• 2 months ago
Harga batu bara makin tenggelam, dan mendekati posisi terendah dalam setahun terakhir. Harga emas acuan dunia kembali menguat, menandai penguatan selama 3 hari beruntun. Sementara harga minyak mentah terpantau menguat, ditengah penurunan stok dan permintaan masih mengalami peningkatan.


00:05We move on to the information of the community.
00:07The price of coal is getting deeper and closer to the lowest position in the last year.
00:12The price of gold, the world's reference, is strengthening again,
00:14marking a strengthening for three days in a row.
00:17Meanwhile, the price of oil is on the verge of strengthening,
00:19in the middle of a drop in stock and demand, still experiencing an increase.
00:27The price of coal is getting deeper and closer to the lowest position in the last year.
00:31The price of coal is increasing as production continues to increase,
00:35even though the demand, especially from China, is still strong.
00:38However, this is balanced by the effect of the newly developed energy.
00:42Referring to the definitive data,
00:44the price of coal issued by the Ice New Castle contract in February
00:47ended at US$116.30 per ton.
00:50A drop of 1.44% in one day.
00:54This is the longest negative trend for six days in a row,
00:57or a drop of more than 8%.
01:07The price of gold, the world's reference, is strengthening again,
01:09marking a strengthening for three days in a row.
01:11Referring to the definitive data,
01:13the price of gold in May at some point increased by 0.31%,
01:16to US$2,670.19 per troy ounce.
01:21While on Friday morning, the price of gold moved steadily,
01:24strengthening by a thin 0.01%.
01:27If the strengthening continues,
01:29the price of gold will record an appreciation of more than 1% in a week.
01:33The price strengthening is driven by the demand for safe haven
01:36due to the weighting of important US economic data.
01:46The price of oil is supposed to strengthen after an EAI report
01:49showed a drop in stock, while demand is still increasing.
01:54Referring to the definitive data,
01:56in the closing of May, the price of oil of the Bren type strengthened by 1%,
01:59to US$76.92 per barrel.
02:03For the West Texas Intermediate type, or WTI,
02:06the price increased by 0.82% to US$73.92 per barrel.
02:12While on Friday morning in Asia,
02:14the Bren still continued to increase by 0.21%
02:17and WTI strengthened by 0.22%.
02:23From Bagi Sumber, for ADX Channel.
02:30And how is the current update on the movement of the price of a number of commodities
02:33that was successfully collected by our team
02:35until this afternoon in West Indonesia.
02:38You can see the graph on your TV screen,
02:41where WTI oil strengthened by 0.74%
02:44to US$74.47 per barrel.
02:47Nickel strengthened by 0.63%
02:49to US$15,271 per metric ton.
02:53Gold strengthened by 0.36%
02:56to US$2,700 per trillion.
03:02While the CPO of the March 2025 contract
03:05strengthened by 1.31%
03:08to US$4,353 per ton.