I tell Halil, he won't let you live for a minute.
00:42:22Okay, you tell the truth.
00:42:25I'll tell Kemal Bey that you stole the iron.
00:42:28I'll tell Halil that you have an eye on Zahra.
00:42:30I'll tell Nazım that you have an eye on him.
00:42:34I'll deal with Halil. You deal with the three of them.
00:42:38No one benefits from this fight, İbrahim.
00:42:40Be smart.
00:42:41Drive now. Let's go to the construction site.
00:43:01Help! Is anyone here?
00:43:44Get in. We'll talk later.
00:43:47Take me to Nazım. I need to talk to him.
00:43:50What's the matter?
00:43:51Do you want me to take you to historical places?
00:43:53Get in.
00:43:54I'll talk about work.
00:43:55Don't make me wait. Drive the car.
00:43:57Okay, he's at the office.
00:43:58What are you going to talk about?
00:43:59You were eager to work all the way.
00:44:01Come on.
00:44:02I'll deal with you.
00:44:26We have to talk.
00:44:27Who's here?
00:44:35We made a deal.
00:44:38You don't call me brother anymore.
00:44:40I'm here.
00:44:43İbrahim, come here.
00:45:27Get in.
00:45:57Get in.
00:46:28You've been with me all night.
00:46:30God bless you, İbrahim.
00:46:32Don't say that.
00:46:34Don't rush to go back to the kitchen.
00:46:36Take a good rest today.
00:46:39We talked to the manager. He knows everything.
00:46:42Thank you.
00:46:44Would you like some tea or coffee?
00:46:45No, I don't want anything.
00:46:47I'll get up.
00:46:48I came here so that I don't think about you.
00:46:50Thank you, brother.
00:46:51You're welcome.
00:46:53Get well soon.
00:46:58I got you out of there.
00:47:02He'll hear us.
00:47:04Look at me, Zahara.
00:47:05You're in the game now.
00:47:08You're going to do whatever I say from now on.
00:47:11I asked for a favor from him, he said okay.
00:47:14When the time comes, I'll ask you for a favor too.
00:47:18Close the door now.
00:47:20The inside is cold.
00:47:27What's up Mr. Nazim, are you on a trip or what?
00:47:54I'm on a trip.
00:47:55I'm on a trip.
00:47:56I'm on a trip.
00:47:57I'm on a trip.
00:47:58I'm on a trip.
00:47:59I'm on a trip.
00:48:00I'm on a trip.
00:48:01I'm on a trip.
00:48:02I'm on a trip.
00:48:03I'm on a trip.
00:48:04I'm on a trip.
00:48:05I'm on a trip.
00:48:06I'm on a trip.
00:48:07I'm on a trip.
00:48:08I'm on a trip.
00:48:09I'm on a trip.
00:48:10I'm on a trip.
00:48:11I'm on a trip.
00:48:12I'm on a trip.
00:48:13I'm on a trip.
00:48:14I'm on a trip.
00:48:15I'm on a trip.
00:48:16I'm on a trip.
00:48:17I'm on a trip.
00:48:18I'm on a trip.
00:48:19I'm on a trip.
00:48:20I'm on a trip.
00:48:21I'm on a trip.
00:48:25Come on, Ibrahim.
00:48:27Don't say anything.
00:48:55I'm on a trip.
00:48:56I'm on a trip.
00:48:57I'm on a trip.
00:48:58I'm on a trip.
00:48:59I'm on a trip.
00:49:00I'm on a trip.
00:49:01I'm on a trip.
00:49:02I'm on a trip.
00:49:03I'm on a trip.
00:49:04I'm on a trip.
00:49:05I'm on a trip.
00:49:06I'm on a trip.
00:49:07I'm on a trip.
00:49:08I'm on a trip.
00:49:09I'm on a trip.
00:49:10I'm on a trip.
00:49:11I'm on a trip.
00:49:12I'm on a trip.
00:49:13I'm on a trip.
00:49:14I'm on a trip.
00:49:15I'm on a trip.
00:49:16I'm on a trip.
00:49:17I'm on a trip.
00:49:18I'm on a trip.
00:49:19I'm on a trip.
00:49:20I'm on a trip.
00:49:21I'm on a trip.
00:49:22Safe Trip.
00:49:44Yes, I'm ready.
00:49:47Okay, Mr. Kemal.
00:49:48We're waiting
00:49:50Come in!
00:49:52Nazım, I looked for you in the morning, but I couldn't find you.
00:49:57I want to go out for a few days, Mr. Director.
00:50:00You want to go out for a few days?
00:50:05Is something wrong, Nazım?
00:50:07You haven't gone out for a day in the last three years.
00:50:11I'm a little tired. I want to clear my head.
00:50:14Just a few days.
00:50:16Okay, but don't go out while Mr. Kemal is around, Nazım.
00:50:20Look, the guy called, he's on his way.
00:50:22Ibrahim can handle it.
00:50:24If something urgent happens, my phone will be open anyway.
00:50:27Nazım, let's handle it today.
00:50:30Let Mr. Kemal come and go.
00:50:32Go out tomorrow.
00:50:33I'll go out today.
00:50:34I'm even going now.
00:50:36I just came to the bag to make a few arrangements.
00:50:39Mr. Director.
00:50:40If you want, I can resign.
00:50:41Do my exit.
00:50:42But I'm going out today.
00:50:48Okay, don't be nervous.
00:50:50I didn't say anything.
00:50:52Let me out, we'll take care of this.
00:50:54Thank you.
00:51:06What did you do?
00:51:07What did you do?
00:51:08How do you explain everything to Nehir?
00:51:10What are you talking about?
00:51:11What did you tell him?
00:51:12What are you yelling?
00:51:16A nice woman came to the hotel.
00:51:18The woman you didn't want to introduce me to in the dam.
00:51:20There was one of the men that Nehir cheated on.
00:51:22It was his mother.
00:51:24After the marriage,
00:51:25The man stole everything.
00:51:26The man turned from death.
00:51:28They showed me all the newspapers.
00:51:30Nehir was in the news.
00:51:31He pretended to be in love for three months.
00:51:34I knew he was a cheater.
00:51:36He left.
00:51:37He left everything.
00:51:38He came here for me.
00:51:41Those who don't leave you are the ones who tell you everything.
00:51:43That woman is not that guy's mother.
00:51:46Head of the Cheating Network.
00:51:50They want Nehir to continue cheating.
00:51:52They used you when you didn't convince them.
00:51:55Because you're the one who's in charge of everything.
00:51:59What was it to you?
00:52:00What was it to you?
00:52:04I already know everything.
00:52:05I learned.
00:52:10They're in jail right now.
00:52:13Don't ask me how you know.
00:52:14I'll tell you later.
00:52:15Now we have to go and tell Nehir.
00:52:17They can catch him at any moment.
00:52:18What happened?
00:52:19Did you confess?
00:52:21No, Nehir.
00:52:22I don't know where he is.
00:52:48They said that Nehir planned everything in the guise of Emil.
00:53:16They lied.
00:53:19I planned everything.
00:53:23Nehir and the others followed my plan.
00:53:27Where did you find me?
00:53:28Have you been following me since Istanbul?
00:53:30Mr. Yalçın, calm down.
00:53:31Let me ask the questions, if you want.
00:53:34When did you decide to steal Mr. Yalçın and his father's money?
00:53:38We were there by chance.
00:53:40We chose there to listen to our heads.
00:53:44Then I wanted to help Mr. Yalçın's love of acting.
00:53:52You were going to take my one million liras, ma'am.
00:53:55Did we?
00:53:59Mr. Yalçın, don't look at him like that.
00:54:01He's actually a very kind person.
00:54:03So is his father.
00:54:05I mean, we regretted their good intentions.
00:54:09We gave up and decided not to.
00:54:13Besides, Nehir already left the hotel.
00:54:16I was going to leave this morning.
00:54:18Don't lie.
00:54:19He's lying.
00:54:20If he hadn't seen one of my employees,
00:54:24I wouldn't have known anything.
00:54:26You were going to take the money and leave.
00:54:28Mr. Yalçın, calm down.
00:54:30This is not a courtroom.
00:54:32We're going to take him to court anyway.
00:54:33You can present everything there with evidence.
00:54:36Because of you, my father's reputation was on the ground.
00:54:40Now it's underfoot.
00:54:42Where's Nehir?
00:54:43He'll pay for what he's done.
00:54:45I've sent men everywhere.
00:54:46Even a bird can't fly out of this town.
00:54:48That's it.
00:54:49Is there no one?
00:54:51Help! Is there no one?
00:56:54Is there no one?
00:57:46I have good news for you.
00:57:48Nazım got himself a three-day heads up.
00:57:51It was weird this morning.
00:57:54What was weird?
00:57:56He put the car in the attic.
00:57:58He took some supplies with him.
00:58:00He left without hitting the ramp.
00:58:02I followed him a little to see where he was going.
00:58:04He entered the forest road.
00:58:06He turned back.
00:58:09Why did he get a heads up?
00:58:11Think about it.
00:58:12A man who hasn't been given permission for three years.
00:58:14How did he run away from you?
00:58:19Where did he go?
00:58:21I don't know.
00:58:22There are a lot of bears here.
00:58:23He must have gone out.
00:58:24He won't come back in three days.
00:58:28Look at me.
00:58:29You talked to him but think about it.
00:58:31Nazım is not here.
00:58:32Don't get involved in this.
00:58:34I promise I'll leave you and Zahra alone.
00:58:39I told you not to get me involved in money matters.
00:58:41Come on.
00:58:42Take care of yourself.
00:58:43Take care of yourself.
00:58:44Take care of yourself.
00:58:45Take care of yourself.
00:58:47Take care of yourself.
00:58:56Come on.
00:59:24Let me go.
00:59:25Let me go.
00:59:26Nehir, it's okay.
00:59:27Calm down.
00:59:28Let's go.
00:59:29Let me go.
00:59:30Let me go.
00:59:31Nehir, it's okay.
00:59:32Calm down.
00:59:33Let me go.
00:59:37Let me go.
00:59:38Let me go.
00:59:40Let me go.
00:59:41Let me go.
00:59:43I'll tell you everything.
00:59:45Let me go.
00:59:46Let me go.
00:59:49I set fire to that man.
00:59:54I set fire to your bed at your house.
01:00:02It's all your fault.
01:00:04It's your fault.
01:00:06I set fire to that man at your house.
01:00:09It's your fault.
01:00:11You didn't!
01:00:35You didn't!
01:00:40I'm gonna kill you!
01:00:42I'm gonna kill you!
01:01:10I'm gonna kill you!
01:01:12I'm gonna kill you!
01:01:37Officer, good day.
01:01:39I was looking for this hotel arrest last night.
01:01:46Mr. Kemal?
01:01:51Have a good day, son.
01:01:53Thank you. I was ordering some materials.
01:02:11Yes, I'm here.
01:02:21You're surprised, but accept it.
01:02:23I wasn't expecting anything like this.
01:02:25It was a big surprise, wasn't it?
01:02:29It was a big surprise.
01:02:31I couldn't believe your father was here.
01:02:33I said, Tarık.
01:02:35From our garage.
01:02:39I said what it was about first.
01:02:41Then when my father told me the situation,
01:02:43I understood everything.
01:02:46I was glad to solve the misunderstanding between Mr. Kemal and us.
01:02:50I was glad to see you, by the way.
01:02:54Mr. Kemal?
01:02:58Thank you.
01:02:59Let's go to my room.
01:03:00Let's go.
01:03:01Let's go.
01:03:06I missed you so much.
01:03:14Me too.
01:03:15I missed you too.
01:03:22Mr. Kemal wants to see you.
01:03:24What's up?
01:03:25I need a helper for this farmhouse.
01:03:27He asked if Zahra would come for a few days.
01:03:29That's why I'm looking for you.
01:03:31I can't go.
01:03:33Halil can't handle it alone here.
01:03:35Okay, Mr. Kemal.
01:03:36Go to the director's room and tell him yourself.
01:03:42You are invited to our house for dinner tonight.
01:03:45After the shift,
01:03:47they will bring you to our farmhouse.
01:03:51I came a little suddenly,
01:03:53but I'll dress up and get ready by the time you get here.
01:03:58You asked for me.
01:04:00My daughter and her mother will stay at the farmhouse for a few days.
01:04:07We need someone to cook and clean up.
01:04:14Mrs. Fevkalade,
01:04:16I don't know if you know,
01:04:18but I don't know if you know,
01:04:20but I don't know if you know,
01:04:22but I don't know if you know,
01:04:24Mrs. Fevkalade is a chooser.
01:04:28She doesn't want everyone.
01:04:30I'm happy with your diligence and the taste of your hands.
01:04:37Come to our house for three days.
01:04:40if anything goes wrong in the kitchen,
01:04:45leave it.
01:04:47Halil will take care of the work here, sir.
01:04:49Don't worry.
01:04:50Yes, yes.
01:04:52let your husband know about Halil.
01:04:54Give me your answer secretly.
01:04:57Because we have a guest tonight.
01:05:03I'm looking for Halil.
01:05:36This yellow was very introverted with Mr. Kemal in yesterday's fun,
01:05:40and it is clear why he is crying.
01:05:43Why did you set up the boss's daughter?
01:05:46God bless.
01:05:47You'll never get back on your feet after this hour.
01:05:50Kemal Bey, Kemal Bey, Kemal Bey, I talked to Halil, he let me.
01:06:05Good, good, I'll take you for an hour.
01:06:09If you have a special meal you like, tell me, let's make it for Zahra.
01:06:16No, Mr. Kemal, I'll eat whatever is on the menu, no problem.
01:06:20Okay, then you will talk to my wife, Zahra.
01:06:26Okay, sir.
01:06:27Okay, let's go.
01:06:33You look so sweet, let's take a selfie.
01:06:41Come on, girl.
01:06:42I'm here.
01:06:43I'm here.
01:06:45We look great, see you tonight.
01:07:13I love you.
01:07:43I could only find this in the car.
01:07:54Put it on, or you'll get sick.
01:08:03Take off your clothes, let's dry them.
01:08:05I'm waiting outside.
01:08:43I love you.
01:09:13You can come in.
01:09:42Don't you have anything to wear?
01:09:46You'll get sick, too.
01:09:49I'll take off my clothes, too.
01:09:53We'll dry the t-shirt right away.
01:10:49I've known Fule for a long time.
01:10:51Mr. Kemal is her father, too.
01:10:53He found out I was here, he wanted to come.
01:10:55What should he do, make his daughter mad?
01:10:57What kind of a man are you?
01:10:59What were you doing here anyway?
01:11:01And this girl came out.
01:11:02Zahra, don't make it long.
01:11:04Did I call the girl?
01:11:06But you were so happy, too.
01:11:08You were smiling a lot.
01:11:10You ran away last night without looking back.
01:11:13I don't even care about you, do I?
01:11:15That's how I am, girl.
01:11:17Just think about yourself.
01:11:19Don't make too many plans with me.
01:11:21I'm not coming to Istanbul with you.
01:11:23Is that so?
01:11:25What about the baby in my belly?
01:11:27This baby will stay here with his father, Halil.
01:11:30You think I'm lying, don't you?
01:11:33I'm not lying.
01:11:35I'm not lying.
01:11:37I'm not lying.
01:11:39I'm not lying.
01:11:41I'm not lying.
01:11:45You're the father of this baby, Tarık.
01:11:49I'm sick of your dry threats.
01:11:51Let's do a test, let's see who the baby's father is.
01:11:54Okay, we'll do this test.
01:11:57You'll find out who the father of this baby is.
01:12:00If you still don't see me,
01:12:03then I'll be ready to burn both of us.
01:12:05Do you understand?
01:12:11Come on.
01:12:41Who are you looking for?
01:12:43Is it Zerrin?
01:12:47I can't reach her.
01:12:50They're arrested.
01:12:56How do you know?
01:12:59I heard it from someone.
01:13:01I stopped by the dam on my way here.
01:13:03They were talking there.
01:13:05I heard it from someone.
01:13:07I stopped by the dam on my way here.
01:13:09I stopped by the dam on my way here.
01:13:11They were talking there.
01:13:17I have to go to him.
01:13:19Don't be ridiculous.
01:13:21Do you think I'm going to play a kid in jail?
01:13:23They're already looking for me.
01:13:25How long will I stay here?
01:13:27How far will I run?
01:13:32We'll run as far as we can.
01:13:36We'll run.
01:13:38We'll run.
01:13:57A lion's yoke.
01:13:59Look at them, son.
01:14:01Those eyes.
01:14:03That gaze...
01:14:05How beautiful!
01:14:07What's up? What's all this fuss?
01:14:09It's not a fuss, Istanbullu.
01:14:11It's a compliment.
01:14:12The truth.
01:14:13You're marrying the boss' daughter.
01:14:15Whatever she says, go for it.
01:14:20I see.
01:14:21The great Mr. Kemal has brought his daughter to Istanbul.
01:14:28Mr. Kemal is going to his house.
01:14:30The car is here.
01:14:33They invite us to dinner.
01:14:35It's not enough.
01:14:36They send a vehicle to the door of the workshop.
01:14:39Brother, I've never seen such a charismatic move.
01:14:43Well done.
01:14:45Okay, mind your own business.
01:14:47You know, I don't lie about these things.
01:15:05What's going to happen to the restaurant, Zahra?
01:15:15What am I going to do alone?
01:15:18You'll get used to three days, husband.
01:15:20You know, the baby is coming.
01:15:22You bought the car.
01:15:23We need the money.
01:15:24No, I don't want to be pregnant.
01:15:28And I'm going to give the car back anyway.
01:15:33What should I say now?
01:15:34Should I talk to Halil and give up?
01:15:36No, it's a shame.
01:15:37Why didn't you tell me before you said okay?
01:15:41He was in a hurry.
01:15:42The guest was coming.
01:15:45The car is here.
01:15:46Mr. Kemal will leave me with the car on the way back.
01:15:49Don't worry.
01:15:51I don't want to make him wait any longer.
01:15:53I'm out.
01:15:55Don't be late.
01:16:04What happened?
01:16:28I have a stomachache.
01:16:29I'm going to have to pull you up.
01:16:39Okay, I'll take care of it. Go sit down.
01:16:41I'll take care of it.
01:16:42Don't be stubborn. You can't step on your feet. Go sit down.
01:16:59Does it hurt a lot?
01:17:14It doesn't hurt.
01:17:30A piece of bread is enough. I won't eat much.
01:17:45Thank you.
01:17:59This is the place you were talking about, right?
01:18:31I really wanted to come here. Not like this, of course.
01:18:41I didn't want it to be like this.
01:18:51Yes, tell me. You said you'd tell me.
01:19:10I got married once.
01:19:15We were married for two years.
01:19:22One day, I came home from work outside the city.
01:19:36There was someone else at home.
01:19:45In our bed.
01:19:51My wife and another man.
01:20:07I killed him.
01:20:16Did you kill someone?
01:20:22He was in a war. The man died.
01:20:28I didn't fight him. My face was injured.
01:20:41What about your wife?
01:20:48I don't know.
01:20:51We haven't seen each other since that day.
01:21:21I left everything behind. I came here to start a new life with you.
01:21:37I was waiting for the right time to tell you everything.
01:21:51I'll take care of it.
01:22:00Thank you.
01:22:06Give it to me.
01:22:10Come in.
01:22:14Welcome. I'm Canan.
01:22:17Nice to meet you. I'm Tarik.
01:22:19Come in.
01:22:21Have a seat.
01:22:27It's a blessing to finally meet you, Tarik.
01:22:30But Fulya talks about you so much that I feel like I've known you for a long time.
01:22:35I've been waiting to meet you for a long time.
01:22:38Fulya is a very nice and smart girl.
01:22:41Now that I've met you, I understand why.
01:22:44You're so sweet.
01:22:46Kemal and I are very fond of our daughter.
01:22:49After all, she's the daughter of a house.
01:22:51We raised her by shaking her.
01:22:53Her breaking down, her sadness is the last thing we want.
01:22:59You're right.
01:23:01I feel the same way.
01:23:03I guess my mom came here last when I was a kid.
01:23:06I mean, she doesn't like to go out of Istanbul, but she was so curious about you that she wanted to come first.
01:23:11Of course, what would a woman do when I'm always hanging around Tarik at home?
01:23:16They realized I wouldn't give up on you.
01:23:18You made me think I'd get married right away.
01:23:21What should I have done?
01:23:23Should I not have met you?
01:23:34Welcome, young man.
01:23:36Thank you, Uncle Kemal.
01:23:38Come on, why are you standing at the table?
01:23:40Come on, come on, come on.
01:23:42Come on, come on.
01:23:44Come on.
01:23:48Come on.
01:24:02I heard a voice, did you hear it?
01:24:06I heard a voice from outside, did you hear it?
01:24:13Look, look, did you hear it? It came again.
01:24:16Okay, stop.
01:24:21Don't get up.
01:24:33The door, the door.
01:24:35Okay, don't panic.
01:24:44Stop there.
01:25:01Okay, it's nothing.
01:25:04It was a fox or something like that.
01:25:08I thought we were caught.
01:25:11He must be hungry. He must have come to look for food.
01:25:18Let's go.
01:25:28I'll take a look at it again.
01:25:47I mean, at first I had a hard time, yes, but then I got used to it very quickly.
01:25:51Of course, Nazım helped you a lot, too.
01:25:56Yes, it did.
01:25:57A man like Nazım
01:26:00praising you
01:26:02is a sign that you're on the right track.
01:26:06You took care of it.
01:26:08That's why
01:26:10I was convinced that I would marry you.
01:26:16I mean, I was convinced that you would be a good wife
01:26:20and give happiness to my daughter.
01:26:25Thank you, sir.
01:26:27When we return to Istanbul,
01:26:30I will offer you a higher-level task there.
01:26:35Dad, Tarık has been working for a long time.
01:26:38I mean, we're going to deal with wedding preparations before we go back to Istanbul.
01:26:42We need some time.
01:26:44You can travel as much as you want and prepare, dear.
01:26:48Tarık can manage his marriage and business life at the same time.
01:26:58Of course, I mean...
01:27:01Well, can I use the bathroom, please?
01:27:04Of course, go ahead.
01:27:14Mom, can you leave the boy alone?
01:27:17You've been nervous since the beginning of the meal.
01:27:19My daughter, what's there to be nervous about, for God's sake?
01:27:21Marriage is a serious matter.
01:27:22The boy is good and nice.
01:27:24He's obviously polite.
01:27:26But I mean, if we just got up and came this far for this boy,
01:27:30we're going to talk about everything openly, of course.
01:27:41I'm such an idiot.
01:27:43The wedding was a success. My life was saved.
01:27:53Why can't I think of Nehir?
01:27:57People fall in love with what they see, not what they hear.
01:28:01Nehir saw you.
01:28:03And he loved you so much.
01:28:05I know it's a bit sudden, but you don't have to answer right away.
01:28:10Will you marry me?
01:28:14Yes, yes, I will.
01:28:20Yes, I will.
01:28:38Sara, what are you doing here?
01:28:42Well done.
01:28:44You managed to get into the family.
01:28:46Sara, speak quietly. Someone will hear you now.
01:28:48Let them hear.
01:28:50Why are you so tense?
01:28:52I thought you were fed up with my threats.
01:28:56Sara, someone will come now. Get out of my way.
01:29:00I'm jealous of you.
01:29:03What did you think of me?
01:29:05I've always had a crush on women.
01:29:07I had before you, and I will have after you.
01:29:10I'm going to check on Tara.
01:29:12She couldn't make it.
01:29:19Someone is coming.
01:29:33Tarik, are you inside?
01:29:35Yes, I'm inside.
01:29:37I was worried when you didn't come. Is something wrong?
01:29:40I'm fine.
01:29:42My stomach is a bit upset, but I'm fine.
01:29:43I'll order a Turkish coffee. It will make me feel better.
01:29:46Okay, we'll drink it.
01:29:48You were drinking a medium sugar coffee, right?
01:29:50Yes, yes, it's fine.
01:29:52Okay, honey, I'll order it.
01:29:57I'll come to you. Run, please.
01:29:59I'll bring your sugar coffee right away, Mr. Tarik.
01:30:02You'll drink it with Ms. Furiye.
01:30:05Sara, don't make me wait.
01:30:07Soon, Halil will find out what Mr. Kemal is up to.
01:30:09I won't be quiet when I'm courting other women.
01:30:32Where are you? I'm waiting for you here.
01:30:34I went out to talk on the phone.
01:30:35Tarik and I will have two medium sugar Turkish coffees.
01:30:38It will be simple for my parents.
01:30:40Okay, I'm bringing it.
01:30:42We'll go to the garden. We'll bring it there.
01:31:35I'll kill you, Istanbul.
01:31:37I mean, I don't want to have our wedding in such a classic, popular place, to be honest.
01:31:41I want it to be special for us. I want it to be special for both of us.
01:31:45Look, there's a woman.
01:31:48She's working on some pretty original concepts.
01:31:51I mean, it's like we're deciding the wedding.
01:31:54Would you look at this?
01:31:56Look at this.
01:31:58Look at this.
01:32:00Look at this.
01:32:02Look at this.
01:32:03It's so good.
01:32:05Would you look at this? It's so original.
01:32:08Just like I wanted.
01:32:12It's different.
01:32:14I mean, I'll choose my wedding according to this place.
01:32:17We can also choose your son-in-law.
01:32:21Look, when you said son-in-law, I found a son-in-law and saved it.
01:32:24I'll show it to you.
01:32:26It's so beautiful.
01:32:31What's your plan for tomorrow?
01:32:33We haven't talked yet.
01:32:35I have a lot of work at the construction site tomorrow.
01:32:38I'll give you a day off.
01:32:42Then let's go to the waterfall tomorrow.
01:32:44There's a waterfall near the dam.
01:32:47Do you know it, my love?
01:33:02I don't know.
01:33:04I've never heard of a waterfall here.
01:33:07My father always told me about it, but I've never been there.
01:33:10If we go, I'll take great pictures.
01:33:14Let's go together.
01:33:16We'll have breakfast in the morning.
01:33:18Honey, what are we doing with our young people?
01:33:21Maybe they want to be alone.
01:33:24No, no.
01:33:26We don't have to be alone.
01:33:28We can be together.
01:33:32We can have breakfast together.
01:33:35Then I'll get up.
01:33:37See you in the morning.
01:33:39You should have sat down a little earlier.
01:33:43No, I'll go.
01:33:45We'll be together tomorrow morning.
01:33:47Thank you for everything.
01:33:49By the way, good night.
01:33:51See you again.
01:34:00Mr. Tarik is going to work.
01:34:03If I go out with him,
01:34:05I wonder if the car will let me go.
01:34:07Okay, go ahead.
01:34:09But come early tomorrow morning.
01:34:11Okay, good night.
01:34:13Thank you again for everything.
01:34:15I'll go by myself.
01:34:17Good night.
01:34:19Good night.
01:34:26Good night, honey.
01:34:27Good night.
01:34:39See you tomorrow.
01:34:55It's finally over.
01:34:58It was like you weren't having fun.
01:35:02I've had the most stressful moments of my life.
01:35:04Why shouldn't I have fun?
01:35:06Breakfast in the waterfall in the morning.
01:35:09I'm sure you'll be nervous there, too.
01:35:14Zahra, don't start.
01:35:28Good night.
01:35:30Good night.
01:35:32Shut up.
01:35:34Shut up.
01:35:57Shut up.
01:36:13I'm going to see Nazmi.
01:36:27I'm going to see Nazmi.
01:36:58My Tarik, open the door.
01:37:10Where are you?
01:37:27But you're doing nothing, I swear.
01:37:32You're giving up your name.
01:37:35He gave me the same answer.
01:37:39He wouldn't have.
01:37:43Thank you, good night.
01:37:49İbrahim, look.
01:37:52Can't you see? He's talking on the phone.
01:37:54Okay, hang up. I'll ask you something.
01:37:58Wait, I'll call you in a minute.
01:38:03What's up, Sarı? What do you want?
01:38:05Where's Nazmi? He wasn't at home.
01:38:07What happened? Did you miss him?
01:38:09You're such a weirdo.
01:38:11Didn't I tell you this morning that he went to the cafe?
01:38:13Why would he come back home again?
01:38:15Why are you so curious?
01:38:17Nothing. I was just curious because you said something weird in the morning.
01:38:22I said it because he put a blanket in his car and bought food.
01:38:24Then he went to the opposite direction of the road.
01:38:26It felt like he was going to enter the forest from the right.
01:38:28He came back and I used him.
01:38:32You're such a weirdo.
01:38:34We'll figure it out.
01:38:36Yeah, you'll figure it out.
01:38:39You're still after Nazmi.
01:38:41Special vehicles, food, etc.
01:38:49There's something between you two.
01:39:10If there's a place you always go, you must have written it down.
01:39:24I'm sorry.
01:39:26I'm sorry.
01:39:28I'm sorry.
01:39:30I'm sorry.
01:39:32I'm sorry.
01:39:34I'm sorry.
01:39:36I'm sorry.
01:39:38I'm sorry.
01:39:40I'm sorry.
01:39:42I'm sorry.
01:39:44I'm sorry.
01:39:46I'm sorry.
01:39:48I'm sorry.
01:39:50I'm sorry.
01:39:52I'm sorry.
01:39:54I'm sorry.
01:39:56I'm sorry.
01:39:57I'm sorry.
01:39:59I'm sorry.
01:40:01I'm sorry.
01:40:03I'm sorry.
01:40:05I'm sorry.
01:40:07I'm sorry.
01:40:09I'm sorry.
01:40:11I'm sorry.
01:40:13I'm sorry.
01:40:15I'm sorry.
01:40:17I'm sorry.
01:40:19I'm sorry.
01:40:21There's a lake in the forest area behind the dam, Nehir.
01:40:24I made myself a cabin near there.
01:40:28I found you.
01:40:49Good morning.
01:40:51Good morning.
01:40:53Good morning.
01:40:54I'm a little tired.
01:40:58What are you doing at this hour?
01:41:00I couldn't sleep all night.
01:41:02I'm going to a town.
01:41:04Do you have a car?
01:41:06What car at this hour?
01:41:08The service hasn't even come yet.
01:41:10What are you going to do in the town?
01:41:12I was with Mr. Kemal last night.
01:41:14I heard.
01:41:16You went to his house.
01:41:18He's talking about this to the whole gang.
01:41:20Look at me.
01:41:22Will he give you my daughter?
01:41:24I'm a little stressed.
01:41:26I want to go out for a walk.
01:41:28Are you kidding me?
01:41:30Would a person get stressed just because his boss is going to marry his daughter?
01:41:33You're out of luck.
01:41:35I like to drive when I'm full.
01:41:38I couldn't sleep either.
01:41:40I'm going for a walk.
01:41:42Don't you have a car?
01:41:44You're half the boss now.
01:41:46It doesn't mean you don't have a car.
01:41:51There's a brown car on the side.
01:41:52It's mine.
01:41:54Come on, let's go for a walk.
01:41:58He's from Istanbul.
01:42:00You'll tell me everything, won't you, Mr. Kemal?
01:42:03I won't forget this.
01:42:05I'll definitely talk about you in the next meeting.
01:42:07Thank you.
01:42:13It never happened.
01:42:17We haven't eaten yet.
01:42:18We haven't eaten yet.
01:42:20You should have started the next day.
01:42:24With Mr. Kemal.
01:42:26You asked for today.
01:42:28What can I do?
01:42:30Well, you're with me for breakfast.
01:42:33We'll quickly prepare lunch together.
01:42:36I'll find someone by the evening.
01:42:44Isn't that Tarik in the car?
01:42:46Where is he going at this hour?
01:42:49I don't know. Let's follow him.
01:42:54Let him go wherever he goes.
01:43:10Tell me.
01:43:12I saw Tarık.
01:43:13I saw him.
01:43:15Where was he going early in the morning?
01:43:17He invited Mr. Kemal to dinner at night.
01:43:19Then he didn't let him sleep until the morning.
01:43:21He was nervous because he was going to marry his boss's daughter.
01:43:24He went out for a walk.
01:43:26Was Tarık the guest at the dinner?
01:43:31But Ali Usta, he's half a boss now.
01:43:33You have to be careful.
01:43:36What if he's the boss everywhere?
01:43:44What are you up to again, Tarık?
01:43:47You were supposed to go to the waterfall.
01:43:49Why didn't you tell me that he was there at night?
01:43:54I saw him when I went there.
01:43:57He'll be back in a couple of days.
01:44:03I don't know. Maybe.
01:44:06No. I'll talk to Mr. Kemal.
01:44:09Let him talk to someone else.
01:44:11He can't be without you at the dinner.
01:44:15I don't want him to go.
01:44:39Where is this lake?
01:45:09I don't know.
01:45:39Come on.
01:46:09Come on.
01:46:18Follow the lake.
01:46:28They hear the car.
01:46:39Let's go.
01:47:09Let's go.
01:47:42He knows we're going down to breakfast.
01:47:45Let them call him.
01:47:51What happened?
01:47:53Tarık is not in the neighborhood.
01:47:57He went out for a walk with the security car.
01:48:01The car I sent is now waiting for him to come back.
01:48:06Waiting for us is unacceptable.
01:48:11Good morning.
01:48:13Good morning.
01:48:15Good morning, dad.
01:48:19Good morning, daughter.
01:48:26What's up?
01:48:28Why are you so nervous?
01:48:31Your friend.
01:48:32Your friend.
01:48:34He managed to make us wait from day one.
01:48:37You know, waiting is the least I like.
01:49:02What are you doing here?
01:49:04I'm here to see you.
01:49:06What are you doing here?
01:49:08I'm here to see you.
01:49:10What are you doing here?
01:49:12I'm here to see you.
01:49:14I'm here to see you.
01:49:16I'm here to see you.
01:49:18I'm here to see you.
01:49:20I'm here to see you.
01:49:22I'm here to see you.
01:49:24I'm here to see you.
01:49:26I'm here to see you.
01:49:28I'm here to see you.
01:49:30I'm here to see you.
01:49:32I'm here to see you.
01:50:02I thought you left.
01:50:05I couldn't.
01:50:10Because I had nowhere to go?
01:50:14Or because I wanted to stay?
01:50:17I just couldn't.
01:50:19I just couldn't.
01:50:21I just couldn't.
01:50:23I just couldn't.
01:50:25I just couldn't.
01:50:27I just couldn't.
01:50:29I just couldn't.
01:50:31I just couldn't.
01:50:33I just couldn't.
01:50:35I just couldn't.
01:50:54I don't know if I have a place to go.
01:50:56I have a place to stay if you want.
01:51:07You dropped me off at the bus stop.
01:51:09I don't have any clothes on me, my suitcase, everything is there.
01:51:13I'll go down to the town today.
01:51:15I'll get you something, don't worry.
01:51:21My book is also there.
01:51:26You bought that book, didn't you?
01:51:36It's a beautiful gift, Ece.
01:51:56I'll go down to the town. I'll check if the police are looking for me. Maybe I'll learn something.
01:52:12I'm going home anyway. I'm a little cold.
01:52:26I'm going to bed.
01:52:56Nehir, give me the car keys.
01:53:27I knew you were lying.
01:53:52What happened?
01:53:54He's busy.
01:53:56What kind of disrespect is this?
01:53:59Mom, something important must have happened.
01:54:01If there's anything more important than us, then let's reconsider our judgments on this boy.
01:54:10Let's go now.
01:54:11If the gentleman wants a lot, he'll come and find us there.
01:54:16Dad, say something to my mom, please.
01:54:20Come on, let's go. Let's not make my mom angry.
01:54:26They'll find Tarık and bring him to us.
01:54:50He forgot his phone.
01:55:18What are you doing here?
01:55:20Nehir, stop. I'll explain to you.
01:55:22I have nothing to talk to you about. Get out of here.
01:55:24Nehir, I know the police are looking for you. Let's talk inside for five minutes.
01:55:27You can't even take a step out of this house.
01:55:29Get out of here. Nazım will come now.
01:55:31Nehir, look. It was all a moment of anger.
01:55:34I was very angry when I found out you were a swindler.
01:55:37I wasn't going to tell you when I moved in with Nazım.
01:55:40You weren't going to tell me, were you?
01:55:43I wasn't going to tell you.
01:55:45Because I was afraid.
01:55:48I was afraid you'd leave me.
01:55:50Because I'm really in love with you.
01:56:20I love you.
01:56:50I love you.
01:57:20I love you.
01:57:50I love you.