The 10 WORST GameMill Games

  • last year


00:00 Welcome to Mojo Plays. 2023 might be the year that put Game Mill on the map in all the wrong ways,
00:06 but the company has been churning out duds for many more years than players might expect.
00:12 It ain't like it was before! It's not our call. We're guests here. The hell with that, man!
00:19 The right choice is the choice that keeps us alive! G.I. Joe, Operation Blackout.
00:25 Status report, Dial Tone. All teams have reached their rallying points across the globe and
00:29 are prepared to engage Cobra forces. The G.I. Joe series and toys feature some of the industry's
00:35 most recognizable characters and the property has had a surprising amount of staying power
00:40 with fans in the years since its debut all the way back in the 60s. However, Operation Blackout
00:47 is a G.I. Joe game in name alone and almost feels like it began life as another game altogether
00:54 before being re-skinned to make use of the license. The game does manage to make use of each Joe and
01:00 Cobra Commander specific abilities, but the shallow and boring shooting mechanics, as well as
01:05 objectives that amount to little more than shooting unending waves of enemies until the game tells you
01:11 that you're done and can move on to the next shooting gallery. The game's interesting premise
01:16 of playing both sides of the conflict is wasted on a generic story told through static cutscenes.
01:22 This one's a no-go Joe. Duke, can you hear me? Are you okay? We don't have much time.
01:30 We need to rally the Joes. Puppy love.
01:34 Nintendogs became a runaway success for Nintendo and the DS with numerous iterations offering even
01:46 more breeds of dogs for players to care for and train while also doting all of their love on
01:52 their digital pups. Puppy love looked to capitalize on this popularity by making use of the Wiimote to
01:58 bring players closer than ever to their on-screen puppers. However, unlike Nintendogs, Puppy love was
02:05 created with no love whatsoever. Broken controls, even by Wii standards, and barely anything to do
02:12 with your dog and somehow even worse graphics than its handheld competitor, alongside most of
02:18 the interactions with your virtual dog being nothing more than recycled cutscenes and what
02:23 is on offer can barely be qualified as a pet simulator, let alone even a budget-priced game.
02:29 Good boy. Disney's Frozen, Olaf's Quest. Frozen might be one of the most successful Disney
02:40 franchises of all time, but don't think that means they're going to dip into the Disney vault to
02:45 actually put some money behind one of their most popular IPs video game adaptations. Olaf's Frozen
02:52 Quest follows the titular snowman as he casually strolls through numerous 2D levels collecting
02:58 various items and searching for "hidden" flowers. While the game itself is as inoffensive as an
03:04 adaptation of a popular license can get, and Olaf himself is well animated for the game being a 3DS
03:11 exclusive, there's little here even from the most diehard of Frozen fans. No dialogue, no other
03:17 characters, no story to speak of, even the game's target audience will be bored before they see the
03:23 end of Olaf's Quest and the overly simplistic gameplay will be having older fans wishing for
03:28 summer just to watch the snowman melt. Miraculous Rise of the Sphinx. "A lot of people see her as a
03:35 symbol of hope, as someone who would never give up. It may feel like a burden sometimes, but
03:41 I guess it comes with the territory." The Miraculous series has been a surprise hit that came out of
03:46 nowhere and developed a deeply loyal fan base almost overnight. So naturally, there was eventually
03:53 going to be a video game for it. Unfortunately for fans, Game Mill was given the license. To
03:59 their credit however, developer Magic Pockets did manage to recreate the look and feel of the show
04:05 and even got the original voice actors for both the English and French versions to reprise their
04:10 roles in the game. Sadly, everything else about the game is as generic as it can get. Boring beat
04:17 em up combat, terrible camera angles, and repetitive gameplay and upgrades that upgrade virtually
04:23 nothing at all. Even by budget game standards, the price is too high and no Miraculous can save
04:30 this title from Hawk Moth's evil akumas. "Gotcha! Bye bye little feather." Nerf Legends. "And I'm
04:43 sure that'll be quite the achievement, at least to me." There is hardly any kid alive who hasn't
04:52 fired off a Nerf gun at some point in their life and the thrill of hunting your friends is countered
04:58 only by having to meticulously pick up each bullet to reload and keep playing. And yet, even that
05:04 mundane task is more fun than playing Nerf Legends. Much like their real life counterparts, the guns
05:11 and darts fired in the game have no real impact and the stakes of the game, simply trying to take
05:17 on the Nerf Legend masters, is barely enough to keep most players going through the game's generic
05:22 and boring environments while mindlessly shooting the same robots over and over ad nauseum. This
05:29 would all be bad enough, but the game is marred by endless bugs and glitches that can make the
05:34 game unplayable as well as a completely broken multiplayer. Not that you would want anyone else
05:40 to endure this game alongside you. "I never knew there was a- Ahahaha! I'm kidding! Thought it
05:47 would be fun to give the kid a scare! Ahahaha!" Zombieland Double Tap Road Trip. "Look, I may not
05:54 be the alpha of our little gang, or beta, or comma, you mean gamma. It's all great to me,
06:03 get's the point." Zombies have become a staple enemy of video games and movies for decades,
06:09 and Zombieland brilliantly satirized the tired old tropes of the shuffling undead enough to warrant a
06:14 decent sequel and, unfortunately, a video game tie-in. However, instead of adapting a more
06:21 appropriate formula akin to the Dead Rising series, fans were instead subjected to a top-down shoot-em-up
06:27 with none of the charm of its namesake. The game is mercifully, but also ridiculously short for the
06:33 price of entry, and the gameplay and level design are as generic as you can imagine.
06:38 Shockingly, the devs did manage to somehow convince Abigail Breslin to reprise her role
06:44 as Little Rock, but the rest of the film's cast had enough sense to stay far, far away from this
06:49 rotting, apocalyptic disaster. "So here we are, land of stars and sand and bad decisions. Oh,
06:58 Nevada, oh I love you." Skull Island Rise of Kong.
07:11 Reportedly, developer Iguana Bee was given only a year to build the game from scratch,
07:16 and worse yet, the team was forced to crunch at all hours of the day to meet the deadlines set
07:22 by GameMill. The results speak for themselves as corners were clearly cut to make the release date,
07:28 and everything from the core design of the game to the graphics, environments, and cutscenes,
07:33 one of which just features a JPEG image in place of a flashback scene. Naturally, the game was
07:39 riddled with bugs and technical issues as GameMill rushed the unfinished game out the door in a
07:45 barely alpha stage and had the nerve to charge almost full retail price. The game was universally
07:52 panned, and along with another late 2023 release, put the spotlight squarely on GameMill and their
07:58 horrible practices. The fact the developers got anything out the door is itself a miracle.
08:05 "But his legacy had just begun." Avatar The Last Airbender Quest for Balance. "And who better to
08:14 tell the tale to set the record straight, if you will, than you three, who have seen it all." "You
08:20 could say that." "No, I have, and I did." Avatar The Last Airbender already hadn't had the best
08:27 luck in video games, but Quest for Balance might just be the worst of the bunch. The game claims
08:33 to be a faithful retelling of the almost two-decade-old story fans have come to love,
08:38 but it takes far too many liberties with the source material to even be called "faithful."
08:43 Often choosing the most boring story elements of the series to focus on, players will explore
08:48 empty areas while a text box or static cutscene highlights the exciting moments players wanted
08:54 to experience. Players can share their suffering by playing the game in co-op, but no matter who
08:59 you choose, combat is a slog with zero impact, and most of the use of Aang's powers are reserved for
09:06 the game's many, many sliding block puzzles. Quest for Balance makes Shyamalan's film
09:12 retrospectively better when compared to this poor excuse of an adaptation. "All this has made me
09:18 realize something. I've let you have far too much freedom." The Walking Dead Destinies. "Who the
09:25 hell are you?" "Just coming out of there slow and steady." The Walking Dead franchise not only
09:32 reinvigorated the zombie genre, but also put Telltale on the map with its adaptation of Robert
09:38 Kirkman's zombie apocalypse. Since then, there have been a multitude of video games set in this
09:43 universe, and each one, besides a rarity, has been worse than the last. But Destinies might make
09:51 Kirkman rethink adapting his beloved property ever again. Hands down one of the worst games of 2023,
09:58 Destinies attempts to give players the option to rewrite the beloved series and make choices that
10:04 deviate from the established canon. A novel concept, however, its implementation is horrendous.
10:11 Built around a barely playable and extremely boring and broken game with none of the emotional
10:17 impact of the source material told through, yet again, static cutscenes. There is absolutely
10:23 nothing redeemable about this rotting corpse that makes a real zombie apocalypse seem enjoyable by
10:28 comparison. "Don't look back, just keep walking." Big Rigs Over the Road Racing. In terms of an
10:40 actual game, Big Rigs is barely even pre-alpha. Nothing more than a litany of bugs and glitches,
10:47 the game gained notoriety for its broken state and unintentionally gained more popularity because of
10:53 it. Although marketed as a racing game, the player's opponent never leaves the starting line,
10:59 and the player will routinely clip through the game's environment, allowing them to cross the
11:04 finish line in record-breaking time, only to be met with the message, "You're winner." The game
11:09 also doesn't appear to have normal video game boundaries, as players discover they were able
11:14 to set off and drive in any direction for as long as they wanted. Even more bizarrely, or hilariously,
11:21 the game doesn't cap how fast the player can drive in reverse at astronomical speeds,
11:26 essentially allowing gamers to break the sound barrier and the game even more than it was already.
11:32 What Game Mill game do you think is the worst of the worst? Let us know your choices in the
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