One Hand Clean & Presses!

60¾lb with the right hand and 61¾lb with the left. I am Pressing from a hand supinated start, aka an Arnold Press, to get as much shoulder movement as possible from the Press. By leaving one dumbbell on the ground, my Quadratus Lumborum & Obliques on the opposite side must work to keep the body steady and upright during the Press, which wouldn't happen if l was holding onto both dumbbells. Couldn't do much because the left shoulder was UNHAPPY! If l was a client, l wouldn't have let them do this. For my own self, knowing sometimes that 'working through' hurts, but CAN put everything back into working as it should. This is where DECADES of experience comes in. Sometimes, you just don't know until you know! God Bless!
"Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye." - Colossians 3:13