• last year
Proyek Ibu Kota Nusantara atau IKN Nusantara telah disiapkan secara matang, pemerintah pun telah mengalokasikan hampir Rp80 triliun untuk pembangun IKN tahap 1. Hingga awal Juni tahun 2024 ini, progres pembangunan kawasan IKN Nusantara sudah menunjukkan hasil yang cukup signifikan.


00:00 Since the beginning, the Ibu Kota Nusantara project has been prepared in a mature way
00:05 The government has allocated almost Rp 80 trillion to build the first stage of the IKN
00:11 Until early June 2024, the progress of the development of the IKN Nusantara area has shown significant results
00:18 This is the main area of the Ibu Kota Nusantara or IKN Nusantara
00:28 In the North Market District, East Kalimantan
00:31 Various ornaments and infrastructure in the main area of the government has been built firmly and very well
00:37 As well as the general facilities of the building area and the office of the presidential palace
00:44 Has also begun to look original
00:46 The building looks like it is equipped with natural architecture that brings a friendly environment spirit
00:52 In addition, until early June, the ministerial housing complex has also been firm and very good
00:58 Minimalist style, smart city, green building
01:02 The ministerial housing that pays more than tens of billions of rupiahs is built very special
01:07 All the building materials 100% use domestic products
01:11 In addition to the ministerial housing, the main building of the IKN Nusantara
01:14 Which symbolizes Garuda has also built a foundation and a long platform in each main area has become solid
01:20 The main area of the IKN Nusantara will be used for the celebration of Independence Day
01:25 August 17, 2024, which is also neat, good and ready to hold the celebration of independence
01:33 Meanwhile, based on the report of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
01:37 From the period 2022 to 2024
01:40 The government has allocated almost 80 trillion rupiahs
01:44 For the construction of the first stage of the Ibu Kota Nusantara
01:47 The large budget provides opportunities for all parties
01:50 Regional leaders, BUMN, private sector, and international investors to optimize resources
01:56 In order to realize the construction of the IKN Nusantara
01:59 From Jakarta, I am Adeksyat.
02:01 I am Adeksyat.
02:04 I am Adeksyat.
02:06 (chimes)
