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Peluncuran Badan Pengelola Investasi Danantara Indonesia di awal 2025 menjadi momentum penting. Lembaga ini diusung sebagai upaya pemerintah Indonesia untuk memperkuat ekonomi domestik dan stabilitas nilai tukar rupiah.

Danantara Indonesia diharapkan dapat menjadi platform investasi yang mengonsolidasikan dan mengoptimalkan investasi pemerintah yang pada akhirnya dapat mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi di berbagai sektor termasuk infrastruktur, energi, manufaktur dan industri berbasis teknologi.

Lantas, bagaimana upaya Danantara Indonesia memaksimalkan potensi dan tata kelola investasi pemerintah? Simak perbincangan spesial Fajar Wayong bersama dengan Chief Investment Officer Danantara Indonesia Pandu Sjahrir di Special Dialogue, hanya di IDX Channel.


00:00Indonesia has the latest SWF, and among Indonesia, with an asset value of more than USD 900 billion,
00:29Indonesia is even said to be one of the strongest SWF in the world.
00:34So, what is the principle and management of investment funds in Indonesia?
00:38Watch the full discussion with CIO of Danantara Indonesia, Pandu Patria Syahrir, in a special dialogue.
00:53The launch of Danantara Indonesia's investment management body in early 2025
00:58becomes an important momentum.
01:01This body is led as a form of government effort to strengthen the domestic economy and the stability of the currency exchange value.
01:09Danantara Indonesia is expected to be an investment platform that consolidates and optimizes government investment,
01:17which is ultimately expected to support economic growth in various sectors, including infrastructure,
01:24energy, manufacturing, and technology-based industries.
01:30In addition, Danantara Indonesia is also sometimes considered a revolutionary project that pushes optimism in the capital market
01:38and is expected to be a new force in attracting global investment.
01:43So, how does Danantara Indonesia maximize the potential and governance of government investment?
01:51Watch the full discussion in a special dialogue.
01:57And our guest today is CIO of Danantara Indonesia, Pandu Patria Syahrir.
02:04We will discuss more about the ambition of investing in 20 strategic projects,
02:09investment management, and of course Danantara.
02:13Pandu, thank you for spending time with us this morning.
02:16And Pandu, if we talk about Danantara, maybe before we go too far,
02:20maybe the public also needs to know how Danantara Indonesia and its role in the national economy.
02:27Maybe it can be explained in a simple way, Pandu,
02:30what is the presence of Danantara and its role as an Indonesian economy?
02:34So, Danantara is a kind of sovereign wealth fund.
02:38Indeed, the concept of a sovereign wealth fund must also be popularized by many communities.
02:44This is not a unique thing.
02:46It has been a long time, maybe 50-60 years in other countries,
02:50a kind of fundraising done by the country to become a separate asset.
02:57So, for example, in Singapore, there is Temasek.
03:00In Malaysia, there is Kazana.
03:02In Abu Dhabi, there is Abu Dhabi Investment Authority or known as Adia.
03:08In Saudi Arabia, there is PIF, Public Investment Fund.
03:11So, it's not a unique thing.
03:13And why is this done?
03:15Actually, there are two reasons.
03:16One, usually every country does it to become an agent of economic growth.
03:20And also, the second reason is to get a return.
03:26So, this is different from, for example, the budget of a country or the APBN
03:29which is used for programs for the community,
03:32but does not produce a return.
03:34Here, it must produce an economic return.
03:37Now, specifically for Danantara, there are two reasons.
03:40One, the management of companies in Danantara,
03:44which will be BUMN companies,
03:46about 800 will be moved to Danantara.
03:49And the task is to optimize the return of those companies.
03:54And of course, there will be a dividend increase.
03:56So, it's important for the audience in the capital market.
04:00The task is to make those companies better again with a good return.
04:04And the second task is to reinvest the funds from the dividend.
04:11From the dividend, yes.
04:12From the dividend that will be managed professionally,
04:15transparently, and to make an economic return.
04:19So, that's probably what we need to socialize.
04:23Is it the Sovereign Wealth Fund?
04:25And what is the purpose of the Sovereign Wealth Fund?
04:27Okay. So, the BUMN has been mentioned.
04:30If I'm not mistaken, can I correct you, Mr. Pandu?
04:33Yesterday, 7 BUMN have been included at the beginning.
04:36Then later, from 800.
04:37And the value turns out to be no joke.
04:39If we can call the funds under the Sovereign Wealth Fund,
04:42this is 14 trillion rupiah.
04:44This is quite big.
04:45But as a first step,
04:47actually, where is the focus of the Sovereign Wealth Fund?
04:50Is there a complete management?
04:52Yesterday, the information was still seen by the President.
04:55Yes. So, not all 7 will be included.
04:59This is now in the process of PPP.
05:03Insya Allah, by the end of this month, everything will be completed.
05:06And later, we will also get from the dividend,
05:10will also be included in the Sovereign Wealth Fund
05:13to start investing.
05:15Now, from the team side,
05:17I'll leave it to the Chairperson,
05:19but Alhamdulillah, all of them are professional.
05:22None of them are from political elements.
05:25That's what worries me.
05:27So, all of them have the capacity and capability.
05:31Insya Allah, when we announce it to the market,
05:34hopefully, it will be well received.
05:36Because most of the time, the market already knows.
05:38And indeed, we can find both at the national level and at the global level.
05:43Maybe one thing,
05:44if you look at the formation of this fund,
05:47this will be the top 10 Sovereign Wealth Fund in the world.
05:50It can be said that it is the 5th or 6th ranking in the world by assets.
05:54Indeed, our task is quite difficult.
05:56Because we have to hire people not only at the Indonesian level,
05:59but also at the global level.
06:01Because the organization from the investment side,
06:03the big picture,
06:04all of them are now in the global competition.
06:07So, this is also important for the public to know
06:10that this may be a human resource program
06:14which is quite large in that sense.
06:17Because this is no longer an investment
06:19where we build a factory or something,
06:21but this is a human resource business.
06:24How is the management based on the capabilities of the people in it?
06:30But later we will also see the full details.
06:33Yes, please wait.
06:34We can't do everything at once.
06:35So it's exciting.
06:36Yesterday, we also saw that there was Ray Delio there.
06:38Yesterday, he was invited by the President.
06:40And also various other names.
06:41We'll see later how it goes.
06:43God willing, it will get better.
06:44Because from the Global Advisors side,
06:46there will be a few more additions
06:48that have been confirmed and will be announced later.
06:50So, the public should be able to rely on
06:53one of them more.
06:54Because the names...
06:55Later, I think the proof is indeed the time to become our friends.
06:58So, we also have to be able to prove,
06:59first, who the team is,
07:01who the Global Advisors are.
07:04Later, we will also see what will happen
07:06with the existing BUMNs.
07:08Because later there will be changes too.
07:10What is it called?
07:11There is a ROOPS, if I'm not mistaken.
07:12At the end of March, early April.
07:14Later, we can start.
07:15The market will evaluate itself.
07:17And of course, later, of course, the second half
07:19or it can be the end of the first half.
07:22What are the initial investments that will be done?
07:25So, as Mr. President said,
07:27and also all of us, all eyes on us,
07:30we focus on trying to do the best.
07:32Okay, it's impossible.
07:33Everything has been seen.
07:35In fact, it's not optimal.
07:37It will definitely be optimal later.
07:38Yes, God willing.
07:39That's also what humans do.
07:41Okay, if we talk about the investment itself,
07:43and then we also know,
07:45at the moment, if we talk about hillarization,
07:47there are 20 strategic projects, if I'm not mistaken.
07:49These projects are spread out in several sectors, right?
07:52There are resources, nature,
07:54then there is also energy, food,
07:56artificial intelligence, and so on.
07:58Why then, if we look from the eyes of the country,
08:01or from the eyes of the government itself,
08:03these become priorities sectors
08:05that must be taken by Indonesia?
08:09So, this is important because we are now a G20 country.
08:13We want Indonesia to be a part of G7.
08:16We also have to have sovereignty.
08:19So, if I look at the programs that we focus on,
08:22such as food security, energy security,
08:26digital infrastructure hillarization,
08:29this is something we have to do
08:32to be able to grow.
08:34Number 16 in the world economy,
08:36and our desire to be top 7 in a short time.
08:41Actually, it's not long,
08:42one and a half, two decades from now.
08:44So, the investment must be made from today.
08:47We also want to do these programs
08:50to bring world-class talent and world-class technology.
08:54So, we want to partner with people who bring it.
08:58Because at the end of our game,
09:0020 years from now,
09:02it's actually honest in human resources.
09:05If we are very rich with natural resources,
09:09how can we transform
09:11from natural resources to human resources?
09:13This is actually a big line,
09:16and hopefully it can bring a big impact there.
09:19That's what we want.
09:20Because it will also unite people
09:22who talk a lot about productivity.
09:24That's what we want to improve.
09:26And the only way, I see,
09:28economically, is to build a project
09:30that has a lot of added value
09:32and can bring partners who have those two.
09:35Okay, if the project has a lot of sectors,
09:38Mr. Pandu, if we look,
09:41there was actually a statement
09:43from Mr. CEO and Mr. Taref,
09:46that from the many projects,
09:48it will be seen one by one.
09:50Then, these projects will produce high economic value,
09:54especially the job creation is also quite large.
09:56So, if you look at the measurement,
09:58what we want to do,
09:59one, become an agent of economic growth.
10:01This is our philosophy,
10:02maybe it can be shared later.
10:04Second, is also to bring job creation.
10:09This is also very important.
10:10Third, risk management,
10:12which is world class.
10:13We have to do that.
10:14Then, fourth, return.
10:15And our return must be above
10:17our cost of capital.
10:18That's important.
10:19So, we have to create economic return
10:21in all our projects.
10:23So, these are the things that we focus on.
10:25And later, of course, there will be a sub.
10:27That was the technological transfer,
10:29knowledge transfer.
10:30That becomes very important.
10:32Okay, so, all in parallel,
10:34for those who are trying,
10:36from various investments or projects
10:38that are well done.
10:40Later, I also want to ask about
10:42how the principle of caution in investment management
10:44and so on.
10:45But later, in the next segment.
10:47And, Mr. Mirsa, stay with us.
10:48Special Dialogue will be back soon.
10:50Special Dialogue
11:06Yes, stay with us in Special Dialogue.
11:08And of course, stay with CIO
11:10and one of Indonesia, Mr. Pandu Patryasya.
11:12Mr. Pandu, it has been explained a little
11:14how it works.
11:15And so on, so that the community
11:17can get to know more.
11:18As for the principle of investment management
11:20and so on, of course, we want to know.
11:22Mr. Pandu, if we look at the funds
11:24of Indonesia itself,
11:25how can we ensure the principle of caution
11:27in investing,
11:29to minimize the risk,
11:31while the return can be in line with the target.
11:33That's right. So, we know that this is part of
11:35the existing risk management
11:37and must be seen as a holistic portfolio.
11:39Because we can invest
11:43in private investment,
11:45in projects, in companies,
11:47can also be in public equity,
11:49in the capital market.
11:50We can also invest
11:52in bonds, right?
11:54And this is actually, we can
11:56invest globally here.
11:58This may also need to be emphasized.
12:00Why do we need to say global?
12:02Because the SYF
12:04and Antarani have become
12:06global players later.
12:08So, that's one thing I need to emphasize.
12:10And secondly, the principle of caution
12:12is very important.
12:13Because this is all between
12:15adjusted return, right?
12:17Risk becomes the main parameter
12:19that is emphasized by all stakeholders
12:21how we see the risk.
12:23Maybe we also need to socialize
12:25the culture of risk.
12:26If you look at the risk,
12:28I can divide it into one geopolitical risk.
12:30That may be the most difficult.
12:32Why? Because here,
12:34there is a lot of information,
12:36we don't get direct information.
12:38That's why if you look at our Board of Advisors,
12:40those are the people who can get
12:42direct information about geopolitical risk.
12:44And that includes macro risk,
12:46it will also include
12:48industry risk,
12:50it will also include
12:52deal risk
12:54or company specific risk,
12:56and it will also fall to management risk.
12:58So, if you look at it,
13:00there are pillars of risk that we have to
13:02start learning to master.
13:04That's the concept of risk.
13:06And from there, of course, we have to put
13:08investment, and how we return it,
13:10and there is also an execution risk
13:12if it involves a project.
13:14It goes back to management.
13:16So, things like this, and there is also
13:18stakeholder risk, because counterparty risk is also important.
13:20So, this is indeed our job,
13:22how to look at risk management.
13:24On the part of the company,
13:26we will definitely have an investment committee,
13:28risk committee,
13:30we will also be at the level,
13:32and there will also be a risk committee
13:34between the BPI.
13:36So, the risk is multilayered.
13:38So, it's good that you asked
13:40about risk, and this is also good for
13:42the media team, how we can
13:44give education about risk,
13:46specifically. Because in my opinion,
13:48it's important for friends who watch,
13:50especially those who invest a lot in the capital market,
13:52to be able to learn together
13:54how risk analysis is important.
13:56So, what I can emphasize,
13:58I deliberately shared earlier,
14:00that risk is on top of our mind,
14:02and later we will see from the investment side,
14:04how do we go about it. That's important.
14:06So, it's rigid, even if the risk analysis
14:08is top-down,
14:10on a global scale,
14:12from the risk management,
14:14to the risk itself.
14:16Okay, so this is also related to
14:18the philosophy of investment,
14:20which I also want to ask about,
14:22which is focused on
14:24what we call
14:26caution and also
14:28long-term profits.
14:30Actually, it was already described a little earlier,
14:32but it's okay not to emphasize it again.
14:34Why did this become
14:36the philosophy of investment
14:38used by Danantara?
14:40Caution and also long-term profits.
14:42This is the same as the name Danantara.
14:44This is a savings for the future of Indonesia.
14:46So, it's right.
14:48Because I also honestly speak
14:50that we work for Indonesia.
14:52The president always reminds,
14:54you don't work for me, you work for Indonesia.
14:56White, right? White. And this is not for
14:58president 08, this is for president 9,
15:0010, 11.
15:02So, our job is how
15:04we make this institution
15:06better every five years.
15:08And we also want to create a culture
15:10not to look back, but for the future.
15:12So, this is also interesting
15:14for our culture.
15:16I'm like an old man.
15:18Don't just look for people's mistakes.
15:20We also have to look at people's kindness
15:22and how we can be better in the future.
15:24My personal desire
15:26and also with Mr. Doni,
15:28with Mr. Rosan,
15:30is to build an institution.
15:32So, this institution will be strong
15:34if people have
15:36a strong and kind character
15:38that they want to build.
15:40This is important.
15:42I've heard a lot on social media.
15:44I'm happy. Many people love
15:46Ide Danantara.
15:48And many people criticize,
15:50which means they also love Ide Danantara.
15:52The important thing is there's attention.
15:54Well, regarding the criticism,
15:56there was also a lot of attention
15:58from the community.
16:00The investment has been made.
16:02One more thing about transparency.
16:04How can the community
16:06or the public follow
16:08what Ide Danantara is doing in the future?
16:10So, this is also good.
16:12Because I honestly
16:14don't expect this much
16:16interest from many people
16:18about Ide Danantara. So, I really appreciate
16:20all the feedback.
16:22The good and the bad. I think this is good.
16:24So, we will behave like
16:26a TBK company.
16:28The companies in Ide Danantara
16:30are about 27-28%
16:32of Indonesia's capital market.
16:34So, it's very important.
16:36We will behave like a TBK company
16:38where we will also release
16:40a quarterly report
16:42for a certain year.
16:44And for sure,
16:46our first annual report,
16:48we will try to be as transparent as possible.
16:50But we will also be careful
16:52with the information.
16:54Because, don't forget,
16:56we don't want to report directly to the president.
16:58But I know this belongs to the Indonesian people.
17:00Even though this is a separate country's asset,
17:02we still want to
17:04behave like a TBK company
17:06in terms of information.
17:08So, there is a part that the public
17:10must know, but there is also
17:12on the other side
17:14that must be maintained by the government.
17:16Because don't forget, this is a global competition.
17:18So, will I see
17:20Temasek, Kazena,
17:22what they publish? Maybe we will be similar.
17:24So, we have to behave like other countries.
17:26Because other countries also know
17:28what we are seeing.
17:30So, for the viewers,
17:32you have to know
17:34that this is also about
17:36our national defense.
17:38What we are doing is for your benefit,
17:40for the benefit of your children,
17:42your grandchildren later.
17:44We also have to maintain the sovereignty of Indonesia.
17:46Okay. So, that's our report.
17:48How to be transparent
17:50and also about investment.
17:52We will continue later.
17:54Stay tuned with us in Special Dialogue.
18:12Back with us in Special Dialogue.
18:14And I am still accompanied by
18:16CIO and Indonesian Ambassador,
18:18Mr. Pandu Patria Syahrir.
18:22But there is another question
18:24that I would like to ask
18:26to the viewers and the public.
18:28What is the attitude of investors
18:30towards the existence of Taras Jauh?
18:32Is there any interest
18:34from the private sector?
18:36So, maybe the first week,
18:38because maybe it's something very new
18:40and maybe it can be said to change the status quo.
18:42There are many investors
18:44on the sidelines.
18:46They want to see
18:48what is the certainty.
18:50That's where I,
18:52together with Mr. Rosan, Mr. Doni,
18:54we share the task. Let's go to the media.
18:56And also, finally,
18:58on the second week, I also went to investors.
19:00Including foreign investors.
19:02Where I am very happy
19:04because I see a lot of enthusiasm
19:06from all my friends.
19:08Good with feedback too. The good and the bad.
19:10So, there is one investor
19:12who said, I think for people
19:14who are just working on the second week
19:16in a sovereign wealth fund,
19:18you can say it's very transparent.
19:20It can accommodate all input from us
19:22and also share your thoughts.
19:24Now, the challenge
19:26while forming a team
19:28is how will the team work?
19:30How do we work
19:34Your intentions are good,
19:36but you also have to be able to prove over time.
19:38So, indeed, time will be our friend.
19:40For this year, we have a lot of
19:42exciting jobs.
19:44God willing, there will be a lot of
19:46positive benefits.
19:48Our task is also later with
19:50friends in the media,
19:52keep communicating.
19:54That's why our communication team is the most
19:56ready now. Because we have to
19:58learn to dialogue, communicate
20:00about what we do. And later we will
20:02discuss what we have done.
20:04So, that's possible.
20:06Don't forget it's only the third week.
20:08Don't forget it's only the third week.
20:10So, there's still a lot of time ahead
20:12for what Danantara will do.
20:14But there's also
20:16about investor response,
20:18community response.
20:20We can catch Mr. Pandu
20:22on social media or
20:24around us.
20:26Many are also worried that Danantara
20:28will have, in quotation marks,
20:30the investment decisions
20:32will also be affected by political decisions.
20:34How will Danantara
20:36respond to independence
20:38in the future mandate?
20:40Actually, from the law,
20:42we can see how we can't
20:44and from the PP, later we can see
20:46that we can't hire people
20:48who have a political background,
20:50not political background,
20:52there is a relationship with the political party.
20:54For example, it has to be really professional.
20:56And I dare to say that until today,
20:58there is no intervention for people
21:00to enter A or B.
21:02Including the president himself, there is no intervention.
21:04There is no peeking.
21:06Everyone enters, we choose ourselves.
21:08There is a global center that helps
21:10to find people.
21:12Some of the people who will be interviewed
21:14may not be Indonesian citizens
21:16because the skillset is not here yet,
21:18we need it.
21:20So these are things that I think
21:22are really out of the box.
21:24And indeed, Mr. President is amazing.
21:26Not only does he have this idea,
21:28but also executes it.
21:30And I think the market will evaluate it.
21:32It's time. I can't answer everything today.
21:34But God willing, the teams we prepare
21:36are really world-class.
21:38But there is one more thing,
21:40I just remembered, Mr. Pandu.
21:42Just a little bit.
21:44Maybe I was a little behind
21:46about assets or funds.
21:48Yesterday we also heard
21:50that the people are very worried
21:52that the funds will be used by banks.
21:54We only use dividends.
21:56Dividends are distributed
21:58to public shareholders.
22:00If they are a public company,
22:02the rest will be given to the funds.
22:04There are no funds for third parties, etc.
22:06In fact, from the dividend income,
22:08we will definitely put it first
22:10to the banks, right?
22:12Because per day, all dividends
22:14so far only go to state funds.
22:16And it could be that there are no flowers,
22:18or something, I don't know.
22:20But now it will go to the banks.
22:22Of course, it will help the banks
22:24and their liquidity.
22:26Okay, so it's been answered, Mr. President.
22:28How was it yesterday?
22:30There was a panic among the people,
22:32but it turned out not to be like that
22:34to answer that.
22:36Maybe this is the last question, Mr. Pandu,
22:38for our session today.
22:40In the future, actually,
22:42in the first year or two years,
22:44what will be achieved by Danantama?
22:46Or the concrete milestone?
22:48So, of course, if it's concrete,
22:50from the operating holding side,
22:52Mr. Doni may be able to continue,
22:54of course, the company is getting leaner.
22:56Now there are 800,
22:58the desire may be 300.
23:00The more inside, the more consolidated,
23:02the bigger it is inside.
23:04Later you can see, if you look at the measurement
23:06from the side of the total shareholder return,
23:08you can see how the book value
23:10and dividends that we can give to the stockholders.
23:12From the investment holding side,
23:14you can see from the side of
23:16net asset value or NAV,
23:18how the NAV development is there.
23:20So, it's simple, right?
23:22One total shareholder return,
23:24the concept is simple, but the work is amazing.
23:26Because this is a change in status.
23:28A change from the status quo,
23:30where it should be legally
23:32and the political intervention
23:34is getting smaller.
23:36The focus is on full corporatization
23:38or the language of
23:40Mr. President Indonesia Inc.
23:42How can we be the engine of growth
23:44for Indonesia in the future?
23:46Okay, that's a good statement.
23:50Mr. Mukas too,
23:52then we'll see what it looks like
23:54from Danantara Indonesia
23:56The milestone can be recorded too.
23:58We'll pay attention to the indicators
24:00mentioned by Mr. Pandu as part of
24:02our public control of Indonesia.
24:04Mr. Pandu, thank you very much
24:06for your time today.
24:08We hope Danantara can reach
24:10the targets that have been set
24:12and of course this is again for Indonesia.
24:14We'll find out about Danantara
24:16in the future. Thank you very much.
24:18Thank you for your time.
24:20And viewers, we'll be back with a special dialogue
24:22with other interesting themes.
24:24See you later. I'm Fajar Wayong.
