• 18 hours ago
Sempat menguat di awal sesi, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup ke zona merah pada sesi terakhir perdagangan Jumat (21/3/2025). Pelemahan tercatat sebesar 123,49 poin atau 1,94 persen ke 6.258,18.

Pada penutupan perdagangan hari ini, 492 saham melemah dan 311 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp21,4 triliun dari 21,2 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00Indonesia's second-largest trading partner, GASEM, is closing in the red zone.
00:11The weakness is still significant, even though it's below 2%.
00:15The weakness in the second-largest trading partner is 1.94%, and it's closed at 6,258.179.
00:24The lowest intraday today is at 6,218.601, then opened in the green zone this morning at 6,418,
00:33and moved to the highest intraday at 6,426.
00:38Let's go straight to the first graph.
00:40We will try to see the position of the closing of several other indexes,
00:43such as MNC36, LQ45, and also Jakarta Islamic Index.
00:49We can see the graph on the screen.
00:51The MNC36 trading partner's television is quite weak at 2.84%.
00:55Jakarta Islamic Index is weak at 1.55%.
00:58LQ45, the largest shareholder of the GASEM trading partner, is quite weak at 2.56%,
01:05and has left 700 trading partners at 692.022.
01:12The next graph is the sectoral movement rotation.
01:16The industry sector is strong at 0.29%, technology is weak at 5%,
01:24non-primary consumption is stressed at 3.68%, and energy is also weak at 1.02%.
01:32The trading partners today are still moving fast and moving in the green zone at the closing of the second session.
01:39Nominated by the Prayogo Pangestu Group trading partner,
01:42and there is also Astra International,
01:44and today it is a supporter of the industry sector, which is the only one moving in the green zone.
01:49TPIA is back to strong at 7,250, Astra International is also strong at 4,840,
01:56Bren is back to strong at 5,975, and BRPT is also strong at the level of 700 rupiah per share.
02:04Next, SAMSAM, which today is a supporter of the GASEM trading partner,
02:08is dominated by SAMSAM Banking Pickup, BBCA.
02:11It is stressed at 7,900, PMRI is weak at 4,410,
02:15BBNI today has a deep correction and has left a level of 4,000 at 3,770,
02:21MRT from the consumer.
02:24Primer today is also quite weak at 19.40.
02:27Update on the closing of the second session and hopefully it can be a reference for you,
02:31especially in the face of trading next week.