• 4 months ago
00:00:00 (wind howling)
00:00:02 (wind howling)
00:00:05 (wind howling)
00:00:07 (wind howling)
00:00:10 (wind howling)
00:00:12 (wind howling)
00:00:15 (cat meowing)
00:00:23 (cat meowing)
00:00:41 (alarm ringing)
00:00:43 (speaking foreign language)
00:00:51 (cat meowing)
00:00:54 (cat meowing)
00:01:01 (cat meowing)
00:01:09 (alarm ringing)
00:01:11 - Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were hungry.
00:01:16 Crazy.
00:01:17 Okay, bye.
00:01:19 Where's your sister?
00:01:21 Hey, do me a favor.
00:01:27 This window stay open until I finish my coffee.
00:01:29 Then stick outside for the rest of the day.
00:01:31 I'm serious.
00:01:32 Spencer.
00:01:38 (dramatic music)
00:01:40 (dramatic music)
00:01:43 (dramatic music)
00:01:46 (dramatic music)
00:01:49 (dramatic music)
00:01:51 (dramatic music)
00:01:54 (dramatic music)
00:01:57 (dramatic music)
00:02:00 (dramatic music)
00:02:02 (dramatic music)
00:02:05 (door creaking)
00:02:23 - Mr. Spiegelman.
00:02:27 - Ah, Madame Gauche.
00:02:29 - And the Flash.
00:02:30 - Nice to meet you.
00:02:31 - Ah, the apartment is on the fourth floor.
00:02:35 I did explain that, didn't I?
00:02:37 - Yeah, you did.
00:02:38 You did explain that, yes.
00:02:40 - Well, I think I should be going now.
00:02:43 - You say so.
00:02:47 (dramatic music)
00:02:49 - You're welcome.
00:02:58 - My pleasure.
00:03:00 - My pleasure.
00:03:01 Love having a cold apartment.
00:03:06 Oh, I can't stand you guys.
00:03:15 (door creaking)
00:03:17 (door creaking)
00:03:20 (glass clinking)
00:03:23 - Spencer, you up?
00:03:44 - Coming.
00:03:45 - Oh, hi there.
00:03:48 - Hi, Spiegelman.
00:03:50 - Can you speak English?
00:03:51 - Yeah.
00:03:52 - Hi.
00:03:54 - Yes, I was, but there's nothing about killer.
00:03:58 - Did you do the crossword?
00:03:59 - Did I ever.
00:04:00 - Hey.
00:04:03 - Hi.
00:04:04 - I moved in on the apartment number 12.
00:04:07 - Oh my God, I thought you were delivering clothes.
00:04:09 (laughing)
00:04:11 - That would be weird.
00:04:13 - So cool you guys are English.
00:04:16 - Sorry, I'm Richard.
00:04:17 - I'm Victor, nice to meet you.
00:04:19 - Spencer.
00:04:20 - Luis.
00:04:21 - Nice to meet you.
00:04:24 - Okay, bye.
00:04:26 - There she goes.
00:04:29 - Well, best of luck with the move there, man.
00:04:32 I was gonna give you a hand, but I'm lazy.
00:04:36 - No, why?
00:04:38 - No, no, no, no, no.
00:04:39 I have a brother coming from Ottawa asking for this.
00:04:42 (laughing)
00:04:43 - Yeah.
00:04:44 - Okay.
00:04:46 (footsteps)
00:04:49 - And he's tall.
00:04:54 You know I love that.
00:04:56 For me, the perfect height is when he's so massive
00:04:58 and he can do a hip-hip-and-a-cha-cha.
00:05:01 And he's got a head on his back.
00:05:02 - Yeah.
00:05:03 - I mean, for me guys, that was, I mean, blonde.
00:05:06 I've never seen anyone that tall.
00:05:09 I thought these blonde guys were like,
00:05:10 you know, something like that.
00:05:13 Oh, and his body, I know he has an amazing body
00:05:15 because at one point, I love the orange attitude of him.
00:05:18 I realized for a second he had like, arm-length,
00:05:21 and I was like, wow, I know right?
00:05:24 And his name's Roland, which I know you think is a blond name,
00:05:28 but it's sexy.
00:05:30 - Wow.
00:05:31 - Those old British names, I know he's like the boldest name.
00:05:33 - Yeah.
00:05:34 - Hey, man.
00:05:37 - He's got the awkward tone, too.
00:05:39 - Great, great, great tone.
00:05:41 - He's like, "I'm gonna go get a late drink."
00:05:44 - Whatever, I'm not gonna sleep with him.
00:05:46 - But he's hot.
00:05:47 - But he's hot.
00:05:47 - You read the Gazette?
00:05:49 - Seriously, Louise, there's no serial killers.
00:05:50 There's just one dead woman.
00:05:52 - Three dead and raped.
00:05:54 - Whatever.
00:05:55 (gentle music)
00:05:58 (speaking in foreign language)
00:06:04 (gentle music)
00:06:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:06:10 - You sure you don't wanna?
00:06:28 - No, I can't.
00:06:29 I don't wanna hear anybody.
00:06:31 - Okay, good night.
00:06:32 - Night.
00:06:33 - Oh, if you hear from Natalie,
00:06:35 tell her I'm gonna murder her.
00:06:36 And we'll see about that.
00:06:38 - Yes.
00:06:38 - Okay.
00:06:39 (car engine roaring)
00:06:42 (wind howling)
00:06:45 (wind howling)
00:06:48 (wind howling)
00:06:50 (wind howling)
00:06:53 (wind howling)
00:07:00 (wind howling)
00:07:10 (wind howling)
00:07:15 (wind howling)
00:07:18 (wind howling)
00:07:41 (wind howling)
00:07:43 (woman screams)
00:07:52 - So sorry, I'm so sorry.
00:07:53 It's a bit black outside to come to your house.
00:07:55 Sorry, I'm a little bit sleepy,
00:07:57 but I was just hanging around that idiot.
00:07:59 I'm Victor.
00:08:00 We met this morning, I remember.
00:08:03 I don't fear that I'm dead,
00:08:05 but I promise I'm waiting for my brother.
00:08:07 I'm waiting for my brother to come and explore a lot myself.
00:08:10 I'm so sorry.
00:08:11 - It's all good, it's fine.
00:08:13 I think I've read too many of my best girl's books.
00:08:17 - What?
00:08:18 - Yeah, I haven't seen it.
00:08:24 - Oh, wow.
00:08:25 - This is awful.
00:08:26 - That's fucked.
00:08:27 - I had no idea this was happening.
00:08:29 - Really, are you sure?
00:08:31 - Yes, I am.
00:08:32 - Okay, thank you.
00:08:33 - Thank you.
00:08:34 - Tough day.
00:08:44 Have you spoken to the new guy yet?
00:09:00 - No, just this morning.
00:09:01 - You?
00:09:03 - He's down in the lobby.
00:09:05 With a couch he can't use.
00:09:09 I feel like I should help him, but...
00:09:14 - But?
00:09:14 - But I don't want to.
00:09:19 - That's my girl.
00:09:22 - Okay, I gotta get the cats.
00:09:33 - Okay.
00:09:33 - Do you want to eat something a bit?
00:09:36 - No, bye.
00:09:37 - I'm good.
00:10:02 - Thank you, Louise.
00:10:03 You know, it's not really heavy.
00:10:05 - Well, I don't know.
00:10:07 - It's just my parents' little couch.
00:10:09 - Very nice little couch.
00:10:12 - Okay.
00:10:23 - Thank you so much.
00:10:29 You are the best neighbor in the history of neighbors.
00:10:33 Thank you so much.
00:10:34 - Don't give me that.
00:10:35 I'm not hot.
00:10:36 - No, no, listen, I gotta make it up to you.
00:10:37 Let me cook you something for dinner
00:10:39 or I'll invite you to dinner.
00:10:40 - Sure, we'll eat together.
00:10:42 - Okay.
00:10:43 (cat meowing)
00:10:48 - I'm sorry.
00:10:49 I'm sorry.
00:10:50 It's just a few people sticking their nose in my business.
00:10:56 (cat meowing)
00:10:58 - Just for tonight.
00:11:10 You're just making me mad because I'm back late.
00:11:16 - Oh.
00:11:18 (sad music)
00:11:20 (crickets chirping)
00:11:23 (sad music)
00:11:26 (crickets chirping)
00:11:30 (sad music)
00:11:32 (sad music)
00:11:34 (sad music)
00:11:37 (sad music)
00:11:39 (sad music)
00:11:41 (sad music)
00:11:45 (sad music)
00:11:51 (sad music)
00:11:58 (car engine starting)
00:12:05 (sad music)
00:12:07 (speaking foreign language)
00:12:14 - Okay, bye Mr. Chau.
00:12:16 You should get to know someone better.
00:12:21 (car door slams)
00:12:29 (car engine running)
00:12:32 (car engine stops)
00:12:40 - Hey.
00:12:41 - Oh, hey.
00:12:42 How's it going?
00:12:44 - Good, good.
00:12:45 I still owe that son of a bitch.
00:12:47 I'm still worried about this.
00:12:49 I'm not worried about this.
00:12:50 I just want to make sure I thank you properly.
00:12:53 - Okay.
00:12:54 - Hey.
00:12:55 - Hello.
00:12:56 - Good morning.
00:12:57 - Good morning.
00:12:58 - A newspaper?
00:12:59 - Oh, I went to work yesterday.
00:13:02 - Hey, I have a big night.
00:13:03 Anybody watching the results tonight?
00:13:06 - Um, 'cause I thought maybe we could like,
00:13:09 I don't know, get a hurry,
00:13:10 so we'll see what happens.
00:13:12 - I have a bad idea.
00:13:15 - Yeah, sure.
00:13:16 - Dinner?
00:13:17 - Yeah, let's do it here.
00:13:19 - Cool.
00:13:20 - Really?
00:13:21 - Yeah, come in.
00:13:22 I'll bring you there.
00:13:23 - I'll come by, I'll set up.
00:13:25 - Whenever.
00:13:26 - Okay.
00:13:27 - Okay.
00:13:27 - Oh, that's just fun.
00:13:30 Fun, please come in.
00:13:32 - All right, I'll see you.
00:13:33 - I'll see you.
00:13:34 (dramatic music)
00:13:38 (dramatic music)
00:13:41 (cat meowing)
00:13:45 (gun firing)
00:13:54 (dramatic music)
00:13:57 (dramatic music)
00:14:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:14:16 (speaking in foreign language)
00:14:21 (dramatic music)
00:14:25 (dramatic music)
00:14:28 (speaking in foreign language)
00:14:47 - What's going on?
00:14:51 - Johan.
00:14:53 - What about Johan?
00:14:55 - Where did she say she was?
00:14:59 - She didn't say.
00:15:01 I don't know where she was at.
00:15:02 She must have been down town.
00:15:04 - She told you?
00:15:10 - Yeah, but I was barely listening.
00:15:13 She said he was blonde,
00:15:15 muscular, tall, I think,
00:15:18 or she thought,
00:15:21 I really like the face.
00:15:23 She doesn't have a voice.
00:15:25 Something stupid sounds like him.
00:15:27 - Roland.
00:15:32 It was Roland.
00:15:34 So, do you think this is the guy that,
00:15:40 I mean the serial killer?
00:15:42 - What serial killer?
00:15:45 - Was she raped?
00:15:48 - She was treated poorly.
00:15:51 But does this Roland guy,
00:15:53 does it sound like the guy that you guys are looking for?
00:15:57 - Louise, right?
00:15:59 - Right.
00:16:00 - Louise, I want to thank you for your help.
00:16:04 If you can think of anything else about Johan,
00:16:06 anything at all,
00:16:08 call me.
00:16:11 My cell phone number is on the back.
00:16:14 - Mr. Brandt,
00:16:18 should I be worried?
00:16:21 I mean, should I be concerned for my safety?
00:16:25 - A woman your age should always be concerned for her safety.
00:16:29 It's a nasty world.
00:16:31 - Hey, what do you think you're doing?
00:16:47 I don't like those kind of things.
00:16:51 I'm terribly sorry, I didn't even notice.
00:16:53 I'm trying to be nice to her, but no one cares.
00:16:57 If there's no respect, she is...
00:16:59 - Oh, son of a gun.
00:17:01 - This looks like a pretty great piece.
00:17:12 - Mm, yeah.
00:17:13 I love...
00:17:14 I forgot to ask you this when we spoke this morning,
00:17:17 but there's no dessert?
00:17:18 Do you want me to buy you dessert?
00:17:20 - My friend will bring dessert.
00:17:22 - Your friend?
00:17:23 So mysterious.
00:17:24 My most mysterious patient has been called here.
00:17:27 Now, I know you don't want me to mention this again,
00:17:32 but I have to, because I think it's unconscionable.
00:17:35 If you want to vote, you'll take ten minutes
00:17:37 to give a hand to a few Miss Van Halen's children.
00:17:40 They could win by one vote.
00:17:42 That's what everyone's saying.
00:17:43 - Miss Van Halen, you make too many assumptions.
00:17:47 (suspenseful music)
00:17:50 (glass shattering)
00:18:00 (Louise gasps)
00:18:02 (Louise speaks in foreign language)
00:18:05 (suspenseful music)
00:18:08 (glass shattering)
00:18:12 (suspenseful music)
00:18:15 (Louise speaks in foreign language)
00:18:19 - Just amazing.
00:18:20 You could not ask for anything more
00:18:22 from your muscle, you young man.
00:18:24 Just amazing.
00:18:25 I'm not a sportsman, but this is it now.
00:18:29 There's no doubt about that.
00:18:31 (suspenseful music)
00:18:34 (Louise sighs)
00:18:39 (suspenseful music)
00:18:42 (phone ringing)
00:18:45 (suspenseful music)
00:18:48 (Louise speaks in foreign language)
00:18:51 - Hello, beautiful.
00:18:52 - Hi, I'm...
00:18:53 - Yeah, listen, you know the guy
00:18:55 who visited Victor?
00:18:56 - Victor, yeah.
00:18:57 - Can I get his number from you?
00:18:59 - And she called you to ask for his number?
00:19:02 So old.
00:19:03 - It's different for girls now.
00:19:05 We're much luckier than we were.
00:19:06 We didn't even know there was anybody that.
00:19:09 - He's young.
00:19:10 - He's Jewish.
00:19:11 - Oh.
00:19:12 - I always thought her as Spencer.
00:19:14 - Oh, so did I.
00:19:15 So did I.
00:19:16 Nothing yet.
00:19:17 I love this.
00:19:19 So sad for him.
00:19:21 Such a handsome man.
00:19:23 So sad.
00:19:24 Almost tragic.
00:19:25 So who's he having dinner with?
00:19:32 - He didn't say.
00:19:33 I tried, he didn't like.
00:19:34 It's like a false alarm.
00:19:39 - Is that that Valerie woman?
00:19:41 - Probably.
00:19:42 She's terrible.
00:19:43 She's sad.
00:19:44 She's horrible.
00:19:45 She drinks so much.
00:19:48 - Clearly.
00:19:49 (speaking foreign language)
00:19:54 - Good luck.
00:19:59 - I'm gonna treat nobody to dinner.
00:20:01 - See you soon.
00:20:02 I know it's a bit ridiculous,
00:20:05 but it's only a few weeks.
00:20:07 So anyway, if anything's inconvenient or anything,
00:20:10 okay, thanks.
00:20:11 See you at dinner, by the way.
00:20:14 - Hi there.
00:20:27 - Hey.
00:20:28 - I'm a--
00:20:30 - Hey.
00:20:31 - Hey.
00:20:32 - Am I late?
00:20:33 - No, not at all.
00:20:36 (sad music)
00:20:38 - Be careful.
00:20:43 - You too.
00:20:44 - Okay.
00:20:45 - Make sure nobody's gonna pick you up.
00:20:47 - I know.
00:20:48 - You go ahead.
00:20:49 - Sorry about that message, Spike.
00:21:00 - Why?
00:21:01 Why?
00:21:02 It's my honor, my pleasure.
00:21:05 Actually, I felt terrible that I had to think about it myself.
00:21:08 I mean, there's a serial killer attacking the young girls
00:21:12 in this city, and you have to walk home by yourself.
00:21:15 This is crazy.
00:21:16 - Well, thanks for that.
00:21:21 - Yeah, well, yeah.
00:21:22 (dramatic music)
00:21:28 (dramatic music)
00:21:31 - Hey.
00:21:37 - Hi.
00:21:38 So, Louise is just up there getting ready.
00:21:41 Come on in.
00:21:45 (dramatic music)
00:21:48 - So, you teach high school, is that it?
00:22:08 - Well, um, no, national elementary.
00:22:11 - Okay.
00:22:13 - Yeah.
00:22:14 (dramatic music)
00:22:17 - Kind of like a case study.
00:22:19 - Well, yes, there's an element of that to it.
00:22:22 But one can make a case for it.
00:22:24 It is the most important time in one's life,
00:22:27 learning one's life.
00:22:28 Because technically, your brain will never be as open
00:22:32 to new ideas as it is when you're a kid.
00:22:35 - Okay.
00:22:36 - Right, right, of course.
00:22:38 I'm sure it's very rewarding to do.
00:22:40 - I love it.
00:22:41 - I do.
00:22:42 - No, I bet.
00:22:43 - I bet.
00:22:44 - And what was it you just came back from in China?
00:22:48 - Northern China.
00:22:49 - Wow, that's crazy.
00:22:50 - Yeah, it's intense.
00:22:51 - When you were doing the same thing there?
00:22:53 - Yeah, pretty much.
00:22:54 I guess there was just a bit more Chinese.
00:22:57 - Yeah, okay.
00:22:58 - Yeah, okay.
00:22:59 - But you're from here originally, right?
00:23:02 - Yeah, I was born in Ottawa, but grew up in this city.
00:23:06 - Really?
00:23:07 - Yeah.
00:23:08 - Welcome back to Canada.
00:23:10 - Okay, for now.
00:23:11 - You know what, that's an idea.
00:23:14 That's an idea.
00:23:15 - To Canada.
00:23:16 - I know.
00:23:17 - To Canada.
00:23:18 - I know.
00:23:19 - To Canada.
00:23:20 - I know.
00:23:21 - To Canada.
00:23:22 - I know.
00:23:23 - To Canada.
00:23:24 - I know.
00:23:25 - To Canada.
00:23:26 - I know.
00:23:27 - To Canada.
00:23:28 - I know.
00:23:29 - To Canada.
00:23:30 - I know.
00:23:31 - To Canada.
00:23:32 - I know.
00:23:33 - To Canada.
00:23:34 - I know.
00:23:35 - To Canada.
00:23:36 - I know.
00:23:37 - To Canada.
00:23:38 - I know.
00:23:39 - To Canada.
00:23:40 - I know.
00:23:41 - To Canada.
00:23:42 - I know.
00:23:43 - To Canada.
00:23:44 - I know.
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00:23:46 - I know.
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00:25:50 - I know.
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00:25:52 - I know.
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00:25:54 - I know.
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00:25:56 - I know.
00:25:57 - To Canada.
00:25:58 - I know.
00:25:59 - To Canada.
00:26:00 - I know.
00:26:01 - To Canada.
00:26:02 - I know.
00:26:03 - To Canada.
00:26:04 - I know.
00:26:05 - To Canada.
00:26:06 - I know.
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00:26:08 - I know.
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00:26:10 - I know.
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00:26:30 - I know.
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00:26:32 - I know.
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00:26:34 - I know.
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00:26:36 - I know.
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00:26:40 - I know.
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00:26:48 - I know.
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00:26:50 - I know.
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00:26:52 - I know.
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00:26:54 - I know.
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00:26:58 - I know.
00:26:59 - To Canada.
00:27:00 - I know.
00:27:01 - To Canada.
00:27:02 - I know.
00:27:03 - To Canada.
00:27:04 - I know.
00:27:05 - To Canada.
00:27:06 - I know.
00:27:07 - To Canada.
00:27:08 - I know.
00:27:09 - To Canada.
00:27:10 - I know.
00:27:11 - To Canada.
00:27:12 - I know.
00:27:13 - To Canada.
00:27:14 - I know.
00:27:15 - To Canada.
00:27:16 - I know.
00:27:17 - To Canada.
00:27:18 - I know.
00:27:19 - To Canada.
00:27:20 - I know.
00:27:21 - To Canada.
00:27:22 - I know.
00:27:23 - To Canada.
00:27:24 - I know.
00:27:25 - To Canada.
00:27:26 - I know.
00:27:27 - To Canada.
00:27:28 - I know.
00:27:29 - To Canada.
00:27:30 - I know.
00:27:31 - To Canada.
00:27:32 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:33 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:34 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:35 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:36 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:37 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:38 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:39 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:40 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:41 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:42 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:43 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:44 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:45 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:46 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:47 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:48 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:49 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:50 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:51 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:52 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:53 - I'm sorry about the dessert.
00:27:54 - It's okay. It's okay.
00:27:57 - You're going to work tomorrow?
00:27:59 - Yeah.
00:28:00 - Great. I'll be there.
00:28:01 - No, no.
00:28:02 - I can't let you go home alone when it's this dangerous out there.
00:28:08 - Okay.
00:28:09 - Thanks.
00:28:10 - Okay.
00:28:11 - Okay.
00:28:14 - Okay. Thanks.
00:28:15 - Sure.
00:28:16 - Good night.
00:28:19 - Good night.
00:28:20 - Good night.
00:28:21 - December
00:28:30 - Don't expect to find your clothes, TV, or anything when you come back.
00:28:43 - Hey, I'm talking to you.
00:28:48 - Can't you see I'm not well?
00:28:50 - You're leaving me alone again.
00:28:52 - Jerk.
00:29:15 - You're looking at Jeremy Lannoy's phone.
00:29:18 - Go to hell.
00:29:20 - You're not even listening to me.
00:29:23 - Jerk.
00:29:24 - I'm just telling you one thing.
00:29:31 - I'll call your office in an hour.
00:29:33 - If you don't call me back in an hour,
00:29:36 - I'll just leave a piece of paper at the door.
00:29:39 - Jerk.
00:29:40 - Whatever. Just delete the message.
00:29:44 - Delete it.
00:29:45 - This voice mail has been filled. Please try again.
00:29:52 - What's the matter with you? You're such a jerk.
00:29:55 - Get out.
00:30:01 - Get out right now, you little cats.
00:30:04 - Jesus.
00:30:12 - Get out.
00:30:14 - You little cats. Get out.
00:30:17 - Get out.
00:30:39 - The name "Jerk" is still out of the legal framework.
00:30:42 - Hi there.
00:30:49 - Ready to go home?
00:30:51 - So, how was work today?
00:30:53 - It's fine.
00:30:54 - Anything interesting?
00:30:58 - Nope.
00:30:59 - How would you feel about having some real Chinese food?
00:31:07 - Oh, no.
00:31:09 - Okay.
00:31:10 - I work in a Chinese restaurant.
00:31:14 - No, I know. I just thought that we could...
00:31:16 - Yeah, okay. Never mind.
00:31:18 - Oh, don't forget about my party. It's on Friday night.
00:31:21 - Okay.
00:31:22 - And I got a surprise for you. I really think you're gonna like it.
00:31:26 - Okay, great. Thanks.
00:31:28 - Great. Thank you.
00:31:29 - You too.
00:31:30 - Okay.
00:31:31 - Jesus.
00:31:34 - Oh, sorry.
00:31:36 - Oh, sorry.
00:31:40 - Hello, I'm your neighbor.
00:31:52 - And I'm sick of all the cats around my house.
00:31:56 - I even saw your cats flying out of the birdcage.
00:32:00 - And I quit my job.
00:32:02 - I'm going to clean this house.
00:32:04 - I'm going to clean this house.
00:32:06 - Hello, I'm in contact with a lawyer.
00:32:09 - And I have full authority to sue you.
00:32:12 - Hello, maybe because you're English, you won't understand what I'm saying.
00:32:16 - So I'm going to be more explicit.
00:32:18 - I'll be here to keep your fucking cats away.
00:32:22 - Hello, beautiful.
00:32:24 - It seems we have a little problem with Valerie Langlois.
00:32:28 - Who doesn't love you?
00:32:31 - Who doesn't love you?
00:32:34 - Who doesn't love you?
00:32:36 [cat meows]
00:32:38 [footsteps]
00:32:40 [knock on door]
00:33:06 - Hello.
00:33:08 - Scaring birds away from the birdcage.
00:33:11 - It's fucking winter.
00:33:13 - God is scaring birds away from the birdcage.
00:33:16 - And isn't she not supposed to block the birds from the garden?
00:33:20 - I think she's losing her shit.
00:33:21 - Oh, really?
00:33:22 - You should have seen the way she kicked this morning.
00:33:26 - Her creepy little husband on the weekend on the road.
00:33:29 - This is true.
00:33:30 - I don't think he's creepy.
00:33:31 - He's funny.
00:33:32 - You don't get a surreal reaction to that.
00:33:35 - Oh, I don't get a surreal reaction.
00:33:37 - Oh, there's an article about the actual surreal rest.
00:33:42 - Oh, national coverage.
00:33:48 - Exciting.
00:33:49 - May I ask you something?
00:33:52 - Oh, sure.
00:33:53 - How come you didn't tell me you know this victim you've been dating?
00:33:58 - What's her name?
00:33:59 - Joanne.
00:34:01 - Yes.
00:34:02 - I don't know her very well.
00:34:04 - How do you even know that?
00:34:05 - Know what?
00:34:07 - That I know her.
00:34:08 - One of the papers that you wrote that she was working at a restaurant in NDG.
00:34:13 - Which paper?
00:34:14 - I don't know.
00:34:16 - One of the ones Miss Van Allen wrote about.
00:34:18 - What did the paper say?
00:34:19 - Just that she worked at a restaurant in NDG.
00:34:23 - It was a little thing.
00:34:24 - I was just curious why you never mentioned that.
00:34:27 - I don't know.
00:34:29 - It was Rep. Edmund night.
00:34:31 - I don't know.
00:34:33 - It was Rep. Edmund night.
00:34:34 - Victor was around.
00:34:36 - Yes, Victor's always around this way, isn't he?
00:34:40 - I guess so.
00:34:41 - How are things going between you guys?
00:34:45 - What's this about?
00:34:47 - Oh, give me a break, Louise.
00:34:49 - I don't know what you're talking about.
00:34:52 - Bye.
00:35:02 - Can I have another drink?
00:35:03 - Go ahead, I'm taking a break.
00:35:05 - What's going on?
00:35:12 - What the fuck are you doing, Victor?
00:35:20 - Oh, good morning.
00:35:21 - My wife, Gautier, said it was okay.
00:35:25 - I just thought it was a little bit ridiculous not to have an SAAV,
00:35:29 - regardless of whether you were living here or not.
00:35:31 - But you're living here, so it's even more ridiculous.
00:35:34 - What?
00:35:38 - It's a new brand of wheelchair.
00:35:41 - Hey, Spencer.
00:35:47 - I'm sorry, I clearly should have asked you first,
00:35:53 - but I guess I thought it might be a nice surprise for Christmas.
00:35:57 - I shouldn't have done it.
00:36:00 - I didn't mean for it to get on you.
00:36:02 - No, you didn't piss me off.
00:36:03 - Now, I'm going to make you some coffee.
00:36:06 - Hello, beautiful.
00:36:11 - At one point, her number's been up.
00:36:14 - She's been calling every day.
00:36:16 - Yeah, me too.
00:36:17 - What, guys, are you hungry?
00:36:19 - So, have you called her back?
00:36:22 - No, not yet.
00:36:25 - Okay, I'll get it.
00:36:28 - I mean, I just don't really have anything to say to her.
00:36:36 - I've got my number on the fridge.
00:36:44 - I'll be home before the 27th.
00:36:46 - Okay, thanks.
00:36:47 - I know you don't want to mention it, but I'd be happier
00:36:50 - if I knew who was going to be with you for Christmas.
00:36:53 - Okay, I know, I get it.
00:36:56 - Okay, have a good holiday, Mrs. Van Allen.
00:36:58 - You too, Spencer.
00:36:59 - You young man, you're a part of the divine.
00:37:04 - Oh, me? Hardly.
00:37:05 - I like to do more manual work.
00:37:07 - Merry Christmas.
00:37:08 - Merry Christmas.
00:37:09 - She's so nice.
00:37:14 - I hate her.
00:37:15 - Yeah.
00:37:18 - So, do you think you'll come to my Christmas party?
00:37:22 - I'm not so much for parties, man.
00:37:24 - Oh, this one's gonna be super chill.
00:37:26 - It's just my brother.
00:37:27 - My kids are out.
00:37:28 - I'm not worried about anything.
00:37:29 - He's just gonna go to any party, any party.
00:37:31 - No matter how chill it is.
00:37:33 - Okay, I just thought you might have an idea.
00:37:35 - I can imagine what you're thinking.
00:37:36 - But I guess.
00:37:37 - Okay, Louis, this is the point here.
00:37:41 - The point.
00:37:42 - Hi.
00:37:56 - Wow, thanks.
00:37:57 - Come on in.
00:37:58 - Louis, that's my brother, Jonas.
00:38:04 - Jonas, this is my brother, Louis.
00:38:05 - Hey, the famous Louis.
00:38:06 - Nice to meet you.
00:38:07 - Nice to meet you, too.
00:38:08 - This is Jean-Marc.
00:38:09 - Hi.
00:38:10 - Hi.
00:38:11 - Nice to meet you.
00:38:12 - Nice to meet you.
00:38:13 - Who wants a drink?
00:38:16 - Me.
00:38:17 - You?
00:38:18 - Yeah.
00:38:19 - Do you want to drink this?
00:38:20 - No, I'll have a vodka.
00:38:21 - Oh, right.
00:38:22 - Yeah, right.
00:38:23 - Okay, let me.
00:38:28 - So, Jean, I'm sorry, but I'm so sorry I might have said anything, but I have to go anyway.
00:38:35 - So what?
00:38:52 - So what?
00:38:53 - What do you think about her?
00:38:55 - Louis?
00:38:56 - Yeah, of course, Louis.
00:38:57 - I haven't got a chance to talk to her.
00:38:58 She's so awesome.
00:38:59 - Yes, she's great.
00:39:00 - Yeah, she's great.
00:39:01 - She's very engaged.
00:39:02 - We're engaged.
00:39:03 - You will?
00:39:06 - Yeah, sure.
00:39:07 - Great, but I haven't told anybody yet.
00:39:09 - Okay, she wants to wait till spring.
00:39:11 - More romantic.
00:39:12 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:39:13 - A little bit more romantic.
00:39:14 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:39:15 - Oh, my God, I almost forgot.
00:39:19 - What?
00:39:20 - Louis?
00:39:23 - Hey, I have a surprise for you.
00:39:26 - I have a surprise for you.
00:39:28 - Oh, no.
00:39:31 - Okay.
00:39:33 - One more second.
00:39:36 - Okay, trust me, trust me.
00:39:39 - Louis, meet Balthazar.
00:39:52 - Hey, it was a new cat I was raising in China,
00:39:54 so I had to wait for him to go through all the quarantine procedures.
00:39:57 They do all that stuff in Ottawa.
00:39:59 It's so weird, isn't it?
00:40:01 So my brother just brought him in.
00:40:03 He's great, eh?
00:40:04 - He's perfect.
00:40:07 - Right?
00:40:09 [dramatic music]
00:40:12 ♪ ♪
00:40:19 [cat meows]
00:40:24 ♪ ♪
00:40:36 [cat meows]
00:40:37 ♪ ♪
00:40:45 [cat meows]
00:40:46 ♪ ♪
00:40:53 [cat meows]
00:40:56 ♪ ♪
00:41:03 [cat meows]
00:41:06 ♪ ♪
00:41:14 [cat meows]
00:41:15 ♪ ♪
00:41:22 [cat meows]
00:41:25 ♪ ♪
00:41:32 [cat meows]
00:41:38 ♪ ♪
00:42:07 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:42:09 [dramatic music]
00:42:31 ♪ ♪
00:42:38 [singing in French]
00:42:47 ♪ ♪
00:42:54 [speaking French]
00:43:14 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:43:17 - Yeah. - Yeah.
00:43:19 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:43:20 - What?
00:43:21 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:43:22 - The TV is--it's in the TV.
00:43:23 - A man was-- - Hey, are you serious?
00:43:25 What time?
00:43:27 - I don't know, Victor.
00:43:28 Maybe 3 or 4 in the morning.
00:43:30 'Cause first floor is Spencer's apartment.
00:43:33 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:43:34 - No, I get the thought.
00:43:35 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:43:36 - Um, are you sure that's what you saw?
00:43:39 - Yeah, I'm sure.
00:43:40 - It just doesn't make any sense.
00:43:41 - Why not?
00:43:42 - Well, 'cause Spencer's in a wheelchair.
00:43:44 Like, were you wearing glasses?
00:43:47 - Yeah, I'm, like--
00:43:49 - I didn't say that.
00:43:50 I'm always wearing my glasses.
00:43:52 Give it a rest.
00:43:53 - Guys, ladies.
00:43:54 - Hey.
00:43:58 - Am I too early?
00:43:59 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:44:00 - Um, Victor Vang.
00:44:03 - Goodbye.
00:44:04 - [sighs]
00:44:05 - [sighs]
00:44:08 [sighs]
00:44:09 [sighs]
00:44:10 [sighs]
00:44:11 [whimpers]
00:44:16 - Um, thank you.
00:44:20 - Coming.
00:44:21 - Oh, hey, Ben, Victor.
00:44:34 - How are you?
00:44:36 - Uh, Merry Christmas.
00:44:39 - Merry Christmas.
00:44:40 - Merry Christmas.
00:44:43 [whistles]
00:45:06 [whistles]
00:45:07 [whistles]
00:45:11 [whistles]
00:45:12 [whistles]
00:45:40 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:45:41 [knocking]
00:45:55 - Spencer?
00:45:56 - Yeah?
00:45:59 - Have you seen my cats?
00:46:02 - No.
00:46:03 - No, I mean, like, today, like, this morning.
00:46:06 - No.
00:46:08 - Okay, thanks.
00:46:09 - I didn't go to jail.
00:46:20 - If I didn't take them down, I'd be hanging out in here.
00:46:23 - I just noticed.
00:46:24 - Hey, you haven't seen my cats, have you?
00:46:27 - Uh, no, not today.
00:46:31 - Okay.
00:46:32 - What happened?
00:46:52 - Don't look, don't look, don't look.
00:46:55 - I'm sorry.
00:46:56 - It's okay.
00:47:01 [music]
00:47:02 - Are you kidding me?
00:47:27 Of course my sister hates cats.
00:47:30 - Yes, we do, Victor.
00:47:31 They didn't have simultaneous heart attacks.
00:47:33 - Okay, well, no, that's not how it works.
00:47:35 - Yes, we do.
00:47:36 - We can't lose something like this to me.
00:47:39 - Okay.
00:47:40 - We can't just slide them in the snow.
00:47:42 We can't just pick them up and drop them in the garbage.
00:47:44 - Jesus Christ.
00:47:45 - But what do you expect people to do that?
00:47:47 - You do.
00:47:48 - I know that.
00:47:50 - Luis?
00:47:53 What would you like to do?
00:47:57 - What would you like to do?
00:47:59 - Oh, I want to bury them.
00:48:06 Under Valerie's window.
00:48:11 [music]
00:48:13 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:48:16 [music]
00:48:18 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:48:46 - Hey there.
00:48:47 - I'm glad to see you.
00:48:52 [door creaking]
00:48:53 [door creaking]
00:49:20 [sighing]
00:49:21 [music]
00:49:45 [music]
00:49:47 [music]
00:49:48 [music]
00:49:50 [music]
00:49:52 [music]
00:49:54 [music]
00:49:56 [music]
00:49:58 [music]
00:50:00 [music]
00:50:02 [music]
00:50:04 [music]
00:50:06 [music]
00:50:08 [music]
00:50:10 [music]
00:50:12 [music]
00:50:15 [music]
00:50:16 [music]
00:50:18 [music]
00:50:20 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:50:22 [music]
00:50:23 [music]
00:50:25 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:50:27 - There's another murder?
00:50:28 - No.
00:50:30 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:50:32 - Hello, Natalie.
00:50:45 - Hi, Victor.
00:50:46 - Ready to go?
00:50:48 - Uh.
00:50:50 [speaking Vietnamese]
00:50:51 - Yeah, so I told my mother, I said,
00:50:55 "How can we let Bella's daughter out
00:50:57 when we know that there's a killer in our building?"
00:51:00 We lost Moza and we lost Tia Maria,
00:51:03 and that valerian woman in the photo was insane.
00:51:06 Boy, it's cold.
00:51:09 - Are you sure?
00:51:12 'Cause like, I bought a lamp.
00:51:14 I thought that was your favorite.
00:51:15 - It is.
00:51:16 I just need to take a bath
00:51:17 and then it's quiet and quiet.
00:51:19 - Okay.
00:51:20 - Okay.
00:51:23 - Are you sure you don't want to go upstairs
00:51:27 to go see Tasha?
00:51:28 - Can you give me a day if she's got things to do?
00:51:34 - I know we haven't known each other very long,
00:51:40 but when I actually feel that connection,
00:51:47 I can't explain it.
00:51:49 I know we haven't known each other very long,
00:51:56 but like, I feel the connection to her
00:51:59 and I can't explain it.
00:52:00 I'm fucking trying to explain it.
00:52:02 I know we haven't known each other very long,
00:52:06 but it's like,
00:52:08 I feel a connection to her
00:52:11 and I can't really explain it.
00:52:15 - Now look at you, honey.
00:52:17 You see that man, do you feel it too?
00:52:19 - Okay, so here's what's on the list I made.
00:52:22 Tell me if I'm forgetting something, okay?
00:52:24 First,
00:52:26 a razor.
00:52:28 Second, plastic gloves.
00:52:38 (somber music)
00:52:41 Have you seen that?
00:53:05 - Yes.
00:53:06 - Yeah, you're right, it's a little more detailed here.
00:53:13 Do you think he killed a lot of people after?
00:53:16 - What before, Aaron?
00:53:21 - I don't know.
00:53:25 - I bet before.
00:53:27 - Why do you think you're so interested in all this stuff?
00:53:32 - What do I think?
00:53:33 - Yeah.
00:53:34 - That's such a great question.
00:53:36 You'd never ask a guy like that.
00:53:39 - Oh, actually, you probably would.
00:53:43 I don't know, Spencer.
00:53:50 I'm a voyeur who turns me on.
00:53:54 It makes me feel alive.
00:53:58 Who cares?
00:54:00 Why is bullying and stuff a question?
00:54:04 - It is.
00:54:05 - It is, and it's beneath you.
00:54:07 - So what's the right question?
00:54:11 - What's next?
00:54:14 Do you ever like dancing?
00:54:25 - No, but I always like watching.
00:54:31 - Oh, so you like that.
00:54:33 - I've seen better.
00:54:35 - Not recently.
00:54:37 - You suck.
00:54:47 No tip unless you throw me another can.
00:54:50 - I need trouble right now.
00:54:52 Life's a twister in the sky.
00:54:55 Adventure up to something with a glimmer in your eye.
00:55:01 - Oh, you're really leaving?
00:55:12 - Yeah, bye.
00:55:13 I'm gonna miss my fucking train.
00:55:15 I have the flu, Natalie.
00:55:17 - I'm sorry.
00:55:18 - Hey, babe.
00:55:27 I came home early.
00:55:28 I'm home.
00:55:29 - Louise?
00:55:55 Louise?
00:55:56 Louise?
00:56:01 - Take it down in Las Vegas.
00:56:18 (phone ringing)
00:56:20 - Hey, this is Louise.
00:56:32 Please leave a message.
00:56:34 - Hey, Louise.
00:56:36 It's me, Victor.
00:56:37 I stopped by the restaurant,
00:56:39 but I guess you had to drop early to start
00:56:41 'cause it's really cold out there.
00:56:44 - All right.
00:56:45 I hope you stay warm.
00:56:46 Call me back.
00:56:48 Bye.
00:56:50 - Please leave a message after the beep.
00:57:12 - I miss you.
00:57:13 Are you happy now?
00:57:15 I miss you so much.
00:57:19 It's Christmas,
00:57:22 and I'm home alone.
00:57:25 I don't even drink.
00:57:27 I want you to be here.
00:57:29 So, anyway,
00:57:31 I love you.
00:57:35 So,
00:57:37 I'll see you tomorrow.
00:57:40 Bye.
00:57:42 - Bye.
00:57:44 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:49 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:54 (phone ringing)
00:57:55 (speaking in foreign language)
00:57:59 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:03 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:07 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:32 (speaking in foreign language)
00:58:36 (thudding)
00:58:40 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:00 (grunting)
00:59:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:10 (speaking in foreign language)
00:59:25 (grunting)
00:59:27 (grunting)
00:59:31 (grunting)
00:59:35 (grunting)
00:59:52 (grunting)
00:59:54 (screaming)
00:59:57 (speaking in foreign language)
01:00:02 (speaking in foreign language)
01:00:08 (grunting)
01:00:17 (sirens blaring)
01:00:21 (sighing)
01:00:23 - Fuck it.
01:00:30 - Hi.
01:00:50 - Hi.
01:00:51 - Can you help me up?
01:00:55 - What?
01:00:56 - Can you boost?
01:00:57 - Ah, sure, yeah.
01:00:59 - Oh.
01:01:04 (grunting)
01:01:06 - Thank you.
01:01:10 - Give me the bag.
01:01:11 - Oh, shit.
01:01:12 - Thanks.
01:01:14 (dramatic music)
01:01:18 (clanging)
01:01:20 (dramatic music)
01:01:23 (clanging)
01:01:28 (dramatic music)
01:01:31 (clanging)
01:01:33 (dramatic music)
01:01:36 (clanging)
01:01:38 (dramatic music)
01:01:41 (clanging)
01:01:43 (dramatic music)
01:01:46 - Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
01:01:51 (panting)
01:01:58 Son of a bitch.
01:02:03 - Hey.
01:02:15 - Oh, hi.
01:02:16 - You, you good?
01:02:18 I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.
01:02:21 - Two days.
01:02:22 - Good morning.
01:02:26 - Morning.
01:02:29 - What the broom was all about?
01:02:31 - Yeah, what's going on in here?
01:02:33 - You tell me.
01:02:36 (dramatic music)
01:02:44 (dramatic music)
01:02:47 - Bagatea.
01:02:51 - Oh, it's terrible, it's just terrible.
01:02:55 I've never seen anything more accurate in my whole life.
01:02:59 - Oh, what happened?
01:03:01 - Valerie Langlois, she was murdered.
01:03:05 (dramatic music)
01:03:12 (dramatic music)
01:03:15 (doorbell ringing)
01:03:24 - Spencer, where were you last night?
01:03:27 - I was here.
01:03:28 - All night?
01:03:29 - Oh, that's right, Tuesday night,
01:03:32 it was my first time going out and I was sleeping.
01:03:34 I must have, I must have slept my mind.
01:03:37 - Were you alone?
01:03:41 - Yes, I was alone.
01:03:43 - No one come by?
01:03:45 - Nope, no one came by.
01:03:47 - You know, the landlady, she tells me
01:03:51 that you're a friend of the woman and the gentleman
01:03:53 up the street.
01:03:54 - Well, for now, I think friends would be a bit of an exaggeration.
01:03:59 - I see.
01:04:00 - So, I guess, they couldn't find out who you said that.
01:04:05 - No, I guess not.
01:04:07 - Was that the night that Valerie died last Tuesday?
01:04:11 - How well did you know her?
01:04:13 - Not well.
01:04:15 - Enough to recognize her voice?
01:04:18 - I mean, enough to recognize her voice.
01:04:21 She's very fond of screaming around in the balcony.
01:04:24 - You ever been in her apartment?
01:04:28 - Ah, never.
01:04:30 - Know any friends?
01:04:35 - Sorry fellas, I just don't know.
01:04:37 I just don't think I'm gonna be very helpful here.
01:04:40 - My card, I'm sure.
01:04:44 - Roland.
01:04:46 - That's a great name.
01:04:48 - My son, your number's in the back.
01:04:50 - There it is.
01:04:52 - Okay.
01:04:53 - Best of luck, guys.
01:04:55 - I guess we can cross you off.
01:05:03 - We cannot.
01:05:04 - Really?
01:05:05 - Never made a assumptions.
01:05:06 Let me see your notebook.
01:05:08 - Man, you get terrible, man.
01:05:15 - This is that girl's apartment.
01:05:20 One from the Chinese restaurant.
01:05:22 - She's probably at work.
01:05:24 - Right.
01:05:25 - Right.
01:05:27 - Hmm.
01:05:28 - Sorry.
01:05:40 - Thank you, Mr. Spiegelman.
01:05:42 - Sure thing, sure thing.
01:05:43 - Okay.
01:05:46 - Where were you last Tuesday?
01:05:49 - Here in my apartment.
01:05:51 - All night?
01:05:54 - Yeah, yeah, there was a snowstorm that night.
01:05:55 - No, no, no, maybe there wasn't.
01:05:57 - It seems like it snows all the time.
01:06:02 - Were you alone?
01:06:06 - Yeah.
01:06:07 - No, no, no, no.
01:06:08 - My fiancee was here with me.
01:06:11 - Louise.
01:06:13 - Wait, the girl from downstairs?
01:06:16 - Yeah, yeah, Louise.
01:06:17 - Yeah, it was part of the night.
01:06:20 - No, no, I'll tell you most of it actually.
01:06:23 - Anne Balthazar, my cat, the three of us.
01:06:27 - Maybe I shouldn't say anything about the cats.
01:06:31 - But you probably already heard about that.
01:06:33 - It's just that Anne Gauthier loves to gossip
01:06:39 and Anne Valerie and Louise and the cats.
01:06:43 That whole thing has been a real hot topic that hasn't weighed.
01:06:46 But you probably already know about that stuff.
01:06:52 - Pretend I don't.
01:06:54 - So Louise, right?
01:06:56 - Yeah.
01:06:59 - Louise, where were you last Tuesday night?
01:07:02 - Alone.
01:07:03 - Alone?
01:07:04 - Yeah.
01:07:05 - All night?
01:07:06 - Yeah, I came home from work.
01:07:08 I fed the cat, took a bath, went to sleep.
01:07:12 Like most nights.
01:07:15 - Okay.
01:07:16 You didn't see any cats?
01:07:18 - No.
01:07:19 - Okay.
01:07:20 You didn't see anybody?
01:07:22 - I don't know, maybe some ghostly villain.
01:07:25 - How well did you know Valerie Langlois?
01:07:32 - Not well.
01:07:33 - How would you characterize your relationship to her?
01:07:36 - Vaguely.
01:07:37 - How would you characterize your relationship to the cats?
01:07:40 - Mouthfully sad for their loss.
01:07:45 - I understand you had a very special bond with Mozart and Tia Maria, right?
01:07:49 - Hello?
01:07:50 - My kid.
01:07:52 - Louise, there's a phone call.
01:07:54 - Excuse me.
01:07:56 - Hello?
01:08:04 - I think you should come by my office if you ever need anything after work today.
01:08:07 We have things to discuss.
01:08:09 - Okay, listen mom.
01:08:10 I am right in the middle of something with the cops right now, but that sounds fine.
01:08:15 Don't say anything you don't mean to.
01:08:17 Bye mom.
01:08:19 - Sorry about that.
01:08:25 So, what were you asking me about?
01:08:28 Oh right, my cats.
01:08:30 Yes, she hated them.
01:08:31 She probably killed them.
01:08:33 But I mean, who cares, right?
01:08:34 They're just cats.
01:08:37 - So, what's going on?
01:08:39 - No, I think it's too bad for that apartment.
01:08:41 Something's going on with those people.
01:08:43 Brand too much.
01:08:45 - So, what's going on?
01:08:47 - No, I think it's too bad for that apartment.
01:08:49 Something's going on with those people.
01:08:51 Brand too much.
01:08:52 Something's going on with those people.
01:08:54 - Let me feed you.
01:09:15 - Okay.
01:09:16 - I told them almost everything.
01:09:40 I was just so nervous.
01:09:41 Louise, I couldn't stop talking.
01:09:42 I told them about you and Valerie and the cats.
01:09:45 I told them about us.
01:09:46 - What do you mean?
01:09:47 - I told them about us.
01:09:48 - What do you mean?
01:09:49 - I told them about us.
01:09:50 - Oh shit.
01:09:51 I should have told you too.
01:09:52 I'm such an idiot.
01:09:53 - So, what did you tell them about us?
01:09:55 - I told them that we were engaged.
01:09:57 And that you spent the night of murder here with me.
01:10:00 But that's not the worst thing.
01:10:05 The worst thing is I know who killed Valerie and cats.
01:10:08 Nobody will believe me.
01:10:10 (door slams)
01:10:11 - So, what do you want to talk about, honey?
01:10:26 - So I think we have a problem, Louise.
01:10:34 - Yeah, us.
01:10:35 - Because I know you have a problem with Spencer,
01:10:38 but I didn't realize I did.
01:10:40 - Oh, you didn't?
01:10:41 - Ah.
01:10:42 Was that big cop that gave that question to you about Joanne?
01:10:45 - How come you remember her name?
01:10:47 - Any question you would give me, I didn't.
01:10:50 - About Valerie.
01:10:51 - It's so weird.
01:10:52 I don't remember the Joanne.
01:10:54 - Yes, it was the same cop.
01:11:02 - Well, I think I have a solution.
01:11:05 And here I am still unclear on the problem.
01:11:08 - Louise, I know we haven't had a chance to chat
01:11:13 after this past Sunday,
01:11:15 but I really think you're a smart person.
01:11:18 - I really do.
01:11:19 And I like the way you think, because I'm smart first.
01:11:22 Now, do you want to keep fucking around,
01:11:27 or do you want to hear my solution?
01:11:30 - Sure.
01:11:34 - Victor.
01:11:35 - Victor?
01:11:37 - Victor.
01:11:39 - Spencer.
01:11:40 I saw him walking outside that night,
01:11:43 and I always thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me,
01:11:47 but stupid John Mark kept saying he thought he saw someone
01:11:50 crawling in the Spencer's window
01:11:52 when they were here for their Christmas.
01:11:54 - Okay, so you saw Spencer walking,
01:11:57 does that mean he's getting better?
01:12:00 - No, no, it means something much more than that.
01:12:03 - Oh, Louise, you always want to see the best in people,
01:12:06 don't you?
01:12:07 - I guess so.
01:12:09 - Spencer killed Valerie,
01:12:12 and that's not all.
01:12:14 - You think?
01:12:16 - No, I know.
01:12:17 It makes perfect sense.
01:12:18 He's a killer.
01:12:19 Spencer is the NDP serial killer.
01:12:23 - What does Victor have to do with this?
01:12:27 - Nothing.
01:12:29 That's why he's perfect.
01:12:32 - What do you mean?
01:12:33 - He's perfect.
01:12:35 - What do you mean?
01:12:37 - He's perfect.
01:12:39 - What do you mean?
01:12:41 - He's perfect.
01:12:43 - What do you mean?
01:12:45 - He's perfect.
01:12:47 - What do you mean?
01:12:49 - He's perfect.
01:12:51 - What do you mean?
01:12:53 - He's perfect.
01:12:55 - What do you mean?
01:12:57 - He's perfect.
01:12:59 - What do you mean?
01:13:01 - When I saw Spencer, he stopped me too,
01:13:03 or at least I think he did.
01:13:05 And if he's the man, I'm pretty sure he is,
01:13:08 and he's got to be thinking only one thing.
01:13:10 I need to kill Victor.
01:13:13 And we can use that to our advantage.
01:13:17 - We can?
01:13:19 - Yes.
01:13:20 - Yes.
01:13:21 - We can set a trap.
01:13:23 Because I know he's just waiting for a chance,
01:13:26 for any chance to get away.
01:13:28 - So we're going to fake his suicide.
01:13:31 - How?
01:13:32 - Throw him off a bridge.
01:13:33 - Who cares?
01:13:34 - Clearly not.
01:13:35 - That's right.
01:13:38 - We're talking about your boyfriend.
01:13:40 - Fiancee.
01:13:41 - Apparently.
01:13:42 - Oh.
01:13:43 - Be sure to let me know when you register.
01:13:45 - So you're saying we're going to trap him?
01:13:47 - Yes.
01:13:48 - We're going to trap him in a way you're at the plate.
01:13:49 - But if he actually does need to kill you,
01:13:51 Victor, he won't.
01:13:53 Because I'm not just me.
01:13:55 I'm us.
01:13:57 I love you.
01:13:58 And together, we're stronger than him.
01:14:04 - Suicide on a bridge.
01:14:09 - Keep it simple, stupid.
01:14:10 We should get started.
01:14:11 Right?
01:14:13 - Right.
01:14:14 - Are you in?
01:14:15 - I'm in.
01:14:17 - Yeah.
01:14:18 - February.
01:14:21 - Hi.
01:14:22 (dramatic music)
01:14:25 (knocking)
01:14:45 (cat meowing)
01:14:48 (cat meowing)
01:14:51 - They haven't told you anything?
01:15:15 - Nothing at all.
01:15:16 - That's all she does, responsible.
01:15:18 - I agree.
01:15:19 - Hi.
01:15:26 - Hello, beautiful.
01:15:27 - Hello, dear.
01:15:28 - Bye.
01:15:30 - What a strange girl.
01:15:38 Apparently she and Victor got engaged.
01:15:42 - Really?
01:15:43 - That didn't take very long.
01:15:45 - Yeah.
01:15:46 - What's the music?
01:15:50 - It's Dvorak.
01:15:51 - It's intense.
01:15:52 - All right, guys.
01:15:54 We have 10 minutes to go.
01:15:56 Spencer has the best pots and pans.
01:15:59 Louise, why don't you fix the steak?
01:16:02 And Louise, can you just turn the music down
01:16:05 just a wee bit?
01:16:06 - No mind doing it, Spencer.
01:16:09 - Not at all.
01:16:10 - Dinner tonight?
01:16:11 - Well, whatever.
01:16:12 The three of us have dinner together.
01:16:13 - Why?
01:16:14 - Because then we'll know after we listen to Victor's
01:16:15 very, very movies how the cop said,
01:16:16 sad and weird in the second.
01:16:18 I'll post the end in the reference section.
01:16:20 - Okay.
01:16:21 - Spencer, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.
01:16:24 I haven't had a chance to ask you,
01:16:27 have you tried the rap yet?
01:16:30 - I haven't.
01:16:32 - Have you tried the rap yet?
01:16:35 - I haven't.
01:16:38 - Really?
01:16:39 - Really.
01:16:40 You'll be the first person I'll ask when I try it.
01:16:43 - That's funny.
01:16:45 - What's funny, Victor?
01:16:55 - Just the other day on the highway,
01:16:58 I could have sworn I smelled a cold blood.
01:17:01 You know how it is in the wintertime,
01:17:03 you know how it is in the cold?
01:17:05 - Yeah, I know.
01:17:06 - You know how it is in the wintertime,
01:17:08 you go outside and the cold kind of sinks into your clothing
01:17:12 and hangs around you like a smell.
01:17:18 - Like a smell, exactly.
01:17:20 - You must have mistaken.
01:17:23 - I must have mistaken.
01:17:27 - That's the way it is.
01:17:29 - Thank you, Spencer.
01:17:31 - Thank you, Victor.
01:17:32 You're a terrific cook.
01:17:33 - We have to do this again very soon, I hope so.
01:17:35 - Night, guys.
01:17:36 - So you do good in there,
01:17:49 you leave him alone in his room.
01:17:51 But the two most important things are,
01:17:53 you go back to your room and...
01:17:55 - And I leave his window open and I love it.
01:17:58 - How will I know you've done both of those things?
01:18:00 - I'll write it in my heart.
01:18:02 - I'll get you a glass of water.
01:18:04 - Okay, great.
01:18:27 (sighs)
01:18:29 (somber music)
01:18:33 (door creaks)
01:18:35 (door creaks)
01:18:37 (door creaks)
01:19:01 (door creaks)
01:19:03 (sighs)
01:19:08 - Okay, so then we wait for Spencer?
01:19:10 - Yeah, but here's the thing.
01:19:12 We won't be the only ones waiting for him.
01:19:15 (groans)
01:19:17 So did you say we'll be here all night?
01:19:23 - I didn't say I won't be here all night.
01:19:26 - Okay.
01:19:28 (somber music)
01:19:31 - Oh yeah, is that what we're looking for?
01:19:38 - He said we're looking for a sign to go.
01:19:41 - Okay.
01:19:43 - Oh, Harold.
01:19:46 - What, Bilodeau?
01:19:48 - What do you want to do?
01:19:50 - Maybe I could go get us a couple of coffees.
01:19:52 - Well then, go.
01:19:53 - All right, thanks.
01:19:54 - Okay.
01:19:55 (door creaks)
01:19:57 - The cops?
01:20:01 - No, I think that's terrible.
01:20:03 - Yeah, don't call the cops.
01:20:05 - I think it's a good idea.
01:20:07 - I think you're under-detecting.
01:20:09 - Brandt Allakee?
01:20:11 - Yes, of course I remember you, Mr. Spiegelman.
01:20:14 We just met.
01:20:15 - Information about him?
01:20:18 - Well, what about Spencer?
01:20:24 - What do you think, guys?
01:20:26 Time for miraculous recovery.
01:20:28 I already know what you think.
01:20:32 - Okay.
01:20:35 (dramatic music)
01:20:38 (dramatic music)
01:20:41 (dramatic music)
01:20:44 (dramatic music)
01:20:47 (dramatic music)
01:20:50 (dramatic music)
01:20:53 (dramatic music)
01:20:56 (dramatic music)
01:20:59 (dramatic music)
01:21:02 (dramatic music)
01:21:05 (dramatic music)
01:21:08 - Oh, fuck.
01:21:10 I'm sorry about this, Spencer, really.
01:21:12 - Luis!
01:21:13 - Luis!
01:21:19 You couldn't pass through this motherfucker.
01:21:26 - Luis!
01:21:27 - Leave her alone.
01:21:33 - God, you fucking bad movement.
01:21:39 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:44 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21:48 (speaking in foreign language)
01:22:10 [MUSIC]
01:22:20 [MUSIC]
01:22:30 [MUSIC]
01:22:55 [MUSIC]
01:23:05 [FOREIGN]
01:23:33 >> Okay, it's a start.
01:23:36 >> [FOREIGN]
01:23:38 [MUSIC]
01:23:48 [MUSIC]
01:23:58 [MUSIC]
01:24:09 [MUSIC]
01:24:19 [MUSIC]
01:24:29 (upbeat music)
