00:00Well, at some point, most of you will likely hit a wall.
00:07You've got too much to do.
00:10You feel like you're drowning.
00:12You feel like you just can't take it anymore.
00:15Some of you online, you might even type
00:18in the comment section, I'm hitting a wall.
00:19Any of you there right now, you're kind of hitting a wall.
00:22I've got some things in my life
00:24that are incredibly complicated, people that I love,
00:26and it feels like it's too much.
00:29If you find yourself there, thankfully,
00:32modern culture has a really feel-good message for you
00:37to rescue your aching soul.
00:41If you're an exhausted mom and you're raising toddlers
00:46and you got diapers up to your ears,
00:50you know what I'm talking about,
00:51and you feel like you're never gonna have a life,
00:54you can read the latest blog for moms that'll tell you,
00:58remember, girl, you are enough.
01:03Or if you're fighting to stay alive financially,
01:08and it seems like every month,
01:09there's way more month than there is money,
01:12well, the good news is you can look
01:14at your favorite influencer who will tell you,
01:17you have what it takes.
01:20If you find yourself, you're just discouraged,
01:24you're overwhelmed, you're depressed,
01:28you're battling with anxiety, have no fear,
01:31because you can find a motivational podcast
01:33that'll tell you, you are complete just the way you are.
01:38Because it seems like everywhere you turn today in culture,
01:42you hear the message, good news, you are enough.
01:49You have what it takes, you are enough,
01:51you're perfect just the way you are.
01:53And for those of you that are Barbie fans,
01:56the message is, you are k'enough.
02:01Evidently, a lot of you are not Barbie fans,
02:03I will not try that.
02:05Joke again as the weekend goes on.
02:08You're enough, culture says.
02:09So believe in yourself, you've got this,
02:13you have what it takes, you define your worth.
02:17Hey, you're in control, you write your own story,
02:19you are perfect just the way you are.
02:23And you wanna believe that, because that feels good.
02:28You wanna believe that you're enough,
02:29that you're smart enough, that you're talented enough,
02:32that you're good enough, that you're strong enough,
02:35but why don't you feel like you're enough?
02:40The reason that you don't feel like you're enough
02:43is because you're not enough.
02:48I mean, not even close to enough.
02:51And more accurately, if I could say
02:53from a theological standpoint,
02:56without Christ, you are not enough.
03:01Without Jesus, you're not even close to enough.
03:05Maybe you say, okay, Craig,
03:07I get it like from a theological standpoint,
03:10if we're talking seminary and Bible stuff,
03:12I get from that perspective, I get it that I'm not enough,
03:15but what's the big deal if I wanna just encourage myself
03:17and believe that I have what it takes,
03:19I'm perfect the way I am?
03:20What's wrong with believing that I am enough?
03:23And admittedly, the you are enough cultural lie,
03:27it sounds good and it feels true, but it is not true.
03:33And I would suggest that it's actually
03:35a very dangerous false gospel where the Savior is you.
03:43And the Apostle Paul warns us in Scripture
03:46in Colossians chapter two, he says this.
03:49He says, don't let anyone capture you
03:52with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense
03:58that come from two places, where?
04:00The first place is from human thinking
04:03and from the spiritual powers of this world
04:07rather than from Christ.
04:09Don't let anyone take you captive
04:12with the empty philosophies, the high-sounding nonsense
04:15that come from the lies of man
04:19and from the pit of hell,
04:21from the lies of human beings
04:23and from the powers of this world rather than from Christ.
04:26For in Christ, Scripture says,
04:30lives all the fullness of God in a human body.
04:34So you also are complete, not on your own,
04:39not in your own strength, not by your own power,
04:42but you are complete through your union with Christ.
04:48On your own, you are not enough.
04:51On your own, you are not complete.
04:53The only way we are made complete
04:56is through our union with Christ.
04:59You say, well, why are you like raising your voice?
05:02You're only seven minutes into the message.
05:04You usually do that later.
05:05And the reason is because this lie is very, very dangerous.
05:10It's incredibly destructive and it will attack you
05:12generally in one of two ways, on one of two extremes.
05:16On the one hand, when you think, okay,
05:18I gotta be enough, I gotta be enough,
05:20I'm enough, I'm enough, I'm enough, I'm enough,
05:21I'm enough, I'm enough,
05:22and then you realize I wasn't enough, what happens?
05:26You feel guilty and you feel ashamed
05:30and you feel like a failure.
05:32And because you're not enough,
05:33you try so hard to be enough,
05:35you take your eyes off God and you put them on yourself.
05:40Or on the other side of the extreme,
05:43culture says, you're enough, you have what it takes.
05:46You're enough.
05:47And so you start to believe, well, maybe I am enough.
05:50Then you start to believe that you are the source
05:53of your joy and you're the source of your strength
05:57and you're the source of your success, which is dangerous
06:00because then you take your eyes off of God again
06:05and you put it on yourself.
06:07And here's the problem.
06:09When you believe you're enough,
06:12you won't seek the one who is.
06:16When you believe you are the source
06:19of everything you need to be successful in this life,
06:23when you believe you're enough,
06:24you won't seek the one who is.
06:28So let's talk about the one who is.
06:30And before we do that, I need to help you understand
06:35just how not enough that we actually are.
06:39Because here's a problem.
06:40A lot of us, when we think, okay,
06:41I'm gonna look at my life and I know that I've messed up,
06:45I know I've made some mistakes, but I'm not that bad.
06:49And you may compare yourself to other people,
06:51like that old boy in my class, oh, I'm way better than him.
06:55That girl that I work with, oh man,
06:57I mean, I'm way, way better than her.
07:00And we have to remind ourselves what God's Word says
07:03about who we are without Christ.
07:07And I gotta warn you,
07:08this is the part that doesn't feel good,
07:11but it's very, very true.
07:13Without Christ, what does God's Word say we are?
07:17Let me show you.
07:18Without Christ, we are dead in our sins,
07:22says Ephesians chapter two.
07:24Without Christ, we are without hope and without help.
07:29Without Christ, we are foolish and deceived
07:33and slaves to sin.
07:35Without Christ, we are spiritually blind.
07:39Without Christ, Scripture says,
07:41we are wretched and miserable.
07:44Without Christ, the Bible says we are ignorant
07:46and separated from the life of God.
07:50And get ready for this, if you think it hadn't gotten bad,
07:53buckle up your seatbelt, it gets really ugly.
07:55Without Christ, we are objects of wrath
08:00and destined for destruction.
08:03Welcome to Life.Church,
08:05where I'm here to make you feel good about yourself.
08:09I don't make that stuff up, it's just in the Bible.
08:12You may say, but okay, I'm not that bad.
08:15I'm not a bad person.
08:17I have a good heart.
08:19I do good things.
08:20Remember what Scripture says.
08:22Romans chapter three, verse 10 tells us
08:24that no one on their own, no one is righteous.
08:30Not even one.
08:33All of us, including you, including me,
08:35have turned away.
08:37No one does good, not a single one.
08:41Without Christ, we are dead in our sins and objects of wrath.
08:47Now, when it comes to our sin,
08:49we don't like to talk about that, culture,
08:51I made a mistake, but not a sin.
08:53When it comes to our sin,
08:54we like to think that we're not that bad.
08:56And I wanna say that we are worse than we can imagine.
09:00If we compare ourselves to some people,
09:03we may feel better.
09:03But when we compare ourselves to the holiness of God,
09:07our sin is horrific.
09:10And I wanna try to explain it this way.
09:12We have to realize that our sin isn't just a legal
09:18or a spiritual offense against a holy and a judicial God.
09:22It's not just like I broke the law
09:25and I sinned against a holy God.
09:28That was a legal offense against a holy
09:31and a judicial God.
09:32So much more than that is actually also a personal offense
09:37against a very, very relational God who loves you.
09:42It's different.
09:43It's not just a legal offense, it's relational.
09:48And I can explain it to you this way.
09:49Imagine if you get a speeding ticket,
09:52you're going too fast.
09:54You don't hurt the police officer's feelings
09:56when you do that.
09:58Because you broke the law.
09:59It's legal, it's not personal.
10:02You'll never hear a police officer crying like,
10:03oh my gosh, I'm so sad.
10:06You hurt my feelings.
10:07You were going 85 in a 65.
10:09I don't know if I ever,
10:10you're never gonna hear him do that, right?
10:12Because you broke, legal, you broke the law,
10:15it wasn't personal.
10:17But if you sin against your spouse,
10:20it's very, very personal.
10:22It may not be just a legal offense,
10:24but it's very, very personal.
10:25Like a lady was telling me,
10:27she said her husband was like living a whole lie,
10:30like the whole thing, cheating and on and on and on.
10:33And she said, he didn't just break our vows,
10:35he broke my heart.
10:37And this is what we have to understand about God.
10:38When we sin against him, it's not just a legal offense,
10:41it's relational, it's personal,
10:44because he loves you so much.
10:45We're not just breaking his laws,
10:47we're actually breaking his heart.
10:49You say, okay, like, well, Craig, I get it.
10:52I suck.
10:53We all suck.
10:54We sin, right?
10:54Why tell me this?
10:55Like, I'm having a hard day.
10:57I like to, you know, pick me up at church.
10:59Why are you gonna tell me I'm depraved?
11:01Well, I'm objects of wrath, okay?
11:03The reason is because of this.
11:06To fully treasure what you have in Christ,
11:11you need to remember what you were without him.
11:15To truly value and understand the depths of his grace,
11:21we need to remember what we were long before he saved us.
11:25And I can't speak for you,
11:26but when I look back to who I was before Christ,
11:30it was not pretty.
11:32In fact, sometimes I'll see a kid today,
11:34and I'll think, man, that's just nothing but a punk.
11:37Someone, that's, kid's a punk.
11:39I was that kid.
11:40I played college tennis, and on my racket,
11:43you could put, you could write words on it.
11:45You know, you had like your logo.
11:47I used to write cuss words, like really bad ones on there.
11:49I was the kid out there with a headband
11:51and stuff under my eyes and cuss words.
11:53I was a punk.
11:54And I just, I lied all the time.
11:57Cheated, I cheated on people.
11:59I hurt my friends.
12:01I was addicted, and I drank and drank and drank.
12:04And you know it's bad when fraternity guys
12:08and teammates say you're out of control.
12:11Like when a fraternity guy tells another fraternity guy
12:14you're drinking too much, that's when you know it's bad.
12:17And so I decided to stop, only I couldn't stop.
12:20And it was one night when I, I beer bonged six beers,
12:24then drank a Seagram seven, then went out partying,
12:27and they took me home.
12:28And all I remember is thinking is I'm gonna go out
12:30and find girls.
12:31And so I ran across campus, and I remember thinking,
12:33I can't feel my legs.
12:34Like how cool, I can't feel my legs.
12:35Next thing you know, it was the next day.
12:37I'd overslept practice, and the Kappa Sig president
12:39found me with my head hanging over this big major street
12:43and was kind enough to bring me back
12:45and dump me in my place.
12:46And I realized that on my own, I wasn't enough.
12:53I wasn't enough.
12:55And so by the grace of God, I called on Jesus,
12:59the one who is enough.
13:01And by His grace and by His power,
13:03He did in me what I couldn't do on my own.
13:06Not only did He forgive me, but He healed my heart.
13:10He changed me.
13:12I became completely new.
13:14Why am I going into the details?
13:16Because it's remembering the darkness from which I came.
13:19It's remembering my brokenness and my sinfulness
13:22that reminds me of God's goodness and His kindness
13:26and His forgiveness.
13:28And so I wanna encourage you to take a moment
13:30and embrace your not enoughness.
13:34You're not enough.
13:37You'll never be enough.
13:39You weren't designed to be enough.
13:41You can't be enough.
13:43And this is actually not bad news.
13:44The truth is it's really, really good news.
13:46The good news is you don't have to be enough.
13:50In fact, if you are in Christ, and this is not all of you,
13:52this is for those of you that have been born anew
13:54by the Spirit of God.
13:55If you're in Christ, Ephesians 2 tells us this.
13:58The Bible tells us that once you were dead
14:01because of your disobedience and your many sins,
14:04you used to live and sin just like the rest of the world,
14:08obeying the devil, the commander of the powers
14:10of this unseen world.
14:12All of us used to live that way.
14:15Following the passionate desires
14:16and inclinations of our sinful nature.
14:19Scripture says, by our very nature,
14:21we were subject to God's anger just like everyone else.
14:25Somebody help me with the next two words, but God.
14:29We were dead and lost in our sins,
14:31but God, who is so rich in mercy and loved us so much,
14:37somebody may wanna praise Him for His love
14:40and for His mercy.
14:41God, who is so rich in mercy and loved us so much
14:45that even though we were dead because of our sins,
14:50He gave us life when He raised Christ from the dead.
14:55It's only by God's grace that you're saved.
14:58It's only by His grace.
15:00It's only by the grace of God.
15:03It's never by our own efforts, our own religious inclinations,
15:08by our own righteousness.
15:09It's only by grace.
15:11And here's where we mess it up.
15:12Like in the church world,
15:13a lot of you would think it would go something like this.
15:15Imagine you're in the ocean and you're drowning.
15:18And you think, okay, here's what happened.
15:21God came along in a boat
15:23and God reached out His hand and grabbed me.
15:26And God pulled me toward the boat
15:28and I pulled myself in the boat.
15:30God did His part and I did my part.
15:33Now I'm in God's boat.
15:35That's not how it works.
15:37The truth of the matter is if you're in the water,
15:39you're already dead.
15:41You're face down in the water.
15:44There's no bubbles coming up.
15:45You're dead floating in the water.
15:47And God comes along and He reaches out
15:51and He completely pulls you up.
15:54Then when He pulls your dead self into the boat,
15:57He brings you back to life.
16:00In other words, He did everything.
16:03You did nothing.
16:04He did it all.
16:06We didn't do any of it.
16:09This is how good He is.
16:11And some of you today, you're hitting that wall.
16:19It's too much.
16:20It's a family issue that you can't handle
16:24and you don't know what to do.
16:26It's a weight, it's a burden, it's anxiety,
16:29it's depression, it's fear.
16:31You're overwhelmed and you don't know what to do.
16:35Some of you, here's why.
16:38You walked in spiritually dead.
16:41You don't have Christ.
16:43You don't have the faith for it
16:46because you're not spiritually alive.
16:49But God, who is so rich in mercy and loves you so much,
16:55brought you here not by accident,
16:58but to speak a word of life, a word of truth,
17:01a word of faith, a word of hope,
17:03to bring that which is dead back to life again.
17:06And that may be exactly what God wants to do for you.
17:13You're not enough.
17:16You'll never be enough.
17:18You can't be enough.
17:20You weren't designed to be enough.
17:23But when you're in Christ,
17:25when He is the source of all you need,
17:28you have a different type of confidence.
17:312 Corinthians 3, verse four says this,
17:33such is the confidence that we have,
17:37not in our own effort, not in our completeness,
17:41not in our own trying,
17:43not because we listen to the motivational thing
17:47and we can do it.
17:48We only have this confidence through Christ toward God.
17:52Not that we are ever sufficient in ourselves
17:56to claim anything is coming from us,
17:59but our sufficiency is from God and from God alone.
18:04He is everything that we need.
18:08And that's why we call on Him.
18:10So I wanna speak directly to those of you
18:15who just feel like you're overwhelmed.
18:18You don't know how much more you can take.
18:20There's something on your mind.
18:22There's something on your heart.
18:26You need help.
18:28You're tired of pretending.
18:30You're tired of like trying to look
18:31like you have it all together.
18:33I wanna encourage you to do something
18:35you may have never done before.
18:36I wanna encourage you to embrace your not enoughness.
18:40You were made to need Jesus.
18:45And what do we know about who He is?
18:48The good news is, let me show you.
18:50The good news is that you may be helpless,
18:54but Scripture tells us that Jesus is your helper.
18:58The Word of God tells us, 2 Corinthians,
19:00that when you're weak, Jesus is actually your strength.
19:05If you walked in today or you're watching online
19:08and you are depressed,
19:09I came to tell you that Jesus is your hope.
19:12When you're exhausted, Jesus says,
19:14come to me if you're weary and heavy laden,
19:17and I will be your rest.
19:20If you're anxious, Scripture says,
19:22hey, you can cast all your anxiety on Him
19:25because He cares for you.
19:27When you're anxious, Jesus is your peace.
19:30When you're struggling financially,
19:32Jesus is the one who provides everything that you need
19:37according to His riches and glory.
19:40When you're hurting, who is He?
19:42Jesus is your comforter.
19:44And whenever you're in bondage,
19:46Jesus is the Savior who sets you free.
19:50This is how much God loves you.
19:52This is how, He is rich in mercy.
19:57He doesn't make you do it on your own.
20:00He created you to need Him.
20:04He completes you.
20:07He'll never leave you and He'll never forsake you.
20:10So what I wanna do now is I wanna bring the application.
20:14My pastor used to say, whenever you preach a message,
20:16you always gotta ask yourself, so what?
20:19This is the Word of God, so what?
20:21So what are we gonna do about it?
20:22This is the application.
20:23This is the question you're gonna ask in your life group.
20:25If you're not in a life group, guess what you're gonna do?
20:28You're gonna be in a life group.
20:30Because two are better than one.
20:32If one falls down, hey, the other one can pick him back up.
20:34Whenever two or three gather together in His name,
20:37He is there in the midst of them
20:39and we're gonna sharpen one another's iron,
20:40sharpen's iron, and we're gonna build each other up
20:43in the truth of the Word of God
20:44and we're gonna encourage one another daily
20:47as long as it's called today.
20:49And in your life group, we're gonna ask this question.
20:52We're gonna talk about it over lunch or dinner,
20:54whatever it is, and here's the application question.
20:56I want you to ask, in what area of your life
21:00are you relying on yourself instead of God?
21:05In what area of your life
21:08are you relying on yourself instead of God?
21:11Maybe you're trying to figure out your future.
21:13You're like, if I do this and if I do that.
21:16Maybe it's your kids
21:17and you've got the spiritual gift of control.
21:21I'm gonna get it up in their,
21:22I'm gonna try to control whatever it is.
21:26It might be a financial situation.
21:28For me, right now, it's the health
21:31of a very, very, very dear friend of mine.
21:35And I've gotta trust my friend to God.
21:40In what area of your life are you relying on yourself
21:44instead of God?
21:45And then ask yourself this.
21:48What is God calling you to do about it?
21:50What's He calling you to do about it?
21:51Because we don't just hear the Word,
21:53but we're doers of the Word.
21:55We're gonna live out what God teaches us.
21:57Maybe it's to surrender.
22:00Maybe it's to confess your need for Him.
22:02Maybe it's to invite someone else in to help.
22:04Maybe it's to turn over some area of your life.
22:07Maybe it's to get others to come in
22:09and join you in prayer.
22:10I don't know what it is, but in what area of your life
22:13are you relying on yourself instead of God?
22:15And what is God calling you to do about it?
22:19So if you're hurting, if you're overwhelmed,
22:24if you realize I'm not enough, I can't be enough,
22:25I don't have enough, I'll never be enough,
22:27I'm smart enough, I'm not good enough,
22:28I'm not righteous enough, what do you do?
22:30Let me tell you what you do.
22:32You call on the one who is more than enough.
22:35You call on the one who is more than enough.
22:38You call on Him.
22:40For example, Amy and I, we have six kids.
22:45They're all grown, they're all out of the house,
22:49they're all married, and they're all off the payroll.
22:54Oh, praise God, so much.
22:55Hey, dad, dad, dad, car broke down.
22:58Like, well, what are you gonna do about it, kid?
23:00So you know, it feels really good.
23:02Nevertheless, nevertheless, I joke about that,
23:06but one of my kids called me this week and said,
23:08dad, dad, I need advice, what do I do about this?
23:10What do I do about this?
23:11How do you think I felt
23:13when one of my kids asked me for advice?
23:15Was I annoyed?
23:17I was needed.
23:19And this isn't transactional,
23:20this isn't a legal relationship,
23:22this is a relational relationship.
23:25And so I was actually very, very honored.
23:27So you want advice?
23:28I'm happy to do what I can to love you
23:31and to meet your needs.
23:32When you call on God, God loves it when you need Him.
23:37He designed you to need Him.
23:38Call on Him, call on Him, call on Him.
23:41When you do, what does He do?
23:43Scripture tells us.
23:44When you call on the Lord, here's what He does.
23:47He says, call to me.
23:49And God says, I will answer you.
23:52God's Word says, call on me in the day of trouble,
23:55and I will deliver you.
23:57Scripture says in Psalm 145 that the Lord is near
23:59to all who do what?
24:00All who call on Him.
24:03When I am in distress, what do you do?
24:05I call to you.
24:07And I love this verse.
24:09Everyone, listen to me.
24:11No matter what you've done,
24:12no matter where you've been,
24:14no matter how dark your life is,
24:15everyone, every single one, everyone,
24:17everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
24:20will be saved, will be transformed,
24:22will be forgiven, will be made new.
24:24The old is gone, and behold, you become new.
24:26Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
24:30It's really good news.
24:31It's good news.
24:32If you've got too much, it's good news.
24:35You weren't designed to be enough.
24:38You're not enough.
24:39You don't have to be enough.
24:41You'll never, ever be enough.
24:44And so instead, you depend on the one who is.
24:47His power is made perfect where?
24:51The Bible says in your weakness.
24:54His power is made perfect in your weakness.
24:59His power is made perfect exactly where you need it.
25:05How big is His power?
25:07His power is bigger than your stress.
25:12His power is bigger than your fears.
25:15For my God has not given you a spirit of fear,
25:17but a power and of love and of a sound mind.
25:20His power is bigger than your anxiety.
25:22Cast all of your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
25:26His power is bigger than a rebellious child.
25:30His power is bigger than your worst mistake.
25:33His power is bigger than your dumbest financial decision.
25:36His power is bigger than a number on a scale.
25:39You aren't defined by that number.
25:41You're defined by who He says you are.
25:44His power is bigger than a betrayal.
25:47It's bigger than a letdown.
25:49His power is bigger than the divorce that left you broken.
25:54His power is bigger than the miscarriage that sidelined you.
26:00His power is bigger than the diagnosis
26:02that keeps you awake at night.
26:05Our God can do exceedingly and abundantly
26:07more than all you can ask, think, or imagine
26:11according to His power that is at work within you,
26:17the body of Christ, so that He would be praised
26:20for generations to come.
26:23His power is made perfect in your weakness.
26:27Wherever you're not enough,
26:29that's where His perfect power shows up.
26:32You can never be enough, but you're always loved.
26:37Because He is enough, you are loved,
26:40and you are rescued, and you are accepted,
26:44and you are chosen, and you are forgiven,
26:48and you are adopted, and you are freed,
26:52and you are redeemed, and you are restored,
26:56and you are renewed, and you can do all things,
26:58not on your own, because you're not complete,
27:02but through Christ, who gives you strength.
27:07We are not enough.
27:09I am not enough.
27:11You are not enough.
27:12But Jesus is more than enough.
27:15So whatever you're carrying today,
27:17call on Him, call on Him, call on Him,
27:18call on Him, call on Him.
27:19When you call on Him, He'll draw near.
27:21When you call on Him, in your weakness,
27:23His power is made perfect.
27:26So application, in what area of your life?
27:30What area of your life?
27:31Just kind of close your eyes right now
27:33in a moment of prayer, just,
27:35in what area of your life
27:38are you relying on yourself instead of God?
27:42Now, what is God calling you to do about it?
27:49Father, we need you.
27:51Speak to us.
27:54Guide our steps.
27:56Give us the mind of Christ.
28:00God, stretch our faith to trust in you.
28:03Today, at all of our churches, without looking around,
28:07if there is some area of your life
28:09where you recognize you are not enough,
28:11you can't get it done, you don't have what it takes,
28:13but you need God to meet you in that specific area.
28:18If that's your prayer today, at all of our churches,
28:20would you just lift up your hands right now?
28:21Lift them up high, lift them up high all over the place.
28:23Maybe just leave them up for a second online.
28:26You can just type in the comments section,
28:28I need God's power.
28:29You may even say where it is, with my kids,
28:31with my fight, whatever it is.
28:32If you leave your hand up, if you're cool with that,
28:34just let it be kind of an act of worship,
28:36and I'm gonna just pray for you.
28:40God, thank you.
28:41Thank you so much that you are such a good God,
28:43that in your mercy and your love,
28:45you didn't leave us dead, that you sent Jesus,
28:48that you are enough.
28:50And God, I pray for every single person
28:52with a burden on their heart today.
28:53God, I pray for everyone that needs a touch from you,
28:56that at this moment,
28:57that your grace would be exactly what they need.
28:59God, meet them, build their faith.
29:00God, show them your love, your presence, your power.
29:03Be their comfort, God, be their strength.
29:05Be their source, God, be their provider.
29:07God, be their hope.
29:08God, be their faith.
29:11God, would you be exactly what we need.
29:15And God, we pray that you would continue
29:16just to conform us to the image of your son
29:19as we talk about this with our life group
29:21as we go through the week.
29:22God, anytime we're depending on ourselves
29:24instead of calling on you,
29:26God, just draw us back.
29:28And God, I thank you that every person right now
29:30with a hand lifted, calling on you,
29:32God, you hear their prayer.
29:33You know the cries of your heart.
29:35God, we thank you that when we draw near,
29:37when we call on you, you draw near to us.
29:39So meet every single need, in Jesus' name.
29:45As you keep praying today,
29:47I wanna talk to those of you that came in,
29:51I'm just gonna say it,
29:52I didn't realize this.
29:53I grew up going to church some, several times a year.
29:56And so I've kind of thought I was a Christian,
29:58but I had no idea I was actually spiritually dead.
30:00And I always thought, hey,
30:02I'm like better than a lot of my friends,
30:04or I can kind of try really hard.
30:05But what I didn't really recognize
30:07is that I was dead in my sins,
30:09that I didn't have the ability
30:10to ever be good enough for God.
30:12And this is why the gospel, it means good news,
30:15it means good news, it means good news.
30:17It means good news.
30:18It means good news.
30:19It means good news.
30:19It means good news.
30:21The gospel, it means good news.
30:22This is why this is the best news you can ever hear.
30:24And I want you to hear it.
30:25If you've grown up around the church,
30:26maybe you've like heard it,
30:27but you've never heard it in your heart,
30:29hear it in your heart right now.
30:30Hear it in your heart.
30:31This is how much God loves you.
30:35He loves you so much, you so much,
30:37that he sent his one and only son, Jesus,
30:40his son, who died on a cross
30:43so that your sins could be forgiven.
30:46That without Christ, you are dead in your sins,
30:50but our God, who is so rich in mercy
30:54and loved us so much,
30:57sent his son to do for us
31:01what we couldn't do for ourselves.
31:02Because of his death, because of his resurrection,
31:05it's by grace that we're saved.
31:07Never by your works, never by religious effort.
31:10It's only by grace that you're saved.
31:12Today, at all of our churches,
31:13some of you, you walked in dead,
31:15you're dead on the inside.
31:16You have no real faith, you have no real hope,
31:18and you're not here by accident.
31:20You're here because a very good God loves you
31:22and wants you to be alive.
31:24He's not gonna reach out on his arm
31:25and you're gonna climb in.
31:26No, you're dead.
31:27He's gonna reach in, he's gonna pull you in,
31:29he's gonna bring you back to life.
31:31You're gonna do nothing, he's gonna do everything,
31:33and he's gonna get all the glory
31:35because he's gonna save you.
31:35Today, at all of our churches,
31:37those who say, I am, I'm spiritually dead,
31:39I want his forgiveness, I need his life.
31:41Today, I turn from my old life, I turn toward him.
31:43When you call on him, he'll hear your prayer,
31:45he'll save you and forgive your sins.
31:47Today, at all of our churches,
31:49those who say, now is the moment of my salvation,
31:51I give my life to him, that's your prayer.
31:53Lift your hands high right now, all over the place,
31:55and say, yes, that's my prayer.
31:57Right back over here, praise God for you.
31:58Others today, right here, yes.
32:00Others say, yes, Jesus, I give my life to you.
32:03Right back over here, praise God, sir, praise God.
32:06Others today, Jesus, I need your grace.
32:08Right back over here, I surrender.
32:10Oh, yes, come on, somebody give God praise.
32:12Jesus, I need you, bring me to life.
32:14I surrender, I need your goodness.
32:17Online, just type in the comments section,
32:19bring me to life, bring me to life, forgive my sins,
32:22and let's all pray together, pray.
32:24Heavenly Father, I surrender and I trust you.
32:28Jesus, save me, bring me to life, forgive my sins,
32:34fill me with your Spirit.
32:36My life is not my own, I give it all to you.
32:41I trust you with every part, every part of my life,
32:47everywhere I'm weak, I need you, I call on you.
32:53I give you everything because you gave me life.
32:57Thank you for new life, take all of mine.
33:00In Jesus' name I pray, let's go church,
33:02let's worship God, let's celebrate, come on church.
33:05Better than that, come on, better than that,
33:06give God praise, give God praise, give God praise.
33:07Wasn't that an amazing message?
33:09You know this, our lives can feel so rushed
33:12that it seems like we're just going through the motions
33:14and running on empty,
33:16but Jesus calls us to live differently.
33:18Tap here to keep learning more from our series,
33:21A Better Way.