I Kept Ignoring the Most Popular Hottie at the Maid Cafe, And Then...

  • 2 months ago
I Kept Ignoring the Most Popular Hottie at the Maid Cafe, And Then...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Finally, I made it here! The maid cafe! Thank you for bringing me here, Otaku!
00:06My name is Otakura, not Otaku.
00:10This maid cafe is filled with entertainment. It hosts live maid events once a month. It's an amazing place!
00:18It feels like a dream.
00:21My name is Takuto Mori. I'm a hardcore otaku who loves manga, games, and anime.
00:28Oh, and I am also a university student.
00:31Today, I came to the maid cafe with my friend and fellow otaku, Hamotsu Otakura.
00:38Finally! I finally made it to the Tokimeki maid cafe!
00:45I've always wanted to visit this specific maid cafe. Why? Well, the reason is...
00:52Welcome back, Master! Everyone's favorite maid, Haruru, has arrived!
00:58Takuto, she's here! She's here!
01:01She's the number one maid in this cafe, Haruru!
01:05According to Otakura, Haruru has an unusually selfish personality for a maid.
01:11Rather than serving her masters wholeheartedly, she seems to interact with them as she pleases, on a whim.
01:18Normally, such behavior from a maid wouldn't be tolerated, but...
01:23Her cat-like personality and selfishness is what makes her special.
01:28Most of the customers who come to this maid cafe are here to see her.
01:32Oh, I see.
01:34Welcome home, Master! Are you happy to see me, Master?
01:39Yes, absolutely!
01:44So, Master, what can I get for you today?
01:47Moe moe, kyun kyun, with all the extras, please!
01:51Yay! All the extras? Thank you, Master! I'm so happy!
01:58Now, please receive my cuteness power! I hope you feel better, okay?
02:04One, two, kyun kyun!
02:11What on earth am I witnessing?
02:13Oh? You're a new master, aren't you?
02:18Welcome, Master! You're here for me too, aren't you? I know it!
02:25Now, what will you order, Master? If you want to be my presence...
02:31No, I'm not interested in you.
02:34Wh-what do you mean?
02:36The reason I wanted to come here was to meet her.
02:39Is that... Ron? A staff member?
02:43She and I met just a few days ago.
02:47I bought too much merch because they were on sale!
02:50But this... this is the weight of happiness!
02:54I'll have to cut back on my spendings for a while, but I have no regrets!
02:59Oh, no! Ouch...
03:02Uh-oh, the merch!
03:05I twisted my ankle...
03:07Are you okay? It's serious! Hang on a second!
03:15A few minutes later...
03:17Here! That should be everything!
03:20Thank you very much! Not only for picking up all my stuff, but also tending to my injured ankle!
03:25Um, can I give back to you to say thank you?
03:28Don't worry about it!
03:30But if I don't, I'll feel...
03:33All right! If you insist, come here!
03:36Here... a maid cafe?
03:41I work here as a butler at this cafe!
03:44I'm like an aide for the maids!
03:46I work mostly behind the scenes, but I also do public-facing jobs from time to time!
03:51Feel free to visit! Our maids are all cute!
03:55So I'm sure you'll enjoy your time!
03:58So yeah, that's why I came to visit Ron.
04:01I see... I never thought you were also after Ron.
04:06Are there others who come to meet her?
04:09Most of the female customers here come to see Ron.
04:13By the way, Takuto, could it be that you're in love with Ron?
04:18No, no! Why would I fall in love with my idol?
04:21The feelings I have for her are different from romantic love!
04:25I simply admire and stan Ron as my favorite idol!
04:30So, that's why you'll be seeing me more often!
04:34Otakura, let's do our best in supporting and stanning our idols!
04:40W-w-w-what the heck!?
04:43It's okay when girls ignore me, but this guy is not even remotely interested in me!
04:49Next time, I'll definitely make him my customer!
04:56Master! Here's a special service!
04:59Uh, b-but...
05:01Here! Open your mouth!
05:04Th-thank you!
05:06He-h-hey! How about that?
05:08No one can resist this special treatment!
05:12Mm! It's delicious! Who made this?
05:15Um... Ron!
05:17Ron excels at cooking!
05:19It's amazing that she can make a takoyaki cake!
05:22Huh? What about me?
05:25What do you mean?
05:29A different day...
05:31Hey, Master! I'm in a good mood today!
05:34So, I'll take a special photo with you!
05:37No thanks!
05:38Oh, a photo?
05:39I'd like one with Ron!
05:42This guy!
05:44That master really doesn't pay any attention to me!
05:48In that case, I'll use my final move!
05:52It's called the fateful encounter plan,
05:55where we'll coincidentally bump into each other outside.
05:59Just watch!
06:01Evening of that day.
06:02With this, he'll surely fall for me too!
06:07I left work early and rushed to change into regular clothes for this!
06:13I'm going to make sure he notices me!
06:15Hey, pretty!
06:17What are you doing by yourself?
06:20If you're bored, how about spending some time with me?
06:24I-I'm not bored!
06:25I, um...
06:27Oh, are you shy?
06:32You're cute!
06:34No, stop it!
06:36H-hey, Haburoon!
06:38Why are you here of all places?
06:41You were late, so I got worried!
06:45Huh? Um...
06:47Come on, let's go!
06:49We're going to be late for the restaurant we reserved!
06:54Ah, you're with a guy!
06:56You could've just said that right off the bat!
06:59Ah, that was intimidating!
07:02Why did you help me?
07:04Well, it was clear you were in trouble.
07:07But you...
07:08You were trembling!
07:10I guess I got scared because I don't have good experience with
07:14really flirty people like that.
07:17But you still helped me!
07:20Yeah, I might come across as insincere,
07:25but I'd rather take action than be a bystander.
07:28That's why I did what I could.
07:34My name is Harutakano.
07:37Nice to officially meet you!
07:41Got it.
07:44You probably don't want to deal with sketchy people again,
07:48so I'll walk you home.
07:50Thank you!
07:52The next day.
07:54Here, please take this.
07:58I didn't order anything.
08:00It's a special drink that I created.
08:03It's my way of expressing my gratitude for your help last night.
08:07Please accept it.
08:09Ah, you didn't have to.
08:11I wanted to!
08:13Um, thank you for yesterday.
08:15For saving me.
08:17Um, your hand.
08:19What's wrong?
08:20It's just a simple touch.
08:22I'm feeling a little embarrassed.
08:25You're quite shy, aren't you?
08:29Well then, enjoy your time, master!
08:33My heart is racing.
08:36The next time I went to the maid cafe was on the day of the monthly live event.
08:41Otakura had mentioned that it's an annual event
08:43where three of the most popular maids dance on stage.
08:48Earlier, Haru asked me to watch.
08:50I wonder what she meant.
08:52Did she wink at me just now?
08:55Did she mean to watch her?
08:58She's too adorable!
09:01After the live performance ended, the maids came around to each table.
09:05Thank you for coming today!
09:08Well then, I'll be waiting again, master!
09:12She was so adorable!
09:16What's this?
09:17An invitation?
09:18So adorable!
09:20What's this?
09:21In my hand?
09:23Let's go home together!
09:26As written in her note,
09:28I waited until closing time to go home with Haru.
09:32You really waited for me!
09:35Well, I got that note from you.
09:37By the way, great job earlier at the live performance!
09:40That was amazing!
09:42It's our regular event, so we put in a lot of effort.
09:46It's unique to our maid cafe, so it's special.
09:50You really like this job, don't you?
09:53Yes, I love it!
09:55By the way, why did you decide to work at a maid cafe?
10:00Haru slowly began to share her story.
10:04I was a very plain girl during my school days.
10:08I loved and admired anything cute,
10:11but I couldn't take that first step towards being cute myself.
10:15Then by chance, I received a flyer for a part-time job at a maid cafe.
10:20It said everyone was welcome, but I didn't believe it.
10:24I thought that it was impossible for me.
10:27But then, the manager of the cafe I always go to encouraged me.
10:32People can change with effort, so go for that challenge.
10:37I believed those words and worked hard to become cute.
10:41And that's how I ended up at this cafe.
10:45Haru is such an honest and hard-working person.
10:49My impression of her has changed.
10:52So that selfish maid, is it a character you created?
10:58I actually used a manga character as a reference.
11:01She was cool, caring, but a bit selfish.
11:06The character was so cute, so I used her makeup and hairstyle as reference.
11:11And while I'm in maid mode,
11:13I try to embody her personality.
11:17Ah, you're hungry.
11:19Want to go eat something?
11:20Oh wait, there are no shops around here.
11:23If you want, we can eat at my place.
11:25It's very close by.
11:27Tacto's Homemade Cooking?
11:29Is that okay?
11:30Of course! I want to try it!
11:33All right then, I'll do my best to impress you.
11:36A few minutes later.
11:38All right, I'll start cooking.
11:40Just sit comfortably and wait.
11:45Hm? What's wrong?
11:47There's something I want to tell you.
11:49I've fallen for you, and I want to become your exclusive maid.
11:55I like you.
12:01That came out of the blue.
12:04Sorry for surprising you by blurting out my feelings all of a sudden.
12:08But I really like you.
12:11It would make me happy if you'd consider it.
12:15So, um...
12:17Can I have your contact information?
12:19Yeah, that's okay.
12:23Thank you.
12:27Then I'll go make some food for us.
12:31Is she serious?
12:33Is this for real?
12:35After we had our meal, we chatted about trivial things.
12:39Then we parted ways.
12:41To be honest, I was so preoccupied with her confession
12:45that I couldn't taste the food or focus on the conversation at all.
12:50The next day.
12:51Now that I really look,
12:53Haru is putting in so much effort.
12:56She's helping the new staff,
12:58and whenever a customer drops something,
13:00she reacts quickly.
13:02When the water runs out,
13:03she's the first one to take action.
13:06She's working harder than anyone else.
13:10She's such an amazing person.
13:16Is something wrong?
13:18Your face seems a bit red.
13:21It's nothing!
13:22Oh no...
13:24I'm getting flustered over small things.
13:28Eventually, whenever I went to the maid cafe,
13:31I found myself looking at Haru more and more.
13:34Her ever-changing expressions and diligent work ethic.
13:39It was evident how much she loved this job.
13:42I found myself gradually drawn to her.
13:45I used to be a fan of Ron.
13:47One day, as I was thinking about that...
13:50Haru seems a bit off today, don't you think?
13:54You think so too, Otakura?
13:57I wonder if she's not feeling well.
14:00I'm worried.
14:02A few days later,
14:03Haru stopped coming to the maid cafe.
14:06I got worried and sent her a message,
14:08but I still haven't received a response.
14:11I wonder what happened.
14:13If something happened, I want to help.
14:16I decided to ask Ron directly after work.
14:19Ron, I noticed Harurun hasn't been at work recently.
14:24Do you know what happened?
14:27Well, you see,
14:28there was a customer who caused a big scene.
14:31They complained that Haru was showing favoritism towards her masters.
14:36I didn't know that.
14:38By favoritism, could it be about me?
14:46Well, it's probably small minor things that she was doing unconsciously,
14:50like waving at you.
14:54Other girls might do it too.
14:56But since Haru's customers tend to be intensely invested in her,
15:01it might have stood out.
15:03But you don't need to worry about it.
15:06Our job is to entertain you,
15:07the customers.
15:09By the way, what happened to that customer?
15:12We tried to capture him,
15:14but he was too fast and got away.
15:17Did you report it to the police?
15:19Well, Haru stopped us from doing that.
15:22She said,
15:23it's my fault for conducting myself unprofessionally.
15:27She said the master isn't at fault,
15:29so she didn't want us to report it.
15:32So as of now,
15:33we're waiting for things to calm down.
15:37For now, Haru will come in tomorrow.
15:40There are some things that need to be discussed.
15:43Um, I want to see Haru.
15:46Sure, Haru will come after we close.
15:49So come around that time.
15:51You are Haru's supporter, so...
15:55And the next day,
15:56I headed to the shop at the time specified by Ran.
16:03I couldn't get in touch with you.
16:04I was so worried.
16:06Ran filled me in on everything that happened.
16:09It must have been tough.
16:11I... I fail as a maid.
16:14Unconsciously, I put my feelings above everything else.
16:18I liked you so much
16:20that I found myself just watching you.
16:23When our eyes met,
16:24I'd get happy and wave.
16:27I didn't do it on purpose,
16:28but my feelings took over.
16:31You shouldn't blame yourself like that.
16:36Love and work.
16:37It's okay to have both.
16:39After all, maids are human too.
16:43It's natural for feelings to take over.
16:45Just be more careful from now on, okay?
16:49Ran, thank you!
16:51I'll talk to the owner,
16:52so you two be careful on your way home.
16:55Takuto, take care of Haru, okay?
16:58I'll let you know about your schedule later.
17:01So, I ended up walking Haru home.
17:04Haru, there's something I need to tell you.
17:10I... well...
17:12I have feelings for you, Haru.
17:14Favoritism, again?
17:19I've been going to the maid cafe for you this entire time!
17:24This is ridiculous!
17:26I can't let this go on anymore!
17:32Anyone who dares to interfere with other people's love lives
17:36will be kicked out by me!
17:38Even masters!
17:41You're... that butler!
17:44What are you doing here?
17:46I brought something Haru forgot!
17:49Looks like I came at just the right time!
17:52This time, I won't let you get away!
17:57Takuto, are you okay?
18:00I'm fine!
18:01What about you, Haru?
18:02You protected me, so I'm okay!
18:05I'm glad... my beloved is not hurt.
18:11Haru, I like you!
18:13I love how you work so hard as a maid!
18:15I like you too, Takuto!
18:18At first, I just wanted to win you over because you ignored me!
18:22But when I saw you coming to my rescue,
18:25I fell in love with you for real!
18:27Takuto, I love you!
18:29I really do!
18:31I love you too!
18:32Please be my exclusive maid!
18:35Of course, Takuto!
18:38Since then, thanks to Ran's efforts,
18:40the difficult customer was arrested,
18:42and Haru was able to return to the maid cafe with a peace of mind.
18:46And I, in order to support Haru,
18:48started working as a butler at the maid cafe.
18:52To prevent a similar incident from happening again,
18:55Haru and I decided to announce our relationship to her fans.
18:59Even though some fans cried,
19:01they approved of our relationship and gave us their blessing,
19:05if you're happy, then it's okay.
19:08Time has passed since...
19:10Nice work today!
19:12You as well, Haru!
19:14Almost done for the day!
19:16When we get home, I'll comfort you as your maid, Takuto!
19:20I'm looking forward to it!
19:22Hi! It's me, Mel!
19:25Thanks for watching my channel!
19:28I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
