When I Brought Home this Plain, Unpopular Girl from a Mixer

  • 2 months ago
When I Brought Home this Plain, Unpopular Girl from a Mixer
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name is Kenji Yamamoto. I'm a third year student at Koiwa University, majoring in Human Behavioral Studies.
00:08My life is pretty uneventful.
00:10Man, being able to go on a mixer with the seniors is so awesome!
00:15Now, this guy was just wandering around, so I asked him to join the party to balance the numbers.
00:21Ugh, I just wanted to go to that ramen shop that opened near the station.
00:27Man, I should really learn to say no more often.
00:30Wait, it's getting late already? The ramen spot will close soon!
00:35Oh, this girl? She's Naomi Shimada, also a senior in our seminar group.
00:41She only came to the party to make sure we had enough people.
00:45Oh yeah, she's just like me, and doesn't really talk to anyone.
00:51Do you have any hobbies?
00:53I like reading, and trying out different ramen spots.
00:59Ugh, forget about that girl. So, ready for round two?
01:04Sounds good to me!
01:06No chance I'm hitting up that party again for another round. More importantly, I...
01:12Um, if you're interested, we could grab drinks together.
01:16What? Are you... talking to me?
01:21Y-yes! Or wanna go for ramen? You said you're a fan, right?
01:26I just found out about this new ramen spot in the area, and...
01:30Oh! You're talking about that new ramen spot! Oh, I've been curious to try it.
01:37Let's go! I never imagined that you were into ramen too.
01:42She's not like I imagined, and...
01:45But, wasn't that place closing at 1130?
01:49C'mon, let's hurry!
01:51S-sure! Woah, isn't she just super pretty?
01:55C'mon, let's go!
01:57Uh, alright!
02:00Mmm, this is so good!
02:03I love how she eats. It's adorable.
02:06Hey look! It's so delicious that I could cry!
02:10Uh, your glasses are fogged up, and I can't see a thing.
02:15Uh, you're right!
02:17Oh yeah! We need to hurry, or we'll miss the last train.
02:21Excuse me!
02:23Can I get more noodles, please?
02:25What? Uh, um, we're running out of time, so...
02:30Don't worry about it. I'll eat it quickly.
02:33Well, if you say so.
02:36I'm really sorry. I didn't realize the time at all.
02:41I didn't think you'd go for two helpings of noodles,
02:44but there's no more train, and I'm short on cash for a cab.
02:48Oh, wait a moment! Um, here it is.
02:52I actually wrote this down yesterday.
02:55And it seems like when a guy and a girl miss the last train,
02:58they just head to a hotel.
03:01Excuse me?
03:03I remember seeing some hotels over there, so come on, let's go!
03:07Wait a minute! I'm not mentally prepared for this!
03:10Oh! I almost forgot.
03:13We can't do this without proper permission, can we?
03:18Won't you come to the hotel with me?
03:21I will.
03:23Yay! Let's go!
03:25I agreed immediately!
03:27But wait, is she actually really good at this hotel stuff?
03:32Wow! The bed is so soft!
03:35And the bath is spacious!
03:38She seems really excited about this.
03:43Uh-oh. I'm too full from the drinks and ramen.
03:46I'm getting sleepy.
03:48In just one night, I had my first mixer,
03:51went out with a girl for ramen for the first time,
03:54and stayed in a hotel with a girl for the first time.
03:57I don't know if it was all the new stuff happening at once,
04:00but I ended up passing out.
04:03What have I done?
04:05This might have been my first and last chance!
04:08I mean, I wasn't really expecting for that to happen, but...
04:12Oh! You're awake.
04:14I'm sorry for passing out first.
04:17Good morning!
04:19Last night was fun, wasn't it?
04:21Who's this stunning woman?
04:23Oh! I got into the bath first.
04:26Haven't had a bath in a while. It feels great!
04:29Huh? You haven't had a bath in a while?
04:32Uh... so...
04:35I actually crashed in the seminar room until yesterday
04:40to figure out what I'm going to write about for my thesis.
04:43I see.
04:45You should also decide what to write for your thesis quickly.
04:48By the way, what did you decide on?
04:53I decided to...
04:56I chose to study and write my thesis on romance.
05:01I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone
05:04and explore the world of romance.
05:06I've been jotting down some common aspects of romance in this notebook.
05:10So yesterday, when I was invited to the mixer, I went,
05:14but I didn't really fit in.
05:17I feel the same way.
05:19But that's how we ended up meeting each other!
05:22Romance is definitely the perfect topic.
05:26Thank you!
05:28Um... what's your name again?
05:31Um, I'm Kenji.
05:34Nice to properly meet you, Kenji.
05:37I need to go inform the professor about this right away!
05:40Wait a minute!
05:42She's so busy and unique, but she's intriguing.
05:46Naomi Shimada, huh?
05:48Hey, you dropped your student ID!
05:51So, by some stroke of luck,
05:53I ended up spending the night at a hotel with Naomi.
05:57And now, we have this odd relationship since then.
06:02Is this where she is?
06:04Romance, huh?
06:06Sounds quite interesting.
06:08I know, right?
06:10My plan is to conduct experiments while focusing on historical data.
06:14Hmm... but who will you choose as subjects for your experiments?
06:18Is there someone you care about or have romantic feelings towards?
06:25She seems stuck already.
06:27Excuse me, here's your student ID that you forgot.
06:31Professor! It'll be him!
06:34Uh, what?
06:36This is the person I like.
06:38That's why I can write my thesis with that topic.
06:41What the heck? We just met yesterday!
06:44Alright, I see.
06:46Well, good luck with that.
06:48Wait, Naomi!
06:50I'm really sorry.
06:52You heard our conversation, right?
06:55I see where you're coming from.
06:57But isn't this a bit too extra?
06:59If I start thinking of a new topic for my thesis now,
07:03I won't be able to graduate!
07:05But you're right.
07:07I can't just take up all your time.
07:09No, it's okay.
07:12If you don't mind me, I'd be happy to help.
07:15Wait, what?
07:19Oh, Kenji! You're the best!
07:21Thanks for saying yes.
07:23Whether it's for the experiment or not,
07:25being around her seems fun.
07:27I was right.
07:29She's super cute!
07:32We'll have to start with the basics.
07:34I'll contact you again!
07:36But after she said that to me,
07:38I haven't heard from her for a few days.
07:40I'm kinda curious about what she's up to.
07:43So, I'll swing by with a little gift.
07:45Hello, it's me, Kenji!
07:47Is Naomi home?
07:49Uh, yeah?
07:51May I come in?
07:55Oh no!
07:57I don't know anything about romance!
08:00Like at all!
08:02Were you being a hermit again?
08:07I just can't relate to any of it!
08:10Let's put life first and worry about romance later!
08:13C'mon, let's go out!
08:19This ramen is really hitting the spot!
08:22Try not to eat too much at once, okay?
08:25I know!
08:27Seeing her smile like that just warms my heart!
08:30Oh right!
08:31When we finish eating...
08:35C'mon, let's go!
08:36Wait a minute!
08:37Why are we at a hotel?
08:41I wanted to take a bath and rest in a comfy bed!
08:44If that's the case, you can just go back to your place!
08:48If you think the seminar room was messy,
08:50you should see my room!
08:53Okay, never mind!
08:56Let's watch a movie today!
08:58If this was supposed to be a date,
09:01I wouldn't be mad about it!
09:05Japanese romance movies are quite educational!
09:09That hotel looks similar to where we went!
09:13This turn of events is not good!
09:15I knew it!
09:17Everyone's here for the comfy beds!
09:20Um, what?
09:24Is this...
09:26We're supposed to do...
09:30Well, it seems like it's used for that purpose too!
09:34She's too innocent and I'm lost on how to handle it!
09:39It's getting late!
09:40Shall we go-
09:43Will I get in trouble if I don't do...
09:48I-I don't think anyone would get in trouble for not doing that!
09:52You're free to use the room however you like!
09:56That's a relief!
09:59She always gets me all worked up!
10:01But this is all part of the experiment!
10:03I shouldn't take it seriously!
10:07I can't stop myself from being interested and going to see her!
10:12The seminar room's messy again!
10:14Here, I brought you a little something!
10:17This is my favorite!
10:19But is it okay?
10:20I should be the one to thank you because I'm always bothering you!
10:24You're not bothering me at all!
10:28Romance is your thesis topic, huh?
10:37I remember her from that previous mixer I went to!
10:42Can you really write about that topic?
10:45I'll show you a thing or two about romance since I'm a pro!
10:52Having a bunch of experiences doesn't mean you're automatically better or something!
10:58It's not always the person who's been in a relationship with a bunch of people that knows more about romance
11:03than the one who's loved the same person all the time!
11:07Naomi, who doesn't have as much experience as you, is actually more innocent and cute!
11:13Oh, please!
11:15No one's interested in you anyway!
11:17I'm sorry, I might have said too much!
11:21But what you said earlier...
11:23Uh, yeah!
11:24I remember this old writer talking about love theories!
11:27No, I mean...
11:30How's the work coming along?
11:33It's going well!
11:35I see.
11:36But romance isn't just about one person loving the other.
11:39Even when you're in a relationship, I believe it's still love.
11:43That's true.
11:45I knew you'd say that, Professor!
11:48I actually decided to be in a relationship!
11:52Right, Ken?
11:56I see, I see.
11:58I'm looking forward to your presentation!
12:01I'm sorry for dragging you into this again.
12:04And thank you so much for your help!
12:06It's okay.
12:07I'm used to this by now.
12:09Even if it's a lie, as long as we're together.
12:13What does romantic love in a romantic relationship mean?
12:18Going on dates to deepen your love, maybe?
12:21That's it!
12:23What should I wear for a date?
12:25A lab coat?
12:27Wearing a lab coat on a date might give off too much of an experiment vibe.
12:32For the first date...
12:34How about this?
12:37You're not teasing me?
12:39Of course not!
12:40Naomi, you're cuter than you think!
12:44Then maybe I should try it on.
12:47She's been wearing contacts lately and taking showers at home.
12:51If she wears something cute now...
12:54H-how do I look?
12:58You look super cute!
13:02Your voice is too loud!
13:04Sorry, it just slipped out!
13:08No, it's okay.
13:09I'm really happy.
13:11So next is...
13:14Do real couples actually do things like this?
13:17This is my first time too, but apparently they do.
13:22Love is so scary...
13:24I don't get it.
13:26Can I come a little closer to you?
13:29But moving now might shake more here.
13:37Now from here, I'll take the lead.
13:39Did you really make a reservation?
13:43Sometimes I gotta act like the senior around you too.
13:47Oh yes?
13:48Wait, what?
13:50Oh, could it be?
13:54I'm really sorry...
13:57It's okay, cheer up.
13:58Stuff like booking mix-ups are normal.
14:01Plus, the ramen at this place is always delicious.
14:04But who reserves for a spot a year in advance?
14:10I'll skip the extra noodles today.
14:13I guess love is just not for me.
14:16I don't even understand what it feels like to have feelings for someone.
14:21I do.
14:23Watching you eat ramen happily or feeling a bit down when you make a mistake always puts a smile on my face.
14:30That's what it means to like someone.
14:35Master! Two more orders of noodles please!
14:39Got it! Coming right up!
14:41Since then, Naomi has really glowed up and looks even more stunning now.
14:46And now, all these other guys are starting to take notice as well.
14:50Naomi, you are seriously cute! Do you have any hobbies?
14:55Not really.
14:57I came to the mixer again thinking Naomi would be there.
15:00Ugh, it's crazy how he completely changed his attitude towards her.
15:04But come on, she was already cute from the start.
15:07I hope it's all good that I helped myself to some of these chicken nuggets.
15:11Oh no, my phone!
15:13Don't worry, I'll pick it up for you.
15:20Whoa, when did she learn that move?
15:22My heart's pounding, but it's kind of complicated.
15:26Naomi, are you coming to round two?
15:29You should go with me.
15:31Nah, I'm good.
15:33Excuse me?
15:36Mmm, yep, this is definitely the best spot.
15:40Yeah, you're right. But why did you go to that mixer this time?
15:44Well, this is embarrassing, but I didn't have to pay for food at the party because the guys covered it.
15:51But I totally played the part of a typical college girl, didn't I?
15:56Yeah, I guess so.
15:58So, after we finish eating, shall we go to our usual hotel?
16:03Oh, of course, we won't do anything, okay?
16:07Come on, let's go!
16:11Huh? What's wrong?
16:13Wait, are you feeling under the weather today?
16:17Well, don't you think you don't need to experiment with me anymore?
16:23Because you're already popular with guys and can totally handle being in a relationship now.
16:29I don't think so, but I'm sorry.
16:33I probably confused you too much.
16:36I'll take a taxi home then.
16:39Why am I feeling jealous and saying things I don't really mean?
16:44Oh? Are you alone here tonight?
16:47Oh, uh, well, yes.
16:51Do you want to stay for the night? I'll cut the price in half for a room.
16:55But I can't stay on my own in a place like this.
16:58Oh, well, if you stay here, you can cry all you want.
17:02No one will hear you in the other rooms.
17:07Changing Naomi's experiment subject at that point would have messed up her presentation deadline,
17:13so we stuck with our strange arrangement.
17:15But Naomi has been making some strangely logical comments ever since.
17:20All right, this should be complete for now.
17:24Um, if you're free today...
17:27Hey, instead of wasting time here, why don't you go live the college life for real and maybe even fall in love?
17:34Uh, I guess I really was just an experiment to her.
17:39What if Naomi graduates like this?
17:41Will you come to the presentation?
17:43But it's mainly for seniors.
17:46You might join my seminar next year, so I'll save you a seat.
17:51On the day of the presentation.
17:53I came just in case, but it's a bit awkward, so I'll just stay in the back.
17:58You came. Come up here.
18:00Seriously? The front row?
18:03Now? I'll begin the presentation.
18:07The professor doesn't know anything that's happened between us, so it's not his fault, but this is awkward.
18:14Naomi did a great job on her thesis presentation.
18:17She had all the historical and survey data lined up perfectly,
18:21and she managed to explain the experiments we worked on together, even though it was all just a theory.
18:27Now let's move on to questions.
18:29There are so many things I want to ask, but...
18:32I apologize for the amateur question, but...
18:36Is this case study authentic?
18:40No way! Were we easily seen through?
18:43Should your case study be centered on a brief romantic relationship and emotions specifically for your thesis, then...
18:51P-professor, that's...
18:53It's all true.
18:55Is that so?
18:57I genuinely became interested in her.
18:59Everything she did or said made me like her more.
19:02And before I knew it, I was head over heels in love with her.
19:06I truly love Naomi, so there's no doubt about it.
19:10I did approach Kenji for the experiment in the beginning.
19:14But looking back, it was all just for show.
19:18I became interested in him, wanted to spend more time with him.
19:22Thanks to him, I finally understood what love is.
19:28So my feelings for him are genuine too.
19:31I see.
19:32My apologies.
19:33It was a very unique and engaging thesis.
19:38But maybe she's just getting everything in order before she finishes school.
19:43Come to the seminar room later.
19:47Where's the professor?
19:49I was called by the professor too.
19:52But, um...
19:53About earlier...
19:55I mean it.
19:56But Naomi, you're just doing this for your graduation.
19:59That's not true!
20:00I meant what I said too.
20:04You wrapped up your thesis on romance.
20:06But from now on, will you stay forever by my side?
20:11Of course, silly!
20:14I still haven't finished asking you...
20:16You don't need to say it.
20:18I already know how you feel.
20:22After that, I moved up to my fourth year and joined this seminar, just like Naomi.
20:28On the other hand, Naomi graduated and got the job she wanted.
20:32We don't meet up a lot, but we still see each other.
20:36Oh no!
20:37I need to quickly come up with the next topic.
20:41You're working hard, huh?
20:44Didn't I tell you to head home once work was done?
20:48Oh, don't worry about it.
20:49I'm the one who graduated from here, remember?
20:52So, how's your thesis coming along?
20:55Are you still working on the same topic as me?
20:58Actually, the topic got rejected by the professor as just a lovey-dovey topic.
21:03So, I have to stay overnight to work on what topic to write my thesis about.
21:08Oh my, that's not good.
21:11Come on!
21:12How about eating ramen and then resting at the hotel?
21:16Don't worry!
21:18I promise we won't do anything.
21:20I swear!
21:23I guess I'll only experience romance once from now on.
21:26But with my amazing girl, I'll learn and understand love better than anyone else.
