PKS Dukung Gus Haris Tanpa Mahar Politik

  • 3 months ago
Probolinggo ( – Dewan Pengurus Daerah (DPD) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Kabupaten Probolinggo resmi mengumumkan dukungannya kepada Gus Haris sebagai Calon Bupati (Cabup) Probolinggo untuk Pilkada 2024. PKS menjadi partai pertama yang memberikan rekomendasi kepada Gus Haris tanpa meminta mahar politik.

Ketua DPD PKS Kabupaten Probolinggo, Rifqi Abdillah, menyampaikan bahwa rekomendasi ini diberikan karena kesamaan visi dan misi dengan Gus Haris, yaitu semangat perubahan.

“Rekomendasi sudah kami serahkan. Dan kami bukan hanya sebagai pendukung, tapi merupakan partai pengusung, karena secara konstitusional, kami memiliki kursi,” ujarnya pada Senin (24/6/2024).

Rifqi menegaskan bahwa tidak ada mahar yang diminta dalam proses ini. “Tidak ada mahar apa pun dalam hal ini, murni karena kesamaan visi, yakni perubahan,” tambahnya.


00:03Regional Board of Directors of DPD, Sejahtera Justice Party.
00:06PKS, the official Probolinggo regency, announced its support for Gus Haris as a candidate for Probolinggo regency
00:12for the 2024 election.
00:15PKS became the first party to recommend Gus Haris without asking for political support.
00:20PKS DPD Chairperson, Probolinggo Regency, Rifqi Abdillah, stated that this recommendation was given
00:26because of the similarity of vision and mission with Gus Haris, namely a spirit of change.
00:30Rifqi insisted that there was no price to be paid in this process.
00:35PKS gave full freedom to Gus Haris to choose his representative.
00:40The communication process between PKS and Gus Haris has been going on since last March,
00:44starting with a breath of aspiration that shows the support of the majority of internal PKS.
00:49The official recommendation was accepted on June 1 after approval from DPW and DPP PKS.
00:55Gus Haris appreciated PKS's support and called the party the first to recommend it.
01:02Gus Haris also mentioned the possibility of joining PKB in a major coalition with other parties
01:07such as Gokar, P3, Gerindra, and a number of non-parliamentary parties.
