• il y a 6 mois


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00:42 - Wow! Ce n'était pas ici ce matin!
00:45 Regarde! Cristal! - Non, c'est Bobby.
00:49 C'est Cristal, c'est Marylou!
00:51 - Ronald! Cette eau fait de la musique!
00:55 - Maintenant, nous jouons par oreilles!
00:58 - Venez! Il y a une table McDonald's!
01:01 - Bien, je pensais que nous voulions du déjeuner!
01:03 - Oui!
01:04 - ♪ Ronald makes it ♪
01:05 - Voyons voir ce qui est sous mon lit!
01:07 - OK! - ♪ Ronald makes magic ♪
01:11 - ♪ It was the best of times, it was the wampenest of times.
01:16 ♪ It was just a regular school day that started out quiet, harmless, downright tender.
01:23 ♪ But tenderness never lasts forever.
01:25 ♪ And before we knew it, that day would take us to a place none of us thought we'd ever go again.
01:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:41 - All right, next year's open!
01:43 - Oh, man! I can't believe we had to sit for a whole hour listening to Prickly talk about foot hygiene!
01:51 - And that had to be the grossest, most disgusting video of all time!
01:55 - That's all right, guys, 'cause we've got a whole hour of recess to get over it.
01:58 - I don't know, TJ. All that foot talk kind of made me woozy.
02:02 I think I'd better go see Nurse Kramer.
02:04 - Poor guy. - He'll be OK.
02:08 - Indeed. Beneath that quivering exterior beats a heart of steel.
02:11 - So what'll it be, guys? Kickball? - Oh, yeah!
02:14 - No! No kicking! We gotta do something that takes my mind off feet.
02:17 - Why, then, this would be an excellent time to try out my new Croquet set.
02:21 - Cro-what set?
02:22 - It's a British game, very popular with the upper classes. Shall we?
02:27 - Hey, so we hit each other with these hammers? I think I'm gonna like this game.
02:32 - Oh, no. You use these mallets to shoot wickets. We just need to find a large, empty field to play on.
02:37 - That might be a bit of a problem. - Oh, man, there's no space anywhere!
02:42 - It seems my dream of playing the backyard game of kings is not to be.
02:46 - Hey, wait. What about the old abandoned playground?
02:50 - Yeah! No one ever goes there! - A brilliant idea! My dream is restored!
02:55 - Ah, here she is. The old abandoned playground.
02:58 - Now this is more like it. No one's gonna bug us back here.
03:01 - Yeah, well, I'm not so sure. I forgot how eerie this place was.
03:05 - Indeed. All the terrible memories are flooding back to me.
03:08 - Oh, come on, guys. Don't tell me you're worried because of what happened last time.
03:11 - Yeah. They promised they wouldn't come out here anymore.
03:14 - I guess that's true.
03:16 - Excuse me, friends, but I understand the key to Croquet enjoyment is to start playing the game.
03:21 - You got it, Michael. What do we do?
03:23 - Everyone take a hoop, then spread out and put them in the ground.
03:27 - Yeah! And Gretch, Spinelli, take it from me.
03:30 - All you gotta worry about is getting your wicket stomped by yours true...
03:33 - Whoa! Ah! Ah!
03:37 - Nothing to worry about, huh?
03:40 - Big kick! Big kick!
03:45 - Oh, no!
03:47 - Oh, no!
03:49 - Big kick! Big kick! Big kick!
03:52 - You are a prisoner! You come with us!
03:56 - Hello there, small people.
04:03 - Any of you hungry? 'Cause when I get out of here, I'm making Kindergartner pancakes!
04:10 - Quiet, big kid! You no make pancakes! You in jail!
04:14 - But we didn't do anything!
04:16 - We're innocent Croquet enthusiasts!
04:18 - Yeah, and I'll have you know that this goes against every rule of Big Kid Kindergarten Relations.
04:22 - That's right. Since the last incident, the old playground is specifically but designated Big Kid territory.
04:27 - Captain Stinky, you're in charge here. Tell them to let us go.
04:31 - Captain Stinky not in charge no more.
04:33 - You're not? Well, I demand to know who is.
04:36 - Me am in charge!
04:38 - Now! Away!
04:40 - Me Chief Stinky!
04:41 - Chief Stinky? Never heard of you.
04:43 - Me new around here.
04:44 - Well, that explains it. See, Stinky, maybe where you come from, big kids deserve to be tied up, but at this school, we're nice.
04:50 - Big kids tell lies! Not listen to big kids!
04:53 - What big kids?
04:54 - We know who you're talking about!
04:55 - Oh, I don't care if those guys listen, Stinky. They already know me.
04:58 - Big kids play with Kindergartners!
05:00 - As a matter of fact, I did!
05:01 - Big kids treat Kindergartners!
05:03 - No, no. Just listen, Stinky, and you'll see. It was nothing like that.
05:07 - In fact, it was kind of beautiful. Although it started off pretty crummy.
05:10 - Sorry, in a way, I am a Kindergartner. I'm one of you. And don't worry, I can vouch for all my friends here. They're A-OK. So how's about you let us go?
05:18 - No! Big kids lie! Big kids all bad!
05:21 - But, Gamma Boy, you watch big kids while Stinky think of Boom Boom!
05:24 - Oh, no.
05:30 - What's that?
05:31 - Big kids get bad punishment!
05:32 - Like what?
05:33 - Something bad! Big, big bad!
05:36 - That's OK, guys. 'Cause now that Stinky's not watching, Hector can let us go.
05:39 - Don't worry, Hector. We'll tie you up and make it look like we conked you on the head.
05:42 - No! Big kids stay right here!
05:44 - What's with you? I thought you were a nice Kindergartner.
05:47 - I thought most of you were nice.
05:48 - Have you pint-sized delinquents gone mad?
05:51 - Emma! Zed! Spitzer! Jake! And yes, you too, little Hector.
05:57 - It seems you've forgotten who your friends are.
05:59 - That being the case, I believe I shall remind you.
06:02 - Fangirl, keep quiet!
06:03 - I will not! Because there was a day not so long ago when we let you into our lives when no one else would have you.
06:10 - That's right!
06:11 - Is it all coming back now? Well, in case it's not, allow me to elaborate.
06:15 - It was, for us big kids, going to be another carefree day of big kid fun.
06:19 - But then Miss Grokey appealed to our amazing big kid instincts for big kids.
06:23 - Oh, that I think about it. Maybe we didn't want anything to do with you at first,
06:26 - and maybe TJ did get into a lot of trouble, but the point is we befriended you nonetheless.
06:31 - And I think it's only fair to expect the same friendship from you now.
06:34 - Sorry, Fangirl, but Chief Stinky's scary!
06:37 - Stinky huge! Stinky huge!
06:39 - So big kid's bad!
06:40 - Boo! Boo!
06:41 - Say hello to Chief Stinky!
06:43 - This is unbelievable! Simply by being large, loud, and pungent, Chief Stinky has them completely intimidated.
06:48 - They'll do anything for him and nothing for us.
06:51 - Maybe, Grouchen, but maybe not. There's still one kindergartner I know who will help us.
06:56 - Who's that?
06:57 - My friend Tubby, of course. Tubby and I formed a friendship that will overcome any obstacle.
07:01 - Big kid! Big kid! Big kid, stop talking about Tubby!
07:04 - Why, look! Here Tubby is now. Hello, Tubby!
07:07 - Tubby never met you!
07:08 - But of course you have! Don't you remember?
07:11 - Tubby not remember nothing!
07:12 - Oh, then I'd be happy to remind you.
07:14 - It was a day all other students look forward to with great anticipation, but not me,
07:19 - because for me, it had always been a day of anguish.
07:22 - You remember that. We formed a friendship that will last forever.
07:25 - Tubby? Tubby?
07:27 - Tubby not know you!
07:29 - But I thought we would always be friends.
07:31 - Don't take it personally, Mikey. He is your friend. It's just too dangerous for him to admit it right now.
07:35 - Man, we tried sweet-talking him, we tried being their buddies. I don't know what else to do.
07:39 - Chief Stinky's leadership is so repressive that it completely overpowers their desire to help us.
07:44 - There's got to be some way we can get out of this!
07:47 - (Bruits de bouche)
07:53 - Chief Stinky talk now! Me have decided on big kid punishment!
07:57 - Ooooooh!
07:59 - Sorry guys, but it looks like there is no way out of this.
08:02 - We're getting a boom-boom whether we like it or not.
08:05 - Yeah!
08:08 - Ah, feeling fresh and fit as a fiddle!
08:10 - Hi Gus, where you been?
08:11 - Lying down in the nurse's office. Principal Prickly's foot care lecture made me kind of dizzy.
08:16 - It made me feel like throwing up.
08:18 - Oh right! Say, have you seen TJ and the guys?
08:21 - Yeah, they went that way with Mikey's new croquet set.
08:23 - Thanks corn chip girl! According to my trusty Beanie McWatch, I still have 45 minutes left of good old recess fun.
08:30 - Hey guys! Guys? I guess they're not back here. But hey, Mikey's croquet set! Something bad happened here. Something very bad.
08:42 - Aaaaaah!
08:43 - Huh?
08:44 - Grrrrr!
08:45 - Hey little fella!
08:46 - Big kid! Big kid!
08:47 - Aaaaaah! Get him!
08:49 - Aaaaaah!
08:50 - Aaaaaah!
08:51 - Aaaaaah!
08:52 - Aaaaaah!
08:53 - Aaaaaah!
08:54 - Aaaaaah!
08:55 - Grrrrr!
08:58 - What are you going to do with me?
08:59 - We take you prisoner! Big kid step on Kindergartener land!
09:02 - But the old playground is Big kid land! Everybody knows that!
09:06 - Don't waste your breath Gus. These Kindergarteners are ignoring every single playground treaty since the beginning of 3rd street school.
09:11 - Quiet red hat boy!
09:12 - Red hat boy? But that's TJ! You know TJ!
09:15 - Aaaaaah!
09:18 - Aaaaaah!
09:19 - Grrrrr!
09:20 - Aaaaaah!
09:21 - Big kid! Big kid!
09:23 - What's going on? I thought the Kindergarteners liked us!
09:26 - They did Gus, but it's all different now.
09:28 - They've become frightening little monsters!
09:30 - How come? Did they miss their nap?
09:32 - Of course Gus, much worse.
09:33 - It appears there's been a major upheaval in their Kindergarten social order.
09:37 - Grrrrr!
09:38 - Grrrrr!
09:39 - Me and Big Chief Stinky, me and you now! You be quiet!
09:42 - Grrrrr!
09:45 - Grrrrr!
09:47 - Chief Stinky?
09:49 - He's new in school. He seems to intimidate the other tots with his size as well as his smell.
09:53 - Grrrrr!
09:54 - Give me bug! My bug! Give me bug!
09:56 - Grrrrr!
09:57 - Grrrrr!
09:58 - Me take nap now! When me wake up, Big kid get punishment! Mud pie massacre!
10:04 - Grrrrr!
10:08 - A mud pie massacre? I hate mud pie massacres! We gotta talk them out of it!
10:12 - Fat chance, they ain't listening.
10:14 - We reminded the Bottle about what we were their peewee pals.
10:16 - And the time TJ hung out with them on recess.
10:18 - And the time I helped young Tubby win the Kindergarten Derby.
10:21 - Stinky doesn't care about any of that stuff and he's in charge now, so it looks like we're gonna get massacred.
10:26 - Hey! Big Kitch be quiet! Chief Stinky take his nap!
10:29 - Hector?
10:30 - Oh no, not you too!
10:32 - It's me, your buddy Safety Man!
10:34 - You no Safety Man no more! You bad Big Kid! And me, Pajama Boy!
10:39 - Your name is Hector, not Pajama Boy!
10:42 - Please stop Safety Man! Not make Chief Stinky mad! If Stinky mad, Stinky knock Hector down!
10:47 - But you guys aren't happy like this! Somebody's gotta stand up to him!
10:51 - That not true! That wrong!
10:53 - Oh yeah? Well I've got a little story that just might change your mind.
10:56 - Me sick of stories about how Big Kid's nice to us!
10:59 - It's not about that! It's not even about you! It's about me, when I was a kindergartner!
11:04 - Oh! Kindergartner Safety Man?
11:07 - That's right! It all happened four long years ago. My family just moved and I was starting at a brand new school.
11:13 - Well soldier, this'll be your first day in a whole new kindergarten.
11:16 - I hope you're not nervous.
11:18 - Me not nervous! New Kid Gus make lots and lots of friends!
11:21 - Rrrr! Rrrr! Rrrr!
11:23 - Go get him Trooper!
11:24 - That's our Gus!
11:28 - Hey Big Kid! Me like your school! Me happy to be here!
11:31 - Heads up!
11:32 - Got it huge kid! Coming back at ya!
11:35 - Hey! Good throw kindergartner kid!
11:37 - He's cute!
11:38 - Hey, for a five year old, he's pretty cool!
11:40 - Surprisingly cool!
11:41 - You don't see that? He is cool!
11:42 - Well son, here we are. Your new kindergarten room.
11:49 - Would you like us to walk you in?
11:50 - No thanks mom and dad! Me got it under control!
11:53 - That's the spirit! Grrr!
11:55 - Ruff! Ruff!
11:56 - I'll pick you up after class.
11:57 - Gotcha!
11:58 - Ooga! Ooga! Ooga!
12:02 - Me Gus! Me new! Me Gus! Me new!
12:04 - Kindergarten! Kindergarten! Yay!
12:06 - Uh, me got right room?
12:12 - Oh, you have the right room honey.
12:14 - This is the kindergarten class.
12:16 - And welcome to 3rd street school.
12:18 - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute!
12:20 - You're telling me that Finster was our kindergarten teacher?
12:23 - And that she was nice?
12:24 - Heh, nothing personal man, but you were cool?
12:26 - I must say Gus, your tail seems a little far fetched.
12:29 - Especially considering the fact that you didn't even move to our school until this year.
12:33 - Are you sure about that? How many of you really remember kindergarten?
12:37 - What big kid wants to remember that he was, ugh, a kindergartner?
12:40 - I think I permanently erased it from my brain.
12:43 - All I remember is my traumatic running in the kindergarten derby.
12:46 - That's what I thought! Take my word for it.
12:48 - Before I moved here in the 4th grade, I moved here for a while in kindergarten too.
12:52 - But Gus...
12:53 - Hey! Big kid stop gabbing! Tell more story!
12:55 - Hector's sort of wondering what happened next.
12:58 - Very well Hector. Like I was saying, it was my first day of kindergarten at 3rd street school.
13:02 - As you've already noticed, things are a little different back then.
13:05 - But not just with Miss Finster, and not just with me, but with these guys too.
13:09 - And of course little Jeffrey remembered to thank his great-aunt Agnes for the brand new velvet play suit.
13:16 - He sat quietly and ate all of his kidney pie.
13:19 - And that night, he cleaned his room extra thoroughly in hopes that his next birthday would be just as special as this one.
13:25 - The end.
13:26 - Ah, wasn't that a fun story?
13:29 - Alright, now it's time for a snack.
13:31 - Yay! Woo woo woo woo!
13:33 - Snack, snack, snack!
13:35 - Goodness gracious, you little monkey!
13:37 - Apparently your last kindergarten failed to teach you proper classroom etiquette.
13:41 - But that's alright, you'll learn.
13:43 - Now please line up with your classmates.
13:45 - Single file children!
13:48 - Yes, Miss Finster!
13:50 - One snack a piece! Take 'em outside!
13:52 - Be sure to use a napkin.
13:54 - Enjoy your snacks.
13:59 - Chew them thoroughly and dispose of your trash in the receptacle.
14:02 - Don't worry little Gus, I'm sure before long you'll fit in just like all the other children.
14:07 - Boy, I sure hope not.
14:10 - Hi kid, my name's Gus. What's your name?
14:15 - Um...
14:18 - Okay...
14:20 - Morning, girlies!
14:22 - Like...
14:23 - Uh...
14:24 - Hmm, very strange.
14:26 - Feed me!
14:32 - Very more stranger indeed.
14:35 - Hi, red hat boy!
14:39 - I'm Gus. What's your name?
14:41 - Uh... Theodore Jasper Detweiler.
14:44 - Theodore Jasper?
14:45 - I'll call you TJ.
14:47 - TJ sounds more neater.
14:49 - And it's two of the letters that I know.
14:51 - TJ...
14:52 - Hey, I think I like that.
14:54 - Nifty! So anyway, TJ, I got a question for you.
14:57 - How come is it that nobody in this kindergarten class acts like... kindergarteners?
15:01 - You know...
15:02 - Girl!
15:03 - Me crazy!
15:04 - Please don't!
15:06 - This don't make no sense. What kind of kindergarteners are you?
15:10 - I've been in three kindergartens already.
15:12 - Now I've never seen nothing like this before.
15:14 - Almost like kids are... scared or something.
15:17 - What are you scared of? Miss Finster?
15:19 - No. Miss Finster likes us to be quiet.
15:21 - But that's not how calm we are.
15:23 - How come then?
15:24 - It's Mikey! Run for your life!
15:27 - Run for my life? That's crazy!
15:29 - Hi there, Mikey! My name is Gus. I just moved into town and...
15:33 - You get Mikey's snack!
15:34 - He he he. Well done, Chief Mikey. Now back to the palace.
15:43 - In you go, your highness.
15:44 - Hey! Big boy! You can't not take my snack! Hey!
15:54 - Oh Gus, you don't want to tangle with Chief Mikey!
15:56 - That's right. Now go behave yourself away from me.
15:59 - Who are you?
16:00 - I am Wandel.
16:01 - Wandel?
16:02 - Not Wandel. Wandel! Wandel!
16:04 - Wandel helps protect us from Chief Mikey. Chief Mikey's mean.
16:08 - He sure is.
16:09 - Tell him about what you heard, Wandel.
16:11 - One time, Chief Mikey sat on a toddler just for kicks.
16:14 - Sat on a toddler? That's just plain evil!
16:17 - Yes it is. Lucky for you, I, Wandel, am here to watch out for you.
16:21 - You see, Chief Mikey make me drive his tricycle, he make me guard his palace,
16:24 - but I can talk to Mikey and keep him from sitting on you.
16:27 - Remember kids, Chief Mikey is a dangerous, dangerous meanie, but I can keep you safe.
16:31 - Just do what I say and everything will be okay.
16:34 - Wandel, you're the bestest friend a kid could have.
16:37 - I know, I know. Now scat, all of you, and behave yourselves.
16:40 - Chief Mikey told me if you don't, he's gonna pull all your hair and kick ya.
16:43 - You two, go keep quiet somewhere.
16:45 - I'm gonna go in and try to convince Chief Mikey not to whip you to pieces.
16:48 - Thanks, Randall.
16:49 - Come on, Gus, let's find a place to be quiet.
16:51 - Hang on there, TJ. But Mikey will hear us. He'll smush us.
16:55 - Come on!
16:56 - No!
16:57 - What are you saying, Gus?
16:59 - What I'm saying is, maybe I will get sitted on. But so what?
17:02 - Kindergarten's supposed to be a crazy place where you get messy and make noises
17:06 and act like animals.
17:08 - Growl, wow!
17:09 - Cacadoodle-doo!
17:13 - This is the very last chance we get to be like that.
17:16 - And there's no way I'm letting some mean kid take that away from me.
17:19 - So I'm gonna go in there and tell Chief Mikey I'm not putting up with his meanness.
17:23 - Even if it means I do get sitted on.
17:25 - Now who's going with me?
17:27 - Oh, no.
17:29 - TJ?
17:31 - All right, then I'll do it all by myself.
17:35 - Ah!
17:37 - Open up the door right now!
17:39 - Grrr!
17:40 - You better go away.
17:41 - Grrr!
17:43 - I'm telling you, Mikey, those kids hate you.
17:46 All they ever do is talk about how big and fat you are.
17:48 - Grrr!
17:49 - It's a good thing you got me working out for you, telling you all this stuff.
17:52 Or they'd get away with it for sure.
17:54 Uh, you mind passing one of those juice boxes?
17:56 - Grrr!
17:58 - Ah! Now it all makes sense.
18:01 There's only one thing to do. I'm going in.
18:04 - That there is the most bravest thing I've ever seen anyone ever do.
18:11 - Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
18:13 - Oh, no! Mikey sat on a new boy's head!
18:15 - Oh, no he didn't, 'cause Mikey wouldn't sit on no one.
18:18 - Hey, Mikey, come on out!
18:20 - Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
18:22 - You can stop saying "ow," Randall. Mikey's not even hurting you.
18:25 - What are you talking about? He sure was, 'cause he's big and mean.
18:28 Everyone, you all saw him steal the new boy's snack.
18:30 - And yesterday before that, he took my jump rope.
18:33 - He once took my pile of rocks.
18:35 - Yeah! - Yeah!
18:36 - Ha! So what do you say about that?
18:38 - What do I say?
18:43 I say it was all a terrible misunderstanding.
18:46 - Hey, Mikey gave me a piggyback ride.
18:48 - Enjoy, my little friend.
18:50 You see, Randall told me you all made fun of me behind my back.
18:53 That you said you hated me.
18:55 That hurt my feelings and made me very, very angry.
18:58 - Hey, where'd you get the fancy voice?
19:00 - This is my normal voice.
19:02 Randall told me to use that mean voice to make you more scared of me.
19:05 You really should admit the truth, Randall.
19:07 It'll make you feel much better.
19:09 - All right, I did it.
19:11 It was the perfect plan.
19:13 All I had to do was convince Mikey everyone was afraid of him.
19:15 That I was his only friend.
19:17 Snacks, lunches, power.
19:19 It could have all been mine.
19:21 By sixth grade, I could have been king.
19:23 I would have ruled the playground.
19:25 Oh, if my plan had only succeeded.
19:29 - You've been a very naughty little boy.
19:32 But I forgive you.
19:34 - You don't gotta be scared of Mikey no more.
19:36 So let's have some kindergarten fun.
19:38 - Yeah!
19:40 (Cris de joie)
19:56 - Yippee!
19:58 (Cris de joie)
20:02 - Hey, wait! Hey, wait!
20:04 (Cris de joie)
20:12 - Hey, you're pretty tall.
20:14 - Why yes you are, Spinelli.
20:16 But I think I smashed your doll.
20:18 - Mama, feed me. I'm hungry.
20:20 - Feed yourself, girly. I'm fighting.
20:24 All right, who else wants a piece of me?
20:26 (Cris de joie)
20:29 - Observe, Ashleys.
20:31 Mud, when mixed with compounds of different viscosity,
20:33 such as this peanut butter and this jelly,
20:35 makes a truly superior goo.
20:37 (Cris de joie)
20:39 - Yeah, I knew it!
20:41 (Cris de joie)
20:43 - Now you see, TJ?
20:44 That's the way a kindergarten oughta should be.
20:46 - Are you crazy?
20:48 This is bad. This is very, very bad.
20:50 I'm telling. Miss Finster! Miss Finster!
20:53 Miss Finster, quick!
20:54 - What is it, Randall?
20:55 - Look, the kids! They're out of control.
20:57 - Oh, my stars.
21:00 - Children! Children! Stop it this instant!
21:03 Remember your manners. You must be quiet.
21:06 You must remain clean. You must...
21:08 - Uh-oh.
21:10 - Why? Why? But how? Who?
21:13 - It was the new boy, Miss Finster. It was the new boy.
21:15 This all happened because of him.
21:18 - Oh, the new boy, you say?
21:20 - Yes, ma'am. He's been a very bad influence.
21:23 - Thank you, Randall.
21:24 I never realized what a helpful little boy you were.
21:26 And you, Griswold.
21:28 I knew from the moment you came into my classroom
21:30 that you were trouble.
21:31 I tried being nice to you.
21:33 I tried being nice to you all.
21:35 But I see that approach doesn't work.
21:37 So, Griswold, you're coming with me.
21:39 - Where to, ma'am?
21:40 - To the principal's office.
21:42 - Oh!
21:43 - That's right, children. Let this be a lesson.
21:46 When you don't sit quietly and do nothing,
21:48 bad things happen.
21:50 Randall, keep an eye on these...
21:52 these miscreants.
21:54 - With pleasure.
21:55 - You just watch what happens to your little friend Gus
21:57 and he'll change your tune.
21:58 If Muriel P. Finster has anything to say about this,
22:00 kindergartners at Third Street School
22:02 will never act like savages again!
22:05 - Oh!
22:06 - Oh, you heard the lady.
22:08 I'm in charge here.
22:09 Behave yourselves and keep it quiet.
22:11 - Woe is me.
22:12 Our new friend Gus is doomed.
22:14 - Oh, yeah, Mikey?
22:15 Well, Gus didn't give up on us,
22:16 so I'm not giving up on him.
22:18 Today, for the first time,
22:19 I found out what it's like to be a real kindergartner.
22:22 And I like it!
22:23 - I love being a kindergartner.
22:25 - If it wasn't for Gus,
22:27 we'd all still be scared of Mikey.
22:29 We'd be quiet and polite,
22:30 and that's just wrong.
22:32 - Yeah!
22:33 - New boy Gus was willing to get himself in trouble for us.
22:36 And I don't know about you,
22:37 but I'd think I'd be a crummy boy
22:38 if I didn't do just as much for him.
22:40 Now, who's gonna help me?
22:42 - I will.
22:43 I will.
22:44 - Count me in.
22:45 - Include me as well.
22:47 - Tender.
22:48 - Hey, hey, hey!
22:49 I'm in charge here,
22:50 and you in big, big trouble.
22:52 - Like, no, you don't!
22:53 Come on, everybody!
22:54 We lock him in the pellet!
22:55 - Whoa!
22:56 - To the pellet!
22:57 - Yeah!
22:58 - What now, Theodore?
22:59 - It's TJ, Vince.
23:00 And listen up,
23:01 'cause, guys,
23:02 I got a plan.
23:03 [upbeat music]
23:06 ♪ ♪
23:09 Just like I figured.
23:11 The big kids are all in class.
23:13 We'll slip in undefected.
23:15 ♪ ♪
23:21 - Is this Principal Prinkley's office?
23:23 - Gretchen, allow me to verify.
23:26 ♪ ♪
23:28 - Oh, when Prinkley gets here,
23:29 I'll see we make an example of that boy.
23:31 - He did!
23:32 Oh, we're not this over.
23:34 ♪ ♪
23:38 - Bingo.
23:39 He's all alone in there,
23:40 waiting his fate.
23:41 - All right, phase two.
23:43 Vince?
23:44 - I got it, Teej.
23:45 ♪ ♪
23:48 - Mikey, spin out.
23:49 - Willing and able, TJ.
23:51 ♪ ♪
23:54 [musique dramatique]
23:57 ♪ ♪
24:03 [musique dramatique]
24:06 ♪ ♪
24:13 [musique dramatique]
24:16 ♪ ♪
24:22 [musique dramatique]
24:25 ♪ ♪
24:32 [musique dramatique]
24:35 ♪ ♪
24:42 [musique dramatique]
24:45 ♪ ♪
24:51 [musique dramatique]
24:54 ♪ ♪
25:01 [musique dramatique]
25:04 ♪ ♪
25:11 [musique dramatique]
25:14 ♪ ♪
25:20 [musique dramatique]
25:23 ♪ ♪
25:30 [musique dramatique]
25:33 ♪ ♪
25:40 [musique dramatique]
25:43 ♪ ♪
25:49 [musique dramatique]
25:52 ♪ ♪
25:59 ♪ ♪
26:09 [cris de joie]
26:11 - Hector said let the kids go!
26:13 [bruits de l'eau]
26:16 [bruits de la foule]
26:18 - Thanks, Hector.
26:19 - Hector Frank, safety man.
26:21 - We be happy! We have fun!
26:23 We play!
26:25 [cris de joie]
26:27 - Well, there they are.
26:29 Wild, crazy, and back to normal.
26:31 - It's perfectly terrified.
26:33 - That's what I say. Let's get out of here.
26:35 [cris de joie]
26:39 - I guess I gotta say, that was some quick thinking in there.
26:42 - You faked 'em out, man.
26:44 - Yeah, and what an imagination.
26:46 Me, scared of Mikey?
26:48 - And me, a frightening ogre?
26:50 - Yeah, that guy could have been some wimpy guy
26:52 who wasn't the leader of our group.
26:54 Now I know he made that story up.
26:56 - You're so funny, little guy. - That was funny.
26:58 - Great story.
27:00 - Of course, guys. I just made the whole thing up
27:02 to get us out of trouble.
27:04 - Duh! - Come on, guys.
27:06 There's still a little recess left. Let's have some big kid fun.
27:08 - Perhaps we can still salvage my croquet set.
27:10 - Sounds good. - Let's do it!
27:12 [cris de joie]
27:14 [musique]
27:16 - Hey, Ms. Finster!
27:18 There go TJ and the gang.
27:20 Shall I spy on them? - Yes, Randall, you do that.
27:22 And, Randall, keep an extra close eye
27:24 on Griswold for me, will ya?
27:26 - Uh, yes, ma'am.
27:28 - Someday, Griswold...
27:30 Someday, you'll slip up and I'll get even.
27:32 Oh, yes!
27:34 I'll get even!
27:36 [musique]
27:38 [musique]
27:40 [musique]
27:42 [Musique du générique]
27:49 ---
28:09 ---
28:25 ---
28:43 ---
29:04 ---
29:33 ---
29:43 ---
