Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) kembali menguat. IHSG ditutup melonjak 118,54 poin atau 1,65 persen ke level 7.314,11 pada sesi II perdagangan hari ini, Senin (25/11/2024).
Sore ini, terdapat 330 saham menguat, 278 saham melemah, dan 336 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp9,1 triliun dari 21,2 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.
Sore ini, terdapat 330 saham menguat, 278 saham melemah, dan 336 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp9,1 triliun dari 21,2 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.
00:00Indica Garga Samkabungan
00:05Indica Garga Samkabungan's position today is still significantly stronger after closing the second session at 1.65 percent.
00:12And the note is that the level of 7,300 is still able to be maintained.
00:18Before Indica Garga Samkabungan, when it tried to reach 7,200, there were several times of consolidation.
00:25But today, 7,300 is still able to be maintained in the midst of significant strength.
00:32The highest level today is at 7,329.492, the lowest level at 7,218.828.
00:41Let's go straight to the first graph, we will try to update the position of the closing of several other indexes,
00:48such as MNC36, Jakarta Islamic Index, and also LQ45.
00:51MNC36 strengthened significantly at 1.14 percent, Jakarta Islamic Index strengthened slightly at 0.02 percent,
01:00while LQ45 strengthened at 1.65 percent in line with the strengthening of the Samkabungan index.
01:06Let's move on to the next graph, the rotation of the sectoral movement, the financial sector is still leading the strengthening.
01:14Up to the closing of the second session at 1.49 percent, the industry strengthened at 1.28 percent, energy also strengthened at 1.11 percent,
01:23technology weakened at 1.17 percent.
01:27The stocks that today support the strengthening of Indica Garga Samkabungan, let's move on to the next graph.
01:32Next, BBCA was closed to strengthen at 10.175, PMRI at 6.575.
01:40BRPT Pemirsa today was fast, intraday was above 11 percent, the strengthening was closed at 870 rupiah per share,
01:48while BBNI was closed in the green zone at 4.990 rupiah per share.
01:54Let's move on to the next graph.
01:55Next, Samsam today experienced quite a deep pressure and became a burden for Indica Garga Samkabungan.
02:02There is Goto, failed to reach level 80, closed in the red zone at 76 rupiah per share.
02:08Aman also weakened at 9.100, BMS was pushed to 422 and Avia was closed in the red zone at 446 rupiah per share.
02:17Updates from traders in the second session today and hopefully it can be a reference for you, especially in dealing with trading in the next few days.