Potensi Paslon Tunggal Pilkada Probolinggo Menguat, Baikkah Buat Demokrasi Kita?

  • 3 months ago
Sejumlah partai politik telah melakukan manuver jelang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Probolinggo. Pada kontestasi Pilkada Probolinggo 2024 kali ini, dinamika partai-partai politik di Probolinggo telah menunjukkan akan terjadi koalisi besar.

Wacana Pilkada dengan satu pasangan calon antara Gus Haris (Gerindra) dan Ra Fahmi (PKB) dalam bursa bakal calon kepala daerah (bacakada) Probolinggo semakin menguat. Lantas, apakah wacana pasangan tunggal dalam Pilkada itu baik untuk demokrasi kita?
00:00A number of political parties have taken the lead in the election of the head of the Probolinggo region.
00:08In the 2024 Probolinggo election,
00:12the dynamics of the political parties in Probolinggo have shown that there will be a major coalition.
00:18The election of the head of the Probolinggo region with a pair of candidates between Gus Haris, Gerindra, and Ra Fahmi, PKB,
00:25in the stock market, the candidates for the head of the Probolinggo region are getting stronger.
00:29So, is it good for our democracy to have a single candidate in the election?
00:37Various political parties in Probolinggo have formed a mass coalition,
00:42the registration of the pair of candidates for the election of the head of the Probolinggo region,
00:46which will be held two more months in August.
00:50The need for coalition is caused by the fact that almost all political parties
00:54get seats below the threshold of 20%, or at least 10 seats,
01:01out of a total of 50 seats in the Probolinggo Regional Council of Representatives.
01:07According to Law No. 10 of 2016,
01:11political parties can register the pair of head of the Probolinggo region
01:15and the head of the Probolinggo region by using the seats obtained from the last election.
01:22Based on the seats obtained by the Probolinggo Regional Council of Representatives in the last election,
01:27political parties that get seats below 10, including PKB, 9 seats,
01:33Gerindra, 9 seats,
01:35Nasdem, 8 seats,
01:37PDIP, 7 seats,
01:39P3, 6 seats,
01:41and PKS, 1 seat,
01:43while only one party meets the minimum threshold of seats
01:48so that they can nominate a candidate without having to coalition,
01:52namely the Golkar party with 10 seats.
01:55The dynamics of political parties in Probolinggo have shown that there will be a major coalition.
02:01This can be seen so far by several parliamentary parties,
02:04namely P3, PKS, and Golkar have supported
02:09Muhammad Haris Damanhuri Romli or often known as Gus Haris from Gerindra.
02:15Support for Gus Haris also comes from non-parliamentary parties such as PSI,
02:20Buruh Party, Garuda Party, PKN, PBB, Demokrat Party, Perindo Party, Gelora Party, and Umat Party.
02:29In addition, there are recent rumors that PKB will join the major coalition
02:36by nominating Fahmi Abdul Haq or Akrab in Sapara Fahmi
02:42to accompany Gus Haris.
02:44This major coalition has received criticism from Hassan Aminuddin,
02:48a former Probolinggo regent,
02:50who is in the middle of a case of TPPU and gratification.
02:54He said that a major coalition by nominating only one candidate is proof of the decline of democracy.
03:01Meanwhile, only two parties have seats in the DPRD,
03:06such as PDIP and NASDEM,
03:08which opens the network of candidates for regional leaders.
03:11But until now, the direction of politics has not been determined.
