• il y a 2 ans


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:32 - Isaiah, the book of Isaiah chapter 46.
00:37 And when you approach the book of Isaiah,
00:43 it is very critical to understand that
00:49 to the average reader, you would think that
01:01 there were two Isaiahs,
01:06 or there were two authors to the book of Isaiah.
01:10 The intellectual theological people,
01:17 and sometimes your academicians
01:20 or your academic theologians are not your evangelists.
01:29 Should I say that, maybe I say that another way.
01:31 In many instances, the people who are higher critical
01:37 of the scriptures are not the people
01:42 who preach around the world.
01:45 There's a difference between those
01:48 who approach the scriptures simply
01:50 from an academic point of view,
01:52 than those who deal with the scriptures
01:55 for the benefit of the souls of individuals.
02:00 It is important, however, that if you're declaring
02:07 any biblical truth, that you should be able
02:12 to play by music and still play by ear.
02:22 Because oftentimes we have so many who play by ear,
02:26 but they have no structure.
02:28 And if you understand the Bible,
02:32 then you grasp that it is a technical book.
02:36 It is not something just to take a scripture
02:38 and take it out of context and run with it.
02:41 Because oftentimes in our lives,
02:44 people take certain actions, but it's not contextual.
02:49 When I get funny with that, and sort of comical,
02:53 I tell the story of the man who said
02:56 he wanted the Lord to speak to him,
02:58 and he closed his eyes real tight,
03:01 closed his Bible, squeezed it real tight.
03:05 Then he sort of fumbled through it
03:08 and opened up and pointed to a scripture,
03:10 then opened his eyes, and the scripture said,
03:13 "Judas went out and hung himself."
03:15 He said, "Well, let me try this again."
03:19 He closed the Bible real tight, closed his eyes real tight,
03:22 fumbled through it again, and pointed to a scripture,
03:26 opened his eyes, and it said, "Go thou and do likewise."
03:30 (audience laughing)
03:32 He said, "Well, the baseball players get three strikes,
03:35 "so let me do it again."
03:37 Squeezed his eyes shut so he wouldn't cheat,
03:41 opened the Bible, pointed to a scripture,
03:43 and it says, "And that that thou doest, do it quickly."
03:49 So he discovered that that's not the way the Bible operates,
03:54 that you have to have it within its context.
03:58 Well, the theologians, in many instances,
04:01 believe there is what we call a deutero-Isaiah,
04:05 that there were two Isaias,
04:07 because the first 40 chapters are so poignantly
04:14 sharp against Israel, and the next 20 chapters
04:19 are glorious in its responses.
04:23 It is that the judgment of God is upon them early,
04:28 and then God forecasts the blessings.
04:32 He forecasts the blessings because what happened was
04:36 Isaiah was so frustrated with his ministry
04:41 because Israel would not respond,
04:46 and he realized that there was a balloon payment coming.
04:51 They had various payments from the Midianites,
04:54 the Amalekites, they had various payments
04:58 from the Philistines, they had little payments
05:01 from all of the countries around them
05:04 because they would not heed the word of God.
05:09 Anytime you're in a theocracy, you have to follow God.
05:13 When you're in a democracy, you follow the people,
05:17 but in a theocracy, you have to follow God.
05:22 In an aristocracy, you follow the rich folk.
05:26 In a meritocracy, you follow the people with merit.
05:30 Amen, in a communist situation, you're in trouble.
05:36 In a tyrannical, authoritarian situation, you're in trouble,
05:40 and it seems like that's where you all wanna go in America,
05:44 but the whole point is in a theocracy,
05:47 you have to follow God, and if you don't follow God,
05:52 then judgment comes.
05:53 He doesn't have to bring it on you.
05:55 He doesn't have to sit in heaven and say,
05:58 I'm throwing down judgment.
06:00 Anytime you walk outside of the principles of God,
06:05 you are vulnerable to your enemies.
06:09 I'm scared of nobody when I'm walking
06:12 according to the principles of God.
06:15 Amen, only when you walk out,
06:18 amen, that you can be caught outside.
06:21 I get nervous when I'm not doing what's right
06:25 because here comes the judgment.
06:29 I'm so glad God gives me my judgment early.
06:33 I'd rather have mine now so I can repent
06:37 than to go along as if nothing's happening
06:40 and end up in the fires of hell, amen.
06:44 If I stray, Lord, get me now
06:47 so that I can come to the altar on my knees
06:50 and get it right with you.
06:52 So Isaiah saw that the balloon payment was coming,
06:55 and the balloon payment, he knew, was nebuchadnezzar.
06:59 Babylon was on the way, and his ministry was so frustrated.
07:04 God told him at one time, lay on your right side naked.
07:08 And after six months, he said,
07:10 lay on your left side naked to show Israel
07:15 that their nakedness will appear,
07:19 that I'm going to strip them of all of their so-called glory
07:24 because they will not follow me.
07:29 Ah, and so what God did was God turned him from the present
07:34 and jettisoned his vision into the future.
07:39 And this is why he is what we call the eagle-eyed prophet
07:44 because what God allowed him to see was Jesus
07:50 and allowed him to see salvation
07:53 through that great deliverer and Messiah.
07:58 And so if you go through Isaiah,
08:00 much of Isaiah is full of literature.
08:04 It's like poetry.
08:05 It's some that's just read just for joy.
08:09 I read it sometimes just for the flow
08:12 and just for the way it sounds.
08:14 And so with that, I bring you to Isaiah 46, verse 10.
08:19 And I'm gonna read around it just a little bit
08:23 so that we have the context.
08:26 He says in verse eight, "Remember this
08:29 "and show yourselves, men.
08:32 "Bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors.
08:37 "Remember the former things of old,
08:42 "for I am God and there is none else.
08:47 "I am God and there is none like me."
08:54 Declaring the end from the beginning
08:56 and from the ancient times,
08:57 the things that are not yet done,
09:00 saying, "My counsel shall stand
09:05 "and I will do my pleasure."
09:10 Ah, I want you to look at somebody and say,
09:13 "In spite of it all, God wants to bless you."
09:22 Oh yes, in spite of it all.
09:24 When I give thought to this, immediately we realize
09:30 that there is a significance to proper thinking.
09:35 And I say that, I should say, "Seal it"
09:39 and sit for a few minutes so that would zing in.
09:43 There is a significance to the way you think.
09:51 And I say that because there is one thing
09:53 that God has given us.
09:55 When you consider the logos and you consider the fact
09:59 that the word was with God and the word was God,
10:04 yes, the same was in the beginning with God.
10:07 When you consider that logos is thought
10:11 and God is no greater or no lesser than his thought
10:18 and because his thought is way beyond our cognitive energy
10:23 to comprehend, we understand then that everything
10:28 he says to us is to elevate our thinking.
10:33 The situation of life can be so distressing
10:39 that it completely obliterates the kind of thinking
10:45 that we should have because anybody who has been formed
10:49 in the image of God and now that you and I have regained
10:54 some of his likeness on the way to being like his son,
10:59 then much of that is surrounded around our thinking.
11:04 If you understand that clearly, then we can understand
11:09 and declare that we cannot be conformed to this world
11:15 but be transformed by the renewing of your thinking,
11:20 of your mind.
11:24 If the mind is right, then the thoughts are right.
11:31 If the mind is in the place it should be,
11:37 then of course that mind will have the right thinking.
11:43 Part of our problem today is there is so much mental lapses
11:48 and I think there's a big thing and we have it over
11:54 in the new building, a group of people who deal
11:56 with mental hygiene because of the stress.
12:01 I think it is Rolo May who calls it anxious,
12:06 normal anxiety.
12:09 The anxiety level have risen so high now
12:13 until we need to remember the days of old
12:17 when people weren't so crazy.
12:20 Amen, I know you hide some in your own family,
12:28 just family reunion, you don't bring them out.
12:31 Just don't know, Uncle Johnny, let him stay right back there
12:36 'cause we don't know what he's gonna do
12:38 when he comes out here, amen.
12:41 And so consequently, the significance
12:44 of thinking is important.
12:46 God puts it in perspective because what he's saying is
12:51 when you understand and have a relationship with me,
12:56 then it has to change your thinking.
13:00 The first it does is because of the glorious light
13:05 that's in Christ Jesus.
13:06 I was thinking about Plato 180.
13:10 The Republic, and in that, Plato was saying
13:15 that men were born in a cave and they were raised
13:20 in a cave and they only had a flicker of light
13:24 on the other side of the cave.
13:27 They were raised in semi-darkness
13:30 and then somebody released them and they came up
13:33 into the brightness of the sun.
13:35 Immediately upon coming into the brightness of the sun,
13:38 they went back down into the cave
13:41 because the brightness was too great for them.
13:45 It needed to be a gradual ascending into the light.
13:50 It is the same way when we meet God.
13:53 Anytime you meet God, I'm not talking about coming
13:56 to church now, I'm talking about meeting God.
13:58 When we meet God, he immediately brings us
14:03 to a place of inner conflict
14:06 because when he turns on the light
14:10 and the brightness of that light,
14:12 remember he always said that man would rather
14:17 darkness to light.
14:19 So immediately when that light comes on,
14:22 the conviction hits us dead in the heart
14:25 because you have to go through the doctrine
14:28 of condemnation before you can get
14:30 to the doctrine of justification.
14:33 A man has to believe he needs God
14:37 but he'll never believe he needs God
14:40 until the light comes on.
14:43 Then he is now caught in conflict.
14:47 It's either he's going to stay in that dark place
14:50 or he's going to walk towards the light.
14:54 It is here there where God begins to work on us.
14:57 He works and reconciles us to himself
15:01 before he reconciles us to anybody else.
15:04 He has to bring us into the truth about ourselves.
15:09 It's easy for me to seek the truth about you
15:14 when I already know the truth about me.
15:17 Sometimes I deflect from dealing with me
15:21 so I can deal with you.
15:23 But my dealing with you is me hiding
15:28 from dealing with me.
15:31 You see, if I spent more time dealing with me,
15:34 I wouldn't have so much time to deal with you.
15:40 Most of the people who are dealing with you
15:43 ain't taking enough time to deal with themselves.
15:48 And if they would deal with themselves,
15:51 they wouldn't have time to deal with you.
15:54 And so consequently, he is dealing with the issue
15:58 of reconciling us to him, bringing us to that place
16:03 where we can operate.
16:04 And then once that happens,
16:07 it changes how we relate to other people.
16:11 I don't relate to you anymore out of envy
16:15 because God has shown me who I am.
16:18 I don't relate to you out of jealousy
16:21 because God has shown me that what I think I possess
16:26 still belongs to him.
16:29 I don't relate to you out of bitterness or malice
16:33 because God is moving that malicious,
16:37 fleshly disposition of revenge and meanness out of me.
16:42 So now as he begins to deal with me,
16:46 I begin now to deal with others
16:49 in a manner that is more amicable
16:53 because God has been kind to me.
16:56 Anytime you understand how gracious God has been to you,
17:00 you will be gracious to people around you.
17:04 Oh, there's no question about it.
17:07 I don't want to preach all day.
17:08 Anytime you have received the glory of God,
17:13 then you will extend that glory to somebody else.
17:17 Do you remember how Jesus put it
17:19 when he talked about the man who was forgiven 17 million
17:24 and put a person in prison for $17?
17:29 17 million, you're forgiven.
17:33 Why would you be forgiven 17 million
17:37 and castigate somebody who owes you 17?
17:41 Jesus was making an emphatic point.
17:44 It was hyperbolic.
17:46 He wanted to extend it to the point where you understand
17:51 that the Lord has given forgiven you and I 17 million
17:56 and yet we want to grab somebody in the throat
17:59 who hasn't done as much to us as we have done to the Lord.
18:04 That's why the model prayer says,
18:07 forgive us our sins as we forgive others.
18:12 The relationship to others go even further.
18:16 And that is once you have had a relationship with God
18:19 and God has reconciled you to himself,
18:23 you no longer really care
18:26 about how other people departmentalize you.
18:31 Anytime God has brought you into a place of confidence
18:36 about who you are in relationship to him,
18:39 you don't run around seeking everybody's validation.
18:44 Amen.
18:46 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
18:49 It's not arrogance.
18:51 It's not arrogance, please.
18:53 It's confidence in a relationship with God.
18:56 It's not arrogance.
18:57 It's assurance that the Lord is with me.
19:02 Mm-hmm.
19:04 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
19:06 I will prepare a table before you
19:10 in the presence of your enemies.
19:13 And I want you to understand that you have some enemies.
19:18 But what God says is in a relationship with me.
19:21 And when I get ready to feed you,
19:23 I don't care who's looking.
19:25 Amen.
19:26 And when I get ready to feed you,
19:28 I don't care who's cutting their eyes at you.
19:31 When I get ready to feed you,
19:32 I don't care who's whispering about you.
19:35 And please don't tell me,
19:37 you know, Lord, I can't eat
19:38 because the people don't like me.
19:40 You better eat because I prepared it.
19:44 You better eat.
19:45 Eat my word.
19:46 Walk in my anointing.
19:50 Walk in my principles.
19:52 You don't need validation from some folk.
19:55 Anybody trying to pull you down is already below you.
20:00 I wish I could preach this thing.
20:03 And so then it also gives us power over situations.
20:09 Because now I understand that I am more important
20:14 than my circumstance.
20:16 And God made that plain when I met him.
20:19 When he said, no matter how glorious Solomon looked,
20:23 he didn't look any better than one of the lilies
20:26 of the field that is up today and down tomorrow.
20:31 And you are much more valuable
20:35 than the lilies of the field.
20:37 This is why he says labor not for the things that perisheth.
20:41 Why are you running for something
20:44 that's less significant than you are?
20:47 Amen.
20:48 The car, you soon get tired of it.
20:50 The clothes, you soon get tired of it.
20:53 The, oh yes, the house,
20:54 you soon be looking for a bigger one.
20:57 And I don't care how fast you going down the freeway,
21:00 somebody comes past you.
21:02 I don't care how big a house you build,
21:04 somebody builds a bigger one.
21:07 I don't care what you're wearing,
21:08 somebody else has another design.
21:10 How many times do you change your hairstyle?
21:14 You wear it for a week and you're sick of it.
21:16 Two days later, sometimes you put it on today
21:20 and tonight you got to change it.
21:22 Man, I'm going to get these braids out of my head.
21:26 You took 10 hours to put them in
21:29 and 10 minutes to get them out.
21:32 All is vanity and vexation of spirit.
21:37 That's why the Lord says,
21:38 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
21:43 and all these things shall be added unto you."
21:48 Patrick, where are you?
21:50 It's critical to understand this.
21:52 That's why Luther wrote to Erasmus
21:55 and in the letter he said,
21:57 "Your thoughts of God are too human.
22:01 The Holy Spirit must augment our thoughts about God."
22:06 Because as we elevate those thoughts about God,
22:11 we realize something about ourselves,
22:14 others, and our situations.
22:17 When you're dealing with God,
22:18 the Bible says, "Oh, magnify the Lord with me."
22:23 It is not that we make him bigger,
22:27 it's that we see him bigger.
22:30 A magnifying glass does not change the subject.
22:34 It just illuminates and makes the subject bigger.
22:39 That's why when I say macrograph his name,
22:42 not micrograph it, but macrograph it,
22:47 that means make it bigger.
22:48 But you see, he's already as big as he can be.
22:52 But our problem is we need to see him bigger.
22:57 Oh God, we need to see him.
22:59 We will never see him as big as he really is
23:04 because our cognitive brain cannot assess
23:09 the amount of greatness that God is.
23:12 But we need to try.
23:13 We need to go at it.
23:15 We need to think something.
23:17 He said he's able to do hupapante,
23:20 exceeding above all you ask or think.
23:24 But you got to think something.
23:26 Amen.
23:27 Just think as wide as you can.
23:30 And you still haven't got to the width of what God is.
23:35 That's why he said your thoughts of God are too human.
23:40 You need the Holy Spirit to augment your thought,
23:44 to embellish your thought.
23:46 Do you know who you're talking to
23:49 when you're talking to God?
23:51 Do you know who you're talking to
23:54 when you're talking to the great I am?
23:58 Oh God.
23:59 Let me give you a little story.
24:01 I'm going to give you some time.
24:03 My father was on a flight with my,
24:06 no, no, my father prays for us every day,
24:10 used to when he was alive.
24:12 My sister was doing music in Miami with Chris Blackwell.
24:17 Well, who is Chris Blackwell?
24:18 Chris Blackwell owned Island Records
24:22 and he sold Island Records to Polygram for 500 million.
24:27 He was at the time 500 million liquid.
24:32 I mean, money rolling around, 500 million.
24:36 Plus castles and he owned Golden Eye,
24:40 he owned Strawberry Hill, he owned just everything.
24:44 Grace is doing music with Chris Blackwell in Miami
24:49 and the Hurricane Andrew is on the way.
24:53 Chris Blackwell says, "Well, we have a private jet
24:56 "so we're vibing really well with the music,
24:59 "so let us wait till the last minute."
25:03 Well, of course, they waited too long
25:06 and they got in the private jet
25:08 trying to get over the hurricane
25:11 and when they got to 45,000 feet,
25:15 one of the engines broke.
25:19 Now they're being buffeted like little bees in the storm.
25:24 Chris Blackwell now pulls his little book out,
25:26 starts looking at his children, his wife and his dogs
25:30 because he feels as if it is over.
25:33 Grace is sitting there, halfway calm, nervous of course,
25:37 but halfway calm and he looks at Grace and he says,
25:41 "Well, it seems as if this is it."
25:44 She, he said, "Why aren't you a little more anxious?"
25:47 He said, "Well, my father prays for me every day."
25:52 And so Chris now says, "Is he praying now?"
25:57 She said, "He prayed this morning I know
26:01 "and I think the prayer is good for the whole day."
26:05 Now they landed safely.
26:09 They landed safely and he says to my sister,
26:13 "I want to meet your father."
26:16 "Oh, I want to meet your dad."
26:19 But my daddy is stingy.
26:21 My daddy was tight.
26:23 My daddy would, you ask him for $5,
26:27 he'd look this way and look this way
26:29 and say, "Where is it coming from?"
26:31 Got it right in his head.
26:32 You ask him for $10, he look this way, he look that way,
26:36 then he says, "Where is it coming from?"
26:38 Don't ask him for 20, don't ask him for 50,
26:43 he'll shake his head off.
26:45 Now, when they got down, they went to dinner
26:49 and they had this little conversation
26:51 and then he says to my father, he says,
26:55 "Now, Reverend, what can I do for you?"
26:59 Now, here is a man, 500 million liquid,
27:04 but my daddy is asking out of his own attitude.
27:09 So he's not asking as to who he's asking,
27:14 he's asking out of what he would do.
27:18 So he turns around and says,
27:19 "Well, I've got some work down in South Africa,
27:22 "could you give me $1,000?"
27:25 My mother kicked him under the table.
27:27 You see, that's the same thing.
27:30 You don't ask based on what you could do,
27:34 you ask based on who you're talking to.
27:38 And what God is saying is you receive not
27:42 because you ask not,
27:44 because you don't know who you're talking to.
27:48 Don't insult me.
27:50 (audience laughing)
27:53 Because I want to bless you.
27:58 That's why the Psalmist, God in the Psalmist
28:02 to the Psalmist declared,
28:04 "Thou thoughtest that I was altogether
28:08 "such a one as thyself."
28:11 So Israel, because of their like,
28:14 really like traditional Christianity,
28:17 many times we imagine God is moved by sentiment
28:22 and not by principle.
28:24 Sometimes we act as if his omnipotence is an idle fiction,
28:29 and that Satan can thwart God's purpose on every side.
28:34 Sometimes we come into church crying like,
28:38 the devil can outdo the God that we serve.
28:43 And sometimes we think that him being omnipotent
28:47 really means nothing.
28:49 Omnipotence means he's got all power in his hands.
28:54 And if we wouldn't be so anxious,
28:57 because anxiety is in the flesh,
29:01 patience is in the spirit.
29:04 Anytime you move in the spirit,
29:06 you know how to wait on God
29:09 and not move in your own intellectual capacity.
29:14 Sometimes we think his plans are subject to renewal
29:20 and change just like ours.
29:22 He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
29:27 One thing I can say about God,
29:30 he is not fickle.
29:32 When he says something, he stands on it.
29:36 And I can believe God because he keeps his word.
29:41 I can't trust a whole lot of folks,
29:44 but I can trust God because only in trusting God
29:49 can my faith grow.
29:51 Only because he keeps his word, my faith can grow.
29:56 Only because he's always there.
29:59 When mama puts you down, when daddy puts you down,
30:02 the Lord is always there.
30:06 His plans are not subject to change.
30:09 He has intended to take you to another level.
30:14 And once he decided that,
30:16 and when did he decide it?
30:17 Before you got here,
30:20 before the foundation of the world,
30:23 you were chosen in him.
30:25 I want to talk assurance today.
30:27 Can I talk assurance?
30:28 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.
30:33 Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine.
30:38 Give somebody a high five, say it's already done.
30:41 It's critical now.
30:43 Sometimes we think that his power is restricted
30:48 and that his power is dependent on our cooperation.
30:53 The Lord will keep you if you want to be kept.
30:58 The devil is a lie.
30:59 The devil is a lie.
31:00 Do you know how many times the Lord shook me up
31:03 when I didn't want to be bothered?
31:05 Do you know how many times the Lord turned me
31:08 when I didn't want to go that way?
31:10 Do you know how many times he blocked my plans?
31:14 Do you know how many times he desecrated
31:17 what I wanted to do?
31:18 Do you know how many times he kept me
31:21 when I did not want to be kept?
31:25 Because he decided that you're going to do my will.
31:30 He decided that come rain or shine,
31:34 you are going to preach my word
31:37 and you are going to stand up for me.
31:40 I didn't decide it, he decided.
31:43 I didn't choose him, he chose me.
31:46 I feel like preaching here.
31:48 You can send that message to the devil.
31:51 I didn't choose him, he chose me.
31:54 I'm not holding his hand over the dangers of this life.
31:58 He's holding my hand and I give him the glory.
32:03 All I have to do is give him the praise.
32:06 Let's give him five seconds of praise.
32:08 (audience cheering)
32:09 Thousand and one, thousand and two,
32:12 thousand and three, thousand and four, thousand and five.
32:17 It is Arthur Peete that declares.
32:20 He said, "Man lowers God."
32:22 And he says, "All the efficacious atonement
32:26 "which redeems everyone for whom it was made,
32:30 "they make it just a mere remedy
32:32 "which sin-sick souls may use if they feel so disposed."
32:37 Unquote.
32:39 God did not put his son on Calvary
32:42 for you to be able to decide what you want on the menu.
32:46 It's a fixed menu.
32:48 And that is you got to eat his blood
32:51 and drink his blood and eat his flesh.
32:54 You'll have no life in you.
32:57 It ain't no choice.
32:58 It's a fixed menu.
33:01 And you've got to go in it according to his declaration.
33:06 It's not something you can take or leave.
33:10 I wish somebody'd understand this.
33:12 When God calls you, he calls you with an effectual calling.
33:17 And he has a hope of that calling.
33:20 And you become the inheritance of God.
33:23 Then he turns around and wants to tell you
33:26 what is the exceeding greatness of his power.
33:30 You can't put a thumb in God's face
33:32 and act like you can do whatever you want.
33:35 When he's decided to bless you, he'll whip you.
33:40 He'll chasten you.
33:41 Anybody in here ever been chastened by God?
33:45 He'll whip you till you say, "Yes, Lord.
33:47 "Yes, Lord.
33:48 "Yes, Lord.
33:49 "Help me, Lord.
33:50 "Bring me out, Lord."
33:52 I saw you at the altar bawling
33:55 because you wanted something God did not want you to have.
33:59 You wanted that man so bad.
34:03 You wanted that woman so bad.
34:06 Oh, I got to have her.
34:07 Mama said she ain't no good.
34:09 Your sister said he ain't no good.
34:13 The woman he was with said he ain't no good.
34:17 But you had to have him.
34:18 Now, where are you at the altar bawling to get rid of him
34:23 because God fixed it so that when I tell you what to do,
34:28 don't go out of what I tell you
34:30 or I'll whip you till you come back home.
34:33 God knows how to whip somebody.
34:36 I wish I get a church.
34:37 No, I have a church.
34:39 One writer said, "The God of this century
34:42 "no more resembles the sovereign of the Holy Rit
34:47 "than does a flickering candle,
34:49 "the glory of the midday sun."
34:52 A God whose will is resisted,
34:55 a God whose designs are frustrated,
34:59 a God whose purpose is checkmated,
35:03 then he possesses no title to deity.
35:07 If he's God, you can't checkmate his purpose.
35:11 If he's God, you can't frustrate his design.
35:15 If he's God, you can't resist his will
35:18 to the point where you got him all tied up.
35:21 If he's God, you got to bow.
35:25 If he's God, you got to give in.
35:28 If he's God, you got to say, "Yes, Lord."
35:31 This is why Jeremiah declared without equivocation
35:35 in the book of Jeremiah, he said,
35:37 "And the vessel that he made of clay
35:41 "was marred in the hand of the potter.
35:45 "So he made it again another vessel
35:49 "as it seemed good to the potter to make it."
35:53 There is no clay that dictates to the potter.
35:57 It's the potter who controls the clay.
36:01 When God undertakes something,
36:04 he undertakes it with the view to bring it to pass.
36:09 You can wiggle all you want to.
36:11 He is not sentimental.
36:13 He will put you in a situation
36:15 until you cry, until you get right.
36:18 He ain't crying while you're crying.
36:20 He's there looking at what the result is going to be.
36:24 He's not crying while you're going through.
36:27 He's looking at what he's making you.
36:29 He's not crying while you are fretting.
36:32 He has already sealed it.
36:34 He has already designed it, sealed it, and delivered it.
36:38 Somebody's saying, "Signs, sealed, delivered, I'm yours."
36:43 I feel like preaching in here.
36:45 We're almost there, Pat.
36:47 He is no make-believe monarch.
36:49 He is no fairy tale king.
36:52 He orchestrates the universe.
36:54 He manipulates the nations.
36:57 He is not moved by rebellion when he is defied.
37:01 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh
37:06 while you are down here doing your thing.
37:09 He's laughing in the heaven.
37:11 Daniel said he doth according to his will
37:14 in the army of heaven,
37:16 and among the inhabitants of the earth.
37:18 None can stay his hand.
37:21 Sovereignty is an exercise of his supremacy.
37:26 He is sovereign because he is supreme.
37:30 So he is the most high subject to none.
37:35 Can somebody say most high?
37:37 I'm talking superlative here.
37:41 Yes, yes, he's influenced by none.
37:44 Absolutely independent.
37:46 He does what he pleases.
37:49 This is why David can defeat Goliath with a slingshot.
37:53 Why?
37:54 Because it pleases God.
37:56 This is why the Hebrew boys can be in the fire.
37:59 Let's have church, Pat.
38:00 Because it pleases God.
38:03 This is why Daniel can make it out of the lion's den
38:08 because it pleases God.
38:11 This is why the woman with the issue of blood
38:15 can crawl and touch just the hem of his garment
38:20 because it pleases God.
38:23 This is why when the Moabites and the Amalekites
38:27 came up against Israel,
38:29 they declared this battle is not yours.
38:34 This battle is the Lord's because it pleases God.
38:39 When your enemies left you for dead
38:42 and fought walk away saying you would never make it.
38:46 But look at you now.
38:48 Look at what God has brought out because it pleases God.
38:53 I feel like preaching today.
38:56 Give somebody high five and say, I'm so glad.
39:01 It pleases God to bring me out of prostitution.
39:06 Bring me off drugs.
39:08 Bring me out of alcoholism.
39:10 Bring me out of wife abusing.
39:13 Bring me out of poverty.
39:15 Bring me out of mental illness.
39:18 Bring me out of confusion because it pleases God.
39:23 He's glad to see me.
39:26 I feel like preaching in here.
39:28 Give somebody high five.
39:30 Say I don't know about you.
39:33 I don't know about them, but I know it pleases God.
39:38 When I have joy in my heart, it pleases God.
39:44 When I can lift him up and glorify him, it pleases God.
39:49 When I can raise my hands and declare to God be the glory,
39:55 it pleases God.
39:57 When I come out of a one room apartment
40:02 and can move into a little bigger house,
40:06 it pleases God.
40:08 When I can take a wonder car and pick up something
40:12 that'll get where it goes, it pleases God.
40:16 When I can turn around and tell the devil,
40:20 get out of my house.
40:22 Get out of my child.
40:24 Get out.
40:26 Get out.
40:27 I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
40:30 It pleases God.
40:32 When I can walk right, talk right, live right,
40:37 do good to them that despitefully use me,
40:43 pray for them that can't stand me,
40:46 it pleases God.
40:50 When I can give him the glory
40:55 for the things he has done.
40:58 (cheering)
41:00 (clapping)
41:02 I got to close.
41:24 But I feel like giving God the praise.
41:29 That's why he said to his disciples,
41:33 "Fair not, little flock.
41:36 "It is your father's good pleasure
41:40 "to give you the kingdom."
41:43 Yeah.
41:44 I'm so glad.
41:47 He wants to bless you.
41:49 Give some money, high five.
41:51 Say wait on it.
41:52 Rejoice in it.
41:55 Pray for it.
41:56 Praise him for it.
41:59 Because he wants to bless you
42:04 and no devil can stop him
42:09 from what he wants to do.
42:13 (cheering)
42:16 I'm getting ready to close.
42:26 Just shake somebody's hand
42:28 like you're gonna shake it off.
42:30 Say neighbor, he wants to bless you.
42:35 You, you, you.
42:39 Bless your body.
42:41 Bless your mind.
42:43 Bless your spirit.
42:44 Bless your soul.
42:46 Bless you coming in, going out.
42:50 In the street, in the home, in the church.
42:57 He.
43:02 To thine be the glory.
43:04 To thine be the power forever and ever.
43:10 And when that's over.
43:15 Ever and ever.
43:16 And when that's over.
43:19 Ever and ever.
43:20 And when that's over.
43:23 (cheering)
43:25 We're blessed.
43:53 Somebody high five for the last time.
43:55 And say neighbor, I didn't do this for myself.
43:58 God did it for me.
44:00 (cheering)
44:03 (cheering)
44:06 (cheering)
44:08 (cheering)
44:10 (cheering)
44:12 (cheering)
44:15 (cheering)
44:18 (cheering)
44:37 (cheering)
44:39 (cheering)
44:41 (cheering)
44:44 (cheering)
44:46 (cheering)
45:08 (cheering)
45:10 ♪ When I think of his goodness ♪
45:31 ♪ What he done for me ♪
45:33 ♪ Think of his goodness ♪
45:34 ♪ Oh he set me free ♪
45:36 ♪ I can dance, dance, dance ♪
45:41 ♪ When I think of his goodness ♪
45:44 ♪ What he done for me ♪
45:45 ♪ Think of his goodness ♪
45:47 ♪ Oh he set me free ♪
45:48 ♪ I can dance, dance, dance ♪
45:50 ♪ Dance, dance all night ♪
46:04 ♪ When I think of his goodness ♪
46:06 ♪ What he done for me ♪
46:08 ♪ Think of his goodness ♪
46:09 ♪ Oh he set me free ♪
46:11 ♪ I can dance, dance, dance ♪
46:14 ♪ All night ♪
46:17 ♪ I can dance all night ♪
46:19 ♪ All night ♪
46:20 ♪ I can dance all night ♪
46:24 ♪ All night ♪
46:25 ♪ I can dance all night ♪
46:28 ♪ I can dance every day ♪
46:32 ♪ I can dance every night ♪
46:35 ♪ I can dance when I'm happy ♪
46:38 ♪ I can dance when I'm sad ♪
46:41 ♪ I can dance all night ♪
46:45 ♪ All night ♪
46:46 ♪ I will dance all night ♪
46:49 ♪ I will dance all night ♪
46:53 ♪ All night ♪
46:55 ♪ All night ♪
46:57 (upbeat music)
47:00, ♪ Somebody came to praise him ♪
47:06 (upbeat music)
47:08 ♪ Somebody came to praise him ♪
47:33 ♪ Oh yeah ♪
47:38 ♪ He's worthy of our praises ♪
47:44 ♪ Woo ♪
47:49 ♪ What an assurance ♪
47:52 ♪ What an assurance ♪
47:56 ♪ That in spite of it all ♪
48:00 ♪ He wants me to know in my mind and think it ♪
48:05 ♪ That I, your God ♪
48:10 ♪ I thought I'd take, as he directed me ♪
48:17 ♪ To take a break from the prayer ♪
48:22 ♪ Teaching and give the children of God an assurance ♪
48:30 ♪ That I am in the blessing business ♪
48:34 ♪ I'm not in the business of condemnation ♪
48:36 ♪ I came not to condemn ♪
48:40 ♪ But that the whole world through me might have life ♪
48:44 That's what he said.
48:46 The church is not a place to condemn.
48:49 The church is a place to give life.
48:52 The church is not a place to run people down.
48:57 The church is a place to lift people up.
49:01 And he's saying, get this thinking out of you.
49:05 That anybody can curse you.
49:07 Witches can't work.
49:09 Sorcerers can't work.
49:13 When the spirit of God is present,
49:16 the spirit of God is always in charge.
49:20 Nobody can put a spell on you
49:23 when the spirit of God is present.
49:27 What are you talking about?
49:29 Your thoughts of God, they are too human.
49:32 Raise them thoughts up.
49:34 Somebody in here, if you're not born again,
49:39 I want you to raise your thoughts
49:42 to the glory of the cross,
49:45 to the power of his resurrection.
49:47 If you're not born again, come, come, come.
49:53 Everybody in here that's saved
49:56 had to come to that place of repentance.
49:59 Don't say you got to get right to come.
50:03 No, come as you are.
50:06 Come as you are.
50:08 Come as you are.
50:09 Have a relationship with him in your weakness
50:12 and he will make you strong.
50:14 ♪ Blessed alone ♪
50:17 ♪ Oh my soul ♪
50:20 ♪ There's more ♪
50:23 ♪ That is within me ♪
50:26 Come on, young man, young lady.
50:32 ♪ Less is holy ♪
50:35 Come on, he's calling you.
50:37 He's calling you.
50:40 I wouldn't drive a car without insurance.
50:43 I wouldn't have a house without insurance.
50:47 And I'm not going to live
50:49 with what is more valuable than the whole world
50:52 without insurance.
50:54 What would it profit a man
50:56 to gain the whole world and lose his soul?
50:59 Come on, come on.
51:00 Come on, give your life to Christ today.
51:05 Come on, come on.
51:07 If you feel like coming, it's because God is drawing you.
51:12 You online, there is a number to call
51:15 if you feel something urging you
51:18 to get closer to God or to receive him as your Savior.
51:24 Pick up your phone and call that number.
51:27 That's before you right now.
51:30 He's waiting.
51:31 Somebody's waiting to pray with you.
51:35 Somebody's waiting because your soul
51:38 is the most important thing you have
51:41 and it's more significant than the whole world.
51:44 Come on.
51:45 (upbeat music)
51:48 (upbeat music)
51:50 (upbeat music)
51:53 (upbeat music)
51:55 (upbeat music)
