00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:32 - In Luke's Gospel chapter 22,
00:36 there were two verses here,
00:39 or maybe just four verses, three verses,
00:42 that are significant and for this morning.
00:48 And the Lord said, "Simon, Simon,
00:52 "behold Satan hath desire to have you,
00:57 "that he may sift you as wheat."
01:02 "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not."
01:07 "And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
01:13 And he said unto him, "Lord, I am ready to go with thee,
01:16 "both into prison and to death."
01:20 And he said, "I tell thee, Peter,
01:22 "the cop shall not crow this day,
01:24 "before thou shalt deny thrice,
01:29 "shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me."
01:34 "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not."
01:43 I want you just to look at somebody and tell them,
01:49 God's got this.
01:58 God's got this.
01:59 I think it is for those of us who,
02:09 and I imagine all of us, as I'm looking around,
02:12 I don't see too many children,
02:15 but for all of us who have had relationships with someone
02:21 who is questionably
02:27 more suited for life than we are.
02:32 I hate to use the word better than,
02:41 because people can be better off, but not better than.
02:44 Nobody actually is better than.
02:49 You may be better off.
02:55 But can you imagine being around Jesus incarnate,
03:00 and you're having a relationship with someone
03:04 who is undoubtedly superior.
03:09 And the question is, how do you respond
03:14 when someone else is reading you
03:20 and they are already familiar with your thoughts?
03:26 It didn't just happen to Peter, God said to Israel,
03:30 I know your thoughts are far off.
03:32 And they're through David, of course.
03:34 So the issue now is, how easy is it to accept
03:40 when someone else is reading you and they are always right?
03:46 When they're making assessments of you
03:50 and they're causing you to have to think about the fact
03:55 that they already know your attitude
03:59 and your behavior before you know it.
04:01 How do you respond and what is the issue of self-worth?
04:07 And what demand do you have when you are with someone
04:13 who you feel like
04:19 has a better view of life,
04:21 a more intellectual conceptualization of existence,
04:25 a greater vocabulary and a greater sense of who they are,
04:31 and they have more than you have?
04:36 I think many times we have spent our time,
04:42 that's a little verbose,
04:44 trying to prove our significance.
04:49 I know I have been around people who are intimidating
04:54 and there is a thought to try to prove
05:01 that you're on their level or that you can,
05:05 might I say, spar with them intellectually,
05:10 spar with them linguistically,
05:14 spar with them in one's culinary experience,
05:19 one's dressing experience with what one has
05:23 or with who one is with.
05:26 We have a tendency when we are insecure to drop names.
05:31 And give an indication of who we associate with.
05:38 We have an indication, we have a proclivity sometimes
05:42 and a tendency to talk too much.
05:46 Amen, trying to exhibit whatever it is we think we know
05:57 to give an impression to the individual
06:00 who is overwhelming us with their charismatic presence.
06:09 And we spend up saying more than we should
06:13 and sometimes we take it to hyperbole
06:17 and then sometimes we just flat out lie.
06:19 It is that sense of insecurity that arises
06:26 when you're in the presence of someone
06:29 who you deem is significant or powerful.
06:33 And the truth is that we are the ones
06:36 who give credence to and out of our own evaluations,
06:41 we give people certain amount of credit
06:46 and then not always do what we give them.
06:49 In the case of Peter here with Jesus,
06:53 Jesus says to them, I understand your struggle with me
06:58 and I understand the significance of who you think you are
07:01 as it relates to me.
07:04 So in one instance, I notice how he endeared them
07:09 to him very gently and he brought them in
07:12 to a place of comfort when he said to them,
07:15 I called you no longer servants, but I call you friends.
07:20 But he also told them that you should remember this
07:26 and of course that eases the pressure
07:29 because if you're not my servant,
07:31 then you don't have to bow to me.
07:33 If you're my friend, I have brought you to a level
07:36 where we interact.
07:39 There is no friendship without reciprocity.
07:43 In other words, I respect your level of thinking
07:47 and you respect my level of thinking
07:49 and that's why we're friends.
07:51 Somebody said to me the other day,
07:54 my husband won't come home and he's hanging on the corner
07:58 and he's hanging out with his friends, but I'm his wife.
08:03 I said, well, sweetheart, you are his wife,
08:05 but you're not his friend.
08:07 Oftentimes we have our children
08:14 and we don't know when to switch
08:17 because all of mine are close to 50 and over 50
08:21 and I had better make the switch.
08:24 In other words, I am not going to brag about
08:28 or order them around because I am your father.
08:33 You're my father, you've always been my father,
08:37 you will always be my father, but you're not my friend.
08:42 I think there are times when you have to move
08:45 into friendship regardless of whatever the titles are
08:50 because people have a tendency
08:53 to gravitate towards their friends.
08:56 Jesus said, I'm not going to treat you
08:59 any longer like servants, but you are my friend.
09:03 But I want you to remember also that without me,
09:08 you can do nothing.
09:11 It then says to me that Jesus is trying to portray
09:15 to his disciples and therefore to us
09:19 that our value is measured by him.
09:25 In other words, when he came into your life
09:27 and he came into my life, there was no question
09:30 that he knew my thoughts before I thought them.
09:35 He came into my life not because I chose him,
09:38 but because he chose me.
09:41 And the significant thing then is that he knew
09:44 everything about me when he chose me.
09:49 If I were to take that into the scriptures
09:52 and I can hoop any time, I can holler and scream
09:54 at you all day.
09:56 But when you look in the scriptures,
09:58 you will notice something about Jesus.
10:00 He saw faith in the centurion.
10:04 He saw faith with the woman with the issue of blood.
10:07 He saw faith with the lepers.
10:09 He saw faith.
10:10 In one instance he said to the disciples,
10:13 I have never seen such faith, not in all of Israel.
10:18 And he was looking right at them
10:21 because remember when they were on the boat
10:23 and the boat was sinking, they ran up to him
10:26 and said, "Carest thou not that we perish?"
10:29 And he said to them, "Oh ye of little faith."
10:34 But with all of the faith virtue that he extolled in others,
10:39 he never exchanged one of his disciples for someone else.
10:44 Because he, when he chose them,
10:49 he already knew their attitudes and their dispositions.
10:54 I think that brings a sense of comfort.
10:58 I think that brings a sense of relaxation
11:02 in my relationship with the Lord.
11:05 I think what that says to me is,
11:08 I certainly can't impress him
11:11 and I don't need to impress anybody
11:14 that's sitting in the room with me.
11:18 Ah, I feel like preaching today.
11:20 There is no need for me to impress him
11:23 and I would be out of my mind
11:26 if I think that anyone who knows
11:28 what's going to happen to me next year,
11:31 I need to try to give some sort of hypocritical attitude to.
11:38 You can't pray if you're a hypocrite.
11:42 No, let me put it another way.
11:45 You can't pray hypocritically, amen.
11:49 Because every hypocrite can pray,
11:51 but you can't pray hypocritically.
11:54 And really today, I don't know where hypocrisy is
11:58 because hypocrisy used to be something you would hide.
12:02 Mm-hmm, hypocrisy would be something that's subtle.
12:06 That's why it's hypocrisy, right?
12:08 But the way I'm looking at the news
12:10 and the way I'm looking at the folk that are talking,
12:13 ain't nobody being hypocritical now.
12:16 They'll lie yesterday and they'll change their story today
12:20 and they'll tell you some reason why they lied yesterday
12:23 is different from today.
12:24 And they say, well, I lied yesterday, you accepted it,
12:27 accept what I tell you today.
12:29 So I think hypocrisy has moved to tyrannical
12:33 and authoritarian behavior
12:36 where folk just want you to accept whatever they say
12:39 without question, even though they change it every day.
12:43 Amen, and even though you show them on film,
12:46 this is what you said yesterday.
12:48 Well, forget yesterday, here's what I'm saying right now.
12:51 Well, you can't approach God like that.
12:55 You can't hide who you really are from God
12:59 because he sits high and he looks low.
13:02 So when you come to God, you might as well come clean.
13:06 You might as well come and say,
13:07 Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.
13:12 Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit.
13:14 How does being valued by a mystical faith relationship
13:19 expresses itself to others?
13:24 How does it look when you have a faith in God
13:27 that brings you to a place where you are comfortable
13:30 with that relationship and therefore comfortable
13:33 with who you are?
13:35 How do other people view you
13:38 when you're not in the business of trying to impress them?
13:43 How do they view you when you have a comfort level
13:47 with who you are, where you don't have to lie on Instagram
13:51 or on Facebook about where you've been
13:54 and where you're coming from,
13:57 where you don't have to show everybody
13:59 every little thing that you think you have?
14:03 How do they view you when you walk in a room
14:06 and you're not trying to impress anybody?
14:10 You're just living your life
14:13 because you've come to a place of being comfortable
14:16 with your relationship with God.
14:18 And I believe when you meet God for the first time,
14:22 you meet yourself because when you meet him,
14:25 he shows you who you are in juxtaposition to him.
14:31 And that takes you out of comparing yourself
14:36 with anybody else because you don't measure my value.
14:41 He measures my value.
14:45 And it's important to know that.
14:48 That's why you don't get in fusses
14:50 with anybody over things.
14:53 You don't get envious about what anybody else
14:56 has been loaned by God.
14:59 And I emphasize loan because you ain't taking
15:02 none of it with you.
15:03 You don't get upset by somebody else's promotion
15:09 because you realize promotion doesn't come
15:12 from the East or the West, but promotion comes from God.
15:16 And if he's promoting people,
15:18 he chooses when he promotes who.
15:21 And if he doesn't promote you when he promotes them,
15:25 you should rejoice because it is not they
15:29 that are doing it, but it's God who's moving them up.
15:33 So that means when you're comfortable with yourself
15:36 and your relationship with God,
15:38 you can have joy when other people have joy.
15:42 You can weep when other people weep.
15:45 You know, when you're not comfortable with God,
15:48 you weep when other people have joy.
15:51 And you have joy when other people are weeping.
15:54 You know, some people don't get glad until you're hurting.
15:58 And some people don't hurt until you get glad.
16:01 But when you're comfortable with yourself,
16:05 you can rejoice when others rejoice
16:09 and be glad for them because you know
16:13 that the God you serve has you in his mind.
16:17 So I don't have to be upset over your blessing.
16:21 I can be glad over your blessing
16:23 because my blessing is already here.
16:27 Ah, I thank God for that.
16:30 The businessman said,
16:31 "I surround myself with the best people."
16:36 Jesus doesn't have to surround himself with the best people
16:40 because he can make less people best.
16:44 In other words, if you come into my presence,
16:48 come as you are.
16:50 Come as you are without any kind of hypocritical
16:53 attitude, come as you are without any pride at all.
16:58 Come as you are without trying to impress me
17:02 because your righteousness is as filthy rags
17:06 when it comes to me.
17:08 You can't impress me with what you have to say
17:11 about yourself because again, without me,
17:16 you can do nothing.
17:18 Severed from me, you are without strength.
17:22 The concept of fruit bearing comes into question here.
17:26 And that is, can negative results
17:29 justify the positive assertion?
17:33 And here's the two premises.
17:35 One is I am the vine and you are the branches.
17:40 And second is severed from me,
17:44 a branch can affect nothing.
17:47 Having no independent fruitfulness.
17:50 I'm gonna tell you, touch your neighbor maybe seven times
17:53 and I'm about to use one now.
17:56 You can have no independent fruitfulness or stability
18:01 if you are not connected to God.
18:06 There is no stability.
18:08 There is no, might I say, lack of,
18:11 this is a student that's changes
18:14 if you're connected to God.
18:15 If you're not connected to God,
18:18 you're changing all of the time.
18:21 You're being blown about by every wind of doctrine.
18:26 You believe this today, you believe that tomorrow.
18:29 You take, you're up today, you're down tomorrow.
18:32 People's attitudes control you.
18:34 Satan can move you.
18:36 But when you're connected to God, you're stable.
18:41 When you're grounded, rooted and grounded in faith,
18:46 I can see you on a bad day and you're still nice.
18:50 I can see you on a stressful day and you're still smiling.
18:55 I can see you on a day when everything
18:57 is going wrong around you,
19:00 but everything is right inside of you.
19:04 And because you operate from the inside,
19:07 you're not moved around.
19:09 It kind of feels like I feel it.
19:11 I saw a commercial, they don't use it anymore.
19:15 And the commercial was dealing with the effect
19:19 of the effectiveness, the efficacy of the shock absorber.
19:24 And it was an interesting kind of a commercial
19:28 because they put some rods on the wheel of the car
19:32 and they had the car running over
19:34 and undulating circumference, indeed no surface rather,
19:39 and the train tracks indeed.
19:43 And they had the wheels and they had bulbs,
19:46 it's bulb here, bulb here,
19:48 and the rod running through here on the wheel.
19:51 Well, the wheel was bouncing like that
19:53 and breaking every bulb as it went through.
19:57 They had that same rod in the cabin
20:00 and they had the same lights on both sides
20:03 and the rod was going through and wasn't breaking a bulb.
20:08 It was just going straight through.
20:10 Now the wheels were breaking everything
20:13 because they were bouncing up and down.
20:16 But between the cab and the wheels was the shock absorber.
20:21 So the shock absorber is absorbing everything
20:26 the wheels are experiencing
20:29 in order to make the cab run smooth.
20:32 I need you to touch somebody and just simply say,
20:35 Jesus is my shock absorber.
20:40 Uh-huh, and so when everybody's shocked around me,
20:44 I have a shock absorber who makes my cab run smooth
20:49 while yours is going crazy.
20:53 I feel all right here today.
20:56 So when he says now, all its power then is derived
21:02 from the supernatural source
21:06 and depends on Christ's faithfulness
21:09 to his own nature and function.
21:12 Therefore he says, he that abideth in me
21:16 and I in him bringeth forth much fruit.
21:20 Now I wanna go a little bit deeper
21:23 before I get into the very story of Peter.
21:27 This language when he says, he that abideth in me
21:31 and I in him bringeth forth much fruit.
21:35 The language does not repress the endeavor
21:39 of the human will to be stimulated
21:42 to seek after righteousness.
21:45 Because if he says to you that I abide in you,
21:49 you abide in me, you bring forth much fruit,
21:53 it might seem to eliminate the human experience.
21:58 But it doesn't do that really
22:00 because what it's saying is by his stimulation
22:05 to bring you into the vine,
22:08 you have to submit your human will.
22:13 It is not a force, can I say that again?
22:16 It's a persuasion.
22:18 Can I go through that again?
22:20 In order to persuade an individual,
22:24 you have to bring them through certain situations
22:28 until you bring them to a conclusion.
22:32 I have moved on you since your birth, you didn't know it.
22:36 But I have spent my word, I have revealed myself,
22:40 I have caused you to look back over your life
22:43 and see that I was always there.
22:47 Some of us now have realized when we look over our lives
22:52 because of where we are right now in God,
22:55 we understand that we wouldn't have gotten to this place
22:59 if he hadn't always been there.
23:03 I didn't know he was always there,
23:07 but he was always there, I realize that now.
23:12 Because of that, I now submit my will to him
23:17 because he has shown me that he has always been there.
23:23 In my darkest hour, when I was strung out on drugs,
23:28 when I was running as a prostitute, living like a dog,
23:33 he was always there.
23:35 The only reason I got to write here
23:38 is because he was always there.
23:41 I didn't know he was always there,
23:44 so therefore I submit my will to him.
23:48 He persuades me through the scriptures
23:51 because he says faith cometh by hearing,
23:55 hearing by the word of the Lord.
23:57 So when he says he that abideth in me and I in him
24:01 bringeth forth much fruit,
24:04 it does not eliminate the human will.
24:08 Yet to some degree, and we go further,
24:12 it judges the Augustine Pelagius controversy.
24:17 Now, what is this?
24:19 Pelagius read what Augustine was teaching,
24:23 and Augustine was teaching about human sinfulness
24:28 and the need for divine grace.
24:31 And Pelagius, he objected to what he regarded
24:36 as an unacceptable novelty.
24:40 Augustine forcefully rejected the Pelagian view
24:45 that argued that man, but he argued that man
24:49 is saved by God's grace alone,
24:51 and that our will is easily perverted,
24:55 and thus it is untrustworthy.
24:59 What has happened today is based upon Pelagius,
25:04 the British monk, he was opposed at Rome
25:08 because he heard Augustine's prayer.
25:12 And Augustine's famous prayer goes like this.
25:16 Grant what thou commandest and command what thou doest.
25:21 Now, it seems that Pelagius was mad
25:27 because he is saying that I choose God
25:30 and that I can make my life work with God.
25:35 Now, what has happened is that has resurfaced
25:38 in our teaching today,
25:40 because we now have Pelagian teaching
25:44 so prevalent in what I regard as humanism,
25:49 where when you go to church today,
25:51 they'll tell you if you have the right attitude about life,
25:56 that you can change things.
25:58 If you can see yourself as important,
26:02 you can change the way your life operates.
26:06 And that is a thought that I really don't need God.
26:10 I really just need the good view of myself.
26:13 I need the right attitude
26:15 and I can have everything I want.
26:18 If I just feel like I'm superior
26:20 and I have the power to gain it,
26:23 I can have what I want.
26:25 But Augustine said it don't work like that.
26:28 What Augustine said is you are a messed up creature
26:31 and you need God to straighten out your life.
26:36 And he comes with grace.
26:40 I hope you're with me now.
26:42 You see, what I'm saying here is
26:45 that when he's talking to Peter here,
26:47 he's not talking to a person
26:50 who does not have a relationship with him.
26:53 He's talking to somebody who is following him,
26:58 who had to learn that constantly
27:01 they need spiritual contact with God.
27:06 Because sometimes a little revelation
27:09 can drive you into thinking
27:11 you are all that without God.
27:15 And sometimes because you got in church first,
27:19 you ran in church first.
27:21 You think that everybody who comes behind you
27:24 has to pay you homage
27:26 because you got some seniority on them.
27:30 Let me tell you this, God has no seniority program.
27:33 [audience applauding]
27:36 I feel like preaching.
27:38 Can I preach like I feel it?
27:40 Let me, let me, let me, send me, come here, come here.
27:44 I know you young people, jump up real quick.
27:47 Come up here, come up here.
27:48 I'm 30 years older than all of you, 40s and some.
27:51 Jump up here quick.
27:52 Come on, I can run.
27:54 Come on, come on, come on, breathe, come on.
27:56 I need you.
27:58 You see, many times we feel
28:00 as if God has a seniority program.
28:05 And I just got here last,
28:07 so I gotta get with the folk been here 30 years
28:10 and they know how everything goes.
28:13 They might know how that particular church is run,
28:16 but they don't know how God is operating in the spirit.
28:20 Because there are times when God changes things
28:24 in the spirit that he wants to be changed in the church.
28:29 Can I preach like I feel it?
28:31 Sometimes it's the same Jesus, but a new direction.
28:35 But some folk are so caught up in the old direction
28:39 that they can't take a new direction
28:42 because they are in the way.
28:44 And sometimes when you come in after them,
28:47 you feel like you gotta wait for them
28:50 in order to get what God has for you.
28:53 And then sometimes you think you gotta be their friends
28:57 and get to get with them in order for you to be blessed.
29:01 But here's what I promise.
29:02 And I promise you this, if wherever you come in,
29:06 you will give God the glory.
29:08 You will give God the praise.
29:10 You will tell God without you, I can do nothing.
29:14 And I need you to get this for me.
29:17 Now, everybody turn around.
29:18 He'll turn the line around.
29:22 God ain't waiting on anybody to bless you.
29:25 Thank you, thank you.
29:28 God not waiting for anybody to move on your behalf.
29:32 Whenever you meet him where he wants you to be,
29:36 you will get what he wants you to have.
29:39 And if somebody don't like it, that's their business
29:42 because he opens doors that no man can.
29:46 [audience cheering]
29:49 So he's trying to say to his disciples,
29:54 you always have need of constant contact
29:59 with the invisible God.
30:01 I don't care what your title is.
30:03 You can be simply a believer, an apostle,
30:06 a bishop, or whatever you want to call yourself.
30:09 A saint who is severed from Christ
30:12 can only live in the past.
30:16 They can only live in their past reputation
30:20 or supposed strength or clearness of intellect
30:24 or vigor of body or eminence of position.
30:29 He can and will do nothing
30:32 because it doesn't matter what your title is.
30:35 If you're not connected to him, you will fail.
30:39 It doesn't matter what we call you.
30:41 It don't matter how long you've been here.
30:44 If you are not connected to him
30:47 and when he moves, you got to move.
30:50 And you cannot let your identity
30:52 stop you from being relevant.
30:55 I feel like preaching here.
30:58 That's why our churches have dwindled
31:00 because we have stood in the way with our tradition
31:05 and we've choked the people who are coming fresh.
31:09 We don't need a stale anointing.
31:12 We need a--
31:13 [audience cheering]
31:17 I'm over here, Pat.
31:19 I feel like preaching in here.
31:20 Give somebody a high five and say fresh, fresh.
31:25 We don't need no stale bread.
31:28 We need fresh bread.
31:30 We don't need no stale idea.
31:33 We need fresh ideas.
31:35 We don't need no stale conversation.
31:37 We need fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh.
31:42 Amen.
31:45 When folk don't treat you like you want them to treat you
31:48 and they don't talk to you
31:49 like you think you ought to be talked to,
31:51 what do you call them?
31:53 Fresh.
31:54 Well, that's what we need up in the house of God.
31:56 We need some fresh.
31:58 We need some stuff that'll make us back up and think.
32:02 We need some stuff that'll make us change our attitude.
32:06 We need some stuff that'll make us change
32:08 the way we do business.
32:10 Fresh.
32:11 I feel like giving God the glory.
32:15 It is the danger then of revelation.
32:18 And Peter's problem was the danger of revelation
32:22 on misunderstanding the hand of God.
32:26 What he said to him was,
32:28 "You didn't get this
32:29 because of your intellectual capacity.
32:32 You didn't get this because you were so brilliant.
32:35 Remember that I told you that flesh and blood
32:40 did not reveal this to you."
32:43 Peter's proclivity, his tendency was to boast.
32:47 He had a tendency to pride, to seek to be equal.
32:51 Can you imagine here is Peter rebuking Jesus?
32:56 He has got beside himself
32:59 because there are certain times when you allow people
33:03 into your presence and you treat them as equals
33:07 and you treat them with dignity.
33:10 Sometimes they get beside themselves.
33:13 Amen, amen, amen.
33:15 I have friends and I would never give
33:18 one of my friends number to somebody
33:21 without their permission.
33:23 It doesn't matter how close I feel I am to them.
33:27 We could be real close,
33:29 but I'm not gonna give your number out.
33:32 I don't like when people, because they're close to me,
33:36 they're sitting out to dinner with someone
33:38 and they call me because they wanna prove to someone
33:43 that they can call me.
33:45 You know, I ain't that much, but allow me please
33:50 just a little bit of privacy because you gotta drop names.
33:55 Well, I don't have to because I drop my own name
33:59 if that's what I need to do.
34:00 You see, you gotta get to the place
34:02 where you are comfortable with someone,
34:06 but you still respect their space.
34:10 Jesus said, "I call you friends,"
34:12 but that does not mean you should forget who I am.
34:17 I feel like preaching now.
34:19 So now when he said, "Get thee behind,"
34:21 he rebukes Jesus and Jesus says to him,
34:25 "Get thee behind me, Satan, because of our friendship
34:30 don't allow Satan to get in
34:33 and give you a command to give me."
34:36 Can I preach that again?
34:38 You see, I am the perfect one, Jesus.
34:42 You are imperfect, Peter,
34:45 but I have allowed you into my space
34:48 so that you can become more like me.
34:50 But don't believe because my father gave you
34:54 a little revelation that now you're gonna have
34:57 a takeover spirit and now you're gonna tell me what to do.
35:02 I feel like preaching in here.
35:04 The closer you get to the Lord, the humbler you ought to be.
35:09 The closer he gives you revelation,
35:13 the nicer you ought to be.
35:16 I'm telling you, when you got a bunch of mean folk
35:18 up in the church, it ain't because they close to the Lord.
35:22 They have forgotten who he is.
35:25 They don't know him like they should.
35:28 I feel like shouting in here.
35:32 I'm gonna have a little church.
35:34 I'm almost there, Pat.
35:36 The revelation of the past,
35:38 a good argument for Peter to use,
35:41 probably forgot his rebuke of Jesus
35:44 and the remark of his death.
35:47 He probably forgot that Jesus said to him,
35:50 "Get thee behind me."
35:52 Already vulnerable because of a little revelation
35:57 and misunderstanding the revelation
36:00 moved him into self-glory.
36:02 And he added then, you gotta add then,
36:04 the purpose of God, the appointment of God.
36:08 And that is, I came here to die.
36:11 And if you get in my way when I come to die,
36:15 you are anti-Christ.
36:17 Can I preach like I feel it?
36:19 Anytime you don't love your brother and your sister
36:22 like you should, you are anti-Christ.
36:25 Anytime you judge people,
36:27 when Jesus said, "I didn't come into the world to condemn,
36:32 but I came into the world that they might have life
36:35 through me."
36:36 The child of God should give his brother and sister life,
36:41 not condemnation.
36:43 This is not a house of condemnation.
36:46 This is a house of life.
36:48 This is not a house to find fault with folk.
36:51 This is a house to clean them up,
36:54 to get rid of the fault,
36:56 to wipe them down,
36:58 to show them the right way.
37:00 Anything other than that is anti-Christ.
37:04 I feel like shouting in here.
37:06 I'm hearing people saying that Jesus,
37:09 and brag about being with Jesus,
37:11 and call themselves conservative.
37:14 I'm not going in politics today, but I could.
37:18 And they put every liberal in the lake of fire.
37:22 But I've got news for you.
37:23 Jesus was a liberal.
37:25 Anybody who told a rich man,
37:28 he said, "Sell all you have and give it to the poor."
37:33 And if that ain't socialist, I don't know what is.
37:36 I'm gonna leave that alone.
37:37 I didn't come with politics.
37:39 But the truth is he was a liberal.
37:42 He took from somebody who had four, five fishes,
37:47 and a few loaves,
37:48 he took from them and fed 5,000.
37:52 You can't sit here and tell me your faith
37:54 has made you so rich
37:57 that you don't care about nobody else.
37:59 The truth is if God blesses you,
38:02 he blesses you to bless somebody else.
38:07 And the more you bless, the more he'll bless you.
38:12 I feel a breakthrough coming.
38:16 And this is why he is so vulnerable now.
38:20 Until Jesus is saying to him,
38:22 "Satan have desired to sift you like wheat."
38:27 He said, "Satan has a desire to obtain you by asking."
38:32 What is he going to ask?
38:34 He can't ask Jesus for Peter,
38:37 but he's going to ask Peter's attitude for him.
38:41 Can I make that plain?
38:43 There's a certain disposition that we have
38:47 that opens us up to Satan.
38:50 And that's our attitude towards others.
38:54 If you have the right attitude towards others,
38:57 it shuts Satan down towards you.
39:01 He can only make a target of you.
39:03 But when you walk around in pride,
39:07 and you walk around in self-glory,
39:10 when you walk around in narcissistic behavior,
39:13 that's what Satan asks.
39:15 He asks your pride to give you to him.
39:20 He asks your attitude to give you to him.
39:24 Because your attitude isn't calling for God.
39:27 Your attitude is calling for demonic possession.
39:32 I feel like preaching here.
39:33 He said, "Satan has desired to sift you like wheat,
39:38 to put you through until you are separated completely.
39:44 But I have prayed for you."
39:47 I feel like preaching now.
39:49 Give somebody a high five.
39:51 Say, "They didn't pray for Judas,
39:54 but they prayed for Peter.
39:56 They didn't pray for a lot of these devils,
39:59 but he prayed for you and I."
40:02 I feel like preaching.
40:03 I feel like lifting him up.
40:05 He said, "Satan wants to take you.
40:08 Satan wants to do you in.
40:11 You're in great danger
40:13 because you think too much of yourself.
40:16 But I have prayed for you."
40:19 And I remember him praying for you and me when he said,
40:23 "I prayed for them.
40:25 I pray not for the world,
40:28 but for them which thou has given me."
40:32 I feel like shouting.
40:34 Give somebody a high five for the third time
40:37 and say, "I belong to the Lord.
40:40 God gave me to Jesus."
40:43 He said, "For they are thine.
40:46 And without me, you can do nothing.
40:50 But you didn't choose me.
40:53 I chose you.
40:55 You didn't come to me,
40:57 but I came to you.
41:00 You didn't draw me,
41:02 but I drew you.
41:04 So remember this one thing.
41:06 Can't no devil in hell
41:09 take you out of my hand.
41:11 Can't no devil in hell
41:13 stop you from going
41:15 where I want you to go.
41:17 Can't no devil in hell
41:19 break you down.
41:21 Because even though you may fail,
41:24 your faith will fail not
41:27 because I prayed for you."
41:31 I'm getting ready to close,
41:33 but I feel the power of God
41:36 shake somebody's hand
41:38 like you're gonna shake it off
41:40 and say, "Neighbor,
41:42 God's got this.
41:44 God's got this.
41:46 I know what you're going through.
41:48 I know the pain you feel,
41:51 but God's got this.
41:53 I know what they're saying about you.
41:55 I know how they're trying to break you down,
41:58 but God's got this.
42:00 I know how you feel,
42:02 broken sometimes,
42:04 but God's got this."
42:07 I feel like giving God some glory.
42:11 Sometimes I don't feel like
42:14 I'm close to him like I should,
42:17 but I hear him when he said,
42:19 "Your failure does not break
42:23 our relationship
42:25 because I knew you would go there
42:27 when I came to get you.
42:29 So don't back up now.
42:31 Hold the ground.
42:33 You fell down,
42:35 but get up
42:37 because I prayed for you."
42:39 I feel like preaching here.
42:41 You may boast,
42:43 but don't boast in your strength,
42:45 but boast in the Lord.
42:48 I will praise the Lord.
42:50 Do you not know?
42:52 Have you not heard?
42:54 The everlasting God,
42:56 the Lord,
42:58 the creator of the ends of the earth
43:01 does not become weary or tired.
43:05 His understanding is inscrutable.
43:09 Give somebody a high five
43:11 and say, "That's Elohim.
43:13 He's strong for me,
43:15 but he's El Shaddai,
43:17 Lord God Almighty.
43:19 He's strong for me.
43:21 He is Jehovah Rover,
43:23 the Lord that healeth.
43:26 That's my strength.
43:27 He is Jehovah Jireh.
43:30 He's my provider.
43:31 That's my strength.
43:33 He is Jehovah Shammah.
43:35 He is always there.
43:37 That's my strength.
43:39 He is Jehovah Nisi,
43:41 the Lord, my banner.
43:43 That's my strength.
43:44 He is Jehovah Rehah,
43:47 the Lord, my shepherd.
43:48 That's my strength.
43:50 He is Ish.
43:52 Give somebody a high five
43:54 and say, "Neighbor,
43:55 have you ever heard of Ish?
43:57 Can I tell you what Ish is?"
44:00 In that day,
44:01 declares the Lord,
44:03 you will call me my husband.
44:07 Ish is my husband.
44:10 The Lord is,
44:14 the Lord is my strength.
44:17 Give somebody a high five
44:19 for the second to the last time.
44:21 Say, "God got it, honey.
44:23 God got your enemies.
44:25 God got the haters.
44:27 God's got the wicked.
44:28 God's got the folk
44:30 that don't want you to go any further.
44:34 Rest, rest, rest.
44:38 God's got it.
44:39 Rest. God's battling.
44:42 Praise him. He'll fight for you.
44:45 Praise him.
44:47 He'll give you the victory.
44:49 Praise the name of the Lord.
44:53 He's my strength.
44:55 Jesus said, "I am the way,
44:59 the truth, and the life."
45:01 I love him. I love him.
45:05 I love him.
45:17 Jehovah Shalom.
45:19 He's my peace.
45:21 Jehovah Shalom.
45:23 He's my peace.
45:25 Give somebody a high five for the rest,
45:27 for the last time.
45:28 And say, "Neighbor, relax.
45:31 God's got this."
45:45 God's got it.
45:50 God's got you.
46:13 I don't care how rough it is.
46:22 I don't care how tough it is.
46:27 And when thou art converted,
46:32 strengthen not the sinner,
46:36 not the person outside,
46:38 but strengthen the folk in here
46:41 with you.
46:42 Amen.
46:50 Thank you, Jesus.
47:17 Can you imagine?
47:22 I don't want to...
47:27 Can you imagine?
47:28 I just want you to think this through with me.
47:33 Can you imagine being with someone?
47:40 Just being with someone
47:43 who knew what you were going to do to them
47:50 before you did it.
47:53 They had the power to stop you from doing it,
47:57 but they didn't choose that
48:01 because that wouldn't have taught you any lessons.
48:06 But they knew what you were going to do to them.
48:11 Just think in your mind having a wife,
48:14 having a husband,
48:16 who knew you were going to deny them
48:25 and told you what you were going to do,
48:31 but had forgiven you before you did it.
48:50 Is there anybody like Jesus?
48:59 I know what you're going to do,
49:02 but I have prayed for you
49:07 that even when you get to that moment
49:10 when you're most condemned,
49:14 your faith will fail not.
49:17 Because the same faith that I see
49:23 that's going to cause you to deny me,
49:26 you're going to need that same faith
49:28 to come out of the hole that you dug for yourself.
49:34 So I want to say to you who believes
49:38 that you're in the lowest part of your life
49:41 because you have not walked with God,
49:46 I want to tell you he prayed for you,
49:51 that your faith failed not.
49:54 So all you got to do is get up and come home.
50:00 Get up and come home.
50:02 He did not break your plea.
50:05 I need thee.
50:09 Come home.
50:15 Like Peter needed him.
50:17 Every hour I need thee.
50:24 Oh, bless me now, my Savior.
50:35 I come to you.
50:39 If you're online and you're broken,
50:42 just simply sing this, I come, I come,
50:47 because I need thee.
50:51 I come because I need thee.
50:57 I don't care how long you've been away.
50:59 Oh, bless me now, my Savior.
51:09 I come to thee.
51:15 Yes, yes, yes.
51:24 Help me, Patrick.
51:27 Come on.
51:28 Come on.
51:30 Come on.
51:32 Come on.
51:33 Yeah, yeah.
51:35 Yes, yes.
51:38 Yeah.
51:42 Yeah.
51:46 Oh, yeah.
51:50 Yeah.
51:52 Oh.
51:54 Oh.