Did Daycare Provider Get Stiffed

  • 2 months ago
Wondering if your daycare provider got stiffed on payment? Communicate openly to resolve any misunderstandings and ensure a positive relationship. #DaycareIssues #CommunicationIsKey #ParentingStruggles #ResolveConflicts #PositiveRelationships #judyjustice #judgejudy2024
00:00around September.
00:01Well, the results came out already.
00:02Did you pass the test?
00:03Yes, ma'am.
00:04So, what are they waiting for?
00:05The background screening.
00:07Are you permitted to take care of children
00:08without being a licensed daycare provider?
00:10Yes, ma'am.
00:11When you were taking care of the defendant's children,
00:13you had two?
00:14Yes, ma'am.
00:15How old?
00:15He is now 10 months and two.
00:18And how old is he now?
00:19He's now 10 months and two.
00:21And how old is he?
00:21He's now 10 months and two.
00:23And how old is he?
00:23He's now 10 months and two.
00:25And how old is he now?
00:26He's now 10 months and two.
00:28And how old is he now?
00:29And how old were they when you brought them
00:31to the plaintiff?
00:32He was four months and one and a half, almost two.
00:36The father of these two children, was that a husband?
00:39No, ma'am.
00:40Now, the father of these two children
00:42was given visitation.
00:44And he was given visitation after the children
00:47were enrolled in the plaintiff's daycare service.
00:50And since you work, you made arrangements
00:53with the father of your children
00:54to pick up the children at the daycare center.
00:58The plaintiff didn't like that.
01:00Because it was problematic for her.
01:01Police had to be called at least on one occasion.
01:04So either she told you to leave or you left on your own.
01:07And she sent you a bill.
01:09She said you failed to give her two weeks notice.
01:11I'm not concerned about that, the two weeks notice.
01:13If you wanted her out, that was problematic for you, right?
01:16So you should be happy that her children were out.
01:18If the visitation was not possible through you,
01:22you should be happy.
01:23And then we're left with two days
01:25that you say she didn't pay for.
01:26Which two days?
01:27The first week, it was the 21st and the 22nd.
01:30What do you mean the first week?
01:32Well, the first week when she came on the 25th,
01:34she said that the kids would not be coming
01:36because I didn't want the father to pick up
01:38to be at my home anymore.
01:39She brought the children six months ago.
01:42What two days?
01:43Give me the date that you are claiming
01:45she didn't pay you for.
01:46March 21st, March 22nd, March 28th, March 29th,
01:51April 1st through April 4th.
01:53Well, that's more than two days.
01:55It is.
01:55Did you bring the children there
01:56on March 21st and March 22nd?
01:58No, ma'am.
02:01On the 21st and the 22nd, their father picked them up
02:04at, I think, I believe it's 11 o'clock,
02:06and he brought them back at five.
02:07To who's, to her?
02:10Did you pay her for those days?
02:11She was gonna receive payment through Crystal Stairs
02:14for the time that they were there.
02:15So the answer is you did not pay her?
02:17And how much is it a day for each of the children?
02:20I can look in her fee schedule.
02:22So there's the contract that she signed
02:24with Crystal Stairs is the rates,
02:25and then she has her own.
02:27I just want you to tell me how much you were supposed
02:29to pay her for March 21st and March 22nd, and you didn't.
02:35How much was she supposed to pay
02:36on March 21st and March 22nd?
02:37She, not the service.
02:39For both children, it was $75.
02:41Her portion, for those two days.
02:43Correct, Crystal Stairs does not cover
02:45if the children are not at the daycare.
02:47So you mean Crystal Services, which is?
02:49The county.
02:50The county doesn't pay if the children weren't there.
02:53So why are you charging her if the children weren't there?
02:55Because she wrote, I have a contract that she signed
02:58that if your kids are not attending the daycare,
03:00you are still responsible.
03:01I don't care.
03:02The children weren't there.
03:02Were the children there on the 28th and the 29th?
03:05They were there from 6.30 to 11.
03:07On the 28th and the 29th?
03:08Yes, ma'am.
03:09And on the 21st and 22nd?
03:11No, ma'am.
03:11But just on the 28th and the 29th?
03:13Well, who's gonna pay her from 6.30 to 11?
03:15Crystal Stairs will pay her for that time.
03:17You're gonna pay her.
03:18Is she going to reimburse?
03:20You're gonna pay her.
03:21So far, I'm not hearing that you're paying anything.
03:24I did pay her.
03:24But you didn't pay her for the 28th and the 29th in March.
03:27Because they weren't there those days.
03:29They were there the 21st.
03:30Not during the day, but she says they were there
03:33from 6.30 to 11.
03:34I believe that she has the dates backwards
03:36because they were there on the 21st and the 22nd,
03:38but they were not there the 28th and the 29th.
03:40Fine, they were there the 21st and the 22nd
03:43from 6.30 to 11.
03:44And when I spoke with Crystal Stairs,
03:45they said that they paid her out for the hours
03:47that they were there during that time.
03:48Did you get paid from 6.30 to 11?
03:50I did, they didn't pay me from 11 to 5.
03:52Okay, good, they're not paying you from 11 to 5.
03:54You didn't do anything.
03:56Okay, what are the rest of the days?
03:57Week of April the 1st through the 4th.
04:01That was supposed to have been her last week,
04:02and she didn't bring the kids at all.
04:04Then you didn't work.
04:05No, I didn't, but I have a contract that states if you're.
04:07Listen, Ms. Weisinger, I actually feel mostly sympathetic.
04:10It sounds to me like you're trying to do,
04:12trying to do all the right things.
04:14But you are not a licensed daycare provider.
04:16As far as I'm concerned,
04:17people who are not licensed daycare providers
04:19shouldn't be taking care of infants, period.
04:21That would be in my best America.
04:24As long as you got paid for what you did, I am satisfied.
04:28You are having difficulty with her
04:30because of this ongoing problem that she has
04:32with a court order of visitation.
04:34And you're quite right,
04:35if you're taking care of other children,
04:37you don't want a potentially toxic situation
04:39when you're taking care of other children.
04:41I want to make certain that you get paid
04:43for work that you did in watching her children.
04:45So from what I'm hearing, you got paid for the time
04:49that you were actually taking care of her children.
04:52Is that correct?
