• last year
Our Story Episode 48 (English Subtitles)

Our story begins with a family trying to survive in one of the poorest neighborhoods of the city and the oldest child who literally became a mother to the family... Filiz taking care of her 5 younger siblings looks out for them despite their alcoholic father Fikri and grabs life with both hands. Her siblings are children who never give up, learned how to take care of themselves, standing still and strong just like Filiz. Rahmet is younger than Filiz and he is gifted child, Rahmet is younger than him and he has already a tough and forbidden love affair, Kiraz is younger than him and she is a conscientious and emotional girl, Fikret is younger than her and the youngest one is İsmet who is 1,5 years old.

Cast: Hazal Kaya, Burak Deniz, Reha Özcan, Yağız Can Konyalı, Nejat Uygur, Zeynep Selimoğlu, Alp Akar, Ömer Sevgi, Nesrin Cavadzade, Melisa Döngel.

Production: MEDYAPIM
Screenplay: Ebru Kocaoğlu - Verda Pars
Director: Koray Kerimoğlu

#OurStory #BizimHikaye #HazalKaya #BurakDeniz


00:22What's going on, Uncle?
00:23Something happened to my child.
00:25I don't know. First his stomach hurt.
00:27Then he started vomiting.
00:29He's sweating.
00:31I couldn't move him. His pain is still there.
00:33Okay. I'm going to help you now.
00:37Tell me if it hurts anywhere.
00:39How about here?
00:41Not here, right?
00:43Not here.
00:45Let's see if it's here.
00:47Grandpa, I'm so sorry.
00:49Okay, okay. We need to call an ambulance.
00:53What should we do?
00:55Wait, wait, wait. I'll call now.
00:57Calm down.
01:07We need an ambulance urgently.
01:09A six or seven-year-old child may have vomited.
01:11Yes, yes. Kulmuc Emekli.
01:13Number eight.
01:15Okay. Okay. Okay. We're waiting.
01:17Okay, okay.
01:19The ambulance is coming, okay?
01:21You'll be fine. Don't worry.
01:23Okay, okay. Calm down.
01:31Give me your palm.
01:33Filiz, are you okay?
01:35Are you a little better?
01:39It's all my fault.
01:41I'm so sorry.
01:43I'm so sorry.
01:45Aunt Şema, what does it have to do with you?
01:49You did your best.
01:55It's all because of this.
02:05Dad, get up!
02:07Get up!
02:09Because of you,
02:11they took the children away from us.
02:13You're still lying here.
02:15Get up!
02:17You don't deserve to stay in this house anymore.
02:19Get up!
02:21Let me go!
02:23You don't have the right to stand like this anymore.
02:25Get out!
02:27Get out!
02:29Get out!
02:31Get out!
02:33Get out!
02:35Let me go!
02:37Let me go!
02:39We didn't get anything from mom or dad.
02:41I don't want this man in this house anymore.
02:49Rahmet, they took the children.
02:53We'll get them back.
02:55Don't worry.
02:59I promise.
03:01We'll get the children back.
03:03Don't cry.
03:05Don't cry.
03:15Calm down.
03:35Why are you here?
03:37No, I don't want to bother you.
03:39I'm just worried about you.
03:41And I want to say something.
03:43It's a crazy coincidence,
03:45but my mom is a lawyer.
03:47I'm looking at the criminal cases.
03:49I mean, the cases of your situation.
03:51Call me whenever you want.
03:53Let me talk to you.
03:55Let's find out what we can do.
03:57That would be great.
03:59Anyway, I don't want to bother you anymore.
06:39Hoş bulduk.
06:40Hadi ben sizi yurda götüreyim, ha? Gezdireyim.
06:43Hadi buyurun.
06:51İşte burası bizim ana binamız.
06:54Daha sonra sizi öbür binalarımıza da götüreceğim.
06:59Gündüzleri her zaman olduğu gibi okula gideceksiniz.
07:03Oradan sizi bizim servislerimize alacaklar.
07:07Bakın burada yemekhanelerimiz var bizim.
07:10Çok güzel yemekler pişiyor orada.
07:13Yemeklerinizi yedikten sonra da etüt salonlarına geçeceksiniz.
07:17Orada ödevlerinizi yapacaksınız.
07:20Sonra bizim oyun salonlarımız da var.
07:25Orada da arkadaşlarınızla oyunlar oynayacaksınız.
07:28Birbirimizi görebilecek miyiz?
07:30Tabii ki. Ne kadar isterseniz göreceksiniz hem de.
07:33Özgürsünüz. Burası bir hapishane değil ki.
07:39Yalnız geceleri ayrı odalarda kalacaksınız.
07:45Çünkü kızlar, erkekler...
07:49...bir de ayrı yaş grupları için ayrı ayrı odalarımız var bizim.
07:53Hikmet ağabey, Rahmet ağabeyimi, ablamı bir daha hiç göremeyecek miyiz?
07:58Yok, olur mu öyle şey?
08:00Onlar ne zaman isterlerse sizin ziyaretinize gelebilirler.
08:04Artık burası sizin eviniz olacak.
08:06Onlar sadece ziyaretçiniz olabilir.
08:10Hadi ben artık odalarınızı göstereyim size.
08:12Hadi buyurun.
08:13Hocam, ben bir kardeşlerimle konuşayım.
08:17Ondan sonra gezeriz okula, olur mu?
08:19Olur, tabii. Hadi konuş.
08:22Geç şöyle karşıma.
08:24Bana bak, üzülmek yok, tamam mı?
08:29Ben buradayım zaten.
08:31Sürekli birlikte olacağız.
08:35Ne olacak?
08:37Ne olacak?
08:38Birlikte uyuyamayacağız gece.
08:42Ama o da zaten canımıza minnetti mi?
08:49Sıkılmadınız bundan üst üste uyumaktan.
08:57Ağabey, artık eve hiç dönemeyecek miyiz?
09:00Yok Fiko, saçmalama.
09:03Ablamla Rahmet çözerler durumu.
09:06Biz buraya geldik, biraz takılırız burada.
09:10Sonra çıkarız, gideriz evimize.
09:12Çözerler, değil mi ağabey?
09:13Çözerler aşkım, merak etme sen.
09:18Tamam, neyse.
09:20Hadi gidelim okulu gezelim.
09:22Sonra otururuz, birlikte sohbet ederiz bol bol, olur mu?
09:28Fiko, yemekler falan çok güzelmiş.
09:31Tıkınırsın işte.
09:36Hadi bakalım, şimdi de içeriyi görelim.
09:39Hadi, şimdi size İsmet'in kalacağı yeri göstereceğim.
09:51Doktor Bey, nasıl hastamız?
09:53Gayet iyi geçti ameliyat.
09:55Allah'ıma şükürler olsun.
09:57Yalnız tam zamanda estirmişsiniz.
09:59Enfeksiyon epeyce yayılmıştı.
10:01Ama temizledik.
10:03Sen gösterme yavrum.
10:05Bak, torunun iyiymiş artık, merak etme.
10:07Evet, odaya çıkarız birazdan.
10:09Damar yolundan antibiyotik tedavisine devam edeceğiz.
10:11Her şey yolunda.
10:13Fakat bundan sonrası için...
10:15...yarının bakımı ve pansumanı oldukça önemli.
10:17Tekrar geçmiş olsun.
10:19Tamam, sağ olun.
10:21Allah razı olsun Savaş.
10:23Hop, hop, hop, ne yapıyorsun?
10:25Sen olmasan.
10:27Allah korusun, torunum.
10:29Olmaz öyle şey ya, olur mu? Niye korkuyorsun?
10:31Sen hep demez misin zaten?
10:33Ölümden başka her şeye çare var diye.
10:35Bak, gör işte.
10:37Şimdi oğlan çıksın odaya.
10:39Sen gider bir görürsün, sonra git dinlen.
10:41Ben kalırım burada.
10:43Olur mu öyle şey, nasıl olur?
10:45Bir şey olmaz, ben ilaçlarını hallederim.
10:47Sen dinlen, dinlen ki işine yarayabilir.
10:49Peki, ben şimdi odasında bekleyeyim oğlanı o vakit.
10:51Hadi git.
11:01Bak, burası da senin evin.
11:03Gördün mü? Ne kadar güzel.
11:05Ev gibi değil mi?
11:07Arkadaşların da var.
11:09Çok seveceksin bence.
11:11Evet, çocuklar.
11:13Bu yeni arkadaşınız Fikret.
11:15Artık burada sizinle kalacak.
11:17Ee, hani bir hoş geldin desenize arkadaşınıza.
11:19Hoş geldin Fikret.
11:23Eda Hanım, gelmişken sizinle de bir konuşalım mı?
11:25Eda Hanım, gelmişken sizinle de bir konuşalım mı?
11:27Eda Hanım, gelmişken sizinle de bir konuşalım mı?
11:30Eda Hanım, gelmişken sizinle de bir konuşalım mı?
11:32Şu ısınma meselesine görüştüm de müdür beyle.
11:34Tabii Zehra Hanım.
11:38Fikretciğim, sen burada arkadaşlarınla tanış.
11:40Ben hemen geliyorum.
11:45Hoş geldin bakalım.
11:47Geç otur şu yatağa.
11:49Yok, iyiyim ben böyle.
11:51Otursana oğlum, yemeyeceğiz. Boş yatak.
12:00Bizde hoş geldin böyledir.
12:02Hiç gücenme vallahi.
12:04Ben Cengiz.
12:06Bunlar da benim kankalarım.
12:08Burası benden sormuş.
12:14Tanıştın mı arkadaşlarınla?
12:16Hadi gel.
12:18Ben sana kalan yerleri de gezdim.
13:00Merhaba, ben Melis. Hoş geldin.
13:02Hoş bulduk.
13:04Ben Kiraz.
13:06İstersen montumla poşetini...
13:08...şu yeşil dolaba koyabilirsin.
13:10Dolap senin.
13:12Ya Melis...
13:14...ben nasıl giderim kreşe?
13:16Kardeşime bakacağım da.
13:18Buradan çıksın.
13:28Kardeşime bakacağım da...
13:30...buradan çık, sağ dön, dümdüz gittikten sonra...
13:32...kaçtın aktuell ha giden.
13:34Çok teşekkür ederim. Gerçekten.
13:42Ben bir telefon edecektim de...
13:44...buraya yönlendirdiler beni.
13:46Tabii tabii, buyur otur.
13:55Ben çıkayım istiyorsan.
13:57Come on, let's go.
14:22Hello, sister?
14:23Hikmet? Is that you?
14:25It's me, sister.
14:27We came here.
14:29We settled here.
14:30The kids are fine.
14:32Don't worry.
14:34How can I not worry?
14:38Sister, this place is incredibly comfortable.
14:42There are all kinds of food.
14:45They let us visit.
14:49This place is like a hotel.
14:50You have to see it.
14:53The kids are thinking about the vacation.
14:59I hope we don't forget.
15:06Okay, we'll come with mercy.
15:10The kids are in your hands.
15:14See you, sister.
15:20I love you so much.
15:25We love you too, sister.
15:30I'm hanging up.
15:34See you.
15:38Okay, see you.
15:49Let's start painting.
16:01I love painting.
16:09Thank you.
16:11I'm Kira.
16:12I'm Kira's sister.
16:13I came to see her.
16:15Sit down.
16:33I won't.
16:38I won't.
16:50You can go now.
16:53Hikmet needs to get used to this place.
16:55And we won't interrupt his class.
17:02I know you're sad because your brother is leaving.
17:04But don't be sad.
17:06You'll get used to it.
17:09You can come and play in the evening.
17:13I won't.
17:19Ismet, I'm going now.
17:21But I promise I'll be back.
17:30Don't go.
17:37Come on, Ismet.
17:38Give me your dough.
17:40Well done.
17:51I'm sorry, grandpa.
17:54Good morning.
17:57Your grandpa will be here soon.
17:58Don't worry.
18:00By the way, I'm Savaş.
18:02You got sick.
18:03We took you to the hospital.
18:04Do you remember?
18:06Okay, now you sleep well.
18:08The more you sleep, the faster you'll get up.
18:13Grandpa will come, right?
18:15He will.
18:16Don't worry.
18:17Come on, go to bed.
18:20Good night.
18:54What are you doing?
19:06What are you doing, princess?
19:15Come on, sit down.
19:20What are you doing, little ones?
19:22Are you okay?
19:23We're fine, sister.
19:25It's beautiful here.
19:31Are you okay?
19:32I'm fine, sister.
19:33It's beautiful here.
19:44Where's Ismet?
19:46He's sleeping.
19:47There's a crash in our building.
19:49He's sleeping there.
19:50I'll take care of him, sister.
19:52Don't worry.
19:59You're not going to stay here long anyway, okay?
20:03Hikmet's friend's mother is a lawyer.
20:06Who is she?
20:07The guard's mother is a lawyer, son.
20:10Besides, she's in charge of these custody cases.
20:12You're kidding.
20:13I swear.
20:14She grew up like a princess.
20:16She said, I'll introduce you to my mother.
20:18I'll make her talk to you.
20:19We'll go there on the way out.
20:22We'll figure it out.
20:26Don't get too used to this place.
20:29Although, of course.
20:31When you see the dining room, don't miss it.
20:36What are you doing here now?
20:42You're not fighting anyone, are you?
20:44No, I'm not, brother.
21:16They tried so hard not to upset us, did you see that?
21:21I'm sorry.
21:28Okay, sister.
21:33Don't be so sad.
21:36Okay, they're sorry.
21:39They're having fun here.
21:43They hang out until we get them out, sister.
21:46We've been coming and going anyway.
21:48We have no choice.
21:51What if we can't handle it, Hamit?
21:55What if we can't handle it?
21:58Dad, why are you upsetting yourself?
22:00Why are you upsetting yourself?
22:01We can handle it, why can't we?
22:06Let's go to that lawyer.
22:10He'll tell us the way and the environment.
22:11We'll act accordingly.
22:16Okay, let's go.
22:17I'll go with you.
22:34Mr. Savaş.
22:36Mr. Savaş.
22:39I'm here.
22:40Come on, you should go and get some rest.
22:49I'll go now.
22:50Let me know if anything happens, okay?
22:52If necessary.
22:54Thank you.
22:55God bless you.
22:56Get well soon.
22:58Mr. Savaş.
23:00I've always prayed for you.
23:02Do you know?
23:04I don't have anyone of my own.
23:07I only have a grandson.
23:08I have a grandson.
23:10If it wasn't for you,
23:11we would have lost him.
23:13No, what does that have to do with anything?
23:15No, no.
23:17It's really like that.
23:19You forgave him, mom.
23:21No matter how much sorrow I have,
23:23I hope it all goes away.
23:25I don't want anything else from God.
23:27Thank you.
23:28Thank you, uncle.
23:30Get well soon.
23:32Thank you.
23:38Thank you.
23:44I mean, we can't solve this problem with our parents anymore.
23:47No one believes us.
23:50What else can we do?
23:51Tell me that.
23:53So how have you lived so far?
23:55I mean, who raised you?
23:59Did my sister bring us to this day?
24:03Ms. Sevil.
24:04We shouldn't separate from each other.
24:08We saw that you were in prison.
24:11It's a nice place.
24:14But we are six brothers, a family.
24:17We have to stay as a family.
24:21I understand.
24:25the institution thinks for the children.
24:27If your father and mother are insufficient,
24:30which seems so,
24:31the institution will take over the parental duty instead of them.
24:34But we can provide you with a will to take over these duties.
24:39A will?
24:40Yes, a will.
24:42So someone will be legally responsible for you.
24:44They can't have all the rights on you like your parents.
24:47But they can be your guardians.
24:50Do you have a relative you can trust like this?
24:53He will accept your responsibility.
24:56I mean, Ms. Sevil.
24:57We wouldn't be here anyway.
25:02I understand.
25:04So, can't I be a guardian?
25:09I mean, it's hard.
25:12First of all, you are too young.
25:14Moreover, you are single.
25:15You don't have a regular income.
25:18Do I have a better chance if I get married?
25:20Of course.
25:21Even if you don't have it,
25:22if your husband has insurance and regular income,
25:25our job will be easier.
25:34I understand.
25:43Rahmet, let's go home.
25:44I'll walk a little.
25:46Is it okay? I'll walk with you.
25:48I'll walk and think.
28:30What are you looking at?
28:31Let's do it.
28:33Let's do it.
29:01Let's do it.
29:31Let's do it.
30:01Let's do it.
30:02Let's do it.
30:03Let's do it.
30:30Where is Baris?
30:31They came from the orphanage. They will take the kids from me.
30:34I need you.
30:35Please call me.
30:44So, can't I be a principal?
30:46It's hard.
30:47First of all, you are too young.
30:49Moreover, you are single.
30:50You don't have a regular income.
30:53Would I have more chance if I were married?
30:55Of course.
30:56Even if you don't have a regular income, it will be easier for us if your husband has a regular income.
31:26Hello, Aunt Fatma. Is Cemil at home?
31:36He is at home.
31:41Hello, Cemil. Can we talk?
31:44Of course. I'll get my coat.
31:56What happened? Did something happen?
32:08I wanted to ask you something.
32:10Of course. What do you want?
32:22Will you marry me?