Pemerintah berencana, menyiapkan 200 ribu formasi ASN untuk ditempatkan di IKN Nusantara. Saat ini pemerintah, tengah menyiapkan rekrutmen untuk fresh graduate yang akan bertugas di IKN Nusantara.
00:00 The government is planning to prepare 200,000 civil and state apparatus to be placed in the capital city of Nusantara.
00:07 The government is currently preparing recruitment for Fresh Graduate who will be working at the IKN.
00:12 Minister of State Apparatus and Reformation, Bureaucracy, Abdullah Azwar Anas,
00:18 ensures that the recruitment of hundreds of thousands of ASNs will be placed at the IKN,
00:23 will be done more tightly.
00:25 Later, the ASN transfer to the IKN will be done gradually,
00:30 namely short, medium and long term.
00:35 The President's statement is about the ASN Fresh Graduate recruitment plan,
00:43 which is more than 200,000.
00:46 The President told us again that the ASN Fresh Graduate recruitment,
00:52 especially for the central government, will be done at the IKN.
00:55 So, in total, there are 250,000 new Fresh Graduate.
01:04 Now, we ask the Ministry of State Apparatus to send their training,
01:08 which will be checked by the IKN,
01:10 because the training is especially for digital talents,
01:13 and for those who have a background in digital literacy,
01:20 and also for the administration, such as for the inspectorate, and others.
01:23 So, those who go to the IKN have different competencies,
01:27 or more competencies,
01:29 which in total is 250,000, which we will allocate to the IKN.
01:34 But of course, this is a new Fresh Graduate,
01:37 it can be moved this year, next year, or two years later.
01:41 [Music]