Poor Packing or Careless Movers_ _ Part 1

  • 3 months ago
Moving mishaps: Poor packing or careless movers? Stay tuned for the full story! #MovingDayDisaster #PackingProblems #MovingFail #movieswatchhd #ssrnewmovies
00:00Carleen Mahoney says mover Joseph Bukolari
00:04damaged and lost her property.
00:06Miss Mahoney, you were moving from your residence,
00:09and it is your claim that the defendant, who you hired
00:12to move you to a different place,
00:15damaged or took some of your property.
00:17So the defendant says that he took absolutely nothing,
00:20that if anything, you violated the rules of the company
00:23by packing food, which had to be stored because you didn't
00:27have a place to send anything.
00:28And he stored it, and rats got into the boxes.
00:30Is that your defense?
00:32OK, I have a couple of questions, Miss Mahoney.
00:34You were being evicted from your apartment at what address?
00:38At 114.
00:40How long did you live there?
00:41A couple of years, Your Honor.
00:43And you moved out in what month?
00:45I moved out in February.
00:46Had you paid December's rent?
00:49December's rent was paid by social services, Your Honor.
00:52Directly to the landlord?
00:53Directly to the landlord.
00:54Did social services pay your rent the entire time
00:57you were living there?
00:58No, Your Honor, I had.
00:59For what reason did social service
01:01pay your rent in December?
01:03Because I had to come up with a security deposit
01:07and first month's rent, last month's rent
01:09for the new apartment that I moved into.
01:11And I just didn't have all that money.
01:13Were you working?
01:14No, Your Honor, I'm not working right now.
01:16I got in a car accident, and I am,
01:18I applied for social security disability, Your Honor.
01:21Right now, how are you supported?
01:23With the help of, I have a, my mother passed away,
01:27and I have a trust fund.
01:29What's the current address where you're living?
01:32Ellicott Street in Batavia, New York.
01:35Did you pay January's rent?
01:36I did not, Your Honor.
01:38I left January 18th was my day to leave.
01:41I thought you said you left in February.
01:42I might have said that, I apologize.
01:44So you were evicted?
01:45That is correct.
01:46And when you were evicted, where did you go
01:49immediately from your residence on Atlantic?
01:52I went to my son's house.
01:54And you had the defendants move you
01:56and put your stuff in storage?
01:58That is correct.
01:58What do you claim they damaged?
02:01Pretty much, I don't want to hear pretty much everything.
02:04What did they damage?
02:05They damaged quite a lot.
02:06I have pictures.
02:07I'd like to see pictures of the damage.
02:09This is some of it.
02:16And this is also.
02:22Thank you.
02:27How did you pack this stuff?
02:28This stuff was packed in boxes, Your Honor.
02:30With what?
02:32With newspaper.
02:33No, uh-uh.
02:34Those pictures were taken out of the box, Your Honor,
02:37to show you the broken pieces of them.
02:40I got it.
02:41Is this the piece of furniture that you say was?
02:43That piece of furniture,
02:44those shelves that go inside glass shelves,
02:47they went missing.
02:49I do not have shelves to them.
02:50Do you have a picture with the shelves in it?
02:52I do not, Your Honor.
02:53Okay, what is this picture of?
02:56That is a picture of my kitchen table
02:58and nightstands that were marble.
03:01Pieces that went on top of that
03:04and those went missing, Your Honor.
03:06Do you know where the tops are to these tables?
03:08I do not, Your Honor.
03:09Were they there?
03:10I really can't say for sure.
03:11What I can say is that nothing that she had
03:15was packaged properly at all.
03:17I could see that nothing that she had
03:18was packaged properly.
03:19I could see it from the boxes.
03:21But I'm asking you specifically
03:23about the round tops for these tables.
03:26I do not remember if they were there
03:28or they weren't there.
03:29But if we did bring them into storage, Your Honor,
03:31they would have gotten back to her.
03:32Nobody wants the customer's items,
03:35especially her items.
03:36What is this a picture of?
03:37That is a picture of my table that they scratched.
03:41What's this a picture of?
03:42That is a picture of the table
03:45that goes to my coffee table, Your Honor.
03:47It was shattered.
03:49Did you shatter a coffee table?
03:50No, Your Honor. Glass coffee table?
03:52The coffee table is on there, Your Honor.
03:53When you brought the things, Mr. Bucciolari,
03:57to her new residence.
03:59Did she pay you?
04:01Had she paid you before?
04:03It's actually, it's done on a two-bid system.
04:06So she brings the amount of items she has
04:08to two different moving companies.
04:10Whoever gives the lowest bid,
04:12usually social services goes with them.
04:13Just a minute.
04:14So social service paid for this move?
04:16Yes, Your Honor.
04:17Oh, okay.
04:18We didn't get there.
