Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) terkoreksi 2,14 persen atau 136,52 poin ke level 6.245 pada perdagangan sesi pertama, Jumat (21/3/2025).
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 8,33 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp8,71 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 607.640 kali. Sebanyak 503 saham harganya turun, 110 saham harganya naik dan 166 saham lain harganya stagnan.
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 8,33 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp8,71 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 607.640 kali. Sebanyak 503 saham harganya turun, 110 saham harganya naik dan 166 saham lain harganya stagnan.
00:00Indonesia is still in the IDX Consensus Closing, and next, we will invite you to discuss the topic of choice that was successfully collected by our Redhasi team,
00:14where the share price index was corrected by more than 2% in the first session on Friday, March 21, 2025 to level 6245.
00:24The correction of IHSG coincides with the weakening of the majority of Asian stock exchanges as a result of an increase in political tension and concerns about the impact of US trade rates on the global economy.
00:40The share price index shrank by 2% in the first session of trading on Friday, March 21, 2025, quoting IDX Mobile, IHSG was corrected 2.14% to level 6245.
00:54Quoted 503 weak stocks, 110 strong stocks, and 166 stagnant stocks.
01:00There was also a transaction value in the first session of reaching 8.7 trillion rupiah.
01:05As many as 10 sectoral indexes shrank IHSG to the red zone.
01:09Three sectors with deep declines, namely the cyclical sector fell 3.02%, the basic industry fell 2.07%, and the non-cyclical sector was corrected 2.41%.
01:20The pressure on IHSG in the first session was contributed by the weakening of a number of big caps stocks, including banking stocks such as BBCA fell 3.58%, the BNI stock was corrected 1.91%, the BNI stock shrank 5.39%, and the BMRI stock fell 4.33%.
01:39In addition to banks, other big caps stocks, namely Brand, fell 3.13%, and the BAYAN stock was corrected 1.63%.
01:48Not only in Indonesia, the stock market in Asia is monitored, the majority of weakening in Friday trading on March 21, 2025, closing the gap with caution due to the increase in geopolitical tensions and concerns about the impact of US trade rates on global economy.
02:03On the other hand, the price of gold remains close to its highest record due to the increase in demand for safe haven assets.
02:10Meanwhile, a number of world's major banks, including the Fed, Bank of Japan, and Bank of England, maintain a steady relationship in this Friday meeting.
02:19However, policy makers remain cautious about the uncertainty of the global economy and politics.
02:25The main concern of investors today is the plan of US President Donald Trump to impose a new rebound tariff on April 2.
02:33The market is increasingly anxious about the potential of a trade war that could trigger inflation and slow the growth of the global economy.
02:39In the midst of this uncertainty, reports of Israeli air strikes in Gaza and a major explosion due to the attack of Ukrainian drones at the Russian air base are increasing geopolitical tensions and pushing investors to switch to safe haven assets such as gold.