Couple Sues Man for Rent and Cleaning Fees!

  • 3 months ago
Seeking justice for our home sweet home! After a challenging experience with our former tenant, we've decided to take legal action to recover the unpaid rent and cleaning fees. It's important to stand up for our rights and protect our property. #JusticeServed #TenantTroubles #LegalBattle #movieswatchhd #ssrnewmovies
00:00Mr. and Mrs. Lacey, you had a home
00:02that you were interested in doing some construction on,
00:05I assume for the purposes of selling it.
00:07Yes, Your Honor. Is that right?
00:08And Mr. Graybill, and you came to an agreement on price,
00:12you were in the construction business?
00:15That he would do the construction on the house
00:17for, I don't know, three something thousand dollars.
00:20But then he was looking for a place to live
00:22and you came up with the arrangement
00:24that you gave him a thousand dollars.
00:26Yes, Your Honor.
00:27And then the remainder of the money,
00:29you would work off by getting free rent in the house
00:33if you lived in the house for two months.
00:35And if you weren't finished
00:36or the house wasn't sold after that,
00:38you would start to pay rent.
00:40Yes, ma'am.
00:41And you stayed on in the house?
00:43Yes, we stayed April through August.
00:45We paid rent on a monthly basis.
00:47And how much did you pay, Mr. Graybill?
00:49That was $1,025?
00:51Yes, per month.
00:52You moved out what month?
00:53We moved out the end of July.
00:55Your Honor, his things were there
00:56well into November of 2018.
01:00What things were there in November?
01:02Furniture, there was all of his living things
01:05that he needed to live.
01:07There was beds there, there was-
01:09Let's start off slowly.
01:10Was there bedroom furniture?
01:12How many bedrooms did he have furniture in?
01:16Your Honor, one of those beds
01:17was actually theirs that they left.
01:18Was one yours?
01:19One mattress was mine.
01:21What else was there in September?
01:22There was lots of toys from his kids.
01:25There was just, I have pictures,
01:27there was just trash and tools.
01:29I'd like to see.
01:29My tools were still there
01:31because I was still working on the home.
01:32This was items that was left in the room.
01:35Where did you start living, Mr. Graybill,
01:37in September of 2018?
01:39We rented a new home from my-
01:43Give me the address.
01:45Palm and Broken Arrow.
01:47Oh, well you left this place in a disgusting state.
01:52Just a second, he didn't have things here.
01:53You should have taken all, listen to me,
01:56carefully, Ms. Lacey,
01:57if these are the pictures that you're showing me,
01:58you should have gotten a dumpster,
02:00removed it all,
02:01and then sued him for the cost of removal.
02:04That's what you should have done.
02:04He's not gonna pay you rent for leaving garbage.
02:07But Your Honor, he actually came and picked up
02:09the remainder of his stuff that we secured in the garage.
02:13I have photos of that.
02:14I'd like to see it.
02:16There's several on there.
02:18We did end up moving the stuff to the garage.
02:20Hold on.
02:26I would have thrown all this stuff out.
02:28I would have thrown it out.
02:30It's trash.
02:31Ms. Lacey, it's trash.
02:33And you should have gotten rid of it.
02:34And for $250, you could have gotten rid of all the trash.
02:37He didn't give you a security deposit?
02:41He's not paying you rent.
02:42This is garbage.
02:42I do have a text message here.
02:44He's not paying you rent for garbage.
02:45Where it says he has his stuff in there.
02:48What stuff?
02:48I commented that you still have your stuff in my house.
02:52My house isn't a storage facility.
02:54And he said-
02:55And he said, I'll get the rest of my stuff out.
02:58You should have taken the stuff and thrown it away.
03:00If this is what it looked like when he wasn't there,
03:02for $250, you could have disposed of it.
03:05He's not paying you rent.
03:06Now, let's move on to the water bill.
03:08You say he owes you for a water bill.
03:10Yes, Your Honor.
03:11We left the utilities on in our name.
03:13And to what date?
03:14This water bill is the final water bill,
03:16which is dated October 15th.
03:18I don't know what months he paid and what months he didn't.
03:20He says he paid the water bill.
03:22Do you have proof you paid the water bill
03:23when you were living there?
03:24No, I paid my water bill directly to the Lacey's.
03:27I never received the water bill.
03:29They sent me notices or texted me
03:31to letting me know when the water was due.
03:33And there was actually times after we moved out
03:36when I was still trying to do work on the property
03:38when both the power and the water were turned off
03:40to where I could not work.
03:42Well, I don't know.
03:42I need a bill during your tenancy there.
03:44Yeah, if he-
03:46And if I don't have that bill, I don't have that bill.
03:47This is payments that he made us for the utilities.
03:51And he didn't pay, I mean, they were never paid on time.
03:54Ms. Lacey, I don't care.
03:55All I want to know is,
03:56do you have a bill for cleaning up the house?
03:59Yes, we have a quote for cleaning up the house.
04:01I want to take a look at it.
04:02Your own two-month rent was for the work
04:04that he was supposed to do that he never completed.
04:07It's not happening.
04:08Because he was going to do the work for January and February
04:10and never did that work.
04:12May I please see the cleanup cost?
04:14There's the yard cleanup.
04:17He left full of toys and waste high grass.
04:19It cost $150.
04:20Just a second.
04:21I want to see the bill for cleanup.
04:23For the house.
04:25When did you purchase this house?
04:27We purchased it in 2012.
04:28And what did you pay for it in 2012?
04:31And it's currently under contract?
04:33And what is the purchase price
04:34and the name of the new owners?
04:36It's under contract.
04:37We're not closing until the 9th.
04:38And the purchase price is $160,000.
04:41So you made some money?
04:44Now, do you have a price for the cleanup?
04:45Just, no, we don't have it.
04:47We had a quote for it.
04:49Judgment for the plaintiff.
04:50We're done.
04:51Thank you very much.
04:52Excuse me, step out.
