• l’année dernière


00:00 [Voix de l'homme] "C'est flyin'! Hé, hé, hé! Hé, Hardy-har-har!"
00:03 "Oh, I just know we'll be dashed on the jagged rocks below, Lippy."
00:07 "Why, Hardy?"
00:09 "Because we've just sprung a leak. Oh, dear."
00:13 "So what? We'll make the ship lighter."
00:16 "There goes the tent, and the supplies, and Hardy-har-har."
00:22 "Hardy! Open your parachute!"
00:25 "Why? I just know it won't open."
00:28 "Open it, darn you! Open it!"
00:31 "Oh, well, if it'll make you feel any better."
00:35 "There!"
00:36 "Hardy! It's a knapsack!"
00:38 "I knew it, I knew it."
00:40 "Here, grab my feet!"
00:43 "Now you're safe."
00:45 "Oh, dear. Oh, my."
00:48 "Hang on, Hardy! We're going down the chimney!"
00:55 "We're in an old castle. I wonder if it's occupied."
00:58 "It sure is. Look! Oh, dear. Oh, my."
01:03 "Oh, shucks! They can't hurt you. They are stuffed."
01:06 "Stuffed with little people like me, I'll wager."
01:10 "I just know we'll never get out of here alive."
01:13 "Yikes!"
01:15 "What was that? I'll have my faithful servant investigate."
01:20 "Oops! Oops!"
01:23 "See what that noise is, Opsk."
01:26 "Oops! Opsk! Hurry!"
01:29 "Is anybody to home?"
01:32 "Take my word, Lippy, we'll never get out of here alive."
01:36 "Hardy, stop playing with that stuffed monster and let's go!"
01:40 "This one ain't stuffed, believe me."
01:43 "Oopsk!"
01:44 "Of course it is! Shucks! I'll prove it!"
01:48 "See? It is alive!"
01:51 "Here, monster. Fetch the stick. Fetch the stick."
01:56 "Oops!"
01:58 "But, door, here we come!"
02:01 "It's probably locked."
02:04 "I wish it were."
02:06 "Oopsk! Oopsk!"
02:07 "Run, Hardy!"
02:09 "We'll never make it!"
02:16 "Oopsk! Prepare the experimental device."
02:20 "Prepare the experimental lab. We've work to do."
02:24 "Oopsk! Oopsk! Oopsk!"
02:28 "One drop of this will reduce you to the size of a peanut for ten minutes."
02:33 "Oopsk!"
02:34 "Aaaah!"
02:36 "Hey! I feel smaller than an ant's toenail!"
02:40 "You're next."
02:41 "Of course I am. What else?"
02:44 "Oh, dear."
02:45 "Run! Run!"
02:47 "Run your little legs off, Hardy!"
02:49 "You can't do any good."
02:51 "Go after them, Oopsk!"
02:54 "Into this mouse hole!"
02:59 "Oopsk! No!"
03:01 "Head for the wide open spacers, Mouse!"
03:04 "Oopsk!"
03:05 "Hop aboard, Oopsk, and bring them back!"
03:08 "Oopsk! Oopsk! Oopsk!"
03:11 "Uh-oh! I think the drops are wearing off."
03:15 "I'm afraid so."
03:17 "He's heading for that mouse hole!"
03:19 "We'll never make it."
03:21 "Oopsk! Oopsk!"
03:23 "I'm scared, Lippy."
03:25 "Who's scared of a half-fine monster, Oopsk?"
03:28 "I'm scared."
03:29 "Oh, no. We'll exhibit him as the only midget monster in captivity and make a fortune."
03:36 "That's what you think. Look!"
03:38 "Oopsk!"
03:40 "He's not a midget anymore."
03:44 "Good! Just think what a great act a full-sized monster will make!"
03:49 "Oopsk! Oopsk!"
03:50 "Yes, but do we have to be in the act?"
03:52 "Oh, dear. Oh, my."
