• 2 months ago
Menteri Investasi dan Hilirisasi/Kepala BKPM, Rosan Roeslani mengatakan, pemerintah juga akan fokus untuk mendatangkan investasi portofolio dari luar negeri. Menteri Investasi menyebut, saat ini penanaman modal di Indonesia paling banyak berbentuk industri, ke depan ia mengungkapkan bahwa pemerintah ingin segera menggarap investasi dari perusahaan investment managementen luar negeri, salah satunya menjajaki peluang dengan perusahaan pengelola aset asal Amerika Serikat BlackRock.


00:00Yes, it's still about investment, where the Minister of Investment and Hilarization, Roslan Roslani, said the government will also focus on bringing investment portfolio from abroad.
00:09The Minister of Investment said that currently capital planting in Indonesia is the most industrialized.
00:15In the future, he said that the government wants to immediately start investing from foreign investment management companies.
00:23One of them is to partner with the US-based asset management company, Blackrock.
00:28According to Roslan, currently global portfolio investors are also actively doing capital planting in many countries.
00:36So the Indonesian government wants to bring in investment not only from the industry,
00:42but also portfolio investment from asset management companies or global investment management companies.
00:51So most of the investment that comes to us is what we call industry investment.
00:55But we haven't touched many investment management or portfolio investors.
01:04This is also what will be implemented, for example, the Blackrock investment company,
01:12whose asset under management alone is USD 11 trillion.
01:16That's six times our GDP.
01:20So there are many big investments that haven't been implemented by us.
01:28That's also what we want to be implemented again.
01:33So we have investors not only from experts in the industry, but also...
