God Loves Family - Robert Madu

  • l’année dernière
00:00 I want to do this. I want to welcome all of our inmates that are watching this on Pando right now
00:05 And are part of our church family
00:08 Honor you we thank God for you. Today's gonna be a good day
00:12 I got a feeling and we're gonna have an incredible time the presence of the Lord
00:15 Amazing time at our fall fest and that the Cowboys will defeat every giant from New York
00:23 That's my faith declaration. I don't even need you to agree. I just know
00:30 It's gonna come to pass. I'm so glad that you're here
00:32 We have been in a series for the last four weeks and I want to continue that series today
00:38 And we simply entitled this series God
00:41 loves
00:43 blank
00:45 God loves blank. How many you have been here for every single Sunday of this series? Come on. Come on
00:51 You get extra credit
00:53 And I've been saying that this is really more than a series I
00:58 Believe that this is something that God is trying to inculcate within our culture this idea this reality
01:04 That you cannot call yourself a believer and not be growing in your love
01:09 that at the core of the gospel at the core of
01:13 Christianity is love
01:15 This is a gospel of love that you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength
01:22 and then love your neighbor as
01:25 Yourself we've been saying we're gonna spend the rest of our lives
01:28 Filling in the blanks of God's love. And so if you've been on the journey with us, we started the series by saying God loves
01:36 Sinners God loves sinners and we had that service outside baptized over 300 people as we declared
01:44 That there's really only two types of people in the world lost and
01:51 Found and that we serve a God that came from heaven to earth on a rescue mission
01:55 To seek and save that which is lost and he will leave the 99 to find the one
02:01 Second part of the series we had watch party Sunday
02:05 And we said God loves the LGBTQ community and we heard the powerful testimony of two men who said I came out of that lifestyle
02:12 And now I identify with the cross of Jesus Christ
02:18 Week three we say God loves
02:20 Addicts and I remember I told you that addicts are really just worshippers that have their attention in the wrong direction
02:28 And it's easy to castigate people who are addicted to heroin but forget that you addicted to social media every time you scroll
02:35 We said God loves
02:37 Addicts and then last week we declared God loves
02:41 Prisoners and just because you are not incarcerated doesn't mean that you are not bound
02:47 As a matter of fact, there are some people who are in concert rated and they are more free than many of us out here
02:51 Because what good is it to be free in your body, but not be free in your mind
02:54 And we serve a God who can identify with the prisoner because he hung on a cross as a criminal
03:03 And died so that we could live but today look at your neighbor say today
03:07 No, look at him say today. Oh
03:10 We're gonna fill in another blank
03:12 We're gonna fill in another blank today and I love the blank that we're gonna fill in today because today's blank
03:17 relates to
03:20 Everybody if you missed the last four weeks five weeks and you're like, ah, none of those blanks related to me
03:25 Hear me today
03:26 You cannot escape the word that we're gonna put in today's blank because this one relates to every single
03:32 Person listening to this message in this room or online. This is not a message. You can walk away and go. Oh, goodbye
03:37 It doesn't apply. No, no, no, no this
03:41 Blank that we're filling in
03:43 affects you it
03:45 shaped you it
03:47 formed you
03:49 without any shadow of a doubt without exaggeration or
03:53 Hyperbole the word in this blank has probably had more impact on who you are and who you are not
04:00 The word in this blank has made an indelible impact on your mind on your heart on your emotions
04:08 The word in this blank hear me affects you financially
04:12 emotionally socially
04:15 spiritually even
04:17 Physically so much so that if you go to the doctor and you talk to them about an issue that's wrong with you
04:21 They're gonna ask if this issue occurred in the word
04:25 That we're gonna put in this blank as a matter of fact the way you see the word in this blank is affected
04:32 by the word in the blank
04:35 Those of you who are following me who you already know the blues clues. I'm giving you about this word
04:40 But I'm not gonna reveal the word in the blank. I think I should let our
04:44 social kids
04:47 reveal the word in the blank watch this
04:51 What's your favorite thing about your family my dad
05:04 He's funny. They let me do stuff that I really want to do
05:09 My favorite thing of my mom is that she prays for us in our beds
05:19 He wants a memory of his creation
05:24 Because he made us all equally and he loves anybody even though they're good or bad
05:30 God loves family
05:32 Come on give it up for those social kids
05:45 God loves
05:50 Family, I gotta be honest. My favorite part in that video was that handsome young man who said his dad is funny
05:55 I don't know who his daddy is
05:57 But I concur
06:00 God
06:02 loves
06:03 Family now before you get ready to leave service because I know how you feel. You're like, hold up PR
06:08 I don't know if God loves family. Have you met my family?
06:10 Meet these lunatics first and then tell me if God loves them. I want to let you know today. It is so true
06:19 God
06:21 loves
06:22 Family and here's really the challenge that I have today
06:25 Especially speaking to a group like this that in this room there are a myriad and a multiplicity of different family
06:32 situations and different family
06:35 Constructs. I mean look around this room today. Look around
06:38 It's a whole lot of different families
06:41 Even when I say the word family many of you think of different things
06:44 There's all kinds of families in this room and watching online. We have some nuclear families in here
06:50 We have some families in here that the only thing that is nuclear is the warfare that occurs every Thanksgiving and every Christmas
06:56 We got some single moms in here today. We got some single dads in here today
07:03 We got co-parenting families. We got blended families in here. We got
07:08 Grandparent families in here. We have extended families in here. We have all kinds of different families in this room
07:16 I am well aware of that today
07:18 I'm also aware of the fact that when I say words like
07:21 father
07:24 mother
07:25 brother
07:27 sister
07:29 cousin aunt
07:31 Uncle those are not emotionally neutral words
07:35 It's a matter of fact depending on your experience
07:38 Depending on the abandonment
07:41 Depending on the rejection or the acceptance when I say one of those words
07:47 Immediately it is charged with a certain emotion for you today
07:51 So I'm well aware of the fact that have all different types of families and all different types emotions
07:56 So I struggled with this message today because I was trying to see where is there some common ground?
08:01 Where do we all relate and I can really only think of two things that we all have in common when it comes to family
08:08 First thing that we all have in common when it comes to family is this right here. Hmm. We
08:14 Didn't get to pick our family
08:17 We didn't get to pick our family and somebody say a man just right there
08:22 Because if you being honest if you could have picked you sure would not have picked
08:27 What you got now the single person in this state fair coliseum got to actually pick your family
08:34 It's not like before your existence God called you up to the boardroom of heaven and said, all right
08:38 I'm about to send you down there about to give you some options and gave you a PowerPoint presentation
08:42 He said okay. Here's option number one. Here's here's your first option. Okay. All right. You've got a family here upper-middle class
08:48 Mm-hmm. Dad doctor. Hmm mom lawyer
08:52 Mm-hmm live in a brownstone in Brooklyn Heights, New York Wow
08:57 You'll be one of five kids last night in the Huxtable. Okay, that's option number one
09:03 Let me give you option number two. Let's see what option up to
09:06 option number two mom
09:09 three times divorced
09:12 Raging alcoholic and dad Oh married to somebody else and one night stand. Okay, which which one?
09:19 Which one you gonna pick nobody got that option. None of us got a selection
09:25 You just woke up one day and whatever you saw. That's what you got
09:30 This is why I am thoroughly convinced babies don't come into the world smiling
09:34 they come into the world screaming at the top of their lungs and if you want to interpret the scream is
09:39 *Screams*
09:41 Because we didn't get to pick you just woke up and had to deal with what you got
09:48 Just woke up and said I guess this is what it is
09:51 I guess this is what it's gonna be and since we're on topic
09:55 Can I just encourage you and kick back the enemy that's been in your mind?
09:59 Can I tell you you're actually doing better than you think you are?
10:02 Come on for what you are born into you're doing a whole lot better than you give yourself credit for
10:08 It's some people that aren't even here and wouldn't even be standing if they were born into what you were born into
10:14 So stop letting the enemy beat you up
10:16 You are right where you're supposed to be and thank God that you're still here and thank God that you're still standing in
10:23 spite of what you were born into
10:25 None of us get to pick what we were born into
10:29 As a matter of fact the most free you might have ever been is when you were in the womb
10:34 But until you came out
10:37 and now all of a sudden you are
10:39 Indelible and
10:42 impacted by the people all
10:45 around you
10:47 Second thing that we all have in common. We don't all get to pick our family
10:52 but we also
10:54 We all come from a dysfunctional family
10:57 Yeah, you
10:59 You come from a dysfunctional family. I don't know pastor
11:03 I would I would I would I would disagree because I grew up in a in an amazing home my mom and my father were
11:08 There and we had a white picket fence outside and we went to church every single Sunday
11:12 We went to Sunday school and we prayed every night. I don't care
11:15 you still come from a
11:18 dysfunctional
11:20 Family away with this notion that there aren't any dysfunctional families. No, your dysfunction is just different than somebody else's dysfunction
11:26 all of us come from some type of
11:31 Dysfunctional family. This is what we have in common. I know somebody
11:35 Who his father?
11:37 Was in his life only for a season and when he was
11:40 He beat him and his mother
11:43 Just about every single week
11:46 Not only was it physical abuse there was verbal abuse
11:49 He couldn't wait to get away from his dad
11:52 When he finally got away from his dad who used to physically and verbally abuse him. He actually ended up becoming a UFC fighter
12:01 fighting strong and
12:03 What he would do in his fights which made him successful
12:06 Was he would picture his father's face?
12:10 On every single person he got ready to fight
12:13 And his dad would tell him you're never gonna be anything and he would win fights and look in the camera as if his dad
12:19 Might have been watching
12:20 Said you see that I am somebody
12:23 And his dysfunction was a father that abused him
12:27 But then I know somebody else
12:30 Whose dad was there?
12:32 But he wasn't there and gave him absolutely everything this dude never lacked for anything was driving a Beamer at
12:41 15
12:43 God got everything he wanted as a kid and yet his dysfunction looks different
12:49 Because now he's struggling with an addiction and is in and out of some of the best rehab facilities in the nation
12:59 Because his dad gave him everything financially, but never showed him how to be a man
13:05 Which dysfunction would you pick?
13:09 I'm trying to tell you there are no perfect families, and if you think I'm just talking about parenting style
13:14 I'm not understand the reason that every single person comes from a dysfunctional family is because we all come from our original parents Adam
13:22 And Eve oh yes, we are all a part of the Adams family
13:26 That's why the person sitting next to you is creepy and they're spooky and they're all together kooky because they did not come in here
13:33 Without a sin nature. This is what happened to us in the Garden of Eden. We all got dysfunction Adam and Eve's
13:41 Disobedience brought about our dysfunction. We all come from a dysfunctional family
13:47 Rather than hone in on the genesis of our original sin
13:51 I would rather today take a look at God's original intention
13:56 Because before there was original sin hear me there was original blessing
14:00 There was something that God blessed in the Garden of Eden before there was sin in the Garden of Eden
14:06 And I want you to understand today that the concept of family has never been the idea of man it
14:12 Originated in the very mind of God. Why does God love family because family is God's idea
14:20 It has always been his idea
14:22 And I don't know about you
14:23 But I love the ideas that I come up with and God is the one who originated the idea of family hear me today
14:30 This is why there's a war in our nation to redefine the family to redefine marriage to redefine
14:38 Gender the attack is not by accident. It's pointed
14:42 It's targeted toward the very thing that God
14:45 Constituted in the Garden of Eden God loves family because family was God's idea
14:50 You don't have to take my word for it
14:53 Take a look. It's in the book. Let's look at Genesis real quick Genesis chapter 1
14:58 This is where we see the first family Genesis chapter 1 you got that Genesis beautiful right there
15:04 It says then God said
15:06 Let us make mankind in our image and our likeness
15:10 so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the
15:14 Livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground
15:19 So God created mankind in his own image in the image of God. He created them male and female he created them God
15:27 Blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number hallelujah
15:36 Fill the earth and subdue it roll over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living
15:44 creature that moves on the ground
15:47 the Genesis of humanity is
15:49 the Genesis of family before God established a church before he established apostles prophets pastors teachers or elders he
15:58 Established a family and look at what he said in Genesis 1. He said let us
16:05 Make mankind in our image
16:09 Let us
16:11 Make them in our image
16:13 Let us
16:16 Make them in our image
16:20 Let us make in
16:26 Image you'll get in a minute. Let make in
16:34 Image one more time because the dude in the back didn't want to say it
16:37 Let
16:40 make in
16:42 Image one more time for the Holy Ghost let make in
16:49 Image that was my part, but go ahead
16:54 Let us make them in our image question
17:00 Who is us?
17:04 Who is us God the Father the Son the Holy Spirit wait a minute God is a family
17:11 God in and of himself is a community so much so that he said let us
17:20 make them in our
17:22 Image in other words if the image of us is going to be reflected in the earth
17:29 There has to be a family there has to be a unit let us
17:34 Make them God the Father the Son the Holy Spirit three in one let us make them in our image
17:41 Oh now I get it. There was three in one a Trinity a
17:45 Family so when God created Adam
17:47 I see why it's not good for Adam to be alone because he's not yet reflecting the image by himself
17:54 He can't reflect the image it is three the family of the Trinity so Adam since you buy yourself. Yes, you got a house
18:01 Yes, your name of the animals you got a job
18:03 Hello
18:03 But you need something else to reflect the image and because I want my image in the earth and it's us three it can't be
18:10 You by yourself Adam now
18:12 I'm gonna put you to sleep do the thing that you couldn't do take your rib and create you a woman
18:18 She's different than you she isn't you but she's different than you and she's taken from your side
18:23 Your side she's taken from your side not above you. She's not supposed to be above you not a bone beneath you
18:30 She's not supposed to be beneath you either. She's actually supposed to be beside you beside you
18:35 Equal in nature, but two different parts and wait a minute Adam
18:40 Hold on the fact that I have two but I'm trying to get the three you two can procreate
18:45 And actually put my image in the earth and that's what I wanted from the beginning
18:50 Let us make them so now that you two are in the earth
18:53 You carry the potential to have my image in the earth and how many of you know, that's when the enemy showed up
19:00 Satan did not show up
19:04 until Eve
19:07 showed up
19:08 Because Satan went hold up
19:10 He's trying to get them in the earth. He's trying to get that image in the earth
19:16 It was cool when it was one, but as soon as she showed up
19:20 They now have the potential to get that image in the earth. So let me
19:27 Slither up to her
19:30 And holler at her a little bit
19:33 Be careful for who slithers up to you ladies, there's still a lot of people slithering today
19:40 That wasn't in my notes, but I felt lead
19:42 Satan
19:44 Satan didn't show up until the image was about to be in the earth
19:53 I'm wondering are you smart enough now in your life to know when the enemy shows up and why he is showing up in
20:02 Your life. Have you noticed he doesn't pick random moments in your life. Have you noticed right when you say this the year?
20:08 I'm going to church
20:09 Here comes the enemy right when you couldn't get a job before and now you got a job
20:14 Oh, no
20:14 We need you Sunday right when you said you come in to church right when you say I'm gonna trust the Lord in my giving
20:21 All of a sudden your paycheck gets low. Have you noticed the attack of the enemy?
20:26 You ought to just look at the attack of the enemy as a sign that God's about to do something in my life
20:32 He wouldn't be attacking me the way he's attacking me if there wasn't an assignment for the image to be in the earth
20:39 I
20:41 Know I'm God. I know God about to do something social Dallas the warfare. Can I just tell my testimony right now?
20:46 I'm tell we bout to see a crazy revival in social because the internal warfare we've been facing right now
20:52 Can I just tell on me? I know God must about to be doing something in the city of Dallas because there's been so much attack
20:59 You gotta know why he's slithering when he's slithering
21:07 He said oh snap
21:09 Hey about to get the image of the family in the earth
21:11 So let me go up here and break this up
21:14 He's been doing the same thing ever since
21:16 That's why you went through so much warfare as a kid. That's why he tried to destroy your family
21:23 He knows what was on the edge
21:25 He knew what was about to happen and as soon as Adam and Eve take of that forbidden fruit
21:31 the disintegration of the family began
21:33 They start hiding
21:36 Shame makes an appearance and hadn't left since
21:38 the blame game starts
21:42 Remember first man that doesn't want to take ownership
21:45 Adam what did you do? Oh the woman you gave me did I ask for her? I didn't ask for her back
21:52 I remember you put me to sleep won't take ownership
21:54 Won't say I did it too
21:58 the blame game begins and here comes the disintegration of
22:02 The family but it was a targeted attack
22:06 They have kids the first capital murder
22:09 It's from their kids. I
22:12 Struggled this week. I struggled writing this message because I was looking at the Old Testament
22:16 Trying to find like a biblical family
22:19 to like give you a model for
22:22 I'm tell I read a whole lot of Old Testament
22:25 I couldn't find one family that I could use as an example because from day one it gets messed up
22:31 I told you Adam and Eve's kids became murderers one of them became a murderer. It just goes downhill from there
22:36 I looked at father Abraham. I was gonna say father Abraham
22:38 He's the one that had many sons many sons had them and why I'm one of them
22:41 So are you but father Abraham had a whole situation waiting on the promise of God?
22:45 You remember what happened slept with Hagar and all of a sudden had all that baby mama drama going on
22:50 I couldn't find one example Noah got drunk and had incest in his family
22:55 I couldn't find one I looked at a lot a lot had issues and his family incest there
22:59 I looked at every single family I could conceivably find I saw Jacob and Esau these boys fight these two brothers fighting in the womb
23:07 But what they ever got out I looked at Rachel Lee or two sisters jealous of each other
23:11 Imagine that talking about each other having issues in the fact could not find a single family that had one example
23:18 I looked at Moses and his sister has something to say about who he was about to marry
23:22 It's a I don't know if she the one I don't like I'm just as nothing has ever changed
23:27 I
23:29 couldn't find one
23:30 family of
23:32 Biblical perfection all of them jacked up. I looked at King David, you know the one played the harp wrote all them songs
23:38 But couldn't raise his sons
23:40 Write a song real good fathering horrible
23:44 Terrible father the first civil war between him and his son
23:51 I looked all over the Bible and maybe God is trying to tell us something that there is no perfect family
23:58 And all of us have some level of dysfunction and even when you read all through the Old Testament
24:04 I looked at the very last verse of the Old Testament and it seems like God is still trying to get
24:09 Families attentions look at the last verse of your Old Testament. It's about a family
24:15 Look at what it says in Malachi chapter 4 verse number 6
24:17 It says he our God will turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the children
24:26 to their parents
24:28 That is a prophetic promise of what God will do in our generation. But do you see within the prophetic promise?
24:34 There is a problem
24:36 If God has to turn the hearts of the children
24:40 To the fathers and the parents and turn the hearts of the parents of the children is speaking to a divided
24:47 family
24:50 No wonder our nation is where it is
24:52 If you want to know where a nation is look at the families of that nation
24:56 But God says I've got to turn the hearts of who?
25:00 the parents to the children and the hearts of the children to the parents question
25:07 Who turns first?
25:10 Turns first
25:13 Parents
25:15 Parents we have to turn first
25:18 We're waiting on them to turn I wish you would get it together. I
25:25 Wish you would get it
25:27 together
25:29 Because the prophetic promise says
25:31 We have to turn
25:34 first
25:36 Imagine imagine what would happen in the next generation if you actually healed your trauma
25:39 If if you were to the turn
25:44 Starts with the the parents let me tell on me because you don't want to tell on you
25:48 I've noticed with my three little humans sometimes when they're turning up and going crazy and they just you know
25:53 Just have a little moment. They're young and I'm like what is wrong with that?
25:55 That's one thing I do I
26:00 Usually pray first, but sometimes I have a parental moment
26:03 But sometimes I notice
26:06 That them acting a certain way has everything to do with them trying to get my attention
26:11 and I am amazed that when I turn from a screen and
26:16 Put it down and actually engage with them
26:21 It's amazing how there's a behavior change
26:23 Perhaps the greatest assault for our generation of parents that we're turning to the wrong thing
26:30 You too busy trying to curate your page
26:34 You too busy trying to capture the moment with your kid you're not even spending time
26:39 Now going to swing again no, I've got to do it in the real can you swing higher
26:49 God help us millennial parents
26:51 God's going can can you turn
26:55 Can you not only give your attention but set some intention for your children
27:03 This is who you are. This is what you're gonna be. No, you can't be on tick-tock at 8 years old. Give me your phone
27:09 Can you can you turn oh, I gotta be careful cuz God talks to me when I talk to y'all
27:17 Cuz I see a lot of single people going get up
27:19 That's right
27:22 Not knowing that you are practicing your parenting right now as a single person
27:30 This is the law
27:31 This is the myth you think when you have the kids and when you get the spouse
27:34 You're gonna turn the turn has to start before you ever have the spouse the turn has to start before you ever have the kids
27:41 You're not gonna have a child and then become a man of God and start praying and reading the Bible if you ain't doing it
27:46 Now you think you're gonna do it when you have a son if you can't be faithful while you dated
27:50 You think you're gonna turn a switch and be faithful when you get married the turn starts before
27:56 You have the family
28:00 God said in the last days
28:03 I've got a turn
28:05 the hearts of the parents
28:07 Towards the children. That's why I love services like this. We can all come together
28:11 Don't ever trip when we have these service together as your baby is crying. I mean, it's cool
28:15 I need them to see you in church dad. I
28:17 Need them to see you lift up your hands. I
28:21 Need them to see you mom
28:24 Bow before God in worship and not just in here
28:28 but at home too
28:31 Because the power of the revival will happen when there is a turn
28:37 so the last
28:39 thing in the Old Testament is about a
28:42 family
28:44 He wants to turn
28:46 The hearts of parents to the children the hearts of the children back to the parents and if we're going to do that
28:52 We've got to get rid of this image of
28:55 this perfect family and
28:58 Start dealing with the reality of who we are
29:01 Because it's easy to post the image
29:04 It's easy to post the image. It's easy to have a portrait that looks like it's perfect. Oh, I know
29:09 We just took family pictures. I think we got that picture. I got that picture. We just took of our family
29:14 Oh, look at that. Oh, then it looks so perfect
29:17 Huh if you knew
29:19 The warfare
29:23 Behind that picture if you knew how much Photoshop was in this picture
29:28 Just to get it together, but that ain't even my favorite one. This is one of my favorite ones. We took last year
29:34 The family can you see it you see it?
29:38 You see you can't see it in the picture
29:40 But that was in a beautiful open field and I didn't know that you know
29:44 There's animals in that open field that we took a picture. You can't see it in the picture, but I stepped in a deposit
29:49 In that picture the whole time it looks so perfect on it, but if you could if that picture was scratch-and-sniff
29:57 You wouldn't be impressed
30:03 with the portrait
30:05 But it's easy to do the portrait isn't it? It's easy to look like a great dad on Instagram
30:11 It's easy to look like a great mom on your highlight reel for your Walmart ad because you're an influencer
30:17 But the work behind the portrait
30:22 There's this old-school song about this spiritual artist. I think her name is pink
30:30 Remember her and and she had this song and the lyrics I never forget it the first from the first time I heard it
30:37 She said in our family portrait. We look pretty happy
30:42 We look pretty
30:45 happy
30:47 Let's play pretend
30:49 Act like it comes a natural
30:51 Let's go back to that and that song she begins through music to explain
30:57 the huge dichotomy of
31:00 between the family picture they took and
31:02 The warfare that was happening in the home
31:07 We got to stop looking for the perfect image
31:11 And say God help us do the work
31:13 So there's a revival in families because you love families so much
31:18 Can I take the pressure off you having the image of a perfect family
31:25 Let me take the pressure off
31:29 last verse of
31:31 The Old Testament is about God turning the hearts of the parents of the hearts of the children the hearts of the children back to the
31:37 parents
31:38 Then we have oh, let's talk about this
31:40 400 years of silence
31:43 before the New Testament
31:45 How many years?
31:47 400 years of silence before God says anything I
31:50 Get God's silence. He can take 400 years because he speaks that good
31:56 But while we're on topic, I think if there's ever gonna be healing in families
32:00 We got to stop the silence
32:03 We got to stop being quiet about the things that have happened in the family that nobody will talk about
32:11 400 years of silence from God
32:17 But some of you and your families got 40 years of silence 20 years of sound and nobody will talk about the thing
32:24 That needs to be talked about in your family
32:27 What if the greatest Christmas gift that could come to your family is if you would let down your pride this year
32:33 and maybe God has given you the
32:35 Authority and the grace to call people to the table and say let's talk about the thing. Nobody wants to talk about
32:43 Silence of families is what's destroying families because nobody will talk about it
32:51 We got to talk about the things we don't want to talk about we got to pull some family
32:55 secrets and some family pain out of the closet and
32:58 Discuss it because hear me sexual trauma is made worse in a family when you don't talk about it
33:04 The vex domestic violence is perpetuated when we don't talk about it
33:09 Patterns of addiction are passed on when we don't talk about it and maybe the healing in your family could start with a conversation
33:18 Say less let's talk about it and stop the silence so we have 400 years of silence from God
33:26 Whenever the silence occurs
33:29 Everybody's waiting for what's next and what does God do?
33:32 He starts talking about family. Let's look at it real quick and I'm gonna be done Matthew chapter 1. This is the part you skip
33:39 Every single year in your Bible reading plan, you know you do
33:45 400 years of silence
33:47 God is the Old Testament talking about parents and children coming back together and starts the New Testament with what?
33:53 the family tree of
33:55 Jesus Christ
33:58 David's son
33:59 Abraham's son and then goes down this list. Let's read it because you never read it at home. You know you skip it
34:04 Abraham had Isaac Isaac had Jacob Jacob had Judah and his brothers Judah had Perez and Zarah
34:10 The mother was Tamar Perez had his Ron has Ron had Aram Aram had a minute dab a minute dab have Nahasha
34:16 Nahashan had salmon salmon had Boaz his mother was Rahab
34:20 Bo has old had Obed Ruth was his mother Obed had Jesse Jesse had David and David became King
34:26 David had Solomon Uriah's wife was the mother Solomon had Rehoboam Rehoboam had a by Jabba. Jihad
34:32 Asa Asa had Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat had Joram Joram had Uzziah Uzziah had Jotham Jotham had a ass ass had Hezekiah
34:40 Hezekiah had Manasseh Manasseh had Amnon Amnon had Josiah Josiah had Jehoiachin
34:45 Jehoiachin and his brothers and then the people were taken to Babylon exile when the Babylon exile ended
34:50 Jeconiah had Sheol Sheol to has a ruble book the ruble had a beard a beard had Eliakim
34:55 Eliakim had a sore a sore head Zadok Zadok had a king a king had Iliud Iliad had
35:01 Elie's a czar Elie czar had Matthew Matthew had Jacob Jacob had Joseph
35:08 Mary's husband, let me give you a trick
35:10 Whatever you read in Bible night just go real real fast and pretend like you know how to pronounce it and then people think you
35:15 Know what you're talking about? That's why I just did there. I don't know if none of that's right
35:18 But I got like, oh, you know what? I don't I just went real fast
35:23 Jacob had Joseph
35:27 Mary's husband
35:29 the Mary
35:31 Who gave birth to Jesus?
35:33 the Jesus
35:35 Who was called Christ?
35:37 Your God so loves family. He begins the New Testament
35:41 doing his ancestry
35:44 calm
35:47 Gives his whole
35:49 Family lineage. Why is Matthew giving us this lineage?
35:54 Because Matthew is writing to a Jewish audience and he's trying to let this Jewish audience know look at his family tree
36:02 He is the rightful one through Abraham and through David to be the legitimate king
36:08 He has a family history that legitimizes him as a king in that time period you couldn't be anything
36:15 You wanted to be you had to prove it in your family. You had to prove it in your family genealogy
36:22 A genealogy was a big deal because that was your resume. That's how you flex back in the day
36:27 It wasn't your Instagram followers. It wasn't the blue check
36:29 If you really wanted to flex you would pull out your genealogy and say look who my daddy is
36:33 Look who my daddy's daddy is I'm telling you I am somebody so Matthew is trying to get this Jewish audience to see that
36:39 He is the rightful one who can sit on the throne as the king, but the problem with this list
36:46 It's not a comprehensive list
36:50 Matthew edited some people off the list. Oh
36:56 Don't act like you shocked. You know, you would edit some people out of your family, too. Come on
37:01 That's the one you don't introduce. Don't worry about that. Who is that? Don't worry about that. Don't know. Do you need to meet him?
37:05 He edited people off the list and so this is a
37:12 Curated list with certain people now keep in mind your genealogy
37:18 Was when you were trying to put your best foot forward and say look at the stock from which I come
37:23 The other weird thing about this genealogy is y'all there are not one not two not three not four but five
37:31 women on
37:33 this list
37:35 You understand in a misogynistic patriarchal society
37:38 They never put a woman on the genealogy list
37:44 In that culture you didn't prove who you were by saying, you know who my mama is you proved who you were by saying
37:49 You know who my daddy is but look at your God look at your Savior
37:53 He is so about the family that in a culture that didn't value women in a culture that didn't respect women
37:59 God says no. No, no. No, we are all equal at the foot of the cross
38:02 So in the genealogy of Jesus you got five women on the genealogy of Jesus
38:09 You won't see that in anybody else's genealogy because God says if you're gonna tell my story
38:13 You got to include the women that were used to bring about the Son of God
38:19 I thought I could at least get one woman of God to give God some praise right there
38:23 If you want to know God's view of women look at his genealogy. He said I gotta put them in my family tree
38:29 Except the foot of the cross. We are all equal and oh
38:32 But it's the five that he picks
38:35 Tamar
38:39 Rahab Ruth
38:42 best Sheba
38:45 And Mary
38:49 Oh, I wish I could break it down, but we got kids in the service
38:52 Read it when you get to the crib
38:56 Tamar
38:57 Genesis 38 was a whole situation right there. I
39:02 Ain't gonna say what it was just read it when you get to the house
39:06 But but she pretended to be a lady of the evening
39:09 Genesis 38 read it when you get to the crib. That's Tamar
39:13 She didn't pretend to be one
39:18 I
39:19 Joshua chapter 2 she was one the spies of all the place they could have hidden
39:24 They hid in Rahab's house. She said look. I know how to hide man come on
39:28 Let me show you where to go come here now you go under there. Yeah, I know that spot
39:31 Yeah, here you go here. Uh-huh no closet. I got all kinds of stuff in here
39:35 We have Ruth is a moabite
39:43 She's a Gentile. She's not even supposed to be
39:47 On the list she's an outsider
39:49 Mary
39:52 the teenage pregnant girl
39:54 Everybody laughed at probably a school time about look at her time out. God did it?
39:59 Of all the lies she gonna put that on God
40:06 That's Sheba
40:12 Matthew's throw so much shade
40:16 He don't even say best Sheba. He says the wife of Uriah
40:21 He's throwing so much shade because he's trying to remind you that David the man after God's own heart
40:28 Sent Uriah on the battlefield
40:33 to die
40:35 to cover up
40:37 his affair
40:39 This is the lineage of God of
40:44 All the people he could have put that's who he put in the list in the lineage of Jesus
40:50 You have a rape you have murder you have incest you have all kinds of trauma all kinds of issues
40:57 And you're gonna tell me that God cannot use you you mean to tell me that in your family situation
41:03 I don't care how broken it is you mean to tell me that the grace of God cannot reach you no wonder
41:09 He put five women five is the number of grace. What is God trying to tell us and families?
41:15 He says I love family so much that I can get the glory out of the most broken family
41:20 I can get the glory out of the most messed up situation. I need to finish my sermon
41:25 What did I tell you we don't get to pick any of our families?
41:28 What did I tell you we all come from a dysfunctional family even Jesus came from a dysfunctional family
41:34 But do you know what I noticed and all the things that were in the lineage and the genealogy of Jesus all the issues all the
41:41 Drama all the sin all the things that are so ratchet
41:44 How many know when it gets to verse 16 and it just says Jesus all that stuff goes away
41:50 You never hear any of that again when it gets to the name of Jesus
41:54 We finally get a name that doesn't have any of the pain and any of the baggage that was in his past
41:59 I got good news. It's my third point if this third point don't make you shout. I don't know what else will make you shout
42:06 Yes, we didn't get to pick our family. Yes, we all come from a dysfunctional family
42:10 But can I tell you because of Jesus it can stop with me
42:14 It don't matter what ran in my family because of Jesus it can stop with me
42:19 Oh addiction might run in my family, but it can stop with me
42:25 Alcoholism might run in my family, but it can stop with me cheating might run in my family
42:31 But it can stop with me depression might run in my family, but it can stop with me
42:37 Addiction might run in my family, but it can stop with me
42:42 Poverty might run in my family, but it can stop with me
42:46 Racism might run in my family, but it can stop with me
42:50 Unforgiveness can run in my family, but it'll stop with me
42:55 Suicide might run in my family, but it'll stop with me
42:59 Divorce might run in my family, but it'll stop with me
43:03 Fear might run in my family, but it'll stop with me
43:08 You can be the one
43:12 That says yes it ran in my family
43:15 But when you get to Jesus
43:18 It stops with you
43:21 I don't know who this is for today
43:25 But I came to tell you you can be the one
43:27 Not in your own strength because if you haven't figured it out that'll fail
43:31 but because of Jesus
43:34 If it ran in your family
43:36 It can stop with you
43:39 Yes
43:41 Not going to church runs in your family. It can stop with you
43:46 You can start right now and say yes for me in my house. We go serve the Lord get up kids
43:52 You don't got an option. You know, we go to the house of the Lord. That's what we do
43:56 So easy
44:01 To make excuses based on our past history
44:03 Or what we've always seen
44:06 But just because you didn't see it doesn't mean you can't become something different
44:09 Anybody in there ever come to Jesus and stop coming to him because you heard about something in his family
44:17 All you know is that that name
44:21 Saved that name
44:23 Delivered and even our Savior when he could have picked a perfect portrait
44:28 He chose
44:32 To show a broken humanity. He has some stuff in my family, too
44:36 But it stops with me
44:40 Stops with me God loves
44:43 families
44:47 He
44:49 Loves families because in families no matter the brokenness
44:56 He can get the glory
44:59 Some of you your response to this message. Like I said
45:02 Is to have the boldness and the courage to stop the silence
45:07 To talk about the thing you don't want to talk about
45:10 For some of you your response to this message
45:13 Is to forgive
45:17 And
45:19 Having kids ought to make you have grace for your parents
45:22 Well, I'm doing it right, okay, wait till they get older
45:26 The progress report is still going
45:30 Can you at least have the humility to go maybe you didn't get even the full story
45:37 That maybe the story that was told to you by your mom might not have been the full story
45:44 Can you at least have the humility to go maybe my vantage point is skewed
45:49 And you didn't know I'm not excusing bad behavior
45:53 But maybe you don't have all the story that maybe could at least give you some empathy for why they weren't there
46:00 Because they were scared and you got some fear, too
46:03 Some of you the response to this message is to let go of the bitterness that you've been holding towards that person in your family
46:11 Say I forgive you not for you, but for me
46:14 for me
46:17 Because it's destroying your life. God loves families
46:21 In the enemy all the way from the book of Genesis
46:26 It's been trying to destroy it and maybe the greatest holiday gift this year
46:31 Could be some type of reconciliation
46:34 in your family
46:37 Might not mean you don't go a coffee every day, but at least
46:41 There can be some reconciliation
46:43 God loves families because family was his idea
46:47 I'm gonna ask every head be bowed and eyes be closed today
46:53 I want to sing that song in a minute speak the name of Jesus
47:01 But what heads bound and eyes closed today I
47:05 Need to know who this message is for
47:10 I
47:11 believe that
47:13 No matter what has run in your family. It can stop with you
47:17 It can stop with you
47:20 You can be the one
47:23 This is enough is enough
47:25 You can be the one
47:28 This is I know the pain of not having a father there. I'm gonna show up for my son
47:32 I'm not gonna allow
47:35 How his mother has been to stop me if there's a door of opportunity to be there. I'm gonna be there
47:39 It can stop with you so what his bowed and eyes closed today
47:46 That's every person that can to stand
47:51 If you'd be so honest say pastor Robert is
47:54 Something that's been running in my family, but today
47:57 It stops with me
48:02 Not in my strength not in my power, but because of the name of Jesus
48:05 It's gonna stop with me. I am NOT gonna keep this cycle
48:11 going from generation to generation
48:14 It stops with me with his bowed and eyes closed if you know what that thing is and you say today by the power
48:21 Of God it stops with me. Can I see your hand today?
48:24 Just as a response to say God whatever that next step looks like I see those hands. Thank you
48:28 Thank you God
48:31 Hear me I believe that the Holy Spirit if you'll lean into the Holy Spirit
48:35 He's gonna speak to you and tell you what needs to happen for it to stop with you
48:40 For some of you is gonna be what we're about to do in a moment
48:44 I'm gonna give you an opportunity to surrender your life to Jesus. That is the first step
48:48 We put our faith in him we get adopted into this beautiful family
48:53 Some of you have already surrendered your life to Jesus, but your response might be to go get some counseling
49:00 Some of you have been through trauma that a 45-minute sermon a week is not going to fix
49:05 You need to process that with somebody somebody's gonna be like I said having a tough conversation
49:11 But I believe God is speaking to hearts right now of the next action step
49:18 So you can say it stops with me
49:22 It ran in my family, but it stops with me
49:25 But heads bowed and eyes closed this first step is to say Lord my life is yours
49:28 So if you're here today, you say pastor Robert. I've never surrendered my life to Jesus, but today is the day
49:34 I'm coming home. Maybe there's a season you were running after God, but your heart's gotten cold to him and today
49:40 He's calling you into the family
49:42 This beautiful family some of you don't even realize the gift of the church
49:47 There's so many people are quick to talk about is that we get another family
49:52 We get another family you can get a brother here and have community you can get a sister here and have community
49:58 Come on single mom
49:59 There's another man in this community that can actually be a godly role model to your son and not try to sleep with you
50:05 But he's actually just gonna be a godly role model. This is the beauty of the church
50:10 You get a family
50:13 If you're here today, and you've never surrendered your life to him. I want to give you that opportunity when I count to three
50:18 I just want you to lift up your hands and say Lord
50:20 I'm giving you when I count to three. I just want you to lift up your hand high enough and long enough to where I can see it
50:24 Don't worry about what anybody else is gonna think this is between you and your heavenly father
50:29 If that's you you say pastor Robert. I'm giving him my life today when I count to three
50:33 Would you lift up your hand one two three come on? Let me see your hand from the bottom floor to the top floor
50:39 Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. God hands are going up all over this place today all over this place today today
50:45 Thank you, Jesus anybody else anybody else come on. Here's what I'm gonna
50:49 Do we about to do something?
50:51 That's one of the most powerful things we do if you lift it up your hand hear me
50:55 Or you should have lifted up your hand
50:57 I'm just gonna ask you to get out of your seat and come right up here to the front
51:01 Some of y'all like man do I really got to walk down all those steps can I tell you it's the best steps you could
51:06 Ever take in your life because you're saying the old you is in that seat
51:11 But the new you is stepping into the family so come on if you lift it up your hand
51:16 Or you should have I just want you to come right up here to the front because today is a new day
51:20 And I want the rest of us to start giving God praise like the angels in heaven are doing come on come on
51:26 Don't worry about what anybody else thinks come on. I want you to come to the front. I promise it's worth every step
51:30 I promise it's worth it. I promise it's worth it. I promise it's worth it
51:35 I promise it's worth it. What's over your life. It is worth it. You have a future
51:39 You got a purpose and a destiny God is not through with you
51:44 He has a divine assignment over your life today is the day that you step into the man of God
51:50 You have always been called to be that first step that first step is what God is gonna do in your generation
51:57 People will follow after you take the first step
52:01 Thank you, Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Come on church as they're coming. Would you keep giving God praise come on come on?
52:08 (upbeat music)
