Ex Cashed Out Insurance Policy _ Part 2

  • 3 months ago
Saying goodbye to my insurance policy, but embracing the new opportunities it brings. It's time to make the most of this financial boost and create a brighter future. #CashedOut #NewBeginnings
00:00In 2015, you were divorced, you separated your property.
00:03She paid the premiums from 2012 to 2015,
00:08and then she threw the policy in the trash.
00:11She got rid of it, and you took it over,
00:13and she had no interest in that policy,
00:16and if you, heaven forbid, killed over in the street
00:19and died, she would get nothing.
00:22And everybody understood that.
00:24So now, he decides to sell the policy,
00:26and you're in for a windfall,
00:29because he requires your signature to...
00:33Put your hand down.
00:34So far, you're not losing.
00:35I'm sorry.
00:36So far, you're not losing.
00:37So far, what I'm saying is pretty much on target.
00:42Okay, so we don't have to hear from you.
00:44In order to sell the policy,
00:46he requires your signature, right?
00:49Yes, yes.
00:49And you've already thrown away the trash.
00:53And you say to him,
00:53you want my signature?
00:54It's gonna cost you.
00:56Just a second.
00:57You want my signature?
00:59You're gonna pay for it.
01:00Well, that's the bargain.
01:01Not nice?
01:02I don't think so,
01:03because she had thrown away the trash.
01:05So now, we're gonna pick it up,
01:07because what you say is when he sold the policy,
01:10you had agreed on one figure that he would give you,
01:13which was 18,000 and some odd dollars,
01:15and what he actually gave you from the policy,
01:19which was a windfall for you,
01:20which you never expected to get,
01:22was 12,000 some odd dollars.
01:24So you're suing him for the other money
01:28that he had agreed to pay you.
01:29Do you understand?
01:30I understand.
01:30You understand?
01:31Could I fill in?
01:32You understand?
01:34You have to understand,
01:35you're in a very unsympathetic position.
01:37You may be right,
01:37but what you did was say to him,
01:39listen, I threw this away,
01:40you took it over,
01:41I didn't expect anything,
01:42I knew you were gonna change the beneficiary
01:44to your five children,
01:45and now, because of some technicality,
01:49you need my signature to sign off,
01:52so you're gonna give me money,
01:54and I'm gonna tell you how much money I want.
01:56I didn't do that.
01:58Oh, you didn't?
02:00What did you say?
02:01Now, at that point,
02:02when he said,
02:03I need your signature,
02:03and you said,
02:04it's gonna cost you,
02:05how much did you tell him
02:06it was gonna cost him?
02:07I actually said,
02:08there was another letter before that,
02:10back in August,
02:12that he emailed me,
02:14and asked me to type out,
02:18and sign,
02:18that was asking me to testify
02:21as the original writing agent,
02:24Listen, do me a favor.
02:25Don't complicate this any further.
02:28It doesn't have to be complicated.
02:29Right now,
02:30that's what this case is about.
02:32It's about you wanting the difference
02:32between what you say you agree to with him,
02:35and what he gave you,
02:36from this trash that you had thrown away.
02:38Well, originally,
02:39when he was asking me for a letter,
02:43it was different,
02:43but anyway,
02:44I said,
02:45just make me an offer.
02:46Any kind of an offer,
02:47it's valuable to you,
02:48make me an offer.
02:49And he was saying,
02:50I'm not even gonna sell it.
02:51I don't plan to sell it.
02:52I just want your signature on this letter.
02:54I said,
02:55I don't think that's true.
02:56We talked for half an hour,
02:57and I convinced him,
02:58that he could get tens of thousands of dollars,
03:01by selling the policy,
03:03and he kept saying,
03:03no, I'm not going to.
03:04You're convincing an insurance salesman,
03:06cause that's what he does for a living.
03:07He doesn't,
03:08he sells health insurance.
03:10Just a second.
03:10You convincing a guy who sells insurance,
03:14that he would be better off to sell the policy?
03:17And give you a couple of bucks.
03:19And I said,
03:20just make me an offer.
03:21And just a second,
03:22I give you a couple of bucks.
03:24Make an offer.
03:24That's all I said.
03:26And what did he say?
03:28So he said no.
03:28So he gave you a gift of $12,000?
03:31No, that was later.
03:32I didn't know any money was coming.
03:33Get to later.
03:35I did not actually.
03:36Get to later.
03:37I'm not interested in before.
03:38I'm interested in the conversation you had.
03:40In the conversation.
03:43I never had a figure in the conversation.
03:46No figure to me was ever stated.
03:48Is that what you're saying?
03:49That no figure was ever stated?
03:51In the phone,
03:52in the conversations,
03:54I want you to get to the point,
03:56where a figure was stated.
03:57Bring it.
03:58Here it comes.
03:59Bring it, bring it.
04:00Bring it, bring it.
