• l’année dernière


00:00So good, it's so good to be here, I had the opportunity to travel with our missions group
00:16here at VCMI to Zimbabwe and let me just say we had a phenomenal time there.
00:24Too many testimonies, I'm sure they'll be showing some highlights from our trip soon
00:28but we had such a great time and then I came back home and we had the chance to honor the
00:32life of my grandmother and then I flew right back, amen, yes, we can clap for her, it was
00:38an amazing service and then we flew right back out to VCMI UK and went out there to
00:44their conference and so I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of my parents for just
00:48praying for our family during this time and keeping us uplifted and God is good, God is
00:54so good and I'm just so happy to be among the number this morning to tag team those
01:00men and women that have been preaching for the last few weeks in this house, can we give
01:04it up for those ministers of the gospel?
01:09It's been so good and I feel like I've been hearing the words like doing this like I'm
01:12ready and so this morning I want to share with you something God has put on my heart
01:19because I believe that he wants us to be aware of the season that we're in, look to your
01:24neighbor and say God wants you to be aware of the season that we're in, you know throughout
01:33the Bible God used signs to make people aware of things that were happening and things that
01:40were to come and so you know there were natural signs that God would give us to show us hey
01:46this is what's going on and then there will also be spiritual signs that God would give
01:51people in different seasons to let them know what was happening and so in the natural we
01:56remember in the Bible it talks about how when Jesus was born how there was a star placed
02:00in the sky and people were able to see that natural sign and know hey the Messiah is here
02:07and then of course there were spiritual signs that God would give people like in Joseph
02:12when God gave him the dream and let him know that he was going to be a leader among his
02:17brothers or throughout the Bible when there were prophecies given about Jesus's birth
02:22in Isaiah way before he got here it was because God was looking to give signs to the people
02:27about what was happening and what was to come and let me tell you today God is still the
02:33same God that he's looking to give out signs to us to show us what's happening in our midst
02:40and what's to come it's just matter or not we're paying attention and so do our eyes
02:46open to see the things that God is doing all around us let me tell you there's always so
02:50much happening in the spirit that if we would just open up our eyes to see it we would look
02:56this morning as I was down there God began to tell me he said get on your knees I have
03:00something to say to you he says look you cannot anticipate what is about to come there are
03:06things that you haven't seen there are things that you haven't heard that God is getting ready
03:10to do in your life and while I'm on my knees Akilah walks up to me she says hey I heard God
03:16say he's going to speak this morning and he's going to catapult our ministry I said okay God
03:21I'm holding on to that word just a few minutes later somebody sends me a picture of a catapult
03:26so this is what I see God doing in the sanctuary right now let me tell you God is always releasing
03:32signs about what he's about to do is whether or not you're paying attention to it and so I want
03:38to just compel you this morning to open your eyes to open your ears to the realities of what's
03:45happening in the spirit all around us look God is announcing the seasons and the movements of what
03:53he's doing in the earth you know there's been different times just as I walked with God throughout
03:58the years and it's like all of a sudden God would grab my attention and almost like I would hear
04:02drums going off in the heavens or sirens going off and it's like hey it's announcing the new
04:08season that God is doing and let me tell you there are sounds going off in heaven today
04:14announcing the things that God is doing today look in Ezekiel chapter 12 it talks about a group of
04:22people who had eyes to see but they couldn't see who had ears to hear but they couldn't hear and
04:29we do not want to be those people and so our heart cry to God is God make us aware
04:37can we say to say God make us aware you know one of my favorite preachers Bill Johnson he
04:44says this quote that I absolutely love and he says you will live from the place you are most aware of
04:52and that is so true whatever it is you put your attention on whatever your eyesight are looking at
04:56you will live from that place and God wants us to live from the place of the spirit by looking
05:02by what's happening in the spirit all around us that we wouldn't be distracted by all these
05:07natural things that are taking place but that we will live by the reality of what God is doing
05:13and so let's look at our scripture for the year
05:17I'm sorry we're not getting there yet I'm jumping let's look at Psalms chapter 92
05:22in verse five through six this is going to be in the passion translation
05:28it says depths of purpose and layers of meaning saturate everything you do such amazing mysteries
05:37found within every miracle that nearly everyone seems to miss since those with no discernment
05:45those with no discernment can never really discover the deep and glorious secrets
05:50hidden in your ways and I pull out this scripture that says look there's
05:54depths of purpose and layers of meaning to everything that God does and here's what he
05:58says it says but nearly everyone seems to miss out on those things it says those with no discernment
06:06can't discover them and so look God is looking that we will be people of discernment that we
06:11will discern the signs of the season that we will discern what God is doing in our midst
06:16that we won't just continue to do life as normal when things are changing
06:24in first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 in the mirror translation here it says how do you know
06:31it says the soulish person has no capacity to comprehend the language of the spirit of God
06:39says spiritual things seem meaningless to them they are incapable to discern that which can only
06:45be spiritually appreciated and so how do I know if I'm unable to discern what God is doing he says
06:51a soulish person cannot discern look we are three-part beings we are spirits first of all
06:58made in the image and likeness of God we possess a soul which is our feeler our chooser and our
07:04thinker and of course we're placed inside this physical body while we're on the earth
07:08and the Bible says if you are a soulish person if you only live by what you feel
07:13if you only live by what you think if you only live by that part of you says you'll live with
07:17no discernment of the realities of what God is doing all around you but here it is if you live
07:24by your spirit if you live by who you really are if you live by what is God is saying to you you
07:29will then be able to see and discern things are changing God is moving there's sirens going off
07:36God wants to do something new and so he's looking for those who have eyes to see who have ears to
07:43hear what God is doing you know our bodies they're so wonderful and God made us this way on purpose
07:51they make us world conscious so that we can function in this world we can see and taste and
07:56hear and we can operate in the world around us and then our souls they are a good thing they help us
08:02to be in contact with ourselves self-conscious be aware of yourself be aware of others you can
08:07relationally get in contact with other people but then your spirit makes you God conscious
08:14and so I have to live by that God conscious part of me has to be the driver in the seat
08:20the soul can't be the driver the body can't be the driver your spirit has to be the driver to
08:26cause you to be aware of what's happening in the season and so when you live by the spirit
08:34and those things that you can sense with your spirit sometimes you will sense things that
08:39others may not because you can be in a room full of people and one person be like wait do y'all
08:44see God is here like something's happening I know there's been times when I've been in
08:50been in meetings and things of that nature and I'm on my face weeping because the presence of God is
08:55so heavy but everybody else is just going about doing life as normal and God wants all of us to
09:01tap into that place where we're aware of what he's doing he doesn't want anybody to be left out
09:07he wants us all to see he wants us all to know he wants us all to be aware of the season look when
09:14Jesus put the star oh gosh they say put the star in the sky at Jesus birth it was available for
09:19all to see but only a few were able to recognize it hey let it it will lead me to the messiah
09:27it will lead me to the king and so we want to be the ones that see the star and say hey Jesus is
09:32here he's on the planet things are changing let's look at Matthew chapter 13
09:41verse 16 through 17 in the new King James version it says but blessed here's what God is saying
09:52about you but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear for surely I say to
10:00you that many prophets and many righteous men desire to see what you see and did not see it
10:07and to hear what you hear and did not hear it and so here in the scripture says your ears and your
10:13eyes are empowered by God to prosper they are empowered by God to hear the things that everyone
10:20else has been waiting to hear to see the things everyone else has been waiting to see your eyes
10:25have been empowered by God can we thank him for that say God we thank you for empowering me
10:33to see the things and to hear the things that you are revealing in this season
10:43something's gonna happen I believe it Matthew chapter 13 in verse 11 in the passion translation
10:53it says he explained you've been given intimate experience of insight into the hidden truths and
11:02mysteries of the realm of heaven's kingdom says but they have not and so the uncovering of God's
11:09signs and his hidden truth is the intimate experience God is looking to have with you
11:14that he's looking to whisper in your ear to pull you close to him and share with you the things on
11:19his heart that he's just not looking to put aside in the sky just waiting and looking around who can
11:23see he's like pulling you close like come on I have something I want to say to you I have something I
11:28want to reveal to you there's things I'm doing in this season there's things that's on my heart
11:32there's things I've been waiting to do like I've strategized the movements of the earth I've
11:37strategized the generations that will come on this planet and I'm looking to bring you close to bring
11:41you in on this reality it's an intimate experience that God is looking to have with you and that is
11:49because God was always in the business of looking for relationship I don't know about you but anyone
11:55ever been excited about planning something you know I had an opportunity to um my sister she just
12:01got married this year evangelist Keisha and um I had opportunity to work with minister Marvin on
12:09planning her engagement and you know like we all in on the secret we all trying to work on the
12:14plans of you know and we're excited about it and we're working on all the things and we're bringing
12:19everybody okay this is what we're going to do we're going to come here you're going to show up and
12:21you're organizing all the things you're gathering all the pieces to be a part of this plan and here's
12:27what it looks like when God is with you he's so excited about what's about to happen he's like hey
12:31come on let me bring you in on this plan let me get you involved on what it is I'm about to do
12:35God wants to bring you in on the plans of what he's about to do he's so excited to share with
12:43you his secrets about what he's doing in the world you know um when I was in VCMI UK last year
12:51I had opportunity where I was going for a jog and I was jogging through this neighborhood and I
12:57honestly was just minding my business trying to get my workout in while I was there I was trying
13:01to be faithful because I was out of town you know most of the time when you go out of town you're
13:05like I could just take a break you know but I was like let me just keep it up and so I went on my
13:09jog and all of a sudden while I'm in my jog I just begin to see these huge angels literally walking
13:16around the city like it was like I could see them across the skyline they were just I mean like just
13:21moving so big and I'm like hey what's going on here like I just caught me off guard and then I
13:26see all these people like in the spirit like moving really quickly and I can see things and
13:31people in heaven it was like it was this partnership of things that was going on in heaven
13:35and things that was happening in the angels in the earth and people that were moving everything
13:39was moving so fast and I was like what is going on and I just was asking God to reveal to me what
13:45it is what was happening it was about two days later I go to church and after church they we
13:51decided to go to this function that was in the middle of the city and literally it was these
13:56all these churches had gathered together to pray over their city and what God wanted to do there
14:02and I'm like hey this is what God showed me there were people that were making movements and not
14:07only were they just doing it but all of heaven was getting involved in what they were doing in the
14:12city and so here was God letting me in on his plans days before it even happened I said hey I
14:19saw this God showed me this just a few days ago look God wants to do that with you he wants to
14:26reveal to you the things that are happening in this church he wants to reveal to you the things
14:31that are happening in your cities he wants to show you the things that are happening in your family
14:36in our nation like we can't be so moved by what's happening on the news and fighting and bickering
14:41and who's going to be the president like look pay attention to what God is doing how he's moving
14:49things are changing somebody say things are changing it's a new season
14:59let's look at first corinthians chapter 2
15:04verse 10 through 13 in the message translation and it's just some excerpts from there it says
15:11the spirit which is not content to flit around on the surface dives into the depths of God and
15:19brings out what God planned all along says for whoever knows what you're thinking and planning
15:25except you yourself says the same is with God except that he not only knows what he's thinking
15:32but he lets us in on it that is so good to me to know that God wants to let you in on his plans
15:42the great God of the universe who's created everything who's controlling all things
15:47it says he wants to let you in on his plans that's just an honor to me
15:54you know I work a lot you know with Tracy and she puts on productions or different
15:58other of my friends who work on projects and when they're working on the project like hey
16:02let me tell you what I'm working on you know sometimes you'll let me see the dances before
16:06they do it on stage or like my brother who's in the middle of creating music he'll send me like
16:11a track he just made like hey there's this new song I'm working on and I'm getting first
16:15hand experience I'm getting first notice of these projects that he's working on because he's excited
16:22and here is God with you it says there are things that God is doing he says and he's looking to
16:26bring you in on his plans he's like hey let me show you what I'm working on let me show you this
16:31project that I've been working on let me show you what I'm trying to do in the city of Suitland God
16:35is looking to bring us in on those plans and so who would say God I want to know
16:43I want to be in on the plans too I want to be involved in what God is doing like we could just
16:49do life normal and just average and just go to church and go to school and miss out on God wants
16:56you to partner with him in what he wants to do let's look at song of songs chapter two
17:07in verse 10 through 13 in the easy to read version says get up my darling my beautiful one
17:17let's go away look winter is past the rains have come and gone the flowers are blooming in the
17:24fields it's time to sing listen the doves have returned young figs are growing on the fig trees
17:32smell the vines and bloom get up my darling my beautiful one let's go away here in this passage
17:42he is literally inviting us to get up and look at the signs of the changing seasons all around us
17:49the fact of the matter is that he had to say get up was because she wasn't aware like she was
17:53sleeping and there are times when God will come to you he'll be like wake up get up can you pay
17:58attention look he names all these different things look winter's over the rains have come and gone
18:05flowers are blooming in the fields like have you noticed the season's changing like can you see
18:10there's flowers blooming there's life there's new life coming and God is coming to you say get up
18:16get up smell the vines and bloom he's like he's he's inviting you to pay attention with all of
18:23your senses can you see the rains are gone can you smell the vines aren't bloom can you hear
18:29the sound of doves like God is inviting you pay attention with all of your spiritual senses
18:34things are changing don't miss it pay attention anybody ever talk to somebody
18:43who's distracted they ain't paying you no attention my friends get on me about this all
18:49the time i'll be trying to be better y'all promise but they get on me like internet
18:54that lady was talking to you didn't hear nothing she said i'm like dang it i was trying
18:59you know i worked with the service planning team here so a lot of Sundays you see me running around
19:04so like i'd be like one track minded people stop me i'm like wait i don't know what that lady just
19:08said to me all i could think was go grab the mic make sure the media team got this ready make sure
19:12people in the back is ready to go and it's like what you distracted right by all these things and
19:18you have to stop and pay attention like you have to focus like if somebody stopped me at this turn
19:23turn my attention right not just my ears to hear the going in one ear out the other but i have to
19:28give all of my attention to pay attention to what you're saying hear what it is and to digest and
19:34God is looking for us to do that now to pay attention to the changing seasons don't just
19:40be busy doing your tasks as normal running around the church doing all the things that
19:44you miss out God is like get your attention pay attention
19:53our scripture for the year so proverbs i'm sorry chapter 4 verse 25 set your gaze on the path
20:01before you here's the here's the look it says on the path before you not behind you
20:10and so you got to be looking ahead to what God is doing what's coming
20:16path before you says with fixed purpose looking straight ahead ignore life's distractions
20:24and so we have to ignore the distractions and pay attention to what God is doing
20:31amen i heard that say like you gotta just let it soak in pay attention to what God is doing
20:37don't be so caught up in what has been how we used to operate how we used to do things what
20:44God said to you 10 years ago like God is wants you to look set your gaze on the path before you
20:52give your attention to those things you know in the parable of the 10 virgins we see someone come
20:58to them and give a similar call that we hear in the song of songs and they say get up because the
21:04bridegroom is here and then of course we know that says some were ready and some were not
21:10and so we have to be the ones that we say we're ready here's what the scripture says about them in
21:15Matthew chapter 25 verse 2 through 4 in the voice translation
21:20it says five of these women were sensible they were good with details and remember to bring small
21:29flasks of oil for their lanterns it says but five of them were flighty too caught up in the excitement
21:36of their jaunts and forgot to bring oil with them and so the question is are we too caught up
21:43excited and distracted by other things that we're not paying attention to the reality that God is
21:48giving a call to get up the bridegroom is here get up the seasons are changing get up I'm doing
21:56something new you know that word it says they were too caught up in the excitement of their jaunts
22:04the word jaunt means a short journey especially one taken for pleasure
22:11and so if we only live by just this life right and this life is just a short journey if we're only
22:17in pursuit of pleasure if we're only in pursuit of these things that are distracting
22:22since you'll miss out on God is coming you'll miss out on that Jesus is doing something and so
22:28we can't be distracted by just having momentary times of pleasure it reminded me of the person
22:36who's like lactose intolerant any we got any people like that in the building amen we're gonna release
22:41the spirit of God break that but people who are lactose intolerant I know I got a few people around
22:48me like that and they love ice cream you know they love ice cream and they like they will eat
22:54that ice cream for their momentary time of pleasure right but they felt their stomach
22:59about to be tore up just a few minutes later the rest of their night messed up because they wanted
23:06that one moment of pleasure and here's what God is saying to you look don't get caught up in a
23:13moment of pleasure there are things I want to do with you because now your whole evening ruined
23:20because you're on the toilet you're gassy can't nobody even be around you you can't move about
23:26the world the way you're supposed to because you were just setting that ice cream up and like people
23:32who are lactose intolerant when they eat ice cream it ain't just one little scoop they're like they
23:35gonna go in on that thing like if I'm gonna eat it I'm gonna do it right and so look God doesn't
23:42want us to live our lives like that it says where we're so distracted caught up in the excitement of
23:47jaunt of life of the short journey that we're in he wants us to pay attention to the realities of
23:53what God is doing in the earth and let me tell you the things that God is doing this has been a long
23:58emotion before you ever took your first breath for thousands and thousands of years the plans
24:05of God have been unfolding with each generation that steps foot on the planet and so now this is
24:10a long journey this is a long process that you get to be a partaker of that somebody gets to
24:16hand you the baton and you get to hand it back to somebody else you're just a partaker of it
24:21and so don't get so caught up just in your little leg of the race
24:27there's a generation coming after us there are generations that have gone before us
24:32there are prayers that have been prayed there are people that have worshiped God
24:36waiting to see what we will see happen right now and so will you run your leg well
24:43or are you so excited about your little race and you forget somebody's coming behind you
24:48so don't get so caught up excited eat an ice cream when you yeah lactose intolerant
24:57there's so much more to live for so much more to live for again in Proverbs chapter 4
25:04same scripture verse 25 says set your gaze on the path before you with fixed purpose looking
25:11purpose looking straight ahead ignore life's distractions and I love this the next part of
25:18description verse 26 says watch where you're going my god today watch where you're going
25:26don't be distracted by things in life that don't really matter
25:32watch where you're going anybody ever been in the car with somebody and I don't know maybe
25:37they texted on the phone and then somebody you know cut them off hey watch where you're going
25:42pay attention to the road like you gotta pay attention so you don't get off track of that
25:47path so you don't have an accident here's what God is saying watch where you're going
25:52pay attention have fixed purpose look straight ahead give your attention to what God is doing
26:01you know for me you have to I have it I use a nav all the time lots of times most of the time
26:06I use navs I've been that way my friends used to make fun of me in high school like Antoinette
26:11you've driven here 20 times you don't know how to get here I'm like I don't know I just follow the
26:15nav you know but for me the nav the nav voice is annoying so I turn the voice off so I don't
26:22get that please turn right here yeah I don't get that it's silent so I have to watch the screen
26:27in order to know where I'm going because if I'm not looking at that nav screen she's not talking
26:31to me I'm gonna miss it and here it is look in that nav they have all the steps laid out for me
26:37to get to my destination and so I have to keep my eyes focused on where I'm going the path before
26:43me and my eyes focused on the instructions that are coming out because if I don't pay attention
26:48I'm like oh man I missed my turn I missed where I'm supposed to be and here is God he is the
26:55ultimate navigator for life he knows where we should be when we should be what is coming before
27:01us he knows who you're going to meet who you're going to marry he knows everything about your
27:04life and he's laid it out before you and so he's looking for you to pay attention so he can nav
27:10you through the places you're supposed to be and show up at your destination you know there are
27:17some navs now they will even give you warnings about things they're like hey there's a speed
27:21trap coming ahead y'all know those yes thank God for those apps hallelujah bless the lord
27:29ain't getting no speeding tickets whatever like there's a crash coming up on your right you know
27:35they'll they'll tell you these different things so you're not distracted by those things that you
27:39can stay on your path or even when things happen and something shows up on the road that wasn't
27:44right they'll say hey we're rerouting you there was a blockage on that road but you gotta stay
27:49paying attention because look life will present to you those very same things life will have lots
27:56of distractions there's a lot of crazy stuff going on the world you may get a bad report somebody
28:02may get on your nerves your car may break down you may not have the resources you thought you
28:06was going to have and you need God to reroute you to keep you on the path to that destination like
28:12hey I know it didn't turn out the way you thought it is but just stay with me just keep following my
28:17voice keep following my path I'm going to lead you to where you need to be and so God is looking for
28:24us to put our attention on him to pay attention to watch where we're going that we make sure that
28:30we have our eyes on God so we can get to the places that he's leading us to distractions will
28:38come to get you to take your eyes off of Jesus they will come to do that look be aware distractions
28:46will come to get you to take your eyes off of Jesus if you know that they're coming to distract you
28:53then you could be ready
28:56you can have your eyes glued like hey I know the distraction is coming but I'm ready
29:01I'm not going to be moved just like Peter in the Bible he was invited to come walk on the water by
29:09Jesus and in the passage we see that the only way he was able to stay afloat was when his eyes were
29:15on Jesus as soon as he took his eyes off him he began to drown and here it is God Jesus reached
29:22down there to pick him up to lift him up right where he was but here it is in the storm when
29:28Peter was walking on the storm the storm didn't change it's just what he was looking at
29:34and so sometimes look we're waiting for our situations to change we're waiting for the
29:39circumstances of what our bank account to change and it's like hey it's not always a situation that
29:44has to change it's what you're looking at it's a hey I'm all I know is that God said if I stay
29:51before him if I keep my eyes focused on him it's going to lead me here God told me to start this
29:57business God told me to make these moves I'm just going to keep my eyes on him I know everything
30:01else around me looks like it's crazy I know it looks like nothing's happening I know it looks
30:06like I'm going to drown but if I just keep my eyes on him I'll stay afloat and so this is what
30:15we have to do with God keep our eyes on Jesus and so here's what happened when you have your eyes
30:22set on God in Acts chapter 2 verse 25 through 28 in the message translation
30:31it says David said it all I saw God before me for all time and nothing can shake me
30:40he's right by my side I'm glad from the inside out ecstatic I pitched my tent in the land of hope
30:49I know you'll never dump me in Hades I'll never even smell the stench of death for you've got my
30:55feet on the life path with your face shining sun joy all around and so when your eyes are set on
31:03Jesus David said well because God was always before me what happens is nothing can shake me
31:13look it says when God is before you when he's all you see nothing can shake you
31:19so you want to live an unshakable life make God the focus of your attention
31:24and then I love it it says why because he's right by my side let me tell you like you walk different
31:30you do life different when you know God is with you you know one of my brothers he carries a gun
31:36with him 24-7 he got his license and so when we walk with him I'm not worried tell me trust me
31:42it ain't nothing crossing my mind that I'm worried about I got our own personal security
31:46guard whenever we go on family vacations but here it is the God of my life is right by my side
31:53but here it is the great God the universe is walking beside you more powerful than any weapon
32:00and so you move differently you walk differently when your eyes are on him and when you're aware
32:04that he's beside you and then here's what happened it says look it says I've pitched my tent in the
32:10land of hope so how do I live in a place of perpetual hope it says hey my eyes is on Jesus
32:17because you know dreams deferred will make your heart sick it doesn't seem like things are
32:22happening the way you want and it's like you begin to lose hope but if you just keep your
32:26eyes on Jesus says you will live pitch your tent in the land of hope so it doesn't matter
32:32what's going on around you says you've got my feet on the life path I'm staying on the path
32:39that God has for my life because my eyes are on him my focus is on him my gaze is on him and nothing
32:46can shake me say nothing can shake me when my eyes are on God
32:55let's say it again say nothing can shake me when my eyes are on God
33:03amen song of songs chapter 2 verse 13 in the passion translation it says can you not discern
33:12this new day of destiny breaking forth around you the early signs of my purposes and plans
33:19are bursting forth the budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere the fragrance
33:27of their flowers whispers there is change in the air arise my love my beautiful companion
33:35and run with me to the higher place for now is the time to arise and come away with me
33:43God desires for us to discern the seasons and the changes of what he's doing in our lives
33:50and that in the earth it says the signs and his purposes and his plans are all around us
33:57can you imagine like what God is doing his plans unfolding says are all around you
34:03just take a you know in the spirit just would you just look around me for a second
34:07making a prophetic act look around you like the signs of what God is doing says are all
34:13around you and God is looking to prepare you for the things to come he is looking to come to you
34:20to prepare you for the changing seasons you know as a parent when you have children you
34:26are in the habit of different phases of life preparing them for the changes that they're
34:31going to endure and so maybe you've had this child and they've grown up and they've been in
34:35the house with you 24 7 but now it's coming time for them to go to kindergarten or to go to pre-k
34:41and you start preparing them for that season you're like hey baby okay we're going to start
34:45learning how to sit down and sit still for a little longer you raise your hand if you want
34:51you know your teacher to get your attention you can't just run your mouth and he's like hey you're
34:55going to go to school you're going to learn your abc's start getting them excited especially if
34:59you have that child who's just attached to your hip you're like oh lord what they gonna do
35:03like getting away from me let me just prepare them now you're going to meet new friends you're
35:07trying to get them excited about what's coming because a good father a good parent will prepare
35:13you for the change of season and then here your child is they get to about eight nine ten it's
35:20like hey you're about to hit puberty let me prepare you for the changing seasons God's
35:24going to do some things in your life you haven't experienced before it's going to be some hair
35:30growing places it's going to be some things growing God's going to do some things and you
35:34prepare them for the upcoming season so they're not thrown off they're not distracted like oh my
35:39God what's happening here's a good parent here's a good father and God will do that with you there
35:46are things God is looking to prepare you for for the next seasons for things that are changing
35:52that there are things happening on the inside of you things that you may not be aware of
35:56you see like when puberty take place it's because that time clock just goes off like all of a sudden
36:02it's time hey it's time to grow up there's things we got to produce life we gotta we gotta be able
36:07to produce babies we gotta be able to do this and so there's a time clock that goes off because now
36:12it's just time for no other reason nobody can postpone it it's just time and so there are some
36:21things that God is doing on the inside of you in your spirit nobody can postpone it
36:26nobody can stop it it's just time
36:32it's just because it's time and God wants to prepare you for those changes God wants to
36:38prepare you for what's happening around you even as a good parent not only do you prepare them for
36:44what they're going to go through internally but you prepare them for what they're going to
36:48encounter hey when you get out here in this world everybody will not treat you like I do in this
36:53home there are people that may not favor you there are people that may not do you well but I am with
36:57you your daddy got you like let me tell you something one of the things I'm so blessed to
37:03have because I travel to multiple countries all around the planet many places I travel by myself
37:10and one thing my dad always tells me before I leave I will always come and get you I don't
37:15care where you are in the world I will catch a flight I will do whatever I need to do because
37:19I'm with you and look he's like I'm preparing you for what you're about to go out and do on your own
37:25and here's what God would do to you he says I'm going to favor you I will always be with you I
37:29will always be before you I will never leave you out here is what God is saying to you preparing
37:34you for the movements of what you will do in the kingdom and so let us pay attention
37:42to how God is preparing us because you can look you can be that 10 11 year old maybe going through
37:47our waiting for it they they say the word naked for the first time you giggle I don't want to hear
37:53that you know I know some of the kids we just had our hour waiting for a program for the children
37:59and when they first hear those words in the beginning because we we forced them to come
38:02front with those they they hear brass so they hear this like oh my god don't talk about that
38:06and it's like sometimes we be like that with God God's like let me prepare you like God I'm not
38:10ready for that God's like I'm gonna use your mouth I'm gonna open it up to speak to people
38:14like no I'm too nervous like no I can't do that no no do you know who I am and God's like no it's
38:20in you let me prepare you for the upcoming season let me prepare you for what I know is already to
38:27come here is what God is looking to do with you and I he's a good father he wants to prepare you
38:35for the upcoming season are you listening because you could be in those classes they can be tell you
38:41everything's about to happen to your body but if you don't pay attention all of a sudden your period
38:45comes for the first time you're like what in the world what is this and God's like I've been trying
38:49to tell you something's happening something's changing try and make it simple God wants to
38:59prepare you for your season of change and he will do so in your spirit and in your heart
39:08you know one of my prayers to God that I pray to him often is God prepare me first internally
39:14for anything that you would have me to do because it's only in those internal preparations that will
39:19sustain you for the things he will have you to do outwardly and so God is looking for those people
39:24who have that same heart God to say God change my heart change my spirit allow me to be aligned
39:30with what you're thinking with what you're feeling with what you're doing and let me be in that
39:35posture so that I'm ready to move where you are here's what God is looking for you and I for us
39:41to be ready for the changes you know I remember there was a time you know prior to me going on
39:46any mission trip where people would invite me to go and I would ask them the question where we want
39:51to sleep and where what are we eating um are we going to have wi-fi I'm good no thank you and I
39:59had no desire somebody said no desire no desire to go I love good old American comfort of knowing
40:06you're gonna have electricity 24-7 no we're gonna have air conditioning things of that nature and
40:12I just was like that's how I was and so here I was but I remember getting into a place where
40:17I was with a group of people who would pray every week after Bible study praying for the nations
40:23praying for God to use it and then all of a sudden I begin to notice there's a change happening in my
40:28heart like now where I did have no desire to go I had a burning desire to go like God send me
40:34somewhere I gotta get this out of me like this there's fire in my bones like I gotta get to
40:39another country I gotta get to wherever you're going there's a burning desire on the inside of
40:44what you've caught me to do but I was noticing on the inside God was shifting my heart
40:50and so there's times where God will come in and he will begin to shift your heart to prepare you
40:55for what it is you're about to do like all of a sudden I feel like I have this desire to lead
40:59people to evangelize and God's like I'm calling you to lead pictures of men God I'm calling you
41:06to sing I'm calling you to preach the gospel I'm calling you to do different things and God is
41:11looking to shift your heart and so are you paying attention to how God is moving your heart
41:18how he's shifting you on the inside are you paying attention to how your thinking's changing like you
41:23begin to read word and God begins to speak to you now you're thinking about things changes
41:30look in our scripture we just read a song a song it says the fragrance of their flowers whisper
41:35there is change in the air look there is a smell of change that God is releasing
41:45and sometimes it's not something you always can see but you can just sense it in the air
41:51you just know something's happening like hey like everything looks the same but it doesn't
41:57I sense something different something's happening here God wants to reveal to you those things that
42:03he wants you to be able to smell the the fragrance of change in the air that even
42:07if I can't see anything's changing I know something's changing because I smell it
42:12you know for babies like you know there's times when they they have you know use their diapers
42:17and it's like you can't see anything but you can smell the smell of movement you know something
42:24has transpired because there's oh they walk by you like my goodness where's their mother at
42:31if somebody come change this baby you know there's been movement because you can smell it
42:37and there are some times where I can't see everything looks the same it doesn't look like
42:41the things God is saying nothing's happening but I just smell something's different in the air
42:46I smell that something's changing and so are you allowing God to feel your senses to pay attention
42:54that things are changing oh my gosh I have so much more okay
43:03let's see I'm gonna jump by God
43:08let's read this in Isaiah chapter 43
43:13God begins to remind his people of the signs that he's performed on their behalf
43:17like opening up the red sea and drowning their enemies and he begins to say I did this for you
43:22I did that for you but then he says this in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 18 through 19 in the
43:28new living translation he says but forget all that turns he and they would say but forget all that
43:36he says it is nothing compared to what I'm going to do like God you opened the red sea and let us
43:44walk through you drowned our enemies he says forget all that it's nothing compared to what I'm going to do
43:58God you've sustained that ministry for almost 32 years let's forget all that
44:04there's nothing compared to what I'm about to do God you've healed my body of cancer
44:09he says forget all that it's nothing compared to what I'm about to do
44:13can I get some people to say I'm excited for what God is about to do
44:28look he says for I am about to do something new see I have already begun look he says skin you
44:36see I've already begun something new he says do you not see it I will make a pathway through the
44:44wilderness I will create rivers in the dry wasteland so here it says God is about to do
44:50something new you may not be able to see with the natural he said it looks like a wasteland
44:55it looks like a dry place he's about to make rivers show up through it
44:59and so hey can you not see God is doing something new even when there's no natural sign of it
45:23in Isaiah chapter 42 verse 9 in the Holman Christian standard version it says the past
45:31events have indeed happened he says but now I declare new events and I announce them to you
45:40before they occur so here it says God is looking to announce to those who have eyes to see
45:46who have ears to hear who are sensing the smell of change in the air he's I'm looking to announce
45:51to you these things before they happen here's what God is looking to do with you he says those
45:56things have indeed happened but I'm looking to announce to you something new and I'm gonna end
46:02with this scripture first chronicles chapter 12 and verse 32 in the new living translation
46:11it says from the tribe of Issachar it says there were 200 leaders of that tribe with their relatives
46:18it says in all these men understood the signs of the times and they knew the best course for
46:25Israel to take and so here it is we want to be those in that number that we understand that we
46:32discern the signs of the time and because of it we know what course to take we know what to do
46:39because sometimes God will require you to do things differently than how you've done things
46:43in the past but if you are discerner of the times then you will know what course of action to take
46:50God I know I've been doing this every day this way for the rest all of my life but God say it's time
46:56to do something new it's time to move I'm changing things and let me tell you I wholeheartedly believe
47:04God is catapulting our ministry into new places for those who have eyes to see it for those who
47:12have eyes to discern it let me tell you we're grabbing everyone along for the journey God I
47:18thank you that not one of us would be left out God thank you that you're opening our eyes that
47:24you're opening our ears let us be discerners of what you're doing in this season God
47:34don't let us miss out on the greater reality of what's happening in the spirit
47:39all around us God let us be partakers of your goodness let us be partakers
47:44of your unfolding plans in the earth
47:50God let us see with your eyes let us see with new eyes let us hear with new ears
47:57let us sense with our spirit God the things you are saying the things that you are doing
48:03in this season God and allow us the joy of being a part of it God I thank you that we are so
48:09privileged in this house to be a part of the movements of God in the earth God that you saw
48:15fit that Victory Christian Ministries International would be alive in this season that we'll be
48:21planted in the city that we're in for a greater purpose God make us aware
48:31open our eyes God
48:46let us smell the fragrance of change in the air
48:49and let us move with it
48:53God I thank you for every leader and remember God let us move with your movements God
49:01prepare us for the things to come we're ready God
49:12reveal to us your heart
49:14show us your ways God let us know the course of action to take God
49:34thank you Jesus
49:43I want to see you open the eyes of my heart
50:02I want to see
50:03you I want to see you open the eyes of our hearts Lord
50:19we want to see you thank you Jesus can we sing this open the eyes of my heart
50:29Lord open the eyes of my heart I want to see you right there that's our heart posture
50:45thank you Jesus open the eyes of my heart Lord open the eyes of my heart
50:56I want to see you
51:01I want to see you one more time let's sing it together
51:08open the eyes of my heart Lord open the eyes of my heart I want to see you
51:20you I want to see you
51:29thank you Jesus
51:32now if you would just take a moment
51:36and look and hear and sense and listen
52:19look if you're here this morning and you know your eyes and your heart has been closed to God
52:25but you say God I want to open it up to you they want to pray for you we open up the altar
52:32so we can come pray for anyway if you know that's you you have been in a place where you can hear
52:36God where you can see him but you can sense because you've just been so caught up and
52:42distracted by life and you say God I want to refocus my attention on you I want to put my
52:47gaze back on you to come down like let's just make a decision corporately today that we're
52:52going to set our gaze on God we're going to put our attention on him
52:58if you've never made the decision of giving God access to your heart to speak to you to make him
53:09the Lord of your life and today's a great day to be a part of what God is doing in the earth
53:15it's never too late God is looking for each and every one of our involvements it's not good enough
53:20just for 99 God goes after the one and so if you're here this morning you say God I want you
53:26to be a part of my life I want to see I want to hear I want to know you I want to be a part of
53:31what you're doing then we would love to pray with you this morning please come down so we can pray
