Painter Sprayed White Paint on the Black Roof_! _ Part 3-(720p)

  • 3 months ago
Adding a fresh coat of white to elevate the black roof's look ️ #HomeImprovement #PainterLife #HighDefinition
00:00I asked you to show me the estimate of the roof.
00:04That's all the damage that I see.
00:06The roof.
00:07The job was never completed, Your Honor.
00:09Roof, because you...
00:10Here is the contract for the painting
00:13and repair of the fascia board.
00:16So far, the only damage that I saw was to the roof,
00:22and I acknowledge that.
00:24I asked you for a quote to fix that,
00:28and you give me everything but that.
00:31Do you have an estimate to fix the only damage
00:34that I'm able to see, which was on the roof?
00:37Your Honor, we started with a contract.
00:39The contract was to paint the fascia board
00:43and repair some paint gutters.
00:46Here's a copy of the contract, and it was never completed.
00:49That's what I'm suing for,
00:51not for the damage to the shingles.
00:53I have to just suck it up on that
00:55because that's irreparable
00:57without taking off all those shingles and replacing them.
01:00I don't know that,
01:01and you don't have an expert to tell me that,
01:03whether or not they can be cleaned,
01:04whether or not the paint can be taken off of them, sir.
01:06I'm just telling you, you're not ready for me.
01:09Well, Your Honor, I can testify that in a conversation,
01:12it's my testimony that two contractors
01:15told me it would cost 25.
01:17Don't tell me what anybody told you.
01:20That's hearsay.
01:22That's hearsay.
01:22How is it hearsay when it's direct conversation?
01:24Well, I'm gonna give you a quick law school freeber.
01:26Any out-of-court conversation offered
01:29for the truth of that statement is hearsay.
01:31There are certain recognized exceptions to the hearsay rule.
01:34Having an outside conversation with a contractor
01:36and then trying to tell me what an expert witness told you
01:39is hearsay.
01:40It's inadmissible.
01:41It doesn't fall into one of the recognized exceptions
01:44of the hearsay rule.
01:45All right, Your Honor, in these proposals
01:48to clean up the work neglected by Chad,
01:51it specifically addresses these issues
01:54and that's what I paid for to have done.
01:57I paid him $2,900 and I've got the evidence
02:01of what was paid on a $3,000 fixed price contract
02:05and now he's coming back and wanting time and materials
02:08and taxes and I don't know what all.
02:11It's ridiculous.
02:12Well, it's very interesting.
02:13You're suing him for $5,000 and you only paid him 2,900.
02:17Is that what you're telling me?
02:18You're suing him for $5,000?
02:19Do you know how many days he worked on your property?
02:22No, I don't.
02:22Do you know how many days he worked?
02:23It was a fixed price contract
02:25that was supposed to have been completed by September 15
02:28and on October 22, I fired him because the job wasn't done.
02:34My tenant reported to me that he was not showing up
02:37on the job.
02:38He was leaving all over the-
02:40Listen to me.
02:41Everywhere and his work was totally unacceptable.
02:44Let me suggest this to you.
02:46You're in the wrong venue, sir.
02:48You're in the wrong venue because you can't control
02:50yourself and you can't prove your case without witnesses
02:54and the only witnesses exist where this building exists
02:57because you have a tenant who is complaining to you,
03:00you have evidence there, you have contractors there,
03:03expert witnesses there who you can't and you don't have here
03:07so you can't give me, in this proceeding,
03:10what I need to make a judgment.
03:13So your case is dismissed without prejudice.
03:15You can go back to Georgia where the building is
03:18and bring your case again before a judge who will say,
03:21where are your contractors and where is the person
03:25who made the complaints and he can bring in a witness
03:28who asked him, please do not work on such and such a date
03:32because I'm bringing dialysis patients
03:34and then everybody will have the information
03:36from which they can draw conclusions and make a judgment.
03:40I cannot because you weren't there, you didn't see it,
03:44you weren't a witness to the hurricanes,
03:45you weren't a witness to the weather,
03:47you don't have any of that information.
03:49Your Honor.
03:50We're done, your case is dismissed without prejudice.
03:53Thank you very much.
