• last year
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (Kementerian PUPR), memastikan bahwa konstruksi 47 rumah susun Aparatur Sipil Negara di Ibu Kota Nusantara akan rampung pada tahun ini. Awalnya pemerintah menyiapkan sebanyak 1700 ASN, akan mulai dipindahkan ke IKN, dan menghuni rusun tersebut pada September 2024.


00:00Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has ensured that the construction of 47 houses of state civil apparatus in the capital of Indonesia will be completed this year.
00:10Initially, the government prepared that 1,700 ASN will be moved to the IKN and will inaugurate it in September 2024.
00:18The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has ensured that the construction of 47 houses of state civil apparatus in the capital of Indonesia will be completed this year.
00:35The head of the IKN Infrastructure Development Coordination Agency, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Danis Hasumadilaga,
00:42explained that by October, as many as 21 ASN houses will be completed.
00:48Meanwhile, the rest, namely as many as 26 houses, will be accelerated during the November to December 2024 period.
00:56Thus, the total number of houses built in the IKN at the end of 2024 is expected to reach the target of 47 houses.
01:04But for example, the inauguration of ASN apartments, we have a target of 47.
01:13Now it's only around 12.
01:15But in September and October, around 21.
01:18In November and December, it can be completed by 47.
01:21So there is a continuation of the toll road.
01:25Initially, the government prepared that 1,700 ASN houses will be moved to the IKN and will inaugurate it in September 2024.
01:34However, President Joko Widodo confirmed that the plan to move the state civil apparatus to the capital of the country, Nusantara, will be implemented in September 2024.
01:47Jokowi said that it has not yet accommodated a number of support facilities for ASN housing to become the main obstacle for their move to the IKN.
02:03Thank you for watching!
