• l’année dernière


00:00 ♪ Suppose what together we'll find ♪
00:02 ♪ With every pair of shoes that we try ♪
00:05 ♪ We'll have a new adventure, you and I ♪
00:09 ♪ Where will my feet take me today? ♪
00:13 ♪ Nobody knows for sure ♪
00:16 ♪ But come for a walk I'll lead the way ♪
00:20 ♪ To places never seen before ♪
00:26 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:33 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:39 - There! One more bead and I'll have a beautiful
00:42 new necklace for Briona.
00:45 (surprise)
00:46 Whoa!
00:47 Oh, no! My bead collection!
00:50 That's my favorite bead!
00:54 (giggle)
00:55 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:57 Hmm...
00:58 (clics)
01:00 - Eww!
01:01 - A big hairy bug!
01:04 Grandpa! Grandpa!
01:06 - What is it, Franny?
01:07 - My bead rolled under the counter, but there's a very,
01:10 very big and very, very scary bug under there.
01:14 - Hmm...
01:16 Oh, this bug! (giggle)
01:18 Well, he sure is big and hairy.
01:21 But he's just a centipede, Franny.
01:23 He won't hurt you.
01:25 - Hmm...
01:26 Hmm!
01:27 (clics)
01:29 A customer!
01:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:37 - And what can we do for you?
01:39 - I've explored tidal pools all over the world
01:41 in these fine water shoes.
01:43 But now they're so worn out, there's more water than shoe.
01:47 - These are leaky sneakers for sure,
01:49 but we'll plug them up, don't you worry.
01:52 Can you put these in the fix-it box, please, Franny?
01:55 - Sure, Grandpa!
01:57 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:02 - Heh! Where will my feet take me today?
02:05 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:16 Watch out!
02:19 Geronimo!
02:21 - Oh! Sorry about that.
02:25 My friend and I were playing ball, and I missed!
02:30 I'm Lola.
02:33 - I'm Franny. Pleased to meet you.
02:36 - And that's my friend.
02:38 - Hmm...
02:40 - I'm coming! I'm coming!
02:42 - Oh!
02:46 - I'm Dolores. Pleased to meet you.
02:49 - Leaping Lizards! You're a very big tortoise, Dolores!
02:54 - We have the biggest tortoises in the world
02:57 here on the Galapagos Islands.
02:59 But Dolores is the best.
03:01 - You're just saying that to get me to play again.
03:06 - Ah! You caught me!
03:08 Let's go!
03:13 - Oh! Would you like to play too, Franny?
03:16 - Sure! What are you playing?
03:19 - Paddle ball. We always play paddle ball.
03:22 - Maybe we should play further up the beach?
03:25 - Why?
03:27 - Because every time we play near the rock,
03:30 the wind takes the ball!
03:33 - Go, Elfunga!
03:41 - Uh-oh!
03:43 - I'll get it!
03:45 - Ah! Wow!
03:55 - Did you see that?
03:58 - It must have been the wind.
04:02 - I want to try that again.
04:04 - Let's get out of here!
04:10 - Here's your ball.
04:12 - Thanks!
04:14 Who said that?
04:16 - Only me.
04:18 My name is Ingrid.
04:20 - I'm Franny, and these guys are...
04:23 Oh! Where did they go?
04:25 - Who?
04:27 - My friends, Lola and Dolores.
04:29 They were right here.
04:31 - Maybe they ran away
04:33 because they don't want to play with me.
04:35 - Why wouldn't they want to play with you?
04:38 - Because I'm an iguana,
04:40 and so big and scary-looking.
04:43 - Piffle, you're not scary, Ingrid.
04:45 You're very nice.
04:47 I'll play with you.
04:49 - You will? - Sure!
04:51 Would you like to play paddleball?
04:54 - Like to? I'd love to!
04:57 - Oh!
04:59 (Giggles)
05:06 - I'll get it!
05:08 (Rires)
05:10 - Uh-oh! This cave looks pretty dark.
05:16 Not again!
05:19 - Psst! Franny!
05:21 - Is somebody there?
05:23 - It's us! Lola and Dolores!
05:27 - What are you guys doing in there?
05:30 - Hiding!
05:32 - Ooh! From the monster!
05:35 - Monster?
05:37 There's a monster around?
05:39 - Yes!
05:41 We were afraid it got you.
05:43 (Gasps)
05:44 - Ah! The monster!
05:46 It's right behind you!
05:48 - Ah!
05:51 - Hi.
05:53 - Oh, Ingrid, it's you. You scared me.
05:56 - Sorry.
05:58 I seem to do that.
06:00 - No, no. I just mean you surprised me.
06:03 - When? I scared your friends.
06:06 - Huh? They're just being silly.
06:08 Lola, Dolores, come on out. There's no monster.
06:11 - There's not?
06:14 - No. There's only my friend Ingrid.
06:17 She's an iguana and she's very nice.
06:19 - But she's so big!
06:22 And she's green and scaly and...
06:25 - Wait a minute!
06:27 I'm big and greeny
06:31 and I have scales on my shell.
06:34 - That's true.
06:37 Why aren't you scared of Dolores, Lola?
06:39 - Because I know her.
06:42 - Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
06:45 Lola, maybe if you knew Ingrid,
06:48 she wouldn't be scary either.
06:50 Come on, I'll introduce you.
06:52 - No. I'm scared.
06:55 - Lola, it's not fair
06:58 not to like someone
07:01 just because of the way they look.
07:03 Now, come on.
07:05 Franny is going to introduce us to a new friend.
07:10 - Ingrid, this is Dolores and Lola.
07:15 Lola and Dolores, this is Ingrid.
07:18 - Pleased to meet you, Ingrid.
07:22 - Hi.
07:24 - Hi.
07:26 - Do you know how to play paddle ball?
07:29 - Yes.
07:31 It's only my favorite game ever.
07:34 - Really? Then let's play!
07:37 - Wow!
07:45 - Hiya! Ha-ha!
07:47 - Ha-ha-ha!
07:49 I like playing with you, Ingrid,
07:51 because you don't mind chasing the ball.
07:55 - Oh, this is so much fun!
07:58 Thank you, Franny.
08:00 - Ha-ha!
08:01 - We have a really nice new friend
08:04 because of you, Franny.
08:06 - Thanks.
08:08 - I should be getting home now.
08:10 - Bye, Franny!
08:13 - Bye, Ingrid. Bye, Dolores. Bye, Lola.
08:23 - That was iguan-erific!
08:25 - Ha-ha!
08:30 Ha-ha!
08:32 - Ah!
08:34 A paddle ball!
08:36 - Ha-ha!
08:45 Another treasure for my shoebox.
08:48 - Ha-ha!
08:50 - Ha-ha!
08:52 - Have you got your bead out yet, Franny?
08:57 - No, but I'm not scared anymore.
09:00 I know just because something looks a bit scary,
09:03 that doesn't mean it's not friendly.
09:06 - That's true.
09:08 - It's like when Lola and Dolores were afraid of Ingrid
09:11 because she's an iguana.
09:13 - Ingrid the iguana? Well, that does sound scary.
09:16 - But she's not. She's very nice.
09:19 Just like the centipede is.
09:22 Probably.
09:24 Grandpa? - Yes, Franny, what is it?
09:26 - Could you get my bead for me?
09:28 - Sure, Franny.
09:30 Even when there's nothing to be afraid of,
09:32 you can still ask your grandpa to get your bead.
09:35 Oh, that's a nice one.
09:42 - It's my favorite.
09:44 And you know what?
09:46 I'm going to make it into a bracelet for my grandpa.
09:49 - Well, thank you, Franny. I can't wait to wear it.
09:52 - Where will my feet take me tomorrow?
09:56 Grandpa, will you play with me?
10:09 - As soon as I'm finished, Franny.
10:13 - Are you finished yet?
10:15 - Not yet.
10:17 - When will you be done?
10:19 - I'll be done when I'm finished.
10:21 - Are you finished yet?
10:29 - Not yet.
10:30 Why don't you play on your own for a while?
10:32 - It's not fun playing by myself.
10:35 - It can be as much fun as you want it to be.
10:41 - Yay!
10:44 (musique joyeuse)
10:48 - What do we have here?
10:50 - I'm going on a hiking trip along the coast of Maine,
10:52 but my hiking shoes are a little worn down.
10:55 - Well, they sure could use a little pick-me-up.
10:57 I'll make sure you do more hiking than tripping.
11:00 - Into the Fix-It Box they go.
11:03 Where will my feet take me today?
11:13 (musique joyeuse)
11:17 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:21 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:25 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:29 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:33 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:37 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:41 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:45 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:49 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:53 (cris d'oiseaux)
11:57 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:01 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:05 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:09 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:13 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:16 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:19 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:22 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:25 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:28 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:31 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:34 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:37 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:40 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:43 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:46 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:49 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:52 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:55 (cris d'oiseaux)
12:58 (cris d'oiseaux)
13:01 (cris d'oiseaux)
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15:01 (cris d'oiseaux)
15:04 (cris d'oiseaux)
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15:10 (cris d'oiseaux)
15:13 (cris d'oiseaux)
15:16 (cris d'oiseaux)
15:19 (cris d'oiseaux)
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15:26 (cris d'oiseaux)
15:29 (cris d'oiseaux)
15:32 (cris d'oiseaux)
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16:57 (cris d'oiseaux)
17:00 (cris d'oiseaux)
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17:54 (cris d'oiseaux)
17:57 (cris d'oiseaux)
18:00 (cris d'oiseaux)
18:03 (cris d'oiseaux)
18:06 (cris d'oiseaux)
18:09 (cris d'oiseaux)
18:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
18:16 (rire)
18:18 - That was fantastic!
18:20 (musique douce)
18:22 (rire)
18:25 (soupir)
18:27 A painted stone!
18:29 It looks like Tilly.
18:31 (musique douce)
18:34 (pas de pas)
18:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
18:47 (pas de pas)
18:49 (pas de pas)
18:52 (pas de pas)
18:55 (pas de pas)
18:58 (pas de pas)
19:01 (pas de pas)
19:04 (pas de pas)
19:07 (pas de pas)
19:10 (pas de pas)
19:13 (pas de pas)
19:16 (pas de pas)
19:19 (pas de pas)
19:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:33 ♪ ♪ ♪
19:38 ♪ ♪ ♪
