Harga emas masih tidak terbendung, dengan kembali mencetak rekor tertinggi baru. Harga batu bara akhirnya reborn, dan memutus tren pelemahan dalam 6 hari beruntun. Sementara harga minyak mentah tetap menguat di tengah ketegangan di Timur Tengah, meskipun stok minyak mentah Amerika Serikat mengalami peningkatan.
00:00We move on to the information of commodities, the price of gold is still not overshadowed by re-setting the highest new record.
00:11The price of coal finally rebounded and broke the weakening trend in 6 trading days.
00:17Meanwhile, the price of oil remains strong in the midst of tensions in the Middle East, even though the US crude oil stock has increased.
00:26The price of gold rebounded and broke the highest new record in the midst of geopolitical tensions in the Middle East.
00:35The price of gold is also supported by the decision of the FED to defend the flower tribe and indicated a two-time break in 2025.
00:42In copper trading, the world price of gold in the spot market increased by 0.44% to the level of US$3,047.18 per troy ounce.
00:51The closing price became the highest price in history.
00:54The price of gold has been strong for three days at 2.1%, while in our hands in the morning, the world price of gold increased by 0.09% to the level of US$3,050.02 per troy ounce.
01:08The price of coal finally rebounded and broke the weakening trend in 6 trading days due to the Mongolian action to double the import of coal.
01:17Reported by helenixshippingsnews.com
01:20Mongolia intends to open a tender at the end of March 2025 to start the construction of the second train line, which is expected to be able to double the import of coal to China.
01:31Reported by Refinitiv, the price of coal in the spot market fell to US$102.4 per ton or increased by 1.49%.
01:41The price of crude oil in the world experienced a strengthening in the morning in Asia, in the middle of the Middle East, although there is a report of an increase in US crude oil deposits.
01:50The US Energy Information Agency, or EIA, reported that US crude oil supplies rose by 1.7 million barrels last week, but gasoline supplies fell by 0.5 million barrels.
02:02The price of crude oil expected by the brand for the May 2025 contract was closed at 0.42% to US$70.78 per barrel.
02:11The price of crude oil expected by WTI for the April 2025 contract rose by 0.54% to US$67.16 per barrel.
02:21From various sources for Aliexpress.
02:31This is a report from our team.
02:36You can see the graph on your TV screen.
02:39The price of WTI crude oil increased by 0.69% to US$67.37 per barrel.
02:46The price of nickel decreased by 0.82% to US$16,310 per ton.
02:52The price of gold increased by 0.39% to US$3,052 per trillion.
02:58The price of coal increased by 1.30% to US$4,383 per ton.