• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 1,17 persen ke 7.080,47 atau melemah 83,96 poin saat penutupan perdagangan, Senin (6/1/2025).

Enam sektor menjadi pemberat lantaran melemah di atas 1 persen. Sebanyak 251 saham menguat, 397 saham melemah dan 299 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp8 triliun dari 21,3 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00And the price index of Samkabungan in the closing of the second session today, the pressure seems to continue,
00:06where the price index of Samkabungan was closed weak above 1%, precisely at 1.17%.
00:13And the price index of Samkabungan was closed at 7080.474.
00:17This level is not much different from the lowest intraday level today, I mean at 7073.954.
00:25In Bukaflet this morning, at 7164, it was strengthened to 7182.019.
00:32When it reached this level, the price index of Samkabungan immediately experienced a deep correction
00:37until the closing of the second session today.
00:40Let's go straight to the first graph.
00:42We will try to see what the position of the closing of several other indexes is like.
00:47You can watch the graph on your television screen.
00:50MNC36, weak at 1.74%.
00:53Jakarta Islamic Index, stressed at 2.00%.
00:57LQ45, weak at 1.38%.
01:00At 837.781.
01:04The sectoral movement rotation examines.
01:07The technology seems to still lead to strengthening at 1.29%.
01:11Non-primary consumption, also strengthening at 0.23%.
01:15Stored goods, the deepest pressure at 1.65%.
01:19Transportation and logistics also weakened at 1.45%.
01:23The next graph, SAMSAM, which today became a supporter for the Samkabungan household,
01:29so that the pressure is not getting deeper.
01:32There is GOTO, which was supposed to strengthen at 80, but only strengthened at 12,700.
01:36PEGAS, which is fast today, at 1,716.
01:40And BRPT, strengthening at 880.
01:45The last graph, SAMSAM, which today became a supporter for the Samkabungan household,
01:49there is BBCA, stressed at 9,675.
01:53BMRI, weak at 5,675.
01:56PTRO, weak at 2,800.
01:59And Telkom, the pressure is getting deeper, already at 2,690 rupiah per share.
02:04Trading closure update in the second session,
02:06and hopefully it can be a reference for you,
02:08especially in dealing with trading the next day.
