Poor Packing or Careless Movers_ _ Part 2

  • 3 months ago
Part 2 reveals the consequences of poor packing and careless movers. Take notes to avoid the same fate! #PackingNightmare #MovingFail #movieswatchhd #ssrnewmovies #watchnowflix
00:00so you stiffed the landlord on rent for January
00:03so that you could save up.
00:04Why didn't you pay for your own move?
00:05I couldn't afford it, Your Honor.
00:06I'm on, my trust fund is only $1,000 a month
00:10and I collect no other income.
00:11For how long haven't you worked?
00:13Since February of 2017.
00:16Curious to see any of,
00:17not that I'm ascribing any blame to him,
00:20but I'm curious to see any receipts that you have
00:22for any of these things that you claim was done
00:25by the landlord.
00:25Well, I don't have any receipts, Your Honor.
00:28For any of these things that you claim was damaged.
00:30Well, Your Honor, this is one of a crystal piece
00:33that was a Schwartzkopf crystal that was in the box
00:37and I'm missing the other ear to it.
00:40When you got to the house,
00:41who was actually gonna move this stuff?
00:43Myself, my witness was also there.
00:46And when we were moving her, Your Honor,
00:48as I told her, I said,
00:49ma'am, if it's not packaged properly,
00:51we're gonna do our best so nothing gets damaged,
00:53but if it does, that's on you.
00:55Why did you say that to her is my question.
00:57I mean, I saw a lot of boxes
00:59that just looked like skelter stuff.
01:02Were they sealed when you got there?
01:03They were not sealed and frankly,
01:04she was more worried about jumping back on her couch
01:06and watching a movie than packaging her stuff up properly.
01:09She had, you know, shoes and just stuff
01:12to poke through plastic bags in her bags.
01:14They weren't tied.
01:15A lot of the boxes were not taped
01:17and you know, that stuff has to be even.
01:19So when we put it in the truck,
01:20everything is fine like that.
01:22And you know, we have about three or four jobs per day.
01:25So we have to work with what the customer presents us with.
01:28She's careful with her stuff and packs it properly.
01:31That's how you pack dishes.
01:33Very carefully, lots of newspaper or stuff in between,
01:36otherwise it gets broken.
01:38How much did you charge social services to move her?
01:41I believe it was around $850.
01:44Did that include the storage?
01:45No, the storage is separate.
01:47I believe we gave downtown a deal,
01:49so we charged them about $250 around there.
01:52You're talking about social services, you say downtown?
01:55So she wasn't charged for storage either?
01:58And how long did the property remain in storage?
02:02She moved into our storage on 1-18-19
02:06and then she had moved out on March 3rd, 2019.
02:09Do you have any photographs or any proof
02:12that anything she sent was food
02:15that was contained in the boxes?
02:16I do, Your Honor.
02:17Right here, I have two images.
02:22Were any of these boxes destroyed?
02:25Or were they just opened?
02:26They were already opened.
02:28That's how we took it into storage, that's how she...
02:30You took it into storage like this?
02:34Were any of the other boxes opened?
02:36Almost all of them were, Your Honor.
02:38Where are you living now?
02:39I'm living at Ellicott Street, Your Honor.
02:41In your own apartment?
02:44Very good.
02:45And it has furniture in it?
02:46It does, Your Honor.
02:48Your name?
02:48My name is Mary.
02:50It does, Your Honor.
02:52Your Honor, I also have, for the glass
02:55that I had to have repaired, the other company,
02:58I had to hire another moving company
03:00that I have here to actually put my belongings
03:03where they needed to go.
03:04What do you mean, put my belongings
03:06where they needed to go?
03:06When they brought my belongings to my home
03:09that I live in now, they dumped my belongings
03:11anywhere they could.
03:12It was a mess in my house.
03:13I couldn't see past the doorway.
03:16My beds were...
03:17You should have asked your son to help you.
03:18My real...
03:20Put it back where it belongs.
03:21Right, Your Honor, that would be the thing.
03:24We're done, your case is dismissed.
03:25It's over.
03:26Pack more carefully.
03:27Court is excused.
03:28You may step out.
