Man Wants Motorcycle Title! I Part 1

  • 3 months ago
The wait is over! Proud owner of the motorcycle title I've been working towards. Ready to embrace the freedom and thrill that comes with riding on two wheels. Let the journey begin! #MotorcycleOwnership #EmbracingFreedom #NewChapterBegins #movieswatchhd #ssrnewmovies #watchnowflix
00:00You set a price for that motorcycle, which was how much?
00:04A deal for wheels is shredded.
00:06He would make payments to you.
00:07You would hold on to the title.
00:09Well, that was my plan.
00:11He has a new title for it.
00:12I have the original title.
00:14And the paper trail hits a dead end.
00:18Sign it over to him.
00:20Do it, now.
00:22Let me think about this for a second.
00:23Judge Judy.
00:25Mr. Goodfellow, how long have you
00:27and the defendant been friends?
00:28About 15 years now, Your Honor.
00:30And there came a time, Mr. Gunion,
00:32that your dog required surgery.
00:35Yes, ma'am.
00:36And when was that?
00:37Roughly end of March, early April.
00:40Of last year.
00:41And it was expensive surgery.
00:43I assume that you didn't have the cash at the time.
00:46And according to both of you, Mr. Goodfellow
00:49and you made an arrangement that he would
00:51give you money for the surgery.
00:53I don't know, $1,000 or $1,200?
00:55What was it?
00:57$1,200, ma'am.
00:58And that he would also purchase a motorcycle that he
01:02liked, that you owned.
01:04You set a price for that motorcycle, which was how much?
01:07So that he owed the difference between the $1,200
01:11and the $3,000.
01:13And he would make payments to you.
01:14You would hold onto the title until those payments
01:17were completed.
01:18Well, that was my plan.
01:20But after the deal had been made,
01:21he really pushed hard on getting all the paperwork from me.
01:24So he had possession of the paperwork.
01:27You mean the title to the car?
01:28The title.
01:29But that was from the original owner that I had gotten it from.
01:31Just a minute.
01:32So what you're telling me is you hadn't
01:33re-registered the motorcycle?
01:36So it belonged to somebody else?
01:39So when you sold it to him, it actually
01:41was titled in another person?
01:44Who has the title?
01:46I do, Your Honor.
01:47He has a new title for it.
01:48I have the original title that was
01:50Ron's that he signed off to me when I
01:52went in and did the registration.
01:54May I see it?
01:54Yes, ma'am.
01:58And here's the registration that was
01:59dated after the fact of the sale, when me and Ron went in.
02:02I would like to see his registration as well.
02:06This is also the bill of sale from Ron.
02:08And the Washington State inspection
02:10permit that I had done to make it for the bike was legal.
02:19Mr. Goodfellow, how could he give you the title if the title
02:23was in somebody else's name?
02:24The other person was a good friend of ours
02:26also that we've both known.
02:27I don't care.
02:28He couldn't legally.
02:29That's why I went to the actual owner of it
02:31to get all the paperwork taken care of, ma'am.
02:33And at that point, Your Honor, he
02:34had lied to the original owner that he had
02:37completely paid for the bike.
02:38This says the sale price March 29th of 2018 was $500.
02:43Yep, that is what was put on the title by the owner
02:46and Mr. Ogunyan when he originally purchased the bike.
02:48That was the title he was given from the original owner that
02:51was then given to me by Mr. Ogunyan
02:53when I went to do the correct paperwork for it
02:55to be reissued under the vote.
02:57You went to Motor Vehicles and had a new title
03:00issued in July of 2018.
03:03Is that right?
03:04How did you?
03:05Just a second.
03:06How did you do that?
03:07Ron had given me a call after they had made their connection
03:10and they did what they did.
03:12Ron called me up, said, hey.
03:13No, listen to me.
03:14You can't tell me what Ron said to you.
03:16If Ron is here, then I can question him.
03:19So you can't tell me what anybody out of court said.
03:22OK, so I'll tell you what I did.
03:24After I received a phone call, I went back
03:26and made contact with Ron.
03:28No, no, no, listen to me.
03:29I asked you a simple question.
03:31You got a new title.
03:33From the original owner, ma'am.
03:34You got a new title, and you had to have
03:36said I lost the old title.
03:38No, ma'am.
03:39No, ma'am.
03:40Ty and him went and got the registration done on the bike.
03:42Ron got a new title sent to him.
03:45He called me.
03:46I came out, picked up the new title,
03:48and he wanted the bike immediately out of his name,
03:51Your Honor, because he was riding with trip permits
03:53and like a crazy lunatic.
03:54This stays with me.
03:56OK, good.
03:57Now, so far you paid $1,200 towards a $3,000 bike.
04:02That was the deposit.
04:03Over the course of the next year, how much money
04:05did you give Mr. Gunion?
04:07The grand total is $2,460 paid on the motorcycle.
04:10And I have a witness here that was
04:12there for every single one of the payments,
04:13except for one of them.
04:15Who is the witness?
04:16Chelsea West.
04:17What is her relationship to you and to the defendant?
04:20She's a friend and his ex-girlfriend, actually.
04:22Well, why wouldn't you give Mr. Gunion the money yourself?
04:26I've tried.
04:27All these payments, I gave him.
04:28She was just a witness there when I handed him the money.
04:31No, she wasn't.
