Divorcing Couple Leaves Dog Boarder in the Lurch! | Part 1

  • 2 months ago
In this video, we delve into the story of a divorcing couple who unexpectedly leave their beloved dog with a boarder, causing chaos and confusion. Stay tuned for the dramatic events that unfold in Part 1 of this series. #DivorceDrama #PetBoarding #YouTubeSeries
00:00It was $90 for all three dogs bitten by a big bill for dog boarding
00:05$90 a day times six months to sixteen thousand two hundred dollars
00:09She wouldn't give me my dogs back. My husband had paid her
00:14$7,000 now she howls about paying up. How did she harass you? She was calling me all the time for her money
00:20She said I want my money. You called the police. Are you kidding me? Judge Judy? It's Turpin. Are you employed?
00:26No, I'm not. When was the last time you were employed? August 1st
00:302011 is the last day I worked. And who is this? This is my future daughter-in-law. Does she work?
00:36Yes, she does. Who does she work for? She works for BK Mongolian as a waitress. And gets paid?
00:42Yes. Because that's how she makes a living. Right. And when you worked in 2011, Ms. Turpin, what kind of work did you do?
00:48I was a marketing assistant for a Unified Grocers. And you got paid? Correct.
00:54Ms. Pyle is in the business of dog boarding. That's what she does for a living. In August of last year,
00:59you dropped off three dogs with her prior to August 19th of
01:04last year. Right. Had you ever met Ms. Pyle? No. Never met her? No. She wasn't a friend, wasn't an acquaintance, wasn't an associate?
01:11No. Nothing. And you dropped your three dogs there for the purpose of boarding the three dogs?
01:16Correct. And how much was she charging you per day per dog? It was never
01:21figured how much the
01:23amount was going to be. She basically was going to talk to my ex-husband
01:29who was going to help me pay. And also buy food and
01:33toys for them also. Is what you're telling me, what you want me to believe, Ms. Turpin, that you dropped off your three dogs?
01:40She had never seen you before. You said to her, my ex-husband will pay you for the dogs, whatever it is.
01:45And she said, okay. Is that what you want me to believe? I'm a grown-up.
01:49I mean, you don't have to be a judge.
01:51I'm just a grown-up. If this is her business, if your daughter-in-law who is in the waitressing business
01:57and you were in a business for seven years and you went in and you applied for a job and your boss says,
02:03yeah, you know, maybe my wife will pay you. You know, I'm not sure how it's gonna work out. Maybe my son will pay you.
02:09I don't know how much I'm gonna pay you or my son will pay you.
02:12Why don't you just start working and you'll work it out with them? Would you have taken that job?
02:17No. Would your future daughter-in-law have taken that job?
02:20No, ma'am. No, of course not.
02:22So you don't have to even be a judge to know that that's a ridiculous conversation that you want me to believe that you had with her.
02:27It's ridiculous. It's a correct conversation.
02:30Sorry, it's not the correct conversation.
02:32You had a discussion with her about how much she charged for the dogs and you said to her, my ex-husband is gonna help me
02:38with this and he in fact did for a while. He did. He did help for a while, but you never paid her.
02:46They were your dogs. You picked them up. You got the police to come and pick them up, but six months later.
02:51Well, there was things going on that the whole reason I moved to San Jose in the first place and had to find somewhere for
02:59my dogs is because my husband had moved out and I couldn't pay the rent on the home.
03:04I got it. I got that you were going through a difficult time.
03:07It is a difficult time,
03:08but it would be no different if somebody came in to your daughter-in-law and
03:13ordered a meal for themselves and their mate and six of their children and then when she gave him the bill said,
03:19yeah, I really don't have any money. I'm going through a hard time, but I really wanted to take my kids out to eat.
03:24I can't pay you this money, but you know, we really thought we would like to have a steak dinner.
03:29So that's why we came here and goodbye.
03:31I'm not unsympathetic that you were having a difficult time and if you came to her and said, listen,
03:37I want my dogs back.
03:38I realize I owe you a lot of money for their boarding and for their care over the last six months.
03:43I can give you $100 a month. I can give you $25 a week until it's paid off, whatever it is.
03:50But instead what you did was you left your dogs there for six months.
03:54She did not get paid except for the little bit that your ex-husband gave her and when you went to get your dog,
04:00she said I want my money. You called the police. That's what I read here.
04:03Well, and the police said you can't withhold her dogs from her. It's a civil matter.
04:08I mean, I'm sure I can write the script in my head.
04:10They said you can't withhold her dogs from her.
04:13You have to give her her dogs and take her and sue her for what she owes you in their care.
04:18So in return for her kindness, you call the police on her.
