When I Found Out the Popular Hottie's True Nature at the Mixer and Kept Ignoring Her…

  • 2 months ago
When I Found Out the Popular Hottie's True Nature at the Mixer and Kept Ignoring Her…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Kenji Suzuki, a 20-year-old college sophomore and total introvert, as you can see.
00:07Tonight, I got dragged into this mixer for no good reason.
00:11Man, Ai, you're such a good listener, you know that?
00:15No, it's just cause everyone's got interesting stories, you know.
00:20Oh, you wanna share that spicy Korean chicken, right?
00:24She's quick on her feet, nice!
00:27Again with this...
00:29Hey Ai, what about your portion?
00:32Uh, truth is, I can't handle spicy stuff.
00:37Did you catch on that I'm a picky eater?
00:40No way, really? That's adorable!
00:43I'm a pro with spicy food, so leave it to me!
00:47The sly hottie who's got every guy at the mixer wrapped around her finger is Ai Nakamura,
00:53a fellow college student of the same age.
00:56Sure, she's cute, but what catches my eye is her sly technique.
01:02Wow! I'm totally impressed!
01:05I heard Ai was the organizer, but...
01:08Seriously, at a Korean restaurant when she can't handle spicy food?
01:13She's got everyone fooled!
01:15My ability to see through her flirting skills like this has a reason behind it.
01:21It's because of my sister, Ellina,
01:24who's two years older and uses these skills to become a model and influencer.
01:29I got roped into helping with her meticulous social media posts
01:33and studying her flirting techniques,
01:35so now I've got this skill to spot the moves girls make.
01:39When you tilt your head slightly, the diagonal angle is crucial!
01:44And make sure to lower your chin and look up with those puppy eyes.
01:49Love is all just a calculated game, it seems.
01:53Watching my sister like this made me believe that love and affection are just a bunch of phony tactics.
02:00So, I thought I'd quietly sip my drink in the corner, but...
02:04You're Kenji, right?
02:06Uh, yeah.
02:08You've been drinking a lot since earlier, haven't you?
02:11You can handle your booze, huh?
02:14Well, I'm average, I guess.
02:18I can't drink at all, so I really admire guys who can hold their liquor.
02:22It's so manly and cool, you know?
02:25It's not that big of a deal.
02:27Oh, wait a minute.
02:29Are you trying to show me your cool side?
02:33You don't even have to try that hard, you know?
02:36Excuse me?
02:38So does that mean you were trying to get my attention?
02:41No, not really into calculating women, sorry.
02:48Hey, yo, Kenji.
02:51Uh, my true feelings just slipped out.
02:54True feelings?
02:55No, no, sorry.
02:57I've actually got plans with my sis after this, so I gotta go.
03:01Wait a sec!
03:02See ya!
03:06Mixers are definitely not my scene.
03:08Oh, is my sis nearby?
03:10Uh, yeah.
03:12I'm right near the bookstore.
03:15Wait up!
03:19Wait, I?
03:20After ruining the mixer, where do you think you're going?
03:24And how did you know?
03:26I had a feeling you were putting on an act.
03:28What do you mean?
03:30Talking about my lovely Irina's flirting techniques, really?
03:34Uh, sorry.
03:35Wait, could it be?
03:37You called for me?
03:41Why are you here?
03:43And, wait.
03:45Did you just call her sis?
03:49So that means you're her brother.
03:51Uh, I came to pick you up, but it looks like you're a bit busy.
03:56No, it's not.
03:58Um, I-Irina, I'm like your biggest fan.
04:03I've got all your books.
04:05Oh, really?
04:06That's so sweet.
04:08I'm like totally psyched to meet you.
04:10I had no idea you were Kenji's sister.
04:13You both are seriously awesome.
04:17Oh, come on.
04:19Aww, you're such a sweetie.
04:22Well then, Kenji, I'll head home first, okay?
04:25Nah, I'll go with you.
04:27You can't just leave a cute girl like her hanging.
04:32S-so happy.
04:35They say good things come to those who play it straight, huh?
04:39Well then, I guess I'll...
04:44You can't just go home like this, right?
04:47We've gotta celebrate the day I met Irina.
04:51Come on, let's go for drinks.
04:55And so, I got dragged along totally against my will for the next two hours.
05:00Another refill for me?
05:02No way!
05:03How much are you planning to drink?
05:05Are you saying I can't handle my booze?
05:08I didn't say that!
05:09Here, have some water.
05:11I couldn't stop Ai from drowning her joy in alcohol,
05:15so I had no choice but to escort her home.
05:19Ai, here's your key.
05:21Yeah, yeah, I got it.
05:23Give me a sec.
05:24Okay, unlock the door.
05:27Sure, sure.
05:29Excuse me, I'll just...
05:31Ah, this room is filled with stylish stuff and makeup.
05:35I mean, she's working hard just like my sister,
05:38but compared to them, I'm just...
05:40Ai, I'm sorry if I was a bit rude earlier.
05:45Well, if you get it now, no biggie.
05:48Whoa, careful!
05:52Uh-oh, I'm starting to feel it.
06:01The next morning.
06:02Oh man, I must have fallen asleep like that.
06:05Coming home at dawn like this, my sister's gonna tease me.
06:12Hey, I think it's time to wake up.
06:16Who's waking me up this early?
06:20It's me.
06:24What are you doing in a young maiden's room?
06:27Wait a minute, don't tell me you...
06:30Nothing happened.
06:31I've been used as a pillow this whole time.
06:34You don't remember me being dragged around last night?
06:38Wait, come to think of it,
06:40you, like, escorted me home, right?
06:45I'm like super sorry.
06:47If you get it, it's cool.
06:49I mean, it was me, so it's fine.
06:52Just be careful not to overdo it with the drinks, alright?
06:57Well then, I'mma get going.
07:00As a thank you, I'm treating you to breakfast.
07:05Fifteen minutes later.
07:06Sorry for the wait.
07:08Ready, Kenji?
07:09Uh, yeah.
07:12Super hungry can't wait.
07:16Hey, wait, is it just me,
07:18or do you seem a bit different from yesterday?
07:21But I don't need to act cute in front of you, duh.
07:24You've already seen me being all messy.
07:27Then we're just heading to a nearby cafe.
07:30Are you disappointed?
07:32Huh, not at all.
07:34I think this is better.
07:35You're cute and all.
07:39W-well, let's go, Kenji.
07:42What's up with that reaction just now?
07:45So, the two of us headed to a nearby cafe that I frequent.
07:49Mmm, this is so good.
07:52Yeah, it is.
07:54This is my favorite cafe.
07:56She's enjoying the food so much.
07:58I think I prefer this to yesterday's mixer, though.
08:01Hey, Ai, why do you want to be popular
08:04when you're already naturally cute?
08:06W-why do you keep saying that?
08:09Well, whatever.
08:11You know I've got dreams.
08:14To have an amazing boyfriend
08:16and go on a date under the Christmas lights.
08:19It's been my romantic fantasy since I was a kid.
08:23Wow, really?
08:24And, uh, never mind.
08:27What dessert are you getting?
08:30After leisurely spending about an hour.
08:33Well then, see ya.
08:34Take it easy on the drinks.
08:36I know, I got it.
08:38Thanks for today.
08:40No problem.
08:45I've been thinking.
08:47It's no good if I get easily found out
08:50while I'm trying to improve my charming skills
08:52to meet my ideal boyfriend.
08:55It was just a lucky guess.
08:57You don't have to worry.
08:58No way!
09:01I'm gonna keep researching these charming skills for a while.
09:06Be my boyfriend?
09:10You ruined the mixer, right, Kenji?
09:13W-well, yeah, but...
09:16Is that a yes?
09:18From now on,
09:19from now on,
09:20I'm gonna seriously try to win over you.
09:25It was quite a reckless proposal,
09:28but in the atmosphere where refusal wasn't an option,
09:31I reluctantly agreed.
09:33I'm home.
09:35I've explained to Mom so you won't get busted, you know.
09:38So, how'd it go?
09:41Nah, she's not my girlfriend.
09:43But it's starting from now, right?
09:45That's nice.
09:48I feel like I can never win against women.
09:52Afterward, I actually got in touch,
09:54and we went on several more dates.
09:56And today marks our eighth date.
09:59I wanted to try the limited time cappuccino.
10:02The heart-fluttering flavor sounds interesting.
10:05If you want, you can have a taste.
10:09Oh, wait.
10:10It might turn into an indirect kiss.
10:14But I don't mind.
10:17Um, if it's with you, it's fine.
10:21So sneaky!
10:23I always pulls off these kinds of charm techniques.
10:27That was good,
10:28but my hands got kinda cold.
10:31cause it was pretty chilled.
10:34Is this warm enough?
10:36Yeah, it's warm enough.
10:38I can't think she's cute,
10:43Did your heart skip a beat?
10:45Nope, not at all.
10:46In the end,
10:47this is all part of her charm research.
10:51I feel like my charming skills are really improving.
10:54I think you're already more than good enough.
10:57Not yet.
10:58I'm not at super handsome guy level yet.
11:01Sorry about that.
11:02I'm not a super handsome guy.
11:05Come on, it's not like that though.
11:08Even if you're not super,
11:10Kenji, you're still...
11:12The girl next to him is super cute,
11:14but isn't her boyfriend kinda weird?
11:17Yeah, seriously.
11:18They don't match at all.
11:22Kenji, give me a sec.
11:25I'm gonna let them regret for saying that.
11:28Wait, wait!
11:29You don't need to get upset about that.
11:31But it's frustrating, you know?
11:33Kenji, you're so cool,
11:35and yet they say something like that.
11:37Wait, what did she just say?
11:41That's right.
11:42Kenji, come with me.
11:45And a few dozen minutes later...
11:47Um, I?
11:49Yeah, they all look great on you.
11:52You look super cool.
11:55It feels like I'm bringing out your true charm
11:57and making you even cooler.
11:59This isn't really my style.
12:01I think regular clothes are just fine.
12:04No, no!
12:05Picking clothes that match your body shape
12:07and skin tone will double your appeal.
12:09I want everyone to know
12:11that you're a cool guy inside and out.
12:17you've accepted me too,
12:19haven't you?
12:21What do you mean?
12:23Oh, nothing.
12:24Hey, this one suits you too.
12:26Try it on next.
12:27Uh, sure.
12:29You keep getting cooler!
12:31Oh, but...
12:33I'm a bit worried.
12:35About what?
12:36Cause if you become popular,
12:38you might not have time for me anymore, right?
12:42If that happens, I'll be lonely.
12:45Wait a second.
12:46First of all, I'm not popular.
12:48You sure about that?
12:51Why is my heart racing?
12:53I'm just being used for charm techniques.
12:57On the days we went on dates
12:59after my part-time job...
13:00Hey Kenji,
13:02you know waiting even one second
13:04feels like an eternity.
13:06Did you really wait just for me?
13:09I wanted to spend every second together.
13:12Even though the truth is
13:13you just wanted to get here early
13:15and line up for pancakes?
13:17You caught me.
13:19I heard they're really delicious
13:21and super popular.
13:22I wanna try them too.
13:24Shall we go?
13:26Your hand...
13:28Oh, sorry.
13:29It's just a habit.
13:31Did you also level up
13:32your charm techniques, Kenji?
13:35You're making my heart race.
13:39It's not like that.
13:41You wanted to hold hands with me?
13:43That's not it.
13:45It's just that we always do that.
13:48Let's go with that story.
13:52In no time,
13:53two months had passed
13:54with exchanges like this.
13:56I wanna tell her that I like her,
13:58but this is all practice
14:00to get her a wonderful boyfriend, right?
14:05I'm throwing a party
14:06with a bunch of influencers.
14:08Can you help out?
14:09Was that Ai?
14:10You can bring her too.
14:12She's not my girlfriend.
14:14Is that okay?
14:15It's totally fine.
14:17Also, this dress is a hand-me-down.
14:20I think it would look great on her,
14:22so consider it a gift.
14:24She'll love it for sure.
14:26The next day,
14:27I went to Ai's house
14:28with the dress and invitation.
14:31Are you sure I can have this?
14:34My sister will be thrilled.
14:36Thanks for everything.
14:38It feels like a dream.
14:40This is supposed to have lights too.
14:44Models and celebrities are coming,
14:46so they say.
14:47This could be a memorable place
14:49to find your wonderful boyfriend, right?
14:53Your dreams are coming true.
14:55Just give it your all
14:56to find a boyfriend here, okay?
15:02I want to check out the Christmas lights
15:04with you, Kenji.
15:05Is that...
15:08I mean,
15:09it's not like it's not okay,
15:10but I'm not your boyfriend or anything.
15:13Ugh, Kenji, I...
15:17No, never mind.
15:19What was I even saying?
15:22Let's forget about it.
15:24I'm looking forward to the party.
15:26Thanks for bringing the dress.
15:29What did that mean?
15:30Is Ai into me too?
15:33Then we got busy with party preparations,
15:36and I didn't get to meet Ai until the big day.
15:39I haven't seen in a while.
15:41That dress looks amazing on her.
15:43She doesn't need to try so hard.
15:45She looks gorgeous.
15:48Who's that?
15:50you're cute.
15:51Want to check out the lights outside?
15:55It feels like destiny brought us together today.
15:59I still need to say hi to the host arena.
16:02Me too.
16:03Let's go later,
16:04like, as a couple.
16:07I gotta pass.
16:09Hey, man,
16:10she's not feeling it, you know?
16:13What's your problem?
16:15She's not hating.
16:16She's just a little shy, you know?
16:18She's clearly not into it, though.
16:21Isn't your girl's intuition way off,
16:23even though you're a good-looking guy?
16:27I'm taking her to see the lights.
16:30Let's go.
16:33After that,
16:34I had my sister cover my receptionist job,
16:37and we headed straight to the outdoor terrace.
16:40Hey, about earlier,
16:41sorry about that.
16:43You helped me out,
16:44no need to apologize.
16:46I kinda messed up your chance with the handsome dude.
16:50You didn't want me to date anyone else but you?
16:55that's right.
16:57Whether you act all coy or not,
16:59I like you, Ai.
17:01I'll work hard to become the ideal boyfriend for you,
17:09you're already the perfect boyfriend for me.
17:12You accepted me for who I really am,
17:15and that means the world to me.
17:17That's just how I feel.
17:20You're doing it again.
17:21But seriously,
17:22you have no idea how much I wanted you to notice me.
17:25I liked you so much!
17:28You know,
17:30I got rejected once,
17:32because someone said I wasn't cute enough.
17:34And ever since then,
17:36I've been lacking confidence.
17:39I relied on Arena Charming techniques.
17:42But no matter how hard I tried,
17:44it seemed like I couldn't get through to you,
17:47and I was about to give up.
17:49Sorry I'm so dense.
17:51But see?
17:52I like that about you too.
17:56will you be my boyfriend?
17:59I'll cherish you.
18:02will you be my girlfriend?
18:06And six months later...
18:08sorry for being late, Ai.
18:11no worries!
18:12I wasn't waiting at all.
18:14I actually got here early.
18:16She's so cute,
18:17and everyone's watching.
18:20I'm worried.
18:21You're too cute,
18:22and you're getting way too much attention.
18:24Don't worry, silly.
18:26I only have eyes for you, Kenji.
18:29but earlier when I passed one guy,
18:31he looked kinda cute.
18:34But you know what, Kenji?
18:36I only have eyes for you, babe.
18:40I've fallen so hard for you.
18:42So you better take responsibility,
18:45I want the person I love to turn to me.
18:48I wonder how much power this feeling will give me.
18:51When you fall in love,
18:53you gotta keep it real and stay true to yourself,
18:55just like her.
