Understanding the Risks of Scalp Burns from Perms

  • 2 months ago
Did you know that perms can cause scalp burns? It's important to understand the risks and take precautions before getting one. Protect your hair health! #haircare #scalphealth #permrisks #healthyhair #hairtips#beauty #wellness #judyjudge #justice
00:00that she's got a counterclaim for slandering her business.
00:03What kind of process were you having done to your hair?
00:06A curly perm.
00:07Had you ever had that process done before?
00:09Several times.
00:10Had you ever had a reaction to the process before?
00:12No, ma'am.
00:13When did you have the process done at the defendant's salon?
00:16It would have been a Saturday after Thanksgiving.
00:19And I had to go to the hair salon
00:21to get my hair done.
00:22And I had to go to the hair salon
00:24to get my hair done.
00:24And I had to go to the hair salon
00:26to get my hair done.
00:26And I had to go to the hair salon
00:28It would have been a Saturday after Thanksgiving,
00:30which was, I want to say the 24th.
00:32Had you ever been to the salon before?
00:35What brought you to the salon?
00:36We were in the area.
00:38Who was we?
00:39My husband and I.
00:40He works that way and he needed a haircut.
00:43And so he went and had his hair cut there.
00:45And so I thought, well,
00:47it's been a while since I had my hair done.
00:49She was very busy that Friday.
00:51So she said, I'll fit you in at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
00:55And I went back and then I had to wait till three.
00:58And she'd done the perm.
00:59When she did the perm,
01:00did you sense anything when she put the solution on you?
01:04Not immediately when she put it on,
01:06but she was doing,
01:07there were several other heads that she was doing.
01:10They were wrapped up and eating leftover Thanksgiving
01:13that her brother warmed up in the microwave.
01:15They had the Auburn Alabama game going.
01:18You didn't start to feel any discomfort for how long?
01:23About an hour and a half, two hours.
01:25Well, what's the normal time
01:27to have that process on your hair?
01:29She said about two hours, probably not that long
01:32because I wanted big curls instead of small.
01:35My boys left, went out, came back two hours.
01:38I was there another hour to hour and 15 minutes,
01:41still in a chair, still with the chemicals.
01:43I informed her that my head was burning.
01:46She took the dryer off.
01:47It was under a dryer?
01:48I was under the dryer.
01:49For two hours?
01:50No, for about, I'd say about an hour and 20 minutes.
01:55And I kept telling her, my head is on fire.
01:58So she turned the dryer off, pulled the cap back
02:02and continued to go rinse another lady's hair out
02:04while I sat there with the chemicals
02:06still in the dryer chair.
02:08Do you have any photographs or any medical reports?
02:10Yes, ma'am, I sure do.
02:15And I also have this evidence of my hair, Your Honor,
02:17where it came out matted together.
02:25Ms. Davis, the plaintiff had chemical burns of the scalp.
02:28I know that because the next day
02:30she was treated for those at Urgent Care.
02:32Do you understand?
02:33That happened at your salon.
02:34No, Judge Judy.
02:35No, of course it happened.
02:36I know it.
02:37The paper says superficial burns
02:39and superficial burns are the mildest burn
02:41that a person could get.
02:42If I had burned her hair, I would have noticed
02:45that there's no way that I would let a chemical
02:47stay on a person's hair more than the required time.
02:49Ms. Davis.
02:50I know what she got there.
02:51She went twice.
02:53She went the day after your visit.
02:55No, ma'am, she came to me on the 20th, Judge Judy.
02:58I have my evidence right here.
02:59I have my appointment where I wrote her appointment down.
03:02She did not come to me on the date that she said.
03:05She came to me on November 20th,
03:07which is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
03:09I don't work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday normally,
03:12but because it was a holiday, I worked that Tuesday
03:15because my family and I traveled to Charlotte.
03:18Listen to me, you're talking too much.
03:20Is what you're telling me that this was not an appointment
03:23on Saturday?
03:24No, exactly.
03:24We should just.
03:25Yes, ma'am.
03:26I want you to rethink.
03:27You said that this was the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
03:30Is that when you went there?
03:32I wanna say I'm positive it is.
03:36Alabama, Auburn gang zone.
03:36Would you stand up, please?
03:38Your Honor, we went to the hair salon on Friday.
03:44When did you have your hair cut?
03:45I had my hair cut on that Friday.
03:47The Friday after Thanksgiving?
03:49Yes, and then Friday, I went and got my hair
03:52and my son's hair cut, and she set the appointment
03:55for Saturday the next day.
03:57I don't care if it makes sense to you.
03:58She had a chemical burn in her scalp,
04:00and it wasn't caused by anybody else who put that down.
04:02I don't have to, it's not show and tell.
04:04Judge Ruth.
04:05She came to me that 26th because she called me
04:07and said that my hair is burning.
04:09I said, we don't work on Mondays,
04:11but I said, I'll come in Monday, and she came in.
04:14I met her at the shop on Monday.
04:15I neutralized her hair, which is a solution
04:18that makes the chemical, if there's any chemical going on,
04:21the burn, it stops immediately.
04:23I looked at her scalp.
04:24I neutralized her.
04:24I asked her how she feels.
04:25She said, fine.
04:26I offered to give her part of her money back.
04:27She said, no, I'm fine.
04:29And she went on.
04:30You offered me part of my money back.
04:31No, no, no, no, no, Judge Ruth.
04:33Don't speak to her.
04:34And she went on.
04:35I came in, then I gave her a follow-up treatment
04:37to tell her, if you're still burning,
04:39even though I didn't see any abrasion,
04:40any redness, or anything on her scalp,
04:42she went to the urgent care center that evening.
04:45I gave her a follow-up.
04:46She never came back.
04:46The next thing I got was a subpoena on December 18th.
04:49You burned her scalp.
04:51You burned her scalp.
04:52I didn't.
04:53Yes, you did.
04:54Judge Judy, I didn't burn her scalp.
04:56Judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $3,000.
04:59We're finished.
05:01Parties are excused.
05:01You may step out.
