Breakup Ends in Parking Lot Crash _ Part 1-2

  • last month
Witness the explosive aftermath of a breakup as it culminates in a dramatic parking lot crash in this compelling two-part video series. Follow the unfolding events and the emotional rollercoaster that leads to the shocking collision, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

#BreakupDrama #ParkingLotCrash #EmotionalTurmoil #judy #bluejeanjudy #judy justice #justise judy
00:00You decided to go to her house and get property.
00:06I called the police.
00:06I was waiting for a police escort to arrive.
00:08She expected trouble from her ex.
00:10Instead of going to this parking spot right here,
00:12she ran my car.
00:13But who kicked off the demolition derby?
00:15As she ran my car, she kept on the gas.
00:18The plaintiff ran the front left corner of your car.
00:22You're not playing with a full deck.
00:24You're one can short of a six pack.
00:27Judge Judy.
00:28Miss Collins, how long were you and Miss Carrington
00:31a couple?
00:32From April of last year to February of this year.
00:33You have a child.
00:35How old?
00:37And you remain friendly with, according to what I read,
00:39the father of your child.
00:41That created an issue between the two of you,
00:43I gather, from both of you.
00:44That be a fair statement?
00:45Yes, ma'am.
00:46And you broke up in February of 2019.
00:49According to you, you went to retrieve
00:51some of your clothes and possessions
00:53that were at Miss Carrington's house.
00:55And when you got there, she rammed your car.
00:58Miss Carrington says that quite the opposite.
01:01You rammed her car.
01:02Okay, so why don't you go over and tell me
01:04what happened and on what date in February.
01:06Yes, ma'am.
01:07So this was March the 6th.
01:08Which was what?
01:09The date that it happened was March the 6th.
01:11I had called a police escort.
01:13Just a second.
01:13March 6th.
01:14So you broke up in February.
01:15You wanted to get some...
01:16We were still talking, but we weren't dating.
01:18On March the 6th, you decided to go to her house
01:21and get property.
01:22What property?
01:23I have televisions in there.
01:26Televisions, plural?
01:27Yes, ma'am.
01:28How many TVs?
01:30Miss Carrington, what electronic items
01:32do you have that belong to Miss Collins
01:34or that she brought to your house?
01:37Did she bring two televisions to your house?
01:39No, she's referring to the TV in my living room,
01:41which is purchased, and I had my bank statement,
01:44but I guess I left it back there,
01:45on my credit card from Walmart for $449.
01:48Another TV that she's referring to
01:50is a TV that she had in my daughter's room
01:53that's no longer there.
01:54Just a second.
01:55Where is it?
01:56She took it.
01:58Was that in March?
02:00No, that was prior.
02:01That's when we broke up.
02:02In what month?
02:03In February, as she stated.
02:05So she took the one television
02:07that was in your daughter's room.
02:09Which is all she had, yes, ma'am.
02:10She took in February.
02:11What other electronic, before you go over there,
02:14what other electronic items did you have
02:18in her house that you didn't get?
02:20I didn't get my TV.
02:21Is she saying that I took, I did not get to get my TV?
02:24Neither one of the TVs, I actually,
02:26every time I would ask her to get my item,
02:28she would block me.
02:29So I didn't get to get my TV
02:30that she's referring to that I took.
02:33And my Xbox as well.
02:34Okay, when you went over to the house on March the 6th,
02:36did you go into the house?
02:38No, she told me that nobody was, yes, ma'am.
02:41When you went over there on March the 6th,
02:43you did not enter the home.
02:45No, ma'am.
02:46What did you do?
02:47I called the police.
02:47I was waiting for a police escort to arrive
02:50while I was at school.
02:52Shortly after I left school,
02:53I went to Crystal's house.
02:55I contacted her.
02:56On March the 6th, did a police escort
02:59meet you at her house?
03:01They didn't have a chance to arrive
03:03before the incident actually played out
03:05before they got there.
03:06So the answer is they did not.
03:08No, ma'am.
03:09But they have a record of you calling.
03:11Yes, ma'am.
03:11Where did you go in February
03:14when the two of you broke up?
03:15I was not living with her,
03:16so when we broke up, we were still talking.
03:18We actually completely stopped talking March the 6th
03:21when the incident happened.
03:22We were still talking at that time.
03:23Okay, so now you can go over there
03:24and tell me what happened.
03:25Yes, ma'am.
03:26So, I was parked here.
03:29This is my vehicle.
03:30Where is her house?
03:31So, her house would be right here.
03:32It would be the first apartment right here.
03:33This would be the window to her house.
03:35I was parked here.
03:36I was on the-
03:37No, no, no.
03:38You're all over the place.
03:39I'm sorry.
03:40So, I was parked here.
03:41This would be my vehicle.
03:41She came in from the apartments this way,
03:43like the entryway.
03:44This would be the entry to the apartment.
03:46She came in.
03:47She pulled in this way,
03:49and then she pulled her car this way
03:51to reverse into this parking spot right here.
03:53When she reversed into the parking spot,
03:54instead of going to this parking spot right here,
03:56she ran my car.
03:57As she ran my car, she kept on the gas.
03:59As she kept on the gas,
04:01she took the rubber part of the grill of my vehicle
04:05and lifted it from this way to this side,
04:08and she damaged, that's how she ended up
04:10damaging both sides of the front of my vehicle,
04:12which I can show you the pictures for.
04:13So, she backed up into you?
04:15Yes, ma'am.
04:17Now, do you have a police report of that incident?
04:19Yes, ma'am.
04:21That I'd like to see.
04:23I also have pictures of the vehicle.
04:25Just a minute.
04:26Had you called her first to tell her
04:28that you wanted to come and pick up your things?
04:30Yes, ma'am.
04:31So, yes.
04:32What time did you call her?
04:34It was about eight o'clock.
04:36In the morning?
04:37In the evening.
04:38Eight p.m., so it was dark.
04:40Yes, ma'am.
04:41And what time did you get to the house?
04:43At that same time.
04:44No, you can't call and get there at the same time.
04:47So, at the same time,
04:49because Crystal, actually,
04:50me and her were actually having a conversation before.
04:52She had blocked my number.
04:53So, before contacting,
04:54I couldn't get in contact with Crystal.
04:56She wasn't answering my private calls.
04:57Okay, so the answer is you didn't get?
04:58I didn't speak with her.
05:00I spoke to her best friend.
05:03We'll be right back.
05:04We'll be right back.
05:04We'll be right back.
05:05We'll be right back.
05:06We'll be right back.
05:07We'll be right back.
05:15Police officer saw you in a video.
05:18Yes, ma'am.
05:19And the video shows you pulling away
05:22from the defendant's car.
05:23The video doesn't show me pulling away
05:25from the vehicle cars,
05:26but the video has shown me reversing into two parked cars.
05:30Okay, so you spoke to the police officer?
05:32I did.
05:33And you told the police officer
05:34that when you were backing up,
05:35you struck the plaintiff's car?
05:38And then, after you hit her car,
05:40you continued to back up into the parking space?
05:44And then, the plaintiff rammed the front left corner
05:48of your car with her bumper?
05:52So, basically.
05:53Just, this is not a basically.
05:55I'm still trying to read this and understand this.
05:58And I'm happy to show you
05:59if I can step over to the board as well.
06:01And then, after she hit your car,
06:04you backed up quickly,
06:05hitting three additional vehicles?
06:08No, ma'am.
06:09I hit a truck.
06:10A truck?
06:11A tail end of a truck.
06:11And three additional cars,
06:13causing damage to all three,
06:15before finally pulling forward and parking her car
06:18where it was where I arrived.
06:20That's what the police officer said.
06:21Yes, but ma'am.
06:22The police officer has no skin in this game.
06:24Yes, ma'am.
06:25So, as I was reversing, I hit a truck.
06:28Shermanique's story was vastly different
06:31from that of Crystal and Sterling's,
06:34and did not match the video
06:37that Sterling had shown me on the phone.
06:39Yes, ma'am.
06:40Okay, so the police officer listened to your story,
06:43listened to the defendant's story,
06:44and then the police officer tried to match
06:48those two stories with the video
06:51that the father of her child had been taking
06:54of this whole incident,
06:55because he had been taking a video of this whole incident.
06:58The police officer said that Shermanique's story,
07:01that would be you,
07:02didn't match the video that the police officer saw.
07:05I'm just telling you, I'm telling you what it says here.
07:08This is the police report.
07:09I'm not finished yet.
07:10Put your hand down.
07:12Where's the other part of this?
07:13Here's the full report.
07:15You have the video that he shot?
07:17We no longer have the video, no, ma'am.
07:18He deleted it.
07:20I'm not sure.
07:21I guess he figured we weren't gonna need it anymore.
07:23It happened less than two months ago.
07:25Why would you delete the video?
07:27Because we weren't aware
07:28that she was gonna take us to court and do all that.
07:30Otherwise, I would have kept it.
07:31But again, I'm happy to tell you the full story,
07:33how it played out.
07:34I don't want you to tell me anything.
07:36Police officer indicates that it's my belief
07:37after seeing the video
07:39and interviewing all of the involved parties
07:41that Shermany came to the above location
07:42to retrieve property
07:44and got into a disturbance with Crystal
07:46and then called 911.
07:48That call, you reported that this ex-boyfriend
07:51of the defendant's had a gun and pointed it at you.
07:53That's why there were guns drawn.
07:55The police officer said after interviewing everybody
07:57and conducting a search,
07:58I do not believe that Sterling had a gun
08:00nor did he point a gun at Shermany.
08:02He had a video that he was taking.
08:05Yes, ma'am.
08:06Did you have insurance on your car that day, Ms. Collins?
08:08My insurance had just expired the day before
08:11and I didn't find it.
08:12So the answer is?
08:12No, ma'am.
08:13So the answer is that the vehicles that you hit,
08:15if they did not have insurance, then?
08:18I would be responsible for...
08:20Nobody's coming after you for hitting three cars
08:22because you're not gonna pay them.
08:24Yes, I would.
08:25If I was held responsible for damage,
08:27I wouldn't wanna leave my vehicle.
08:28Just a second, let me explain.
08:29You were responsible for hitting the other cars.
08:31Yes, ma'am.
08:32Your car hit their cars.
08:33Yes, ma'am.
08:34And if you think that I am going to give you any money
08:37for damage to your car
08:39when you were driving around with no insurance
08:42and caused damage to three other cars,
08:44you're not playing with a full deck.
08:46You're one can short of a six pack.
08:49It's not happening.
08:51You're not supposed to drive a car without insurance.
08:54Yes, ma'am.
08:56What kind of car were you driving, Ms. Carrigan?
08:57Me, I have a 2008 BMW X3.
09:00You have insurance on that day?
09:01I did, yes, ma'am.
09:03Did you have your car fixed?
09:04Not yet.
09:05You have pictures of the car?
09:06Yes, ma'am.
09:07I'd like to see it.
09:10Ms. Collins, did you leave your name and telephone number
09:13on the cars that you hit?
09:14Yes, ma'am.
09:15I had left my insurance information
09:16because I didn't know that it was expired at the time.
09:19Nobody ever knows their car's insurance is expired.
09:23I'd like to see proof of insurance on your car.
09:25If you'd like for me to pull up on my phone, I can.
09:26I would.
09:29I just cracked my screen, so bear with me.
09:39You have a $500 deductible on your collision.
09:43Is that right?
09:45Very good, Bird.
09:46Thank you very much.
09:47Any reason why you haven't had the car fixed?
09:49I don't have the funds to fix the car.
09:50You need $500.
09:53Is that right?
09:55Judgment's on the counter claim for $500.
09:56Don't drive a car without insurance, Ms. Collins.
09:58We're done.
09:59Thank you.
10:00If I was excused, you may step out.
