• l’année dernière


00:00 (...) et la résidue est tout ce que vous avez besoin, Gamps. Montrez-le, chef.
00:03 (...)
00:06 (...)
00:08 (...) Oh, je me sens fabuleux. Oh, mon Dieu. Oh, mon...
00:12 (...)
00:15 (...) C'est le petit mouche du chef. Scrive!
00:17 (...)
00:18 (...) Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette idée de me faire attraper les clients?
00:22 (...) Vous, le médecin.
00:24 (...) Le meilleur du sud.
00:25 (...) Alors, venez avec moi.
00:26 (...) No, me, medicine man. Me, also jealous.
00:30 (...) You quack. You come.
00:32 (...) Thanks, but some other time. I'm busy.
00:36 (...) Now.
00:37 (...) Yikes!
00:38 (...) What's my amuse, Hardy?
00:40 (...) Giddy up, Daisy.
00:42 (...) You come back.
00:45 (...) No, you go away.
00:46 (...) Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip.
00:48 (...) Squee!
00:49 (...) Yow!
00:50 (...) What's wrong, Lippy?
00:51 (...) I think I got a flap.
00:53 (...)
00:58 (...) Me take a shortcut and hit 'em off with bad medicine.
01:02 (...)
01:04 (...) Are they still after us, Lippy?
01:06 (...) Only the chief.
01:07 (...) Me give a medicine man big pill to swallow.
01:10 (...) This fix him up good.
01:12 (...)
01:14 (...) Pull up, Hardy. Look.
01:16 (...) Oh, dear.
01:17 (...) Whoa, Daisy.
01:19 (...) Whoa, pony.
01:21 (...) Whoa.
01:23 (...) Oh, come on. Whoa.
01:25 (...)
01:31 (...) What happened?
01:32 (...) Sun fall from sky.
01:33 (...) Me put 'em back.
01:35 (...) Me good medicine man.
01:36 (...) You quack.
01:38 (...) What you're waiting for, Hardy?
01:39 (...) Let's git.
01:40 (...) Can't, Lippy. Look.
01:42 (...) I quit.
01:44 (...) Signed, Daisy.
01:45 (...) You come with me.
01:46 (...) Or me scalp 'em.
01:48 (...) Which?
01:48 (...) That is a silly question.
01:50 (...) Oh, dear.
01:51 (...) Oh, scalps.
01:54 (...)
01:57 (...)
02:00 (...)
02:02 (...)
02:07 (...)
02:10 (...)
02:17 (...)
02:22 (...)
02:25 (...)
02:30 (...)
02:34 (...)
02:42 (...)
02:47 (...)
02:57 (...)
03:01 (...)
03:03 (...)
03:09 (...)
03:16 (...)
03:19 (...)
03:22 (...)
03:28 (...)
03:37 (...)
03:42 (...)
