• l’année dernière
00:00:00 (upbeat music)
00:00:02 (upbeat music)
00:00:05 (upbeat music)
00:00:34 - Can't come into this house and not think,
00:00:36 my mother, my mother was friends,
00:00:40 we had, my mother had cousins in this church.
00:00:44 So, that means with my mother,
00:00:50 we're going way back, there was Amy Mowat,
00:00:53 I mean, when David doesn't even remember Amy,
00:00:57 and I think she was before his mother, Mother Foster.
00:01:04 (audience laughing)
00:01:05 And that was my mother's friend.
00:01:08 And then of course, I can't come here
00:01:14 and not think of Pastor Begat.
00:01:17 (audience cheering)
00:01:20 Because, because in those days,
00:01:27 there were certain places that you would be called to preach.
00:01:33 (audience cheering)
00:01:35 That would sort of give you credulity and credibility.
00:01:38 And among the group, those of us who were
00:01:45 the Howard Tillmans and the Iona Locks,
00:01:49 and Iona and Howard, and then quiet as it's kept,
00:01:56 there was subtle competition.
00:02:01 (audience laughing)
00:02:03 And so when you got, oh, I'm going to District Elder Begat,
00:02:08 now where are you preaching?
00:02:12 And so, you can't come here and not think of the Fosters,
00:02:18 of course, and the contribution Mother made,
00:02:22 and David and Paulette,
00:02:27 can't come here and not think of,
00:02:29 I'm going to throw a name at you now,
00:02:33 Professor Russell Thomas.
00:02:37 Ah, you lost that one.
00:02:41 And then of course, she is the secretary of our church now,
00:02:47 but we thank God for the Waltons and Sister Lee Walton.
00:02:56 That's before some of you again.
00:02:58 And then my good friend and my favorite preacher
00:03:03 was the late great Bishop William Ellis,
00:03:09 Senior.
00:03:13 (audience cheering)
00:03:16 Amen.
00:03:17 William Ellis Senior.
00:03:21 (audience cheering)
00:03:24 I was around when Billy was born.
00:03:29 Amen, well, William Junior.
00:03:36 (audience laughing)
00:03:41 I'd spend many a time,
00:03:49 I'd spend many days on William and Mary's,
00:03:54 I would sit on the bed,
00:03:57 and many, many great days, many great conversations,
00:04:04 and then the Lord helped me to have had relationships
00:04:09 with not only David, but Dr. Franklin,
00:04:14 and Pastor Noel Nicholson,
00:04:19 and I'm looking for Mullins,
00:04:21 I don't see Mullins here tonight,
00:04:23 but so many wonderful memories,
00:04:28 and we give God thanks,
00:04:29 and as I was sitting here a while ago,
00:04:32 I thought how often in everybody being busy
00:04:36 in whatever part of the vineyard they're in,
00:04:41 we have a proclivity to move away
00:04:43 from the people that you care about so much.
00:04:48 And I'm learning now, as I've,
00:04:50 I tried to be a brother for so long,
00:04:53 I pushed back being a father.
00:04:55 And everything has a termination date.
00:05:03 Shelf life.
00:05:06 And I'm a baby boomer, and of course,
00:05:10 baby boomers and exes have given way
00:05:15 to millennials and Zs.
00:05:18 Baby boomers are connectors, are assemblers.
00:05:24 Zs are connectors.
00:05:29 Yeah, you know.
00:05:30 And somehow the pandemic,
00:05:38 the pandemic actually, it was a catalyst,
00:05:43 and a catalyst doesn't change the chemical reaction,
00:05:46 it just speeds it up.
00:05:47 And millions of people were leaving church anyway.
00:05:54 Because the generation that I'm passing out of
00:06:02 is a generation that we connect to.
00:06:09 This generation is not a generation of assemblers.
00:06:12 They're a generation of connectors.
00:06:17 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:06:19 And they have shorter tension spans.
00:06:22 And they deal more in dialogue than discourse.
00:06:31 And so we were losing members anyway
00:06:37 because we were not winning new people.
00:06:40 And the Lord told us to go into all the world,
00:06:46 and we went everywhere.
00:06:49 I mean, I went everywhere.
00:06:50 There's nowhere in the world that I haven't been.
00:06:52 I went everywhere, but I didn't go into cyberspace.
00:06:57 And cyberspace has now become all the world.
00:07:06 But I learned something, and that is as you mentor young men,
00:07:10 and one of the problems with the apostolics
00:07:13 is that we don't mentor and father younger people.
00:07:19 But I've learned that as you father younger people,
00:07:26 those of us who are leaving this contemporary environment,
00:07:29 when we give sage old wisdom,
00:07:36 to those who are optimum in their contemporary environment,
00:07:41 which is now, when you give younger men and younger women
00:07:45 the sage old wisdom, they give you the ability
00:07:49 to navigate within the parameters of the social system
00:07:53 that they are a part of.
00:07:54 That might be too verbose.
00:07:58 If you want to understand anything about this,
00:08:02 call your grandchildren.
00:08:04 (audience cheering)
00:08:07 So what I'm saying is in mentoring young people,
00:08:12 if you listen while you mentor,
00:08:16 they will help to connect you to the environment
00:08:20 that you're passing out of,
00:08:22 and therefore extend your shelf life.
00:08:32 If you listen, and so consequently I took a plane,
00:08:37 chartered a flight to see what the prophets were doing,
00:08:42 to see how the prophets got connectors to assemble.
00:08:49 I had to study the young fellas,
00:08:55 and the young ladies to see how they can get connected
00:09:02 connectors to assemble.
00:09:05 See over the years we became so significantly important
00:09:14 as the men of God,
00:09:15 and the women of God,
00:09:20 that we lost contact with the people that we serve.
00:09:30 Because used to be the church would employ the preacher,
00:09:34 now the preacher employs the church.
00:09:38 Oh yes, oh yes.
00:09:47 So consequently because of that we lost touch
00:09:50 with our congregants, most of us don't even shake hands,
00:09:54 we're gone before the place is over.
00:09:57 Somebody else dismisses and we're in the car.
00:10:00 We're men of God.
00:10:04 So consequently we ended up telling people what we know,
00:10:13 but not what they need.
00:10:16 And because of that we have to check the prophets.
00:10:28 And I found out what the prophets are doing
00:10:30 is what we used to do.
00:10:33 What Schombach did,
00:10:36 what Skinner did,
00:10:40 and that was the pastor would lay hands on the saints,
00:10:45 give them a private world.
00:10:48 So you can't do that on the TV,
00:10:51 you can't do that while you're at home.
00:10:54 (audience chattering)
00:10:57 Got to shake somebody's hand,
00:10:59 talk to somebody personally, look them in the eye.
00:11:03 Oh it gets dangerous sometimes,
00:11:05 but you got to do it anyway.
00:11:07 Because now you're serving again, amen.
00:11:12 So we honor God for these young men and young ladies,
00:11:16 we honor God for your leader.
00:11:21 And we thank God for him and for him being nouveau,
00:11:26 for him being avant-garde,
00:11:29 for him being not a trend follower, but a trendsetter.
00:11:36 I think it's important to understand
00:11:42 that those of us who are settling into our identity
00:11:47 until we've ceased to be relevant,
00:11:51 identity and relevance always in crisis.
00:11:55 There's always tension between identity and relevance.
00:12:01 Jesus was so relevant they didn't even know he was God.
00:12:05 Because he didn't fit the norm.
00:12:14 Amen, amen.
00:12:20 So here I am in church over here
00:12:22 and they're renting over there,
00:12:24 which eases your financial obligation.
00:12:28 Amen, oh, I've been single for 27 years,
00:12:36 I'd like you to meet my wife, Sister Loretta Jones.
00:12:42 (audience applauding)
00:12:45 - Hi, hi.
00:12:46 - Thank you for being so kind.
00:12:56 - You're a good guy.
00:13:00 - Wow, so much,
00:13:05 so much to remember in this city.
00:13:10 (audience laughing)
00:13:13 And there's one trait that is in the Ellis DNA.
00:13:22 Can't help it.
00:13:30 And it's a marvelous thing.
00:13:32 I remember I used to call him Uncle Willie all the time,
00:13:37 but he would talk about anything for as long as he would.
00:13:42 And then all of a sudden he'd turn on the preaching
00:13:45 and he was incredible.
00:13:48 Incredible, and I am very happy,
00:13:53 very happy that his son, William Jr.,
00:13:57 continues the wisdom of his father
00:14:04 in a novel presentation.
00:14:07 The newness and the freshness that contains the wisdom
00:14:13 but projects it in a different style.
00:14:18 And then I admire the children of God
00:14:23 who were flexible enough
00:14:26 to follow when it looked different.
00:14:34 And so that is a credit to the mothers
00:14:38 and to the fathers of this church,
00:14:41 that you would allow him the flexibility
00:14:44 because he has a better understanding
00:14:47 of the contemporary environment than you and I do.
00:14:50 Amen.
00:14:53 I would though that, is it all right to preach Jesus?
00:14:56 (audience applauding)
00:15:00 (audience cheering)
00:15:03 I hear so much humanism
00:15:14 and I hear so much Norman Vincent Peale
00:15:20 that every now and then you have to apologize
00:15:27 if you take a text that relates to Jesus.
00:15:30 So I would that you would go with me
00:15:33 to St. John's Gospel, chapter 11.
00:15:37 And if I seem a little tired, I'll start slow.
00:15:43 I was in Ghana last week and two services home and here now
00:15:50 and I guess I'm not as young as my wife.
00:15:55 (audience laughing)
00:15:58 In St. John's Gospel, chapter 11,
00:16:01 and I want you to notice something that is very subtle
00:16:06 but it is significant to understanding the text.
00:16:13 There's something that John is doing here
00:16:17 that if you look at it very carefully,
00:16:19 you will ask yourself, why is he doing this?
00:16:24 Now a certain man was sick named Lazarus of Bethany,
00:16:29 the town of Mary and her sister Martha.
00:16:34 Now here is what he does.
00:16:38 It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment
00:16:43 and wiped his feet with her hair,
00:16:45 whose brother Lazarus was sick.
00:16:50 Now if you notice immediately,
00:16:52 he is identifying very succinctly
00:16:57 who this Lazarus is.
00:17:05 We're not talking just about another Mary
00:17:08 or another Martha, but we're talking about
00:17:11 that particular Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment
00:17:15 and wiped his feet with her hair.
00:17:18 Now that's a whole nother discussion.
00:17:20 - You're so right, Bishop.
00:17:22 - Because I don't think that the present day
00:17:24 apostolic church would have included that.
00:17:27 Picture in your mind what it would look like
00:17:35 if the bishop was sitting in a seat
00:17:38 and a woman was wiping my feet with her tears
00:17:48 and drying them with her hair.
00:17:51 I would lose my job.
00:17:52 When y'all got through with that on social media,
00:17:58 I'd be driving a taxi cab after.
00:18:03 But it's interesting that the early church
00:18:10 had no problem with that.
00:18:16 Anyway, that's the byproduct.
00:18:18 Therefore, his sister sent unto him.
00:18:23 Now therefore is always concluding
00:18:27 when you have a premise.
00:18:29 In order to get to a, therefore,
00:18:32 you have to have a series of premises
00:18:35 that brings you to a conclusion.
00:18:36 So based on the fact that it was Lazarus
00:18:43 and Mary and Martha and Mary
00:18:45 who wiped his feet with her tears,
00:18:49 with her hair and washed it with her tears,
00:18:53 therefore, based upon the relationship,
00:18:58 they sent unto him saying,
00:19:01 Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.
00:19:06 When Jesus heard that, he said,
00:19:12 this sickness is not unto death,
00:19:14 but for the glory of God,
00:19:16 that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.
00:19:19 Now Jesus loved.
00:19:21 You gotta understand, why are you doing this, John?
00:19:29 Loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
00:19:34 When he had heard, therefore, that he was sick,
00:19:36 he abode two days still in the same place where he was.
00:19:43 Now that seems contradictory to the previous.
00:19:47 Now he loved, but he didn't rush.
00:19:51 Then after that, his disciples said to him,
00:19:58 let us go into Judea again.
00:20:00 His disciples said to him,
00:20:03 master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee,
00:20:07 and thou goest out to them again?
00:20:10 Jesus answered, there are 12 hours in the day.
00:20:13 If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth,
00:20:15 not because he seeth the light of this world,
00:20:17 but if a man walk in the night,
00:20:19 he stumbleth because there is no light in him.
00:20:22 These things said he, and after that, he saith unto them,
00:20:26 our friend Lazarus sleepeth.
00:20:29 But I go that I may awake him out of sleep.
00:20:32 Then said the disciples, Lord, if he's sleeping,
00:20:34 then he's doing all right.
00:20:39 So what's the rush?
00:20:41 How be it Jesus speak of his death?
00:20:44 But they that thought that he had spoken
00:20:47 of taking of rest in his sleep.
00:20:49 Then said Jesus unto them plainly,
00:20:52 Lazarus is dead, and I am glad.
00:20:55 (audience applauding)
00:20:59 Now I wonder how many times
00:21:09 the Lord has seen me broke
00:21:13 and said, Noel Jones is broke, and I am glad.
00:21:20 Noel Jones is sick, and I am glad.
00:21:38 Their marriage is on the rocks, and I am glad.
00:21:43 How many times have you been in trouble,
00:21:49 and the Lord was glad?
00:21:55 I am glad for your sakes
00:22:08 that I was not there to the intent you may believe.
00:22:13 Nevertheless, let us go unto him.
00:22:16 And of course, Thomas is gonna pick it up, you know.
00:22:18 You're negative in the morning,
00:22:20 gonna be negative in the evening.
00:22:21 (audience laughing)
00:22:23 And he says, well, let's go up there,
00:22:25 let us go up there and die with him.
00:22:27 When Jesus came, he found that he had lain in a grave
00:22:32 four days already, and I just wanna give you
00:22:36 a little clue to that.
00:22:38 In the Jewish tradition, in 72 hours, in their tradition,
00:22:43 it takes 72 hours for the body to leave,
00:22:49 the soul to leave the body.
00:22:53 So anything within four days,
00:22:57 they would have said that he wasn't really dead.
00:23:01 All right, leave that with you.
00:23:06 Great Bethany, of course, they went down,
00:23:08 and I don't wanna spend time reading all of it.
00:23:11 And Martha, as soon, this is verse 20 now,
00:23:14 soon as she heard that Jesus was coming,
00:23:16 went forth and met him.
00:23:18 Mary stayed at the house, still at the house,
00:23:20 and of course, Martha said,
00:23:21 Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.
00:23:26 Wrong.
00:23:28 But I know that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God,
00:23:33 God will give to thee, Jesus said unto her,
00:23:36 thy brother shall rise again.
00:23:38 Martha said unto him, I know that.
00:23:40 He shall rise again in the resurrection,
00:23:42 the last day, Jesus said unto her, I am.
00:23:45 The resurrection and the life.
00:23:48 He that believeth in me, though he were dead,
00:23:52 yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth
00:23:54 and believeth in me shall never die.
00:24:01 Then, of course, I'll follow down to where Jesus goes,
00:24:05 and he weeps, of course.
00:24:07 Jesus wept, his heart was broken.
00:24:09 People saw him weeping, were comforted.
00:24:12 And he said, show me where you laid him,
00:24:14 and then, where you laid him.
00:24:16 Then he came, and he wept there,
00:24:18 and behold how he loved him, John says.
00:24:23 And some of them said, could not this man
00:24:27 which opened the eyes of the blind
00:24:29 have caused that even this man should not have died?
00:24:33 Social media.
00:24:36 Groaning himself.
00:24:41 He said, take away the stone.
00:24:43 Now, I'm going to raise him from the dead,
00:24:47 but you going to take away the stone.
00:24:49 Whatever you can do, I'm not going to do.
00:24:51 Don't expect me to do what you can do,
00:24:56 'cause what I can do, you can't do.
00:24:58 (audience laughing)
00:25:00 Don't look for me to do everything.
00:25:03 You roll away the stone.
00:25:04 She said, but he's thinking.
00:25:05 He said, but if you believe, if you would just believe,
00:25:08 thou shouldest see the glory of God.
00:25:12 Took away the stone, then he prayed,
00:25:14 then he said, Lazarus, come forth.
00:25:19 Finally, he said, loose the man and let him go.
00:25:21 I want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them.
00:25:27 Look them like you're mad and tell them, come forth.
00:25:32 You've been where you are too long.
00:25:42 (audience applauding)
00:25:45 It's time to come out of it.
00:25:53 John's concern has always been
00:25:58 our conceptualization of who Jesus is.
00:26:02 And if you notice the book of John closely,
00:26:06 you will find that he never mentions himself at all.
00:26:11 He never calls his own name.
00:26:15 When you see John, it's generally,
00:26:19 when you see the word John,
00:26:20 he's talking about John the Baptist.
00:26:23 But when you see his reference to himself,
00:26:28 he never uses his name.
00:26:32 He is the disciple whom Jesus loved.
00:26:37 He is the whole epistethos,
00:26:40 the one who leaned against his bosom.
00:26:43 He calls himself another disciple, or the other disciple.
00:26:51 And the writers say that in the writings of John,
00:26:56 they say that Jesus is never invisible
00:27:01 because John is never visible.
00:27:03 He is very concerned then about our concept of Christ
00:27:11 and his ability to communicate Christ to man.
00:27:20 Because unless there is communication between God and man,
00:27:23 man is doomed.
00:27:24 God has to communicate with us,
00:27:29 and he has to initiate the communication.
00:27:34 I cannot reach up and pull God into a relationship
00:27:41 just simply because I choose.
00:27:44 No man can come except the Father, Suru,
00:27:49 the Father drag.
00:27:51 So the communication with man has to begin from God to us
00:27:58 because no man even thinks of God.
00:28:03 If you look at Romans chapter one,
00:28:05 you would understand how reprobate we are.
00:28:08 It is critical because he has to communicate to us.
00:28:17 I have never seen a dolphin put a man in a tank
00:28:22 and decide he wants to talk to him.
00:28:24 It takes the greater creature
00:28:28 to arrest the lesser creature
00:28:33 in order to bring a communicative relationship.
00:28:38 So in order then for there to be communication, God to man,
00:28:44 it is critical then that we get a word from the Lord
00:28:49 because he has to speak to us
00:28:53 in an environment that is created by him.
00:28:59 I'm giving you a clue.
00:29:00 And so it starts out,
00:29:04 in the beginning was the word,
00:29:06 and the word was with God,
00:29:09 and the word was God.
00:29:13 So John opens up by giving us
00:29:17 the sort of overture of a great orchestrative piece
00:29:22 when he introduces us to the logos.
00:29:26 An introduction to the logos denotes then
00:29:30 the expression of thought.
00:29:32 In order to have a thought,
00:29:37 well, you've got to have a thinker.
00:29:42 And what John is saying essentially is
00:29:45 that the thought and the thinker are one and the same.
00:29:51 But if you understand thought,
00:29:56 which you have but you've never seen,
00:29:58 then you would understand then
00:30:01 that the logos is not a mere name of an object.
00:30:05 But since the logos denotes the expression of thought,
00:30:12 then the logos has to be spiritual.
00:30:16 No, better than that.
00:30:19 The logos is a spirit.
00:30:21 So the logos was with God,
00:30:26 and the logos was God.
00:30:30 So if you get a word from God,
00:30:34 then you get God.
00:30:35 Should I say that?
00:30:39 What are y'all doing to the baby?
00:30:41 (audience laughing)
00:30:43 If you get a word from God,
00:30:46 then you get God.
00:30:48 Because God is not separate from his word.
00:30:54 So logos then is with God,
00:30:58 and the word in the Greek there is press.
00:31:01 And it's not just in the company of God.
00:31:06 Because I can say that you were with me
00:31:09 and we're all in the same company.
00:31:12 But because we're in the same company
00:31:14 does not mean that we have an intimate communion.
00:31:18 But the logos is so intimately connected to God
00:31:25 that it is distinct and super finite.
00:31:30 The logos is deity.
00:31:34 And the logos is creative power.
00:31:38 It is the logos that declared let there be light.
00:31:42 All things were made by him,
00:31:46 and without him was not anything made that was made.
00:31:51 Oh, I feel like preaching now.
00:31:53 Understand that, then we have to declare
00:31:58 that the first form of the word was spirit.
00:32:02 So we have spirit word, the first form.
00:32:08 Spirit.
00:32:08 If it's spirit then, then you and I have difficulty
00:32:12 because to connect to the word in spirit
00:32:17 is a problem that we have.
00:32:19 So if you look now at the verse 14 of 1 John,
00:32:24 of St. John chapter one, it's getting late, honey,
00:32:28 I understand.
00:32:28 You will find that the word became flesh.
00:32:36 (audience shouting)
00:32:38 And dwelt among us flesh creatures.
00:32:42 And so we beheld now something we couldn't see before
00:32:48 because the word was with God, the word was God,
00:32:52 and God is a spirit.
00:32:54 But when it became flesh, we beheld his glory
00:33:01 as of the only begotten of the father,
00:33:04 full of grace and truth.
00:33:07 He's full of grace simply because we don't deserve
00:33:13 to have him in our presence.
00:33:15 (audience applauding)
00:33:18 He's full of truth because everything that represents truth
00:33:23 is in Jesus Christ.
00:33:25 I don't know what has happened to you, Christian Americans.
00:33:32 You have become so used to listening to liars.
00:33:35 (audience shouting)
00:33:38 Until liars have dominated our whole life.
00:33:44 Now I understand how we could embrace the Antichrist.
00:33:50 Yeah, God sent them a strong delusion
00:33:57 simply because they did not have love for truth.
00:34:01 (audience shouting)
00:34:03 But Jesus then represents truth.
00:34:05 So the incarnate word can be seen.
00:34:10 So God, invisible as a spirit, has now taken on flesh.
00:34:16 Now notice he was not made flesh but became flesh,
00:34:23 which means that he actively participated
00:34:28 in a voluntary act of taking what could not be seen
00:34:33 and allowing it to be seen,
00:34:36 which means now he is controlling
00:34:39 the manifestative process.
00:34:43 I'm giving you another clue.
00:34:44 What God does is he has to create in order to reveal.
00:34:51 (audience shouting)
00:34:52 For if he doesn't create anything or anybody,
00:34:57 then he can't reveal himself to what has not been created.
00:35:02 And since all things were made by him
00:35:05 and without him was not anything made that was made,
00:35:09 that indicates that he who was in the canyons of eternity
00:35:15 by himself in order to show the magnanimity
00:35:19 of his splendiferous being had to create
00:35:24 someone who could have the ability
00:35:28 to grasp how wonderful he is.
00:35:31 How wonderful he is could not be seen
00:35:35 if there was nobody there.
00:35:37 So he had to create in order to reveal.
00:35:42 The reality then and the totality of his human nature
00:35:49 and his glory as the only begotten of the father.
00:35:54 And according to the Greek, as I see here,
00:35:59 it should be God only begotten.
00:36:03 This lends to stress the nature
00:36:05 and the characteristic of the relationship.
00:36:09 He was a Shekinah glory in open manifestation.
00:36:14 So if anybody wanted to know how God would operate
00:36:18 in the world, all you had to do is look at Jesus.
00:36:23 Because he which is in the bosom of the father,
00:36:29 he had declared him.
00:36:31 So we've moved now from one form into another form.
00:36:36 We have the spirit form, now we have the incarnate form,
00:36:40 but it doesn't stop there.
00:36:43 If you go to 1 John 1 and 1,
00:36:47 you will hear him talk about that which was
00:36:50 from the beginning, not the beginning of time now,
00:36:54 but the beginning of Jesus's ministry.
00:36:57 Which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes,
00:37:02 which our hands have handled of the word of life.
00:37:08 Now notice in verse two, 1 John 1, 1, 2,
00:37:12 he says, "For the life was manifested."
00:37:17 That was when the spirit became flesh.
00:37:22 And we have seen it, bear witness and show unto you
00:37:27 that eternal life, which we see,
00:37:33 which was with the father and was manifested unto us.
00:37:38 Now he says, "That which we have seen and heard,
00:37:43 "declare we unto you,
00:37:47 "that you might have fellowship with us."
00:37:50 Are you still with me, wave your hands.
00:37:53 I didn't see the spirit word,
00:37:56 but the spirit word was manifested when it became incarnate.
00:38:01 But I was not there when Jesus walked the earth.
00:38:06 So I would have been left out of that communication
00:38:10 unless John wrote down what he saw.
00:38:15 So he says, "What we have handled with our hands,
00:38:18 "what we have looked upon,
00:38:20 "now we declare that unto you,
00:38:22 "that you might have fellowship with us."
00:38:26 I propose to you that his declaration
00:38:30 is the written word or the Bible.
00:38:34 His association was with the incarnate word, Jesus Christ,
00:38:39 who was a revelation of the spirit word, God himself.
00:38:45 Should I go over that again?
00:38:48 The Bible becomes the expression of Jesus Christ to us.
00:38:53 And that expression to us
00:38:57 is the expressed image of God to them.
00:39:04 Now, let me go deeper.
00:39:05 Jesus says it like this,
00:39:07 "I am the bread that came out from down from heaven.
00:39:12 "I am the bread of life."
00:39:15 And when he said that, he said,
00:39:17 "Except you eat my flesh and drink my blood,
00:39:21 "you have no life in you."
00:39:24 The disciples looked at that and I guess they felt,
00:39:27 well, I thought we were sophisticated human beings
00:39:31 and how in the world are we going to eat his flesh?
00:39:35 In John chapter six, the Bible says,
00:39:37 "He lost many disciples that day."
00:39:42 And he talks to his disciples
00:39:44 because the inner group still hung around.
00:39:48 He said, "Does this also offend you?"
00:39:52 He said, "What if you see the Son of Man
00:39:55 "ascend from whence he came?"
00:39:57 I guess they say, "There goes the dinner,
00:39:59 "there goes lunch, breakfast is gone."
00:40:02 He says, "Let me tell you something,
00:40:03 "the flesh profiteth nothing.
00:40:06 "The words that I speak,
00:40:09 "they are spirit and they are life."
00:40:14 Oh, I feel like preaching now.
00:40:17 The flesh doesn't profit anything
00:40:21 because if you go down to the baker to buy some bread,
00:40:26 you don't eat the package.
00:40:29 You break open the package and you take out the bread.
00:40:34 That's why you got to tell the devil,
00:40:37 watch that spare devil.
00:40:39 Watch what you're doing on Calvary
00:40:42 because you're going to break the package
00:40:46 and you're going to release more power
00:40:49 than you're able to handle.
00:40:51 You better watch how you go poking around
00:40:54 because you're going to fool around and release something
00:40:58 that you're not able to handle.
00:41:00 You need to tell somebody when they keep messing with you
00:41:04 that you're going to release something in me
00:41:07 that you're not able to handle.
00:41:09 You think you're breaking me down,
00:41:12 but you're just opening me up
00:41:15 that I can release the power of the living God.
00:41:19 So Jesus then spoke as spirit words.
00:41:24 As the incarnate word.
00:41:27 And what has been recorded now
00:41:29 has become the written word.
00:41:33 So you've got the spirit word, the written word,
00:41:36 the incarnate word, and if you accept one,
00:41:40 you have to accept all.
00:41:42 For all are the same in a different package.
00:41:47 So for the first time, you can eat what the baker makes
00:41:52 and God is the baker, Jesus is the bread,
00:41:57 and the Bible is the recipe.
00:42:00 (audience cheering)
00:42:01 I wish you'd understand what I'm talking about.
00:42:04 Anytime you want to mix up something,
00:42:07 my wife is a chef, but she does recipes,
00:42:12 and you don't have to be able to cook like her
00:42:14 if you can follow the recipe.
00:42:16 If you want victory soup, go to Genesis.
00:42:20 If you want power, go to Exodus.
00:42:23 Whatever you want, you can mix it up.
00:42:26 If you need to be comforted, go to the Psalms.
00:42:29 If you need wisdom, go to the Proverbs.
00:42:32 I wasn't there when Jesus was there,
00:42:35 but I have the word of God
00:42:37 and the power of God is in his word.
00:42:41 (audience cheering)
00:42:42 Ah, I feel something moving here.
00:42:45 And so now, to fulfill the significance
00:42:48 of the title Logos, and I can hoop any time.
00:42:51 God knows I can.
00:42:52 ♪ Mm, oh Lord ♪
00:42:55 If you're waiting for that, it's coming.
00:43:00 You gotta understand now that the word
00:43:02 then becomes the personal manifestation.
00:43:05 It's not a part of the divine nature,
00:43:07 but of the whole deity itself.
00:43:12 So the word then is first of all,
00:43:14 the principle of divine self-manifestation.
00:43:19 Manifestation then in the ground of being itself.
00:43:24 And this is why Paul Tillich puts it like this,
00:43:27 and I quote, he says, "The ground is not only an abyss
00:43:32 "in which every form disappears,
00:43:36 "it is the source from which every form emerges."
00:43:41 The ground of being God
00:43:44 has a character of self-manifestation.
00:43:48 This is not something added to divine life,
00:43:51 it is the divine life itself, unquote.
00:43:55 You see, God is logical, so he includes his own logos.
00:44:00 And he then becomes the word,
00:44:04 which is the medium of creation.
00:44:08 For the logos now is for the purpose of manifestation.
00:44:13 So what he has to do, I'm giving you another clue,
00:44:16 is he has to create the situation for revelation.
00:44:21 You cannot just demand him to show himself.
00:44:27 He has to choose to show himself to you.
00:44:33 I wanna put it another way.
00:44:35 God is everywhere, but he is nowhere
00:44:40 if he does not reveal himself somewhere.
00:44:44 You can live your whole life
00:44:47 and never have a revelation from God.
00:44:50 And if God wants not to have a relationship with you,
00:44:55 all he needs to do is not reveal himself to you.
00:45:00 And if God has revealed himself to you,
00:45:03 you can tell anybody in your space,
00:45:06 I have a relationship with God.
00:45:10 And I was chosen in him
00:45:14 before the foundation of the world.
00:45:17 I didn't just come as a Johnny come lately.
00:45:21 I was always in the mind of God.
00:45:24 He just set up the situation for the revelation.
00:45:29 I need you to touch your neighbor for the first time,
00:45:31 I'm only gonna do it seven times,
00:45:33 and tell your neighbor, neighbor,
00:45:36 what you're going through right now is a setup.
00:45:40 (audience cheering)
00:45:41 It is here that you understand then
00:45:43 that the situation then is in the dynamics of revelation.
00:45:49 And that is the revelatory experience you have with God
00:45:55 has to come from one event to the next.
00:45:59 So he reveals himself in a particular event,
00:46:02 and then in the normalcy of your everyday living,
00:46:06 he reveals himself in your everyday operation.
00:46:11 The reason you're still here is
00:46:14 he is constantly revealing himself
00:46:17 until you have a history
00:46:21 of revelatory experiences with God.
00:46:25 He takes you from one to the next.
00:46:28 And when you understand that now,
00:46:30 you see the history of revelation,
00:46:33 and when you record the history of revelation,
00:46:36 you call it rhema.
00:46:38 What you've got is the rhema about the logos
00:46:42 in the history of revelation.
00:46:46 Can I go deeper before I go higher?
00:46:48 Which means then whenever God is visible to any human being,
00:46:55 it's because he was the one who set up the agenda,
00:46:59 and he set up the schedule for the revelation.
00:47:04 He created a situation for revelation,
00:47:07 and we called it Jehovah-neesing.
00:47:11 He knew that the Amalekites were waiting,
00:47:14 but he didn't move the Amalekites in Rephidim
00:47:18 because he wanted Israel to have an experience
00:47:21 of being ambushed by an enemy.
00:47:24 How many times have your enemies ambushed you?
00:47:28 And God set up that situation in order to reveal to you
00:47:33 that if I am for you, who can be against you?
00:47:39 Unless you had gone through the situation,
00:47:43 you would not have had the revelation
00:47:47 that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
00:47:53 He created a situation for revelation,
00:47:56 and he called it, and we called it Jehovah-rophica.
00:48:01 That means he had to be sick in order for me to be healed.
00:48:06 When people tell you don't claim it, they're joking.
00:48:10 I'm sick.
00:48:11 If I'm claiming something that I don't really have,
00:48:14 then I'm not really healed.
00:48:16 Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
00:48:19 I have to be sick in order to be healed.
00:48:23 Oh, yes, yes, yes.
00:48:25 He created a situation for revelation,
00:48:28 and he called it Jehovah-shalom.
00:48:31 The Lord is our peace, but I would know the peace of God
00:48:35 which passeth understanding
00:48:38 if I hadn't been caught in a bunch of confusion.
00:48:41 He allowed the confusion to give me the revelation
00:48:45 that in the middle of confusion, you can have peace.
00:48:49 You don't have to be fighting
00:48:52 because everybody else is fighting.
00:48:54 You can rest in me.
00:48:57 And when folk look at you cool
00:48:59 in the middle of a hot situation,
00:49:02 they'll understand that you have been with God
00:49:06 because I have the revelation in the,
00:49:09 there is a revelation in the situation,
00:49:12 and we called it Jehovah-sickenu.
00:49:15 There's a revelation in the situation.
00:49:17 We called it Jehovah-roha.
00:49:19 There's a revelation in the situation,
00:49:22 and we called it Jehovah-machadish.
00:49:25 Every time God moved in the situation,
00:49:28 he allowed you to get in the fiery furnace
00:49:32 so he can reveal himself as the power in the fire.
00:49:37 He could have kept you out of the fire,
00:49:40 but he allowed you in the fire to show you
00:49:43 I'm not just a deliverer, but I'm a sustainer.
00:49:47 (audience cheering)
00:49:48 Oh, I feel like, give somebody a high five
00:49:51 and say he'll answer in the fire.
00:49:56 He doesn't have to be out of the fire to bring you out.
00:49:59 He can bring you out in the middle of the fire.
00:50:04 It is here then that we understand now
00:50:07 that this is a situation that he is creating.
00:50:11 He has to create this situation
00:50:14 in order to reveal himself
00:50:18 as the resurrection and the life.
00:50:21 I'm almost there, Pat.
00:50:23 It's critical to understand this now
00:50:25 because he's dealing with a small family circle,
00:50:30 and he's dealing with folk who are close to him.
00:50:35 I give you a little news,
00:50:37 and that is God does not give revelatory experiences
00:50:42 to folk who aren't close to him.
00:50:45 The only people who are close to him
00:50:48 get revelatory experiences with God.
00:50:52 You will not get a revelatory experience
00:50:56 with whoever is my wife
00:50:59 because my wife is close to me, and I'm close to her.
00:51:04 A stranger will not get the joys that I get
00:51:08 in the relationship that we have
00:51:11 because it takes a certain amount of closeness
00:51:14 to get a certain amount of pleasure.
00:51:17 I wish you'd understand where I'm going.
00:51:20 You see, in order then for them to get a mammoth revelation
00:51:25 of the resurrection and the life,
00:51:28 then somebody had to die.
00:51:31 And if somebody's going to die,
00:51:34 it's not going to be an enemy
00:51:37 because an enemy is not going to get the revelation.
00:51:41 It has to be a friend.
00:51:43 (audience cheering)
00:51:45 I feel like preaching now.
00:51:48 You see, you've got to understand
00:51:50 that so much of what you go through
00:51:53 is not because you're weak.
00:51:56 It's because you're strong.
00:51:58 He said, "I will not put anything on you
00:52:02 "that you're not able to bear."
00:52:05 So if it's rough, it's because you're strong.
00:52:08 If it's tough, it's because he wants to give you
00:52:12 an experience that nobody else is going to get.
00:52:17 This experience is so powerful
00:52:21 that it has kept us through the years.
00:52:24 We use it at every funeral.
00:52:26 I am the resurrection and the life,
00:52:29 but somebody had to get it in the first place,
00:52:33 and it had to be somebody he loved.
00:52:37 I feel like preaching in here.
00:52:39 Don't judge me because I'm going through.
00:52:42 Don't tell me I'm not close to God
00:52:45 because of what I have to face.
00:52:47 What I'm facing doesn't prove that I'm far from God.
00:52:52 It proves that I'm close to God
00:52:54 because every time I think I'm going to quit,
00:52:57 he reveals himself in another way
00:53:00 that shows me that it's not about what you're going through.
00:53:04 It's about who's going through it with you.
00:53:07 Yea, though I walk through the shadow of death,
00:53:11 I will fear no evil because I'm going through with God,
00:53:16 and if he's in there with me, the victory is already mine.
00:53:21 I'd rather have a pinto with Jesus
00:53:24 than a Rolls Royce without him.
00:53:27 I'd rather live in a one-room shack with Jesus in the house
00:53:32 than a mansion without him
00:53:34 because where Jesus is, there power, power over everything.
00:53:39 Can I preach like I feel it?
00:53:41 Oh God, I feel like preaching.
00:53:43 Give somebody a high five.
00:53:45 For the third time, it's a neighbor.
00:53:47 More than anything, you need Jesus.
00:53:50 A man can't give you Jesus, honey,
00:53:53 but Jesus can give you a man.
00:53:56 A woman can't give you Jesus,
00:53:58 but Jesus can give you a woman.
00:54:00 A house can't give you Jesus,
00:54:02 but Jesus can give you a house.
00:54:05 So if you want to get anything first,
00:54:07 get a revelatory experience with Jesus
00:54:11 and let everything else fall in place.
00:54:14 Ah, I feel something moving.
00:54:18 Give somebody a high five for the fourth time
00:54:23 and say don't lose your mind
00:54:26 when you're going through something.
00:54:28 It was this Jesus that she wiped his feet this Mary,
00:54:33 and they were friends of Jesus,
00:54:36 and he said this sickness is not unto death,
00:54:40 but for the glory of God,
00:54:42 that the Son of Man might be glorified.
00:54:46 Every now and then, he puts you through something
00:54:51 to give you a fresh testimony.
00:54:54 In order to have a fresh testimony,
00:54:57 you got to have a fresh test.
00:54:59 You got to have something else to rise up
00:55:03 in the middle of your situation.
00:55:05 Let's have church, Pat.
00:55:06 We might as well have church.
00:55:09 The Son of God might be glorified.
00:55:12 He said Lazarus is dead, and I am glad
00:55:17 'cause I'm gonna get some glory.
00:55:19 I'm gonna get some praise.
00:55:22 Somebody's gonna lift me up
00:55:24 who would have never opened their mouth.
00:55:27 Some people in here right now,
00:55:30 when you look back over your life,
00:55:32 you see that God had been walking through you.
00:55:37 The devil tried to throw you in the fire.
00:55:40 The devil tried to drown you in the water,
00:55:43 but you're still here,
00:55:45 still lifting up the name of the Lord.
00:55:49 You're still here.
00:55:51 I feel like preaching.
00:55:52 Do you remember the story of the three little pigs?
00:55:57 Little pig, little pig, let me in.
00:56:01 Not on the hair of my chinny-chin-chin.
00:56:04 I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.
00:56:09 Well, he did.
00:56:11 The house of straw fell.
00:56:13 He ran over to another house, made a clay,
00:56:17 and the devil came behind him.
00:56:19 Little pig, little pig, let me in.
00:56:22 Not on the hair of my chinny-chin-chin.
00:56:25 I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.
00:56:29 But one brother, one little pig,
00:56:33 built his house on the rock, upon this rock.
00:56:37 I'll build my church and the gates of hell
00:56:41 shall not prevail against it.
00:56:44 Little pig, little pig, let me in.
00:56:48 Not on the hair of my sanctified,
00:56:52 holy ghost-filled, Jesus-named chin.
00:56:56 I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.
00:57:00 Give somebody a high five for the fourth time.
00:57:04 And say, neighbor, he's still huffing,
00:57:07 he's still puffing, and I'm still here.
00:57:11 He's still huffing, he's still puffing,
00:57:14 and I'm still lifting up the name of the Lord.
00:57:18 He's still huffing.
00:57:20 Let him huff, let him puff, and let me praise the Lord.
00:57:27 There is always grief associated with faith.
00:57:32 And when grief begins to fight faith,
00:57:35 she said, Lord, if you had of been here,
00:57:38 my brother would not have died.
00:57:41 Wrong, honey, I wanted him to die
00:57:45 so I could show you something that nobody has ever seen.
00:57:50 And I know, yes, Lord, he's gonna be raised in the last day.
00:57:56 Honey, I wanna tell you the last day is right now
00:58:01 'cause I am the resurrection and I am the life.
00:58:06 Give somebody a high five for the fifth time.
00:58:11 And say, neighbor, your future is right now.
00:58:16 Right now is your future.
00:58:22 God is already living your future.
00:58:25 God is already living what the prophet told you.
00:58:30 God is already moving in the new house.
00:58:34 God is already moving in your promotion.
00:58:38 God is already living in your healing.
00:58:42 God is already living in your financial blessing.
00:58:47 God is already moving in you.
00:58:49 God is already moving in you.
00:58:51 It's already done.
00:58:54 I feel like lifting him a little high.
00:58:59 I am the resurrection and the life.
00:59:03 I am your power right now.
00:59:08 Give somebody a high five and say, neighbor,
00:59:12 it didn't matter that he was dead for four days.
00:59:18 It did not matter for four days
00:59:21 that his heart had stopped beating.
00:59:25 Tell somebody, say, don't lose heart.
00:59:28 Don't lose heart because all you need
00:59:32 is a word from the Lord
00:59:35 and it'll change your circumstance.
00:59:39 It did not matter that for four days
00:59:43 bacteria began to grow, releasing enzymes
00:59:48 which dissolved the body from the inside, producing gas.
00:59:54 He was bloated and distorted.
00:59:58 It does not matter how distorted your situation is.
01:00:03 All you need is a word from the Lord.
01:00:07 When I got up this morning,
01:00:10 I didn't ask what the horoscope said.
01:00:13 All I said was, is there a word from the Lord?
01:00:18 'Cause if I get a word, all I need is a word.
01:00:25 All I need is to hear him say,
01:00:32 get up, look up, go up, I'm taking you higher.
01:00:39 All I need is a word from the Lord.
01:00:43 It did not matter that for three days
01:00:47 his features were unrecognizable
01:00:50 and he smelled like rotten meat.
01:00:53 Sometimes you don't know who you are.
01:00:57 The trial is so bad, you look in the mirror
01:01:01 and wonder who you are.
01:01:03 But if I get a word from the Lord,
01:01:05 he'll fix it all the time.
01:01:08 It did not matter that for 10 minutes after death,
01:01:13 flies arrived, laid thousands of eggs
01:01:17 in his mouth, in his nose, and in his eyes.
01:01:20 It did not matter that these eggs' hats
01:01:25 and maggots began to eat the tissue.
01:01:28 It did not matter that the beetles
01:01:32 feasted on his dry skin in 24 hours
01:01:37 after his death.
01:01:39 It did not matter that for two days,
01:01:42 spiders and mites and millipedes
01:01:47 ate the bugs and the beetles who ate his skin.
01:01:52 But when he said, "Lazarus, come forth,"
01:01:56 the spiders had to spit out the mites,
01:02:00 had to spit out the millipedes,
01:02:02 had to spit out the bugs, had to spit out the beetles,
01:02:06 had to spit out his skin,
01:02:08 and he put it all back together.
01:02:11 I'm here to tell you that the devil
01:02:15 has to spit out the millipedes,
01:02:18 spit out the mites, spit out the beetles,
01:02:22 spit 'em out, spit everything out
01:02:25 that you took from me.
01:02:27 All I need is a word from the Lord.
01:02:32 Come forth.
01:02:34 I feel like preaching in here.
01:02:36 Give your neighbor high fives for the sixth time
01:02:40 and say, "Come up out of there.
01:02:43 You're too gifted.
01:02:44 Come up out of there.
01:02:46 You're too talented.
01:02:48 Come up out of there.
01:02:50 You've got a fresh anointing.
01:02:52 Come out, come out.
01:02:54 Come out, come out.
01:02:55 Come out, come out.
01:02:57 Come out, come forth.
01:02:58 Come out, come out.
01:03:00 You've been held back too long.
01:03:02 Come forth.
01:03:03 The devil been sitting on you too long.
01:03:06 Come out, come out.
01:03:10 Instantly, he come walking out.
01:03:13 (audience cheering)
01:03:16 I heard my name.
01:03:20 I heard him call my name.
01:03:25 I hear him calling you, you, you, you, you, you.
01:03:30 Come out, come out.
01:03:33 (audience cheering)
01:03:35 Come out, come out, come out.
01:03:40 Give somebody a high five for the last time.
01:03:43 Say, "Neighbor, now that I'm out,
01:03:46 "loose me, get my past off my back.
01:03:50 "Loose me, quit talking about what I used to be.
01:03:53 "Loose me, quit trying to send me back
01:03:57 "to where I'm coming.
01:03:58 "Loose me so I can preach.
01:04:01 "Loose me so I can teach.
01:04:03 "Loose me so I can heal.
01:04:06 "Loose me so I can preach.
01:04:09 "Loose me so I can walk like a child of God.
01:04:13 "Loose my ideas, loose my nerve,
01:04:17 "loose my power."
01:04:18 (audience cheering)
01:04:21 Come out, come forth.
01:04:29 Come forth, come out, come out.
01:04:34 Can I borrow one for the next service?
01:04:37 Give somebody a high five.
01:04:39 Say, "Neighbor, I'm out, I'm out, I'm out.
01:04:44 "I'm ready, I'm ready.
01:04:47 "It's my time, it's my season, it's my time."
01:04:52 (audience cheering)
01:04:56 (upbeat music)
01:04:59 (audience cheering)
01:05:02 (upbeat music)
01:05:04 (upbeat music)
01:05:33 ♪ What do you say about Jesus ♪
01:05:37 ♪ Say about Jesus ♪
01:05:39 ♪ What do you say about Jesus ♪
01:05:43 ♪ Say about Jesus ♪
01:05:46 ♪ What do you say about Jesus ♪
01:05:49 ♪ Say about Jesus ♪
01:05:51 ♪ He's all right ♪
01:05:52 ♪ Didn't I tell you ♪
01:05:54 ♪ You'll be all right ♪
01:05:55 ♪ Didn't I tell you ♪
01:05:57 ♪ You'll be all right ♪
01:05:59 ♪ Didn't I tell you ♪
01:06:00 ♪ You'll be all right ♪
01:06:02 ♪ Didn't I tell you ♪
01:06:04 ♪ You'll be all right ♪
01:06:05 ♪ Didn't I tell you ♪
01:06:07 ♪ You'll be all right ♪
01:06:09 ♪ Didn't I tell you ♪
01:06:11 ♪ You'll be all right ♪
01:06:12 ♪ Didn't I tell you ♪
01:06:14 ♪ You'll be all right ♪
01:06:17 ♪ You'll be all right ♪
01:06:20 (upbeat music)
01:06:23 ♪ It's just a setup ♪
01:06:26 ♪ It's just a setup ♪
01:06:29 Introduction.
01:06:32 Did not tell you.
01:06:42 Did not tell you.
01:06:45 Everything is going to be alright.
01:06:48 Everything is going to be alright.
01:06:51 Alright.
01:07:09 Set them up.
01:07:19 [Music]
01:07:46 He set them up.
01:07:49 Because in the scheme of the manifestative process,
01:08:01 he has to create the situation in order to reveal.
01:08:14 And the revelatory experience you have that will impact people the most,
01:08:22 are those experiences that cause you the most grief.
01:08:30 And this is why we glory in tribulation also.
01:08:41 Knowing that tribulation, work it.
01:08:47 Patience. Patience experience.
01:08:53 Experience hope. Hope that make it.
01:08:59 Not a shame. For the love of God is what?
01:09:07 The love of God is what? Is what?
01:09:12 Shed abroad in our hearts.
01:09:15 And to shed anything abroad in your heart is to reveal what it is all about.
01:09:24 So I admonish every child of God to hoopo money until you get to docker mazel.
01:09:35 To remain under until you're approved.
01:09:42 There is no car that you have that has not been tested before it's been released into the public.
01:09:53 Put it to the wind storm, to the wind tunnel to see how the wind goes over.
01:10:01 Tear it back down, make adjustments so the wind goes over smoothly.
01:10:06 Takes it into cold weather, drives it in cold frigid weather.
01:10:14 Drive it and see what happens to the engine.
01:10:18 Pull the engine down, put it back together, make improvements.
01:10:24 Take it to the desert, no oil in it, drive it till the cylinders fry.
01:10:31 Break it down, put it back together, make improvements.
01:10:37 Drive it with dummies in it and crash the car.
01:10:43 Pull it down, put it back together, make improvements.
01:10:50 And then when they finally get finished, stamp it approved.
01:10:56 Certified for a hundred thousand miles.
01:10:59 Well, I've been put in the wind tunnel.
01:11:03 Let the wind over, pull me down, put me back together.
01:11:09 I've been in the frigid cold with cold enemies around.
01:11:15 The Lord taught me how to live. He said, "I'll prepare a table."
01:11:20 You got too many enemies because you're too anointed.
01:11:25 So I got to feed you while they watch it.
01:11:29 Can I tell you something? If you don't have any haters, you're not that gifted.
01:11:37 Haters come with the territory.
01:11:44 Oh yes. Thank God for your haters.
01:11:47 They get you to the palace. Ask Joseph.
01:11:51 I've been in the heat. Put me back together.
01:11:57 Just crashed in the dummies. Thought I was dead.
01:12:02 Broke me down, put me back together. But now he says that you're approved.
01:12:07 You're approved for fresh anointing. You're approved for a bigger church.
01:12:13 You're approved for a bigger house. You can handle some money now.
01:12:16 Because I put you through. You're not going to be a spendthrift. You're not going to be wasteful.
01:12:21 You can handle a little praise now. Couldn't handle it 10 years ago.
01:12:26 But I approved you. And when I approve you, nobody can disapprove who I approved.
01:12:34 You've been tested. You praised me when you were broke.
01:12:38 You praised me when you were sick. You praised me when folk walked out on you.
01:12:42 You praised me when you were hurt. You lifted me up.
01:12:45 So I approved you. I could say I was blessed the Lord.
01:12:50 And along...
01:12:52 She said, "Oh."
01:13:08 I said, "Oh."
01:13:09 I said, "Oh."
01:13:11 I said, "Oh."
01:13:13 I said, "Oh."
01:13:15 I said, "Oh."
01:13:17 I said, "Oh."
01:13:19 I said, "Oh."
01:13:21 I said, "Oh."
01:13:23 I said, "Oh."
01:13:25 I said, "Oh."
01:13:27 I said, "Oh."
01:13:29 I said, "Oh."
01:13:31 I said, "Oh."
01:13:33 I said, "Oh."
01:13:35 I said, "Oh."
01:13:38 The going gets tough.
01:13:40 The hills, they're hard to climb.
01:13:46 I started out a long time ago.
01:13:56 There's no doubt in my mind.
01:14:04 I decided to make Jesus my Lord.
01:14:14 You're not filled with the Holy Spirit?
01:14:17 Look at the times.
01:14:19 God is calling. Young man, young lady.
01:14:23 The going gets tough.
01:14:26 The hills, they're hard to climb.
01:14:33 I started out a long time ago.
01:14:41 There's no doubt in my mind.
01:14:48 I decided to make Jesus my Lord.
01:15:02 Some folks, oh, some folks
01:15:07 Rather have thousands in their plans
01:15:17 Some folks, some folks
01:15:21 They choose with silver and gold
01:15:31 These things, these things
01:15:36 They've had and forgot about
01:15:43 Their souls
01:15:47 But I decided
01:15:50 Come on, He's calling you
01:15:52 To make Jesus my Lord
01:15:59 Lift your voice, lift your voice
01:16:00 Lift your voice one more time
01:16:02 The road is rough
01:16:05 And the going gets tough
01:16:09 And the hills, they're so hard to climb
01:16:15 But I started out a long time ago
01:16:24 There's no doubt in my mind
01:16:30 I decided to make Jesus my choice
01:16:43 My choice
01:16:49 My choice
01:16:51 My choice
01:16:54 My choice
01:16:57 My choice
01:17:00 My choice
01:17:03 My choice
01:17:06 My choice
01:17:09 My choice
01:17:12 My choice
01:17:15 My choice
01:17:18 My choice
01:17:20 My choice
01:17:23 My choice
01:17:26 My choice
01:17:29 My choice
01:17:32 My choice
01:17:35 My choice
01:17:38 My choice
01:17:41 My choice
01:17:44 My choice
01:17:47 My choice
01:17:49 My choice
01:17:52 My choice
01:17:55 My choice
01:17:58 My choice
01:18:01 My choice
01:18:04 My choice
01:18:07 My choice
01:18:10 My choice
01:18:13 My choice
01:18:16 My choice
01:18:18 My choice
01:18:21 My choice
01:18:24 My choice
01:18:27 My choice
01:18:30 My choice
01:18:33 My choice
01:18:36 My choice
01:18:39 My choice
01:18:42 My choice
01:18:45 My choice
01:18:47 My choice
01:18:50 My choice
01:18:53 My choice
01:18:56 My choice
01:18:59 My choice
01:19:02 My choice
01:19:05 My choice
01:19:08 My choice
01:19:11 My choice
01:19:14 [BLANK_AUDIO]
