Harga batu bara kembali jatuh, terdampak sentimen pengiriman batu bara ke China mengalami penurunan. Harga emas melemah, usai mencatatkan rekor tertinggi baru namun masih berada di level atas. Sementara harga minyak mentah menguat, imbas sanksi terbaru Amerika Serikat terhadap Irak.
00:00The price of coal has fallen again due to the sentiment of sending coal to China experiencing a decline.
00:12The price of oil is resting, weakening, trying to set a new highest record, but still at the top level.
00:18Meanwhile, the price of crude oil is strengthening, imposing the latest US sanctions against Iran.
00:23The price of coal has fallen again and is getting closer to the US$100 per ton level as a result of the shipment of coal to China is expected to experience a decline.
00:37Reported by Safety4Sea in the shipping number of the week report from BIMCO, the shipment of coal to China is expected to experience a 15% decline annually in the first quarter of 2025 due to weakening of domestic demand.
00:51Reported by Refinitiv, the price of coal on Thursday at a place recorded at US$101 per ton or a decline of 1.27%.
01:09The price of gold is resting, weakening, trying to set a new highest record, but the price of gold is projected to remain uptrend with still high demands for safe haven.
01:19On Thursday, the price of gold in the spot market fell by 0.09% at the level of US$3044.41 per troy ounce.
01:27The price of gold is closed lower, trying to set a new highest record in intraday trading at the level of US$3057.21.
01:35Meanwhile, on Friday morning, the price of gold in the spot market strengthened by 0.03% at US$3045.37 per troy ounce.
01:49The price of crude oil in the world is rising in the trading on Friday due to the latest US sanctions against Iraq.
01:59In addition, OPEC Plus plans to cut production and lower prices due to the concern that there will be a shortage of supply.
02:06According to Reuters, the price of crude oil is expected to rise by 0.6% at US$72.40 per barrel.
02:14The price of crude oil in the world is expected to rise by 0.6% at US$68.52 per barrel.
02:21In terms of weekly prices, the price of brands and WTI has risen by around 2% since 2025.
02:30Various sources of IDX Channel
02:44The price of gold in the world is expected to rise by 0.6% at US$68.52 per barrel.
02:51The price of nickel in the world is expected to rise by 0.9% at US$16,127 per ton.
02:56The price of gold in the world is expected to rise by 0.23% at US$3036 per troy ounce.
03:02Meanwhile, the CPO contract of June 2025 is expected to rise by 0.07% at the level of US$4,416 per ton.
03:14Thank you for watching