• l’année dernière


00:00Whenever there's a crime or trouble
00:02That no one can solve at all, it seems
00:05That's when they come in on the double
00:07Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
00:10It might be day or night, whenever
00:12Conditions are right for them to flee
00:15Somehow it all still fits together
00:17Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
00:19If there's a full moon
00:22An old house with rotten stairs
00:24Just look around you
00:27Champs-Élysées will be found
00:29Someday I'll eat that darn canary
00:31And then I'll be happy, yessiree
00:34But Hector thinks you should be wary
00:36Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
00:39The chase goes on with each new mission
00:41With backdrops of plenty, nobody
00:44And through it all, they're in contention
00:46Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
00:59Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
01:16Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
01:46Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
02:12Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
02:42Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
02:44Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
02:50Oh my goodness gosh, your pussycat has upset the balance of Rotha Khan's foot impressions
02:55Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
02:58Sylvester, how many times have I told you, don't play with heavy machinery
03:04Oh, it all fall down
03:07Arrest that woman
03:10Our beloved footprints of the mighty Rotha Khan, destroyed
03:14When the giant hears about this, he will destroy the town in a rampage
03:19He's worried, and I'm in the slammer
03:21And there you will stay
03:23If the giant can see Granny is to blame, maybe he will not destroy the town
03:28But what about my animals?
03:30The little birdie can stay with you
03:38No food, no drink, nobody we know
03:41And my toffees are killing me
03:44You know, fleabrain, we may never eat again if Granny doesn't get out of that hoose cow
03:53Make way filthy animals, or I cannot sweep the street before the noble house of the great Rotha Khan
03:59If his street is dirty, he will be very, very angry
04:12Oh, Rotha Khan Crete
04:18Fair, so when the Rotha Khan steps into this muck, we can get out of here and get us a hot meal
04:30Huh? Sheesh, it's even bigger up close
04:38I'm gonna move that toe, I'm gonna move that toe
04:42Let's get his attention
04:46What the Sam Hill?
04:52Oh, I get it
04:54Field mice
04:57Way too much yak milk last night, pilgrim
05:00Gonna grab me some more shut-eye
05:05When we get him outside, blammo! Footprints of Rotha Khan
05:10I'm gonna move that toe, I'm gonna move that toe
05:17This'll get him up
05:19It'll be a hot time in the old town tonight
05:23I'm gonna move that toe
05:28It's not polite to say that to an octogenarian
05:31Now look here, I'm gonna teach you the lesson your pappy shoulda taught you a long time ago
05:41Mess with my laundry, will ya?
05:45No, I'm not angry
05:49Like heck I ain't
05:53Feet like bofo
05:55Last night I got as tight as a...
05:58Ah, that idiot
06:00Ready or not
06:02Left, right, left, right
06:04Here I ca-ca-ca-ca
06:09Here I ca-ca-ca-ca
06:29Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!
06:33Cripes, my pancreas
06:40Well, I'll be a flop-eared tabby
06:44The great Rotha Khan is allergic, to me
06:53That's smart
06:58What a mess
07:00We're gonna have to do this all over again
07:03Hey, you two got a lot to answer for
07:16I've made a little score to settle with your owner
07:19I thought I taught a jailbird
07:21I thought I taught a jailbird
07:23I thought I taught a jailbird
07:26Oh my, he's a big loser
07:40Holy cow!
07:42Please, you must tell Rotha Khan you destroyed his footprints
07:46Help us, dear Granny
07:48Sure, sure, where were you when I needed you, copper?
08:00Oh great Rotha Khan, please spare this town
08:04It was all Granny's fault, she broke your footprints
08:07Merci de m'aider, Stoolie
08:09Ce sont vos deux critères?
08:11Oui, ce sont les miens, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
08:14Eh bien, mademoiselle, je veux que vous sachiez
08:17Votre chat m'a donné un vrai coup de pouce
08:21Ah, ah, ah, ah
08:22Alors, je suppose que vous aurez besoin d'un nouveau print de ces clodhoppers
08:29Allons-y, commençons avec...
08:31Cripes, ma pancreas
08:38Je n'ai pas été aussi nerveux depuis que je suis arrivé à Iwo Jima
08:54Oui, j'ai senti ça
08:56Et n'importe quel chat qui peut réduire le grand Rotha Khan à un bébé en pleurs
09:02Deserve de faire une passion honoraire
09:14Rappelez-vous, Hector, chaque chien a son jour, même quand il est vraiment attaqué
09:23Wagon's Hall
09:26Eh bien, là va Khan
09:28Big Khan
09:29Big Bad Khan
09:32Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
09:35La pâte est excellente aujourd'hui
09:38Oui, très fraîche
09:48J'ai l'impression qu'il ne va pas aimer ça
10:05Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
