Woman Hires Craigslist Handyman, Regrets It _ Part 2

  • 3 months ago
When you thought hiring a handyman from Craigslist was a good idea, but it turned out to be a disaster! #HandymanGoneWrong #Regrets #CraigslistFail
00:00Is this the roof that you worked on?
00:12And you just roll out sheets?
00:14They are. They are roll-out sheets. It's a low-slope roofing system. You use it as
00:19opposed to shingles when you're doing flat roofs of that nature.
00:24You quoted her $1,900 and change to do the roof on these two buildings. Is
00:29that what you quoted her?
00:30No, ma'am.
00:31How much did you quote her?
00:32I quoted her just over a thousand for the labor of the work.
00:35And then he also charged me for all the materials. So after I paid him
00:39everything, it was a little over $1,900.
00:43Did you ever see a bill for the materials?
00:45So he did spend the $967.47 on materials?
00:50And he made $1,000. When did he come to do the work?
00:53He came on February 6th. He started to do the work on the roof.
00:58And how long did he work?
00:59He was there for three days.
01:02Left on February 9th or 10th?
01:05And when did you notice that part of the roof was leaking?
01:08It was, I want to say, two days after he left.
01:11May I see where it was leaking? By the way, before he started the work or
01:15right after he started the work, did you have any conversation with him
01:18about the condition of the roof, he with you, after he started to remove
01:23the old roof?
01:24So before he started, when he came out and he did the inspection, he gave
01:28me the estimate the next day. And then I asked him about a warranty and he
01:32told me there would be a five-year workmanship warranty. And then when he
01:37started the job, I want to say on the second day, he was removing the roof,
01:42the roof that was on there already. And when he was removing it, his tools
01:46was like going through the plywood that is the roof. He said it needed to be
01:51replaced. So he went and he replaced the section that was bad.
01:55At no extra cost?
01:56No, he charged me the materials.
01:57I'm not talking about materials. If he had to replace rotted roof that you
02:02couldn't tell was rotted, he showed you where the roof was rotted?
02:06Because you're a smart girl. And so you told him to replace it. He went out,
02:11he got the materials and he replaced it at no additional charge to you.
02:15That was very nice of him.
02:16Well, it's not really.
02:17Why? That wasn't the original job. The original job was that he was supposed
02:20to make 300 bucks a day for removing an old roof and putting on new tar top
02:26roof. And when he removed the old roof,
02:28he found that the wood was rotted that he couldn't have seen when he was doing
02:33the inspection.
02:33You can't see that the wood is rotted underneath when you're doing the
02:36inspection until you remove. I'm speaking.
02:40You can't see that the wood is rotted until you remove it.
02:42No, you can.
02:44You can see the wood from inside of the building,
02:48the section. And he went inside and looked.
02:51So to say that he didn't know that's when he did the inspection.
02:56Well, did you tell him you're going to need new wood because it's rotted?
02:59No. Did you tell him that? I mean,
03:00if you could see it and you could see that the wood was rotting,
03:04why didn't you say, look, you see that wood is rotting.
03:06It's going to have to be taken out. You're going to have to replace it.
03:08Did you point it out to him? Question. Did you point it out to him?
03:12The answer is no. No. So he,
03:14the only time we know that he saw the rotted roof is when he took up the
03:19old paper and he saw it from looking down. No.
03:22When he came out to give you the estimate and when he gave you the receipt for
03:26the materials that only contained materials for the new roof,
03:30$967 new roof paper. Is that correct? No.
03:35What did it contain? It contained the wood. Really?
03:38So he replaced the wood that you say he discovered the second day he was out
03:42there. Yes. Did you buy the tar paper in the wood at the same time? No ma'am.
03:46That wood rot was not expected. And the expenses I, uh,
03:51I didn't even quote it in the estimate because I had no knowledge of it.
03:55I can show you a pictures of his receipts where he bought the wood and the other
03:59tar and stuff at the same time. I'd like to see.
