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Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) parkir di zona hijau pada penutupan perdagangan hari ini, Jumat (21/2/2025). Indeks tercatat menguat 0,22 persen atau 14,95 poin ke level 6.803.

Sepanjang perdagangan hari ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 14,56 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp9,76 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,09 juta kali. Sebanyak 231 saham harganya terkoreksi, 312 saham harganya naik dan 252 saham lainnya stagnan.


00:00I will try to convey first the trade closure update in the second session today, and also some graphic information that was collected by our team.
00:13And viewers, in the trade closure of the second session today, the share price was closed strongly at 0.22% in the last minutes of the closing period until the share price was pulled up.
00:24And finally it can be closed at the level of 6,800, precisely at 6,803.001.
00:32The highest intraday today at 6,814.866, the lowest level at 6,705.8
00:40Let's go straight to the first graph, we will try to see the position of the closing of several other indexes, such as MNC36, Jakarta Islamic Index, and also LQ45.
00:51MNC36 weakens at 0.74%, Jakarta Islamic Index weakens at 0.06%, while LQ45 drops to 0.52% and has left a level of 800 investors.
01:05The sectoral movement rotation, technology is still far ahead. This has happened in the last three trading days.
01:12Technology strengthens at 6.51%, transportation and logistics strengthens at 1.42%, primary consumption weakens at 0.58% and non-primary consumption weakens at 0.46%.
01:28Then we move on to the next graph, the stock that today is a supporter, dominated by technology stocks.
01:37WFEI strengthens at 2,330, Data strengthens at 2,120, Brand strengthens at 6,900.
01:45Medicines today also increased significantly, closed at 840.
01:49Then we move on to the last graph, the stock that today is a supporter, dominated by pick-up banks.
01:53Then also from steel goods, BMRI, closed and weakened at 5,075.
01:59Then BMI weakens at 4,300, BRMS is pressed to 416, and ANTAM also weakens at 1,620.
02:07Update on the closing of the second session and hopefully it can be a reference for trading next week.